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Part 2

Q2- Water at 20 °C flows through a smooth square channel of length 5 cm at

Assuming developed flow, estimate the wall shear stress (in Pa).

For smooth wall Eq. 35.2:


You should use hydraulic diameter for Reynolds.

Water at at 20 °C
ρ= 998 kg/m3
µ =0.001 kg/m.s

Numerically calculate and then find Cf . Use Cf to predict the Shear stress can be
3- Water at 20 °C flows through a commercial pipes of diameter 10 cm at
The pipe is made from cast iron. Assuming developed flow, estimate the wall shear
stress (in Pa) using
a. Colebrook interpolation formula
b. Haaland explicit formula
c. Compare a and b solution

Average velocity can be found from volume flow rate

Estimate Reynolds No. (Use Water Properties at 20 °C)
Cost iron from the given table (See class Note) ks=0.0085 ft = xxx m
A- Colebrook interpolation formula (Eq. 50) is
/ .
/ .

Numerically above equation solved for Then predict skin frication and
obtain the shear stress.

B- Haaland explicit formula


can be obtained explicitly. Then predict skin frication and obtain the shear
C- Compare A and B results.

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