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I. Duty Free Philippines.

(Local Owner, Filipino Workforce):

Alignment of Objectives. The strategic objectives of the SPMS are aligned to the
DFPC Vision, Mission Corporate Scorecard and the Philippine Development Plan

Outputs/Outcomes-based. The system puts premium on individual and office outputs

and outcomes which is the realization of DFPC Vision Mission and Corporate

Team-approach to Performance Management Accountabilities and individual roles in

the achievement of organizational objectives are clearly defined to give way to collective
goal setting and performance rating. Individual's work plan or commitment and rating
form is linked to the section/department/division work plan or commitment and rating
form to establish clear linkage between organizational performance and individual
User-friendly. The forms used for both the organizational, office and individual
performance are similar and easy to accomplish. It simplifies the monitoring of
performance and alignment of the scores at different levels

Information System that supports Monitoring and Evaluation. Monitoring and

Evaluation Mechanisms (M&E) and Information System (IS) are a vital component of
the DFPC SPMS in order to facilitate linkage between organizational and employee
performance. The M&E and IS shall ensure generation of timely, accurate, and reliable
information for performance monitoring/tracking, accomplishment reporting program
improvement and policy decision-making

Communication Plan. A program to orient DFPC officials and employees on the DFPC
SPMS shall be implemented This is to promote awareness and interest on the system,
generate employees understanding for the DFPC- SPMS as a management tool for
performance planning, control and improvement, and encourage employees'
appreciation of their role as partners of management in meeting organizational
performance objectives
II. Google Philippines (Foreign Company):

The employee evaluates them self on five criteria and highlights their main
accomplishments for the last review cycle. This gives employees an opportunity to be
introspective and also to give some consideration to their own performance in
preparation for a discussion with their managers.

360-Degree Feedback
Employees and managers discuss and decide together who will provide 360-degree
feedback for the employee. Peer feedback is sought for input on strengths,
weaknesses, and contributions to specific projects. Having a broader range of input can
help employees put the feedback into perspective and gain a more well-rounded sense
of how their work is perceived.

Annual Performance Review

Google’s annual performance review is split into two parts: a mid-year checkpoint and
end-of-year review. The end-of-year review uses data from the employee’s self-
assessment and the 360-degree feedback provided. Managers also draft a rating for
employees as part of the annual performance review. Two main things are taken into
account when assigning employee performance ratings:
-Results attained, or what the employee accomplished
-Behaviors, or how the employee attained these results
These two factors help maintain a focus on both hard and soft skills as part of the
annual review.

Monthly Performance Check-Ins

In addition to the mid-year and annual review, Google employees meet monthly with
their managers for regular check-ins. These check-ins address career development,
coaching, and an opportunity to address any personal issues. They facilitate open
communication between employees and managers and help both parties stay on top of
developing issues or need for course correction throughout the year.

Googlegeist Engagement Survey

The Googlegeist is an annual survey given to all employees where they are asked to
rate their managers and life at Google. The survey allows leaders to manage and
monitor trends as well as to make comparisons across the company to spot trends, best
practices, and areas that may need attention.

Upward Feedback Survey

In addition to the Googlegeist for gathering broad input on employee sentiment, Google
also conducts annual upward feedback surveys where direct reports have the
opportunity to rate their managers. Like the Googlegeist, this input allows leaders to
identify trends, best practices, and areas that may need attention or improvement.

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