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SQ1 OBL [73] Professor

SQ1 OBL Algorithms and Tree

(Orientation of Both Layer)
Algs by Stefan Lidström
Tree by Michael Young

OBL = CO + EO. First make 2 black corners on U. UD mirror and color inverting are excluded. EO [6], pure block
[18]. Case - probability*4900. skip = 2/4900.
/ = 1 [1]

1 - 32

/ = 2 [5]

2-8 3-8 4 - 64 5 - 64 6-8

02/U'D'/01 EO alg 1/-1-4/01 02/D'/01 1/-4-4/01

/ = 3 [13]

7 - 32 8 - 32 9 - 64 10 - 64 11 - 128
02/UD/11/-1 02/D/11/-1 13/-15/D'/01 02/1-2/-1-4/01 1/D'/-1-4/01

12 - 128 13 - 128 14 - 128 15 - 128 16 - 64

1/D/-1-4/01 1/-12/D'/01 1/-1-4/D'/01 02/14/-1-4/01 -2/UD/-1-4/01

17 - 64 18 - 32 19 - 32
1/UD'/-4-1/01 02/U'/44/-1 0-1/D/D/01

/ = 4 [32]

20 - 8 21 - 32 22 - 32 23 - 32 24 - 32
1/-1-1/U'/44/-1 02/1-5/-12/D'/01 EO alg 1/D'/-1-1/U'/01 02/-2-5/-12/D'/01

25 - 64 26 - 64 27 - 64 28 - 128 29 - 128
3-4/1-2/-1-4/D'/01 02/D/U'/44/-1 1/-1-1/D/D/01 02/D/D/11/-1 1/-4-1/D/D/01
30 - 128 31 - 128 32 - 128 33 - 128 34 - 128
02/14/D'/-1-4/01 13/-12/14/-1-4/01 02/D'/14/-1-4/01 1/D'/UD'/-4-1/01 02/1-2/-12/D'/01

35 - 128 36 - 128 37 - 128 38 - 128 39 - 128

02/-2-5/D'/-1-4/01 02/-2-5/D/-1-4/01 0-1/-21/2-1/03/01 1/D/UD'/-4-1/01 02/U'/14/-1-4/01

40 - 128 41 - 128 42 - 128 43 - 64 44 - 64

02/U/41/52/01 1/D/D'/-1-4/01 02/14/-15/D'/01 1/U'D'/-12/D'/01 1/D'/-12/D'/01

45 - 64 46 - 64 47 - 32 48 - 32 49 - 32
02/D'/D/11/-1 1/D/-12/D'/01 02/14/-1-4/D'/01 1D/-12/11/D/-1 02/14/UD'/-4-1/01

50 - 32 51 - 2
0-1/D/11/D/-1 EO alg

/ = 5 [20]

52 - 32 53 - 32 54 - 32 55 - 32 56 - 32
02/-24/U'D'/-12/D'/01 10/U/U'/2-1/D/01 EO alg 02/14/D/UD'/-4-1/01 1/-4-1/U'/14/-1-4/01

57 - 64 58 - 64 59 - 64 60 - 64 61 - 64
1/-4-1/-21/-4-1/41/-1 0-1/U/1-2/-1-4/-5-2/-1 02/U'/-5-2/-3/-1-1/01 02/1-5/D/D'/-1-4/01 1/-12/14/-1-4/D'/01

62 - 64 63 - 64 64 - 64 65 - 64 66 - 64
02/1-2/-4-1/41/U'/-1 1/D'/-1-1/D/D/01 1/-15/-2-5/D/-1-4/01 02/U'/D'/14/-1-4/01 1/-4-1/D'/14/-1-4/01

67 - 32 68 - 32 69 - 32 70 - 32 71 - 32
EO alg 02/41/-4-1/-21/U'/-1 02/1-2/D/2-1/14/-10 02/D'/14/-1-4/D'/01 EO alg

/ = 6 [2]

72 - 32 73 - 64
13/-1-4/14/D/UD'/-4-1/01 1/D'/U'/2-1/-21/U/-1

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