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- I must phone my dad. It’s his birthday today.

English We use must the authority for the oblisation
comes from the person who is socakins.
Quarter 1 - Preliminaries Must expresses a strong obligation or
Note, we don't use must to express obligation in the
Modals past. We use have to instead.
For example; I had to pay P1,000 to renew my
→ A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is
passport last week.
used to express: ability, possibility, permission or
obligation and many others.
- He should see a doctor. - Should is a weak
● Permission obligation, and we use it to give advice,
= The modal verbs that we often we use to give and telling people what you think is a good idea.
ask for permission are can, couldand may.
● Prohibition
= These modal verbs for prohibition are used when
- Can I borrow your pen? & yes, you can - We
we want to say that something is not allowed or
often use can to ask for and give permission.

- Could I borrow your pen? - We also use

could to ask for permission (but not to give it). - You can’t take photos in the museum.
Could is more formal and polite than can. They're really strict about it. - We use can’t to
talk about something that is against the rules,
- We couldn’t study in the library after 6pm & particularly when we didn't make the rules.
We could do to any shop in the mall we -
wanted to Both staff and students could use -  ou may not smoke in this house. - May not
the ice rink. - We can also use 'could' to say is the formal way to prohibit something.
that someone was allowed to do something -
in the past. We use 'could not' or, 'couldn't,' to - You must not use a cell phone - must not is
say that they were NOT allowed to do it. used when talking about things that are not
allowed. They are pronibited and forbidden
- May I borrow your pen & i’m sorry, but you due to either real laws, regulations or
may not enter the premises - May is the most personal obligations.
formal way to ask for and give permission.
We mostly use ‘may’ for more formal
situations and ‘may not’ is used to say that Conditionals
someone is not allowed to do something.
→ Conditionals are extremely important in the
● Obligation English language because they help us express
= When we talk about obligation in English, we can things that may happen in the present and future.
use "must", "have to", "need to and "can't. We use Conditionals serve many purposes and take several
have to and must to express obligation. There is a different forms. They can be used to give advice,
slight difference between the express regret and discuss facts, among other
way we use snem. things.

- We have to wear a uniform when were → Conditionals are also known as if clauses, we use
working in reception & Al has to work them to say that one thing depends on something
tomorrow so he can" come - We sometimes else. They can be used to talk about something that
call this 'external obligation. Have to shows always happens, might happen or might have
us that the obligation comes from outside the happened as a result of another state, action or
speaker. Perhaps the rule is a general law or event.
3.) Second Conditional - The structure or the
second conditional is: If + past simple,...
would/wouldn’t + infinitive.
- As you can see, in the if clause we use the
past simple, and in the main clause we use
the conditional would. We can also use the
word could to mean a hypothetical possibility.
- The second conditional refers to the present
or the future, and is used to talk about
anything unlikely to happen. imagine meeting
1.) Zero Conditional - The zero conditional is Lionel Messi, or finding a milion dollars on
used to talk about things that are certain, or the floor. These things might not have
always true. It is a real condition that has an happoned to you, but you sure can dream!
inevitable result. Think about how scientific
facts are written or general truths - Were' instead of 'was’ - When there is the
- The message here is that if something verb to be in the if clause, we can change it
happens there will always be a guaranteed trom was to were. This is because we are
consequence. If you stand out in the rain, talking about hypothetical situations, so we're
you'll get wet. If you eat too much, you'll put changing the mood of the verb from
on weight. indicative to subjunctive. Both options are
- We can also use the word when instead of if correct, but were is often preferred.
and the meaning stays the same.

4.) Third Conditional - We use this structure to

2.) First Conditional - We use this to talk about talk about an imagined past. That's right
things in the future that are likely to happen ladies and gentlemen, here's where you can
or have a real possibility of happening. change the past. Well, at least speculate how
things could have been differentt. We often
use the third conditional to talk about regrets,
and it is based on an unreal situation that
cannot be changed.

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