Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plants - Group 5

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Hello, we’re from group 5!

disadvantages of
nuclear power
A presentation of analytical exposition text
Nuclear power plant is a
facility that converts atomic
energy into usable power. In
a nuclear electric power
Thesis plant, heat produced by a

(saiyara) reactor is generally used to

drive a turbine which in turn
drives an electric generator.
Even though there are so
many impacts that arise
from these plants.
Argument 1
Firstly nuclear power plants has expensive
initial cost to build. Construction of a new
nuclear plant can take anywhere from 5-10
years to build, costing billions of dollars. Even
though nuclear plants are cheap and efficient
for generating electricity while operating, so
much of the initial upfront cost to build is
recouped throughout the lifetime of the plant,
but it’s understandable that some nations
might be reluctant to pursue.
Argument 2 (adit)
In addition nuclear power plants
also have a high risk of an accident.
Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and
Fukushima Daiichi are disasters
that nobody wants to experience
ever again under any
circumstances. However, accidents
do happen. In all of these major
nuclear incidents, it was human
error or a natural disaster that led
to the downfall of the power plants.
Argument 3 (angel)
Finally even though nuclear energy
production doesn’t emit any emissions, it
does produce radioactive waste that must
be securely stored so it doesn’t pollute the
environment. Although in small quantities,
radiation isn’t harmful, the radioactive
waste from nuclear energy production is
quite dangerous.
To conclude, the use of nuclear
energy has many risks and
requires further research, we
should use energy that is safer
and easier to use.
Thank you for

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