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D o u b le I d e n t it y

SE^ -1 3 33
(Dr Burbage's office; the stairs to the cellars)

Before you watch After you watch silently

1 W ho says it? W rite D for Debbie or B for Dr Burbage. W ork w ith a partner, or in a group of four. Act out one of the
— Calm down, Deborah, and tell me what you're talking c:> tw o situations you have just seen. Improvise the language.
— It's Alan! I've ju s t phoned Newton You needn't use exactly the same words.

College. They haven't seen him. W atch section 3.

— But what's happened to Alan?
— / shall have to call the police After you watch
2 Who says it? W rite A for Alan, F 1 W hich of these sentences best describes Debbie and
for Frankie, T for Terry, M for M ick. Dr Burbage's feelings?
— Yeah, trouble. □ They’re both worried about Alan and about the
— Yeah, s h u t up. manuscript.

— Look I can't help you. There's □ She’s worried about Alan, but he’s only worried about
the manuscript.
been a mistake. M y name's n o t
□ Neither of them are worried about Alan, both of them
Professor Frampton.
are worried about the manuscript.
— Fanshawe.
2 Choose the correct w ords to complete Frankie's
— Librarian! That's funny! sentences.
— Think i t over, Professor. We'll be back. 1 You (\Z\w ould d 'd □ had) better be more
While you watch 2 Or there ( \ J ‘s □ 'd □ ' / / ) be trouble.
Look at the sentences in Before you watch. W atch section 3 3 No, ( d I'm □ / H ll'd ) mean you, Mick.
without sound. Say the sentences aloud in the correct places. 4 That /Hi's □w a s \Z\has) enough, Professor,
W atch section 3 without sound. no more lies.

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