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Exercise 3_________________________________
Look at exercise 2, and w rite one answ er for each question,
Do you know where the manuscript was hidden?
certain: It was hidden in an old chest.
probable: I think it was hidden in an old chest.
don't know: I don’t know where it was hidden.

Exercise 4__________________ _______________

Complete the sentences w ith reflexive pronouns from the box.

myself yourself himself herself itself

ourselves yourselves themselves

1 Be careful, Anna, that knife’s sharp. Don’t c u t______ .

2 He ta u g h t_______ to type.
3 Nobody helped them. They did all the w o rk _______.
4 It’s an automatic coffee machine. It switches_______
Exercise 1_____________ ____________________ off when the coffee’s ready.
Answ er these questions, 5 Sit down, everybody. There’s some salad in the middle
e.g. of the table. Please h e lp _______.
It’s nine fifteen. Debbie arrived at nine o’clock. How long 6 It’s a lovely party. Thank you. We’re enjoying_______
has she been working? very much.
She’s been working fo r fifteen minutes, or
7 She was feeling unhappy, so she b o u g h t_______
She’s been working since nine o ’clock.
a new dress.
1 Debbie and Alan got new computers a year ago. How
8 I fell over and h u rt_______ .
long have they been using them?
2 Alan bought a new flat six months ago. How long has Exercise 5_________________________ ________
he been living there? Roman numerals are often used in lists, for the titles of kings
3 Why has Alan been spending too much money? and queens and in the dates on films.
4 How long have Alan and Debbie been working e.g.
together? What do you think? Charles V was King o f Spain (Charles the fifth).
5 How long have you been studying English? The numerals are:
1= 1 , V = 5, X = 10, L = 50,
Exercise 2_________________________________ C = 10 0 , D = 5 0 0 , M = 1 0 0 0
Look at these questions. Put a tick ( / ) w here you are You subtract sm aller numbers
certain of the answer; put a question mark (?) w here you before a larger number:
think you know the answer; and a cross (X) w here you don't
IV = 4, IX = 9, XC = 90,
know the answer.
You add smaller numbers
Do you know where the manuscript was hidden?
after a larger num ber
Do you know approximately when it was hidden?
VI = 6, XI = 11, DCC = 700
Do you know in which year it was hidden?
Do you know who hid it? - :o + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1628
Do you know why it was hidden?
and MCMXC1X is:
Do you know where it was found? - 100 - 10) + (10 - 1) = 1999
Do you know approximate!;,
W h a t are these numbers?
when it was found?
Do you know who found it? (i) XLV11 (vi) MMXIII
(ii) XCV (vii) MDCCLXIII
Do you know how much
(iii) XXXIV (viii) MMCXLII
it’s worth?
Do you know what the (v) MCCXLIX (x) DLX
cover is made of?

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