Warehouse Thieves Trivia Qs

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Warehouse Thieves Trivia

A. What character do the authors Chase Adams and Tyler Koskela-La Boucane consider the main
character of Warehouse Thieves?
B. What is the name of the donut shop that Officer Davidson was parked at.
C. What is the name of the moving company in Warehouse Thieves?
D. Why did Leo kill Carl?
E. Where does Warehouse Thieves take place?
F. Which chapter is a reference to The Princess Bride?
G. When did Tyler Koskela-La Boucane start writing Warehouse Thieves?
H. What were the paintings in Harrison's house in act III of? (Hint: They are very iconic characters)
I. Why did Harrison, Steven, and Jimmy go to jail?
J. Why did Tyler Koskela-La Boucane start writing Warehouse Thieves?
K. What is the main inspiration behind Warehouse Thieves?
L. What characters bane resulted in a stupid came between Chase, Tyler, and Eli
M. How does Carl die?
N. How does Leo die?
O. How does Steven die?
P. What is the name of Harrisons cell mate?
Trivia Answers

A. Terry Ansaldo is the main character.

B. Jax Donuts
C. Zhen's’ Moving Company
D. Leo killed Carl because he couldn’t pay Leo the money he gambled at scarlet casino.
E. Los Angeles
F. Chapter 46. Prepare to die.
G. December 2022.
H. Elijah Tinkle Strang and an Asian Cube.
I. They Stole belongings from their clients.
J. He started writing Warehouse Thieves because he had Mr. Horner's’ creative writing class.
K. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul.
L. Steven
M. Shot in the head by Leo
N. Burned to death by Terry
O. Shot in the head by Terry
P. Lawrence

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