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‘dedure i; Mogi Materials sed Pagrline A ehectromagnetism, Hacspth Za eck bs the hic Atreéngth anol ser di inggrce or whol te tho protluces pr OE le car alyy Wie magnetic dipole myement Me ay a Spall lap ae _turcent felages rit ge nf teed ta epee. - Auscepbbilty Corstonts Magnetic Malet. Abell wre dlassifyeal on the basi. of magnetic opel andl dptir behaviour bore applying fhe _magnthic field in présence Alive fitll | _ Ao! afte reenoving Ihe fida e a _ s-baramognthe Materia. ~y 8: Dimagntte Waker, 9: Ferotitg neti Mak erigl. Phos, ca ee oo FE = oo “| ep a 4 pm : a 7 ae —— rie =" bramagnetic Maberialn? = rest materials have permanert magnthic lips Me? no meagntic field is apphect , the arrargtratny of poles 18 magnetic é thdiris no magnehizalion luhen uternad mognttic prelalis appled aipties align timadog and mattriod if magnetized - wif weréncie the magnehic fill Aho dys ain become random andl paqnetizatiom yenitits H-0 1] edtemintum, Chromium. Bo a 10°*— 0? MeMpS 3 HrO | wo ET | “Diarnggnekic Maberiglt: _ Phyy olen! have permanent magnetic sda. Acquire duck magnitio épole when _ Maced inan e«ptrnel meg nebe fia. Dhise srlucen _ raagnttic, pa align Thempelees x oppose — dlire hiow pple hag relic be old. Ukr peentiid { megnebic 1 il Lhe Aipele. vanishes _ Feromagnelie Mokeriols: Shey howe Ateong interaction in flair ghipolos ten On extemal rmagnelic field if appliedl ancl aby ~afle rb peovel This id ‘ so Men Pepa ; he eelinal ee wT tg anil lec ahve in & alireetion of magnehe Helis Mf ter phe tenon hel the olom a) awe tll dignecl ad eedioal Xu apes he rawsnalio® naabaiel: tin he ee ae feremagnetc in hnaberial: a - +b a , the patria? / nC ss 4 Lomerl Jizaischiahe ~Bhe 4 ite fa nahi iA ko dnbr ak fhe Limp | Lple gueie Aerep brature. os — a Dec 4292023 _ Harmonic Molin Any object thatreturng bo irs mean posikOn abler cerroin= displ acemenk in certain Fire pericd, the reokion oF: j _abiect is called Sipe Harmonie | marion. ¥ “pangs SPRING SYSTEM HAVING aod . SIMPLE HARmoni¢ OSCILLATION? “Consider 0 Box of mas9° QHached] to.a SPring CONNECKEC “with one-end of wall, placed horizoM rally. 7" Figure Analysis: “From big “6”, Ine boxi8 aF mean Psion OF equilibriar™ Coraicering horizontal surface pricHonleS3, there iS AO frce companen! Je fF On {he bexin “big “b” aad Th 19 "0" the box 18 digalaced Fo righk When spring 13 - Sireched “Force exerFed by Spring tn objech, Ihe ree¥Or TeSFOAIAG Jorce direcked towards mean position - a “Fig7e” Shows thé Simple harmonic mekOn CenHoue & - Sprirey 19 COmpressedl, r€StOrirg ferce 1S Ggain alireCkeO — fowards mean PogitiO-- Tp each case; restOrieg force “js present due to S ancl Hook IQws oe Foc-% “e - Fe -Kx>t- [k-ap rieg constr] “Pe bind eG. Of maHEA for alineGr SimAe harmaric motion “oscillation apply Neutra |aw: Femo—2 carparé eq ancd2- — ~ ——> > Consider aan in positive % direCHOn The polloun— caraine JuncNon 13 tbe olution to aibbereoh al eq 3 . : wheres : i As waren arnplitudlé = @= phase angie. Wwe Qnquiar frequency: odigplacement: 2 iv ‘Jor eq 1: - WA 2x. __ bed oe hl ae) i Ve dx. & 7 -WASIN Ub G) velocity a: a = -wAhCoS (wt 6) atceleranon. ww? A C09 (UI Oy 12 KceSToH Ox: a ROR tear) Aline aa LAA \ ANGULAR FREQUENCY FOR 9H COCLLLATOR? fa ber Ihe firne period: Consider eq 1: a N= ACOS(LuRE B®) ~ “Now Increase thé Kme 6Y Q%-Ihe above eG will be: r Me Acosg[ w(t 2) we a: ACO wt+ 27; OT A oo S 3 vill Bame because % A Coe Tutt GJ—Note: Toe Ly: be sam bund Gres. Bolh above 6G Qresame? 27/w 16 he Hee required bor Complere One Cycle. ° \ Tay ae oO | SR aaa ne ' tT NUMERICALS } + “ABU leg block extenda a Spring of 1570 trom ik unetreched posikon. Block iS pernoréd and 0.52 leq j abjeck i9 hanged vertically hrom same Spring. i Calculare Hime Period of Ogci/aKONs- ~ Daas. : - a a 3.9019” ALIS 70m= 6.157 mis + Formula: Wee 244-ONi 4 Now 2 ~~ a aR] Te ar se —d PAL OSE a oO oo] 49 ee __ Results The Hime periOd bor agcillaHons 71'S 0-2ga8C. — a | (iF 1 We Un COB! Vs J% © ~LW%msin (wr O)—+2 ~ Wm cosh t PI 3 —> “ENERGY BAND OF SOLIDS. _ (SEMICONDUCTOR. AND “AND DEVICES) On the basis of elechrical conaiuctv! Alvided info 3 types? = Conductor. _—> Semi conductor’ _-» Insulator. fy solids can eo — 4 _ We can diderenhore these SOS using PNergy — and diagram . Valence pand Shows the eechOors Tn he Outerrnodt orbik(valency) ard cOnduchcr ‘ a ‘pend shows the free electron ushich Falees Parr in iL conduchiviFy. =GONDUCTOR: Tai ita “tn conductors Qvolence bend is very close to conductor band Or Stmélimes théy overlap Eochether 30 The width Of Energy gap 6 very Samal! c negligible and elechons— “fequire very Small qmounk ob eneray Fo jump from — ~yalence ro conductor bond: TRON, COPPER \ “SEPITCONDUCTORS= [nce of Gemicenductor the energy gap j9 Smaller {han insularaS ahd Tage thon conductors Thaepore they bave elecrCal ConduchiviFy small@r #hao ¢onducrore, larger thon ipsulFOS SILICA GERMANTUM: INSULATORS: {reulatas have very lorge energy bancigaps between - Valence ara conduction band which may yay prom Bey 0 FeV. Because of this large bared gap aethrons carvt fee sasily Fron valence ko “canduch onboard, here bore they dont have elechical” caorductivity: GLASS, RUBBER; WOOD. i — AF RAT | zero” Teperarore jhehighly occupieg ~—eneray jevel ig.called jer! rrr evel ely level al) eneray y Spares are billed ond GOVE Alig, “eeapry: Probability ob finding - “eJéeFron .can be "_t-ealeuiared by Fara? Dirac bishribubién Funcig- Below §ermi~ PLE: : POE ee ——— Speen e san se ee: | = energy level oF which earls ig to be ealeularar Ee Tp Rem Energy, --— Te 38-6217 10° 5. ey/ te = a TS Ferrperai ure DOPING: oo RADIHEN Of NOUN QUANHHES Of impuriHeS in apreg -- SbmiConducker 18 Called Béping. Tr “By adding irapurih€S Wwe Can change the perbom oe @h 0 Semiconduéh : “Pure Semiconda ~ Intrinsic “Bop ec) demicontiieror 7 Extrinsic, “N TYPE Semiconpucior: —sEntrirsic _—» IV elernent: extrinsic 6 —— —> Doped with group YT eleroent —— =selectrons-are-majority— carriers. “then a pure semiconductor deped with aroup F~ ~ Alement (pentavalent)>n typé SemicOnduct or is formed electrons are majOriFy Carriérs in COnduchen band “and hol€S Gre minoriky tcpics. ~ ENERGY BAND DIAGRAM ee Me a eg ~ 4. buren & pure semiconductor is cloped Luith. group Tf Grvalent) Pigpe semicanduck or iS tored Fees are Enea iy Carriers in valreae bard ~PN JUNCTION: SS s ‘ Lubhen 4 plype and nkype Semiconductor is Combine “@ jurckon is formed hak junction jg called Pv Sunclon. POTENTIAL BARRIERS “—~Tegies (PN JuncHen) in which potential is Signi fiCOnHYy higher than poinlS Gn either StIE>: Thats” cohy ChAPGE CorriérS require energy FO PASS Hhrough- DIODE = h eermiconductor device iS used aF aiode —eonnecred” with BC batkeryT Da ER ONT ~GERSING? i ‘Loben diode 19 connected with battery, iF iS called Biasing. - — - —_ ‘FORWARD “RE 3 EE Biesing: Ee Hive Wher (Besvarterinar Cohen #VE FerAsinal COANECKS- “Oh Barrery js connected with ntype- ond -ve— twith— —pith-ptype-arelo fve— EY oo’ iS reversed tpikh idee dliod ress END Ee al Uysion CUrreny orword Bases! he = | io enranal-ara nelegible., 3 iam becom * pecause deplet!oo louer narrow | ara pronicte becomes wid ~annQl/-arOuUr } me ee eae ia_obser ved? “arriers e ‘a bpuse- ea et oem a] agian ral I 7 ! | + the energy Ofsilver 18 6-5ey at TOC. Whakare the | pObAbIIHES thak the sates ar folowing energies 19 OBFAINED J4-4, 5.555.656 4 fev. a b+ Ak what temperature iil be probablity Hat a sfare at 5-6ev is occupied 0-16. Q)DGFO:” he Same ER SSe p27 = eee, aan: ELGG KB 620 5:52 0:09-+ 987, — 5:6: 1/2 vont = PE, — 1 Lh SEER 42 0-0: + “ieee ] Bbw OKATS fpPberseteor: “bs PE: - i f peCEEr Mee te ele EFVe leE> Fake 10 both sida: We 2) Ee ef §.6-95 i a (EERO Le 1658 (8-6210°? 7 O1— | Ree fifiealon ACO pt 1g CONEO rectibicay fhe process © etic th — uses bor ball or Fal vO [he diede “ean be { ech bicahon: = “Tr half wave FeCtibi COHOT kor full TaeGF aye 1é, --age-ger Half OutpuF porenh'al Faris DICde ara “saa Gpen CircuiF for NEQAHVE polorityand ra “SRorF CirCuiF for @ “POSITIVE pol porary: ry eb eer | Paya —__-_ = i> —s — | i : | Ld me — | Ae Fuso diodes are connecred Lwith CenITe FOpPE [rong Di ConduckS with we PAIGrIFy of iA PUF BIQNAT ¢ Conmduchs hor -ve polarify. Because of borh pares CUFFED flOWS In Same dir€CHON ater euan: “Toad “ReSISKOe - . Bipolar Junction ApA —— “Transisror pre — _ “pid ebpect "iGpe cc Fre nsistor — "|__PToBrey a | | Bigolor junction -ransistor ConaisF Ob FRree layers Y ob doped SEM CONIUCHOr= ie mais Ob pa junction “TRFEE Ferminale:— — 4 “ermitFer— heavily qoped- — 4 “paee— LighHy doped: — _ ate 4 ACHVE REGION: ~Lohen emitfer base junction iS forword Od” ; collecrer base junction is reversed) biased, transistor is in ee region. - aa ~ ATURATED REGIONS = Lwhen emikrer base and emkeeran iia Boe region. a D > Beir “emittér ancl collector base gre reversed bideedl, Fhe TANSISFOr 19 At Cur obs. | | I ae i a _ Tn this region. yolrage Gnd Curren become — ‘independenk ef eachother 4 “Applications ob BIT: > Amoplipier- La. Suuireh. @ Jan, 2024 =, Particle © bhect [Phot Photoelectric eppech compton ebpect] ~SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES Oo ~ Wwe consider Hive sinusoidal Waves having arales | i ond Ga The wave” “bQquarian are? ~ YES Ura 819 Chex WoF- 01) =T Ya= Ym Sin kx - WF- G2). Bpply Super peeed principle: ~ y= Ytrya: Y= Ura[ Sin (lex | oF Fi yaintee Ut ~ Gad] 7 considers” Sl Sint SinB= 3 feintArB)- C05 Yo (4- B). = WF BA + Net WoF ~ ~ Ga). 005172 (lex-Wr-G1 j Tie - oS ReNF Bey OF Ym [agin Clex- wr (Oi 04/2). 808 172 0a ae | Suppose Gir be. o sete ‘ 7 a ‘ SG: 2gmSinf exw 9. C03(8/2)) : 1 earanr “quahon: ood For constructive: = ————] i} cos bo aie Fae — i} cos BOTT Ts a : 9 = 0.2%)4%,--- 20m —] briqhF parFérn. “ zd — For destructive: i} COS BOLO: “DG ISK) ~~ (Rarly. _ dre pattern. oo = | ‘Conportron For IntérrFerence = Light rusk be-coherrent brorn a Single Source: > Light must be moenochrornalic: = there must be path difference: + There raust be phase difference: + OUNG ‘s -Dousie Suir ~ &xpéRImen rs id F waves coming bromo nrg FKrough olikS 97, 92 Separareg Y fies rays FI ond 'r2? Combine —~ QF Oink /P) abker Covering ai] therenr pars “TenQInS St ‘ord 82. : “F “The no of wavéléngih contain io path bb erente voill Determine the. Page bik erper ence. - BOSrUCHIVe—> minirnG, dark. 7 PAAxT MAS oe fo have | roaring ‘ak point P, the Hoo rays must be “differ in phase by Q WROIE no. lene: ef wavelenath. “path dith< Sib= dsin@ d9iIn@ = mA ne reef tage = “ Tne Oaesseces=s i - TAInilria: ; = : fo have miniena, the two mug F ok ser in phase bj _ Gn dd 76 Ob wavelength. ——I : dsinO= (mr) A. ~ Ay al “Young also calcuiared the jinté-waracee Beribeee adjacent Moxima nd tinimma.lf 6 1S @ very arnall “Hen, SING iS approx Fands Sind Fares o prom big » band. PB = eb. = For maxirna : d3inO- mA. 1 ~ dkan6é= ma : ay. rok + Y= bin A position ebro bina For birt reGdmo: aa a Um: roAD ~ - en “a. a “for and Oxia: Urn tt = Cent] 2D / / : ; 7 Z bens Hm td - Ym. : _ bys[lrort) BBY ra bya] a a . “For minima: " “ ABING =/mn 4 aA “| tans: ra Hya)a ae dd Y (mrtyaja ye (ro¥yn)Ab BYE Um = Urn: ; Fons (mrIp JAD a Yeo. of orte tra) “Bye (DEB) Dry) M _ by: ogi 3 Rh - - md = rumericars INiERFERENCE iar The ‘double slit is illuminade with iighr from a “mercury vapour Jamp with wavelength S46 yarn. Sit ore O12mrn Opark the screen on which patter (CUIOFE jhe ANQUIOF “apPears iS SSem Qua ~ bps ob | birsk minima. ~~" R$46x10- Im. © Oe 012% 10-3 h7 BD: 0-55m._ “02? meO Solution: DiFerRactron : ie Ihe phenoma im whith light deviated bron ig linear path and bends through the calges op objects irs called _aiBprackon. * ’ ; SINGLE SUT Greeters As shown in bigure léFud consider o light wave “falling OF normal On a sliF of width “aT. "R79 he poloF on Screen which iS Through jhe cenhe Ob Phe SNE. “Rt” bends through The” ‘Corner “RI” ond “AR2Y have O phase dif fereér Piractas pat GppeaS 0 the Screen With MOrima Gnd pani For minima: bb’= 229i 321 aaing =A Or For maxima: a3sind =(mtya)A- : red “Vight with wave Jengih 650nrm foils ok 15°. - “poEo: ~ A: 650x10°9m. INTERFERENCE | (DIFFRACTION + Thi9 result ob KOBE interact] 1H iS reESUIF Of KQHF 101 Of Qh Coming from Oi ds wavelgagts. a / elinterferénce bringes Oré of Ibi 4 ijraction b ba PAS Or Prin jeare wisn: aaa Coming from SOrme Fave pront: — tack: _ + AIT BriQhF fring eS ore of 4 equal brighiness. = |pecbeciia block.” here is grayStaleé in Fei Brighr -$ri-QGs Gre nro} ree Ol bri Ghiness- NUMERICALS smonochromatic green light with wavelength 544m, jMUMINAtS kvo Paraliel Carrow slits 7-7ULLm, apart: calculate argular directios ob that order bright pringe. data: Ae $4419 = $444 10-9 nr cle 7 7uttens 7°7410-6 rn: ms b> | «Find the Slit Separation, of double Slit arrangement that will produce briQht intergerence hringed apart in Gngular separation. Assume WaUelength 19 6Rnr. bata: OO ‘Solution: A: $92nm: 592110-9m- dsiné: mA ber : d: tof oO: 9 gin: mei. d= 3:99r10°3 mm + LWhen honechromatic light ig incldeNt On a Slit 0.022mm wide, birSt difprachion minimum is observed at angle of 1-8". From diffraction indder beam - Calculare Wave JEAgrh Of inciIdeNk .NQHE bata: . a: ? Q= 0-022 ¥10-3m.- ony a mel aSinb=mA Re Qaire 2: 6 %10> 8mm.

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