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Farnborough - ‘The Magic Kingdom’

and Other Associated Mysteries

4. Brief CV
5. About
6-36. The UFO Connection
37-48. The 'Farnborough Flying Saucer' (or ‘Canopy’ Controversy)
49-65. D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Bases)
66-124. QinetiQ (Missing people: Project MK Ultra and more)
125-129. Joining the dots
This exposé represents the first original, comprehensive, examination


Farnborough - ‘The Magic Kingdom’


Other Associated Mysteries

Brief CV
What you are about to see isn’t just an idea that has just been plucked out of the air, rather, it
is a proposal based on some pretty good evidence: This presentation concerns numerous
strange things that have happened, and which still ARE happening as I type these words.
We cannot provide ALL of the answers to the UFO mystery - but we can provide a few prime
As well as having several important associates we can boast the added advantage of living in
Farnborough, Hampshire, home of British Aviation ...No 1 in Leading Edge Technology outside
of America - with our British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society HQ overlooking the
Farnborough TAG airfield, and just a short distance away from a major Research Laboratory
and Test Facility called QinetiQ, which has close ties with the military.
My name is Kenneth John Parsons, and I am an experiencer of Paranormal/Alien Phenomena;
my working background is in research and journalism.
My partner, Hilary Porter, is an Alien Abductee and an Abduction Counsellor; she used to be
employed as a draughtswoman at Marconi Space and Defence Systems.
Hilary’s uncle was head of Janes Aviation and the Carroll Aircraft Corporation, plus he also
helped teach some members of the Royal Family to fly - a very useful contact to have.
Together, both myself and Hilary run BEAMS - The British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society.
Much more than just some ‘bizarre conspiracy theory’ - (as the Masonic-Controlled Media have
dubbed our discoveries) -
This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory’ at all - but a set of connected Conspiracy FACTS!

As I said, we don’t have all the answers in this presentation, but soon we will be sharing with
you data about Deep Underground Bases, Abduction, Flying Saucer Craft and Alien Entities,
much of which is relevant to where we live in Farnborough.
Reported back in the 1980’s and 90’s and far more recently, you will see objects and creatures
that look more like something out of a 1960’s B-Movie… such as a ‘Supreme Creator’ Alien and
other Exotic Beings which also look like science fiction fantasies; but here’s the twist, they’re
not, and we will offer some explanations of why we are convinced that is so.
This is controversial material, little of which would make any sense to the average man on the
street - who would simply prefer NOT to know.
Yes, evidence like this may ‘creep’ many folk out, particularly those with a Mental Block about
these type of things, many of whom would prefer to bury their heads in the sand out of fear,
or ignorance, conveniently dismissing anything so seemingly bizarre.
Doubtless, some people will simply not read this discourse thoroughly; rather, they will skip
and ‘scan’ pages, and as a result miss many important pieces of evidence which help to form
the bigger picture.
Make no mistake, this isn’t conspiracy nut stuff, quite the opposite, although perhaps only
True Initiates of the UFO topic may fully appreciate the significance of what we are about to
The UFO Connection
If you think that it’s just a few of
‘us’ seeing weird stuff around
here in Farnborough…
...then think again!
Extract from the next case:

“I looked, and saw a large dark disk shape”

...It was “solid metallic even, had no signs of outboard motors powering
it, and was a perfect saucer shape. I'm convinced it was no Airship. I saw
dozens of people staring in utter disbelief, mouths wide open, some
looked scared, others excited and jumping up and down. One man
walking along the pavement stopped suddenly with a start and dropped
both his shopping bags it was almost like something out of a movie.”
Fleet, Near Farnborough, Hampshire, UK: Location of Sighting: Fleet (nr Farnborough), Hampshire: Date of Sighting: 1992 - 1994: Time: 12-12:30 (Lunchtime)

Witness Statement: I've lived in Farnborough since 1971, I've witnessed a few strange things at night (humming noise and lights) but this one event stands out and it's always
bothered me, it's a great mystery.

It happened way back in the early 1990's I think between 1992 and 1994. It was a sunny day with clear blue skies so I guess it was somewhere between Spring and Autumn.

It was my lunch-hour between 12 and 12:30, I was driving towards the multi-storey (Albert Road?) in Fleet to do some shopping, the car park was up the road on my left and the
road was pointed towards Farnborough (and the RAE) which was about 2 miles away. The first thing I noticed were the cars in front of me slowing and stopping, some people
even getting out of their cars and pointing excitedly and anxiously up the road towards the horizon. I looked, and saw a large dark disk shape (possibly very large, it was hard to
tell the distance). It was moving very, very slowly and silently from left to right with its 'nose' pointed up at about 45 degrees.

This was a very strange attitude for an aircraft, and this looked nothing like any aircraft I'd ever seen.

Was it an Airship (or Dirigible)? A likely explanation given Farnborough's history. But no, I've seen enough of them in my time, this thing looked nothing like an Airship, it seemed
solid metallic even, had no signs of outboard motors powering it, and was a perfect saucer shape. I'm convinced it was no Airship. I saw dozens of people staring in utter
disbelief, mouths wide open, some looked scared, others excited and jumping up and down. One man walking along the pavement stopped suddenly with a start and dropped
both his shopping bags it was almost like something out of a movie. I didn't just get a fleeting glimpse of this UFO, I watched it for about 1 minute (possibly shorter, but certainly
at least 30 seconds), along with everyone else. I'd stopped in traffic to observe, mouth wide open in disbelief, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

As if this wasn't enough, with a sudden roar 2 black military helicopters (I think they were Gazelles) roared in straight up the road from behind me heading directly for it as if on an
intercept course. Then it seemed I'd lose sight of it over the horizon and I had to see what would happen when the helicopters reached it; so I quickly drove up the car-parks
circular ramp, made my way to the top (open air) floor (only 1 storey up) so I'd get a good look at it. So I lost sight of it for all of about 1 minute. I flew out my car and rushed to the
side of the car park for a good view, I was excited but also anxious and kind of a little scared.

But, I saw nothing. The UFO had disappeared, and there was no sign of the helicopters. From where I was I should have got a perfect view but there was absolutely nothing to
be seen. Everything felt very weird and wrong, the cars that had stopped and all the excited people had already moved on - it was as if it never happened.

It's plagued me for years, did I dream it? No. I told a UFO enthusiast at work about it the moment I got back from lunch and it's something they regularly bought up in
conversation for several years. Whatever I saw I saw that lunchtime, in my car I wasn't asleep at the wheel!

All the people that I witnessed looking at it, and nothing appeared in the local press.Things to take away: I'm a professional engineer and a totally "normal" rational person, I got a
good look at this not just a fleeting glimpse my eyes were not playing tricks, lots of other people saw it and were similarly gobsmacked by what they were seeing. I've always lived
in Farnborough, I've seen many strange aircraft, I'm an experienced observer what I saw was NOT normal or easily explained; and the helicopters? Black, maybe unmarked,
military helicopters racing towards it at full speed.

What was it all about? And why am I the only one (possibly) who seems to remember it.
Aldershot, UK - 1983
Please click these words for full,
incredible story, with important
modern update.
“Let’s just say that in 1969 while at 1 & 3 TRRE, it was about 9:30 pm and looking over to the RAE
Farnborough, there was a very bright light moving slowly just above the tree line.

I went into the EX A/T block and dragged all the lads out, they too watched, as the light, although
bright, did not light up the area as it should; it then moved quickly, about a half mile at a time across
the restricted area.

When it left, it moved like a bullet shooting upwards and away from Farnborough, in under two
seconds, it was gone... and it was as I recall a clear night, and in 69’ we had nothing that could
move THAT fast!!

An interesting place to be hovering over at that time, perhaps it was the Yanks or the Ruskies, who
knows? But it wasn't of this world!”
Source: UFOs. I’m Convinced: Discussion in ‘The NAAFI Bar’
And then there’s this….
...another local flying saucer case…(please advance to the next slide).
Two large saucer-shaped objects encountered by family in
car in Surrey, UK
Date: September 15, 1985
Location: Bagshot Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
David and Susan McMurray were driving
home across Bagshot Heath, Surrey, to Farnborough,
Hampshire, with their two children when they encountered a
"huge saucer-like craft about 50 ft. long with brilliant lights
coming from portholes around the centre. Then it suddenly
took off." When a second craft began to tail the family's car
David stopped, got out and went to investigate. But it too,
David said: "The whole family were weak
took off.
and trembling for days afterwards."

Susan, 25, a hairdresser, said: "When David

tried to start his car the battery was
drained." She added: "I saw the two things
with my own eyes. It was an incredible

One UFO was also spotted five miles away

by salesgirl Lyn Brookes. 24. of Wokingham,

She said: "It hovered in one spot for about

five minutes.

"I was really frightened. It was as if it was

watching me."

Now David has sketched the strange craft

and is sending his drawing to the Ministry of
Defence who are to investigate.
here’s a few more local UFO cases...
Cross reference this with the 1978
sighting made by my partner
Hilary; the 2004 Aldershot case is
quite similar to hers, except with
Hilary’s, the object actually burned
her face from possible radiation
given off by this

UFO Sighted in the Skies Above Aldershot

The News: Friday, September 10 - 2004
The sighting of a mystery object in the sky over the weekend has baffled passers-by, air traffic control experts and Army
officials. An Aldershot couple, who did not want to be named, spotted the object on Saturday afternoon as they played with
their sons in Aldershot Park. The cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky at about 2.15pm and the family watched it ducking
around for around 20 minutes.“It caught our attention because it didn’t move like an aircraft,” said the mother, who was in the
field opposite the car park entrance in Guildford Road.

“We watched it for about 20 minutes. It was a shiny cylinder-shaped object. It flew in apparently random moves and it turned
and moved horizontally, vertically and diagonally.” The News received several other calls about sightings. The director of
Farnborough International Airport Ann Bartaby said the object was nothing to do with them: “I have spoken to air traffic control
and they didn’t see anything unusual and nothing was reported to us.”A spokeswoman for the Army said she too was baffled
and the Army was not responsible for the unidentified object. “We were not flying any type of cylinder-shaped aircraft on
Saturday afternoon,” he said. “Without any further details it is quite hard to say, but I doubt this has anything to do with the
Click here
to play
Sighting Report: Fleet, (near Farnborough), Hampshire: Winter 1987/88
Poson 15th February, 2011 in
UFO Sightings

Name: Kath Adams

Sighting Location: Fleet Hampshire
Sighting Time & Date: 02.30 am winter 1987/88

Sighting Details: Awoke to a humming noise outside, I had two windows in bedroom, (we lived in bungalow at the time
and my bit had a flat roof) the window opposite my bed had little lights various colours flickering all over it, the lights did
not light up the room, then there was this quick explosive bang and everything disappeared. This happened in about
approx 30 seconds. I jumped up woke whole house up thinking there had been a crash of some sort. There was nothing.
The only thing I could find remotely close to my experience is a report in the local newspaper about reports of a
humming noise, but it wasn’t the same year. – July 27, 1984

A SPATE of mysterious, unexplained noises are heard by several people in Aldershot late at night.

The sounds seemed to cut through the atmosphere, filling the air with a loud humming.
Aldershot police said they were not aware of any problem of unexplained night-time noises of the type described.
An Army spokesman said the military had received many inquiries but could not offer any explanation about the sounds.
Please watch video here;

Unidentified Craft Captured 07 09 2015 Farnborough, Hants, UK

observed by
Hilary Porter,
January 21,
7.00- 7.05PM

These objects
seemed to
be either
or stalked
by a military
To give a sense of scale, here is a
picture of BEAMS founder Ken
Parsons, superimposed next to the
creature, just to show how tall ‘it’
actually was!
This is a sketch made by However this was achieved,
Hilary Porter, who had a (taken physically or in a sort of
number of bedroom out of body state), Hilary was
visitations by 'alien greys' always ‘returned’ to her bed with
some years before I met her - various gynaecological wounds,
and still does from time-to- scars and marks about her
time. person, and she always felt most
ill and disoriented after each
Hilary’s description was that a experience.
portal would suddenly open up
in the bedroom wall and these These have been just a few of the
beings would be ushered things that have been experienced
through by a tall, black, living close to this Top Secret
cowled figure. facility at Farnborough:

The beings would gather This isn’t just imagination, we

around her bed, look deep into have gathered definite proof as
her eyes and then no matter much as we have been able to...
how much she resisted, they
would abduct her to a waiting ...evidence such as the
craft. unaccountable body
wounds, the eye witness
testimony, drawings and
There is a suggestion that this even photos.
procedure may not always
have been have been physical, Something strange is going here
but performed using molecular for sure.
Alien abduction/visitation has affected other members of Hilary’s family here in
Farnborough as well; but it must be said, that when it comes to this kind of problem, it can
generally affect entire families anyway - no matter where they may live!

Although most are too afraid to speak publicly about it all, a few of Hilary's relatives have
revealed some shocking recollections to us - mental flashbacks of things that they
believed may have happened to them.

Over the years we have heard the same kind of things from a handful of other
Farnborough residents too ...of strange alien/paranormal-type encounters, the feeling that
they have been 'taken' and ‘messed about’ with…

It must also be remembered that many other cases go unreported, as some victims prefer
to just dismiss this type of experience and get on with their lives, putting any such
disturbing memories to the back of their mind ...simply because it’s easier that way.

Over a few decades the total abduction figure for our region may run into the high hundreds;
but nowadays, things do seem to have quietened down somewhat regarding such matters;
which indicates that either ‘they’, (whoever/whatever), have slowed down their snatching
program, or it is possible that to avoid attention, these operations have moved further afield.
There's Always Been Something Strange About Farnborough

1950 UFO sighting over Farnborough

Dr David Clarke who is a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence, says that one of the most
tantalising cases that he has ever researched involved two sightings by an RAF test pilot, Stan
Hubbard, in 1950.

In the first sighting, the airman reported seeing a flying "discus shape", around 100ft in diameter,
approaching and pass overhead as he was walking along the runway at Farnborough airfield.

Two weeks later, he was in the airfield's control tower with five other airmen when they spotted a
similar object and watched it for around 10 minutes.

The incidents were investigated by the MoD's "Flying Saucer Working Party", but they concluded that it
must have been a "quite normal aircraft".

In later years, when asked about the MoD’s conclusion, Stan Hubbard said
"Absolute rubbish,” - "my engineering experience convinced me it was not of
this earth. We do not have the technology capable of that sort of performance."

Witness testimony on video - excerpts here >>>

(continued on next page).
“On the morning of 15 August, a dry, clear summer’s day, Flight Lieutenant Hubbard was walking along the
airfield runway towards his quarters. He later recalled his attention was attracted by what he described as ‘a
strange distant humming sound’. I had the chance to interview him in 2002 and he remembered then how,
turning to investigate, he saw in the direction of Basingstoke an object that looked ‘for all the world like the
edge-on view of a discus, the sort of discus we used to throw at sports day in school … and it was rocking
from side to side very slightly … but maintaining a very straight approach.That was something that has stuck
in my mind very clearly, vividly, to this day.’

As it approached the airfield the sound emanating from the object increased in intensity to become ‘a heavy,
dominant humming with an associated subdued crackling-hissing … which reminded me strongly of the noise
inside a large active electrical power station.’ He continued:
‘It was light grey in colour, a bit like mother of pearl, but blurred. It was obviously reflecting light because as it
rocked it looked like a pan lid as you rotate it, with segments of light rotating around. And I could see that
around the edge as it went overhead, it was a different colour, it had a definite edge to it. And the whole of the
edge was a mass of tiny crackling, sparkling lights. And associated with that, there was a real impact of a very
strong ozone smell.

‘There were no windows or portholes or any other characteristics at all. It was featureless, and the remarkable
thing about it was there was no sound of air movement … as the object was coming closer and then went
overhead I tried to estimate its size, altitude and speed, but with the absence of any readily identifiable feature
it was difficult to gauge these factors with any confidence… I guessed that its height above ground when first
seen was probably between 700 and 1000 [ ft ] and since it certainly seemed to maintain altitude throughout
the period of my observation, I guessed that it would have to be about 100 ft in diameter. It must have been
travelling very fast, perhaps as high as 500 to 900 mph.’

[Extracts from 'The UFO Files' by David Clarke ©Text copyright David Clarke] (continued on next page)
“On the afternoon of 5 September 1950, just two weeks after Hubbard’s first observation, he
saw what he believes was the same object again.”

“Hubbard and his colleagues then watched an incredible performance of aerobatics by what
the official report describes as ‘a flat disc, light pearl in colour [ and ] about the size of a shirt
button.’ Hubbard described it as ‘fluttering, as though bordering on instability, in a hovering
mode, the object would swoop off in a slight dive at incredibly high speed and in quite stable
flight, then stop abruptly and go into another fluttering hover
mode. This performance was repeated many times … and it appeared that all this was taking
place some eight to ten miles south of us over the Farnham area.”

“The UFO was under observation for some 10 minutes during which the little crowd had
swelled to more than a dozen RAF personnel. ‘They were awestruck,’ Hubbard recalls, ‘but not
one of them had a camera! I remember one of them saying “Sorry Stan, I didn’t believe those
first stories.” It made my day.’

Within 24 hours they were all questioned by the Flying Saucer Working Party. ‘We were not
given their names and we were strictly warned not to ask questions of them, nor make
enquiries elsewhere in the Ministry’, Hubbard said. ‘We were also warned not to discuss the
subject later, even amongst ourselves in private.”

[Extracts from 'The UFO Files' by David Clarke ©Text copyright David Clarke]
In point of fact, as far as Farnborough is concerned, flying saucer-type UFO sightings actually
date back to at least the 1920’s here.

Cynics may choose to ridicule and discard the claims of investigators like us, but it may
interest readers to know something very important about our wonderful, open and above board
Government: It boasts that it has released all documents pertaining to the mysterious UFO
phenomenon, but the fact is some UFO files held by the Ministry of Defence are NEVER
released, not even under the FOI - Freedom of Information Act, (an act which was meant to give
the public a greater transparency regarding Government policies), instead they are continually
reclassified Top Secret every so often.

Only those at the top know which UFO documents have never been released and which
documents remain classified TOP SECRET; and of the pathetic number that are released under
FOI, some of these have been redacted… with parts blacked out so as to make the information
almost completely useless.

It has to be wondered what these missing sections are hiding!

Please advance to the next page.

April 4, 1978
Doris Luke, of Park Row, Farnham, has a close encounter with a flying saucer. She said at the time of the sighting: "It was
just like a spinning top, dull black on the bottom and brilliant silver, like moonlight, on the top. It came at an angle from the
north and seemed to float at a terrific speed."

April 11, 1978

Eight people reported sightings of an unidentified flying object in the skies above Farnborough and Ash.
Peter Inwood, a former wartime Royal Observer Corps member, alerted police to an electric blue UFO that changed
rapidly through red, white, green, orange and gold.
Pc Alan Cragg said the object was not an aircraft and watched it for 25 minutes before it moved off.

July 27, 1984

A SPATE of mysterious, unexplained noises are heard by several people in Aldershot late at night.
The sounds seemed to cut through the atmosphere, filling the air with a loud humming.
Aldershot police said they were not aware of any problem of unexplained night-time noises of the type described.
An Army spokesman said the military had received many inquiries but could not offer any explanation about the sounds.

January 12, 1988

Sixteen-year-old Andrew Findlay joined the ranks of people who claim to have had a close encounter after seeing a UFO
over Bagshot.
Andrew said: "There was a gap in the clouds and out of it came a flying saucer shaped thing. It was bright white with
green lights in the middle of it."

November 1, 1994
A former policeman and his wife report seeing a mystery aircraft flying silently over Farnborough.
Mrs Bos, of Austen Road, Farnborough, said: "It was silent, had no lights and just moved along in the sky." Get Hampshire 2002
‘It was about 7.40pm on the evening of the 5th of April 1978, when the brown ball hurtled
towards the post. Andy jumped to head it into the net and score another goal. As his eyes
looked up to judge the speed of the ball, he was distracted by a gold cigar shaped object
positioned over the playing field. The game was taking place at the Manor Road football
field on the Hawley Estate at Farnborough, Hants, but it was destined to never finish.

The boys all stopped in their tracks and looked upwards at the huge, hovering cigar.

Jason, Andy’s friend cried out, “look at that”, he was startled and frightened as the object
was low down and very close. It must have been watching the boys and seemed to note
their reaction, for it started to move sideways, then, red, green and blue lights began to
flash along its side.

Mark was nearby, he was just about to jump across a ditch near the football field when he
saw the object: he described it as “a big gold cigar” and it made a humming noise as it

By now all of the youngsters were watching the craft as it hovered over them. They could
distinguish two windows on the side of the “cigar” and they immediately thought of a

None of them had had seen anything like it before and living in the Farnborough Airfield
area, they were quite used to seeing planes of all sorts.

The Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough were told of the boy’s experience over
the telephone, but they were unable to confirm that any such strange craft was flying
around in their air space.

Andrew’s mother Mrs Slater, rang the local Police when the boy told her what had
happened, but they dismissed the report as a “leg pull”.

So much for the interest shown by the authorities about the possibility that an alien craft
had been seen at low altitude in the area of the R.A.E.

The object reappeared later that evening at about 8.45pm, in the vicinity of the Slater
household.’ Courtesy of SIGAP: Abridged version; full report here.
AN UNUSUAL INCIDENT AT CHURT, FARNHAM: (14 miles from Farnborough)
CASE s817 from SIGAP
investigated by Omar Fowler:
[Brief background to this investigator: Omar Fowler has always been interested in aviation and objects that fly around in the sky. At the age of 17 he
joined Fleet Air Arm, in which he served for 7 years. On leaving the service he spent a further three years in the field of aviation at the Empire Test
Pilots School (Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough)].
APRIL 06, 1978
...Later that same day, the 6th of April 1978, yet another sighting was reported from Churt, a village only 3 miles South of Farnham.
Two girls, Penny (13) and Monica (14) were walking along a country road near Churt, the time was about 9pm.
Their attention was attracted by a number of coloured lights flashing fairly low down in the sky.
At first they thought that it must have been a helicopter, but as they drew nearer, they realised that the lights were coming from a huge glowing oval
The body of the craft appeared to be a metallic colour and the lights around it were mutli coloured, the girls were able to take note of the positions of
the various colours as they watched it for a period of four to five minutes.
Two red lights were positioned on the top right hand side, two white lights were at the top left, while at the bottom centre of the oval craft, it was
possible to see two green lights. All the lights were flashing and they noticed that the green lights were flashing faster than the other two colours.
The whole body of the thing seemed to be a ''shimmering silver'' colour and it hovered there quite stationary, in complete silence.
The whole machine was in a classic ''saucer'' shape, but above all, they saw a unique feature.
Around the top rim of the UFO, there appeared to be a line of windows that ran around the top section of the craft and they were not the usual
''porthole'' type described by so many witnesses, but were like ''insects eyes'' said the girls. It was the last feature that convinced the two girls that
they were looking as something very strange indeed, they turned and ran for their home as fast as they could.
They reached Monica's house within a few minutes, they arrived home and blurted out their story to her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Mitchell.
''When the girls said they had seen a UFO I thought they were joking'' said Mrs Mitchell.'' But I changed my mind when they asked me to go back
there with them, but I refused''. The two girls sat and rested for a few minutes and then after some discussion, decided to return to the scene of their
''encounter'' and take another at this strange craft. They set off back down the road, but the UFO had now changed it's position and they caught
sight of it lower down and behind and behind some nearby trees.
They ventured forward stealthily and watched the pulsating craft for several more minutes, but it was now 9.30pm and the woods where lonely at
that time of night. They looked at each other, this was no place to be by themselves, anything could happen.
''This time we didn’t wait'' said Monica. ''We were dead scared and ran home as fast as we could.'' They didn’t stop to see the craft disappear, or
what it would do next, they ran back through the night as fast as their legs would take them.
This little episode completes the story of the UFO activity around Farnborough area on the nights of the 5th and 6th of April 1978.
Almost certainly the same 'parent' craft' had been responsible for the various sightings reported." End report: Sketch of craft on next slide.
Illustration from report:
CASE s817 from SIGAP
investigated by Omar Fowler
and two decades earlier…(next page)
Accurate witness drawing of a craft
seen over the old ‘Drum Laundry’
building, Farnborough, Hants:
Observed by two witnesses in 1958.
>Click these words for full report.<
The ‘Farnborough Flying Saucer’
The ‘Canopy’ Controversy
Image right; genuine photo
showing an enlarged aerial view of a
16ft disc/saucer structure located
near the Farnborough QinetiQ building.

Hmmm… can’t think why, but here at

BEAMS this object reminds us of
a rather special event; when...
“In 1950, an experienced test pilot,
RAF Flight Lieutenant Hubbard,
reported he had seen "a flat disc,
light pearl in colour, about
50ft in diameter" flying low at speeds
of 800 to 1,000mph over the town.”
[of Farnborough]. ©Text copyright David Clarke

See our later slides for full report on

this and many other Farnborough
‘Flying Saucer’ cases.
Right image; completely
unaltered extracts taken
from ‘DERA News - the
House Newspaper of
The Defence Evaluation
and Research Agency’ -
a limited edition DERA
publication (dated 1996)

In the mid 1990's this

structure became
fondly known as ‘The
Farnborough Flying Color and B&W scans of original article
Saucer’, by both DERA come from:
staff and site visitors. DERA News (in house newspaper)
October 1996
Aviation Past and Future
...and next to this stands
Cody’s tree - which
symbolically represents
Aviation in The Past:
Samuel Franklin Cody is
recognised for having
So now we can see, that achieved the first heavier
this 16ft saucer replica is than air, powered, controlled
not just a ‘canopy’, and sustained flight in the
(as a certain other UK; this feat was
*researcher glibly tried to accomplished at
dismiss this as), Farnborough, in Hampshire,
but rather, it is a symbolic on the 16th October 1908.
representation of the
Future of Aviation. When Cody was testing his
first aeroplane, he tied it to a
*What did this investigator tree in order to assess the
expect to find... a big neon sign pulling power of its
with an arrow pointing to the disc
saying ‘look - here it is folks, our
propeller. The tree became
replica of a Flying Saucer’? known as the Cody Tree and
It’s here alright, but they don’t survived for many years.
exactly advertise the fact.

Eventually an aluminium
replica was cast and marks
the spot to this day.
In these images, one
can clearly see that
it isn’t just a ‘canopy’ -
but an independent
If this is only a ‘canopy’ as
some claim, then why wasn’t
the 16ft disc constructed much
closer to the main building,
thus eliminating the need for
the steel and glass cover?
(which to the eye, looks like a
design afterthought).

Top right image:

Real photograph:
Birds eye view of
the supposed ‘Canopy’

Bottom right: Artist The DERA

representations taken from a complex is
DERA publication depicting a believed to
partial view of the be ‘the
‘Farnborough Flying Saucer’, largest
a 16 ft diameter UFO replica - design and
build project’
symbolically representing of its type in
‘The Future of Aviation’. Britain.
You’ve got to
hand it to these

The Illuminati
go to so much
effort to hide
messages in
plain site, and
through Note; as visitors stroll
esoteric through this area, (marked
on here by a yellow line),
Obsessed by they could be unknowingly,
symbolism and
participating in a kind of
the favorite ritual; of leaving the past
tactic of the
Illuminati is to
behind, (marked by the
leave blueprints Cody Tree), and moving
to their plans
“hidden in plain
forward into a future world,
view.” (symbolized by the
suspended ‘Flying Saucer’)
“Symbolism is - which in turn leads
the language of
the Mysteries ... directly into the main
entrance via a short
By symbols
men have ever covered pathway; the
sought to modern day equivalent of
to each other an ancient ceremonial
those thoughts avenue? Masonic/Illuminati
transcend the
symbolism and occultism at
limitations of its most daring. Welcome to
The Magic Kingdom!
And now - top section shown with a quick bit of airbrushing applied to
remove pole and cables - thus giving the viewer a better idea of what this
structure represents.
Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic. He is best
known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and
scientist: Swedenborg also pursued an active career as a Jacobite spy on behalf of the Swedish government,
that he was a Freemason and used secret Masonic networks to relay intelligence back to Sweden and to
undertake other secret missions. At the same time he played a prominent role in Swedish public institutions
concerned with mining, finance and politics. Gleaned from the DERA literature that was smuggled out for
BEAMS by a friend who worked there, we believe that this is what the ‘Farnborough Flying Saucer’ structure
was based on - Swedenborg’s futuristic, prophetic design.

Right: Emanuel Swedenborg’s flying saucer


In our opinion, (and as some records

suggest), the structure at QinetiQ has a
dual function/purpose;

a/ as a canopy and covered walkway

b/ as a clever piece of symbolism relating to
the flying saucer phenomenon.
From what we can tell after making some discreet enquiries, generally, most people who work at TAG
don’t even know themselves the true meaning of this installation; sure, they know all about the history
of the Cody’s Tree replica standing nearby, yet the majority simply believe what they are told regarding
the neighbouring object; should anyone ask ...‘it is a canopy’: As if programmed, workers walk beneath
it daily, never looking up at the massive structure, not taking a blind bit of notice. Whereas in the days
when the site was DERA - the Defence Evaluation Research Agency, this disc was proudly referred to
as the ‘Farnborough Flying Saucer’, but today we hear of no such talk… why?

If this next anecdote is anything to go by

the people employed here now are far less
candid, or is should that be far more secretive?

We had one individual contact us after he came

across our ‘Magic Kingdom’ presentation
online, who claimed to work at QinetiQ: He
tried to kid us that there is nothing at all
strange about this place, quite the opposite,
going as far as saying that their aren’t
even any security cameras in operation there!
From ATS Above Top Secret site: British militaries R&D, secret and not so secret bases (HAMPSHIRE ONLY).
RAF Odiham - Nos.7, 18 & 27 Sqns. Transport. Chinook HC2s
RAF Oakhanger - Mil SatcomUK, No.1001 Sigs + NATO Sat grnd term
Fort Southwick - nr Portsmouth. Main comms site adjacent to DERA comms. intercept site
DERA/QinetiQ - Farnborough HQ Indicated Likely Underground Facility
Royal Aircraft Research Establishment - Farnborough
Army - Aldershot Garrison, (Approx) Suspected Entrance (1) to DERA/QinetiQ Underground Facility (Link)
RN Fleet HQ - Whale Island, Portsmouth [Future location]
Gosport - Large Naval stores inc. hospital
Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) - Marchwood, Southampton. Military port
Fort Monkton - Gosport. Inc. Submarine Escape Training Tank. Possibly also used by MI5/6 for training purposes
BAe - Hurn, 4m NE Christchurch
School of Army Aviation - Middle Wallop. HQ. Gazelle, Squirrel, Lynx helis
Radio Research Station - Chilbolton, nr Aldershot
DERA - Lasham. Closed & transferred to W.Scotland.
Minley Manor, Minley, Farnborough Suspected Entrance (2) to DERA/QinetiQ Underground Facility
Pirbright, Surrey Suspected Entrance (3) to DERA/QinetiQ Underground Facility
Reader Letter entitled; ‘Secret Entrance?’

“After going on the BEAMS site and looking at your Magic Kingdom presentation, I was reminded of something that my
family and I saw back in 2001.

We were driving along in our car back to Fleet from Cove, along the Ively Road, Farnborough; this was at a time just
before the Ively Road became closed off to the public and eventually becoming part of Qinetiq, along with what
remained of the National Gas Turbine Establishment.

It was a Sunday morning and at a particular spot to one side of the road in a clearing, something very large and jet black
took our eyes; as we turned our heads right we all momentarily saw to our surprise a large rectangular black shape
amongst the trees, a funny flat object, which I estimated to be at least as big, as say, the new (West Heath) bridge, Cove.

There was a flurry of construction activity going on at the site but unfortunately we were travelling fairly fast, (so
only got a quick peep), and we couldn't stop, as we had other traffic behind us.

As a family, we talked about what we had seen and it gave us plenty of food for thought as to just what could be going

We went past this spot again just a few weeks later but unfortunately the black 'rectangle' had gone.

We always thought it strange just why the Ively Road was cut off like it has been, as severing the road like this makes
life more difficult for the motorist, and now we have to detour all round the new road system to Fleet.

I had forgotten all about that day until I came across your site, and I'm glad I did because knowing what has been
revealed here about a probable underground facility now begins to make some sense.

I wonder, instead of this being an ‘object’ as we had first described it, was the large black rectangle that we witnessed
some kind of tunnel opening or even a secret entrance maybe?”
Rumour has it that the US military have built at least 140 Deep Underground Military Bases.
These are known as D.U.M.B.’s - which is a doubly ironic acronym as many people really are
too dumb to realize what is happening around them; or perhaps more accurately, they simply
don’t want to know… and are quite happy in their ignorance thank you very much.
There are estimated to be nearly DUMB’s 15,000 worldwide…
Reportedly under construction since the 1940s, these sites are on average the size of a small
city, 10 - 30 miles across with an average depth of 4 miles.
In recent times, they have been carved out by massive nuclear-powered laser drilling
machines and connected by underground ‘Maglev’ train lines.
Maglev is a title derived from magnetic levitation.
The bases are alleged to be stocked with food/supplies and even have the ability to grow
crops with artificial lighting.
Why do you think governments around the world are building huge networks of underground
Why are they so secret?
Where do you think the money comes from to build these?
How many readers have heard of the supposed Secret Underground facility at Peasemore, Berkshire and the tales of former base
Security Officer Barry King? (If you haven’t we suggest that you gen’ up by Googling ‘Barry King’ and ‘Peasemore’).
His case strikes us as a bit odd, because last time we checked Barry was still around on internet UFO forums and chat rooms, openly
revealing the same supposedly 'classified information' to his disciples; in the past he has even been on TV telling his story; yet
records show that anyone still sworn to the Official Secrets Act, (as Barry would have been), caught blowing the whistle on something
that would be so highly classified, tend not to last very long, (nudge, nudge); they are rapidly shut down in one way or another.
Sure, we have had a few ex-military personnel come to us at BEAMS with some extremely sensitive material, but this was always
done anonymously, never revealing their true identity as Barry has done; only a fool or someone with a death wish would take their
chances in such a way; unless the circumstances are exceptional, anonymity should always be the name in the whistleblowers game.
Yet we have NO doubt in our minds that there is at least SOME truth to what Barry says; although it is more than likely that the intel
he is giving out is mixed in with some juicy red herrings: Maybe the facility he describes is NOT at Peasemore at all, but elsewhere;
either that, or the underground section of Peasemore has since been decommissioned, and thus of lesser importance these days -
with Ministry of Defence ‘Special Operations’ having been moved to another location; and so these stories are ‘allowed’ to circulate
because it suits the powers that be; probably because they contain major elements of disinformation.
Those at the top know that we will never be able to prove anything either way in our big reveal, because no unauthorised person will
ever gain access to the RAF Peasemore base, or it’s supposed underground facility; and the same is true of QinetiQ.
Make no mistake though, such subterranean bases ARE a reality - and some of them would be gargantuan in size; but we suspect that
the entrances to the most important examples may not necessarily be found in heavily wooded surroundings, behind barbed wire
fences etc etc, as one might expect, (thus attracting far too much unwanted attention from the curious, such as with the Peasemore
scenario), but rather, they would be hidden under our very noses, in relatively innocuous locations; vast underground cities situated
at great depth, in some cases, right beneath where we live.
As with the Top Secret ‘Area 51’ facility in Nevada, United States, and how that officially did ‘not exist’ for decades, (until fairly
recently) ...if what we are about to expose ‘does not exist’ either, (as it is bound to be claimed when these revelations get out), then
our government/military have absolutely nothing to fear from us talking about it - do they?
How would such an engineering
feat be achieved?
Just think Channel Tunnel!
‘Moles’ Are Pretty Standard Machines Today For Large Scale Tunnelling Projects
Farnborough, Hampshire, is a great place to visit; to go and
see the airshow ...with Aldershot - Home of the British Army
just up the road; a nice little shopping centre there etc, etc.
Cute town agreed, but not much else goes on here - right?
Fallacy... that is exactly what the authorities WANT you to
think - and in this town you SEE only what they want you to

Take it from us, when most people are tucked up under their
duvets, some mighty strange stuff can happen in these parts.
Welcome To ‘The Magic Kingdom’

We have it on good authority, (based on information received anonymously,

from loose-lipped personnel who claimed to have worked on major military
projects), that at these sites there is often much more below ground as there is
above; many are supposed to contain secret underground facilities.

The list also includes Farnborough, at the former DERA - Defence Evaluation
and Research Agency site - now known as QinetiQ, [pronounced ‘Kinetic’] or
‘The Magic Kingdom’ as it was referred to in DERA’s own internal publications,
which has major links with the Aerospace Industry.
If the claims are true concerning underground bases - what were the workers
told about all of this extreme mining?
What did they tell their families and friends they were doing?
If there were huge underground excavations going on, then surely it would all
have become common knowledge through rumour and gossip?

Answers: From basic labourer to skilled Tunnel boring machine (TBM) operator,
every employee on such a project had to sign the Official Secrets Act: Break
this with anything damaging, and they faced the prospect of up to 14 years in
Yet, after a couple of decades of remaining silent, some ex MoD employees
have privately spoken to us about these matters.
At the absolute barest of minimums, it would appear that there
has been a secret underground zone at the Farnborough RAE,
(Royal Aircraft Establishment), at least since the mid 1970’s.

Back in the 1990’s two former military guards - one who worked at the
RAE Farnborough and another from the former RAF Chicksands
listening base, Bedfordshire, (now called D.I.S.C. - Defence Intelligence
and Security Centre), assured us that there is far more below ground as
there is above at these sites.

During private, separate interviews, under complete anonymity, (the

first conducted in Bedford and the other at our Farnborough HQ), which
took place several years apart, these ex-military people disclosed
something very important to us; how, while using Supercomputers in
their huge underground facility at D.I.S.C. (accessible from an area on
the base known as ‘The Island’), officers at Chicksands regularly
simulated possible outcomes of nuclear war with their counterparts
operating from an underground command centre at D.E.R.A. - The
Defence Evaluation Research Agency, (now QinetiQ), Farnborough,

Later though, a daring thought came to mind; what a great cover story
this 'war games' proposal may be; after all, the military have rehearsed
such scenarios thousands of times over - how could anything more be
learned from all these strike computations?

It has to be wondered whether this idea of playing ‘war games’ down

there below the Chicksands base, (and here in Farnborough), was
merely put about as a cover story to assuage those who saw or got to
hear of special personnel going below ground to this 'mystery' sector,
about which accurate data would be 'restricted' to say the least.
Incidentally, the staff who work here
at D.I.S.C. are known as SPOOKS,
pertaining to people and
organisations connected to secret
intelligence services.

We are uncertain whether Chicksands

D.I.S.C. establishment ever evolved any
further, but there is no doubt at all that
the Farnborough operation has been
upgraded and expanded out of all

So you see, we have had the best

possible confirmation imaginable,
from former military men who were
actually employed at these places;
that huge Underground Bases are a
REALITY - not just the stuff of
‘One source (non-intelligence, though someone who holds a sensitive government post) says
that he knows several people currently employed at British underground facilities where
acquired alien technology and genetics programmes are being carried out.

The source names RAE Farnborough in Hampshire and two sites in Scotland. I regret that this
is all I am permitted to say regarding this particular source of information, other than that it is a
notably reliable one.

They further confirmed that the facility is compartmentalized into an unknown number of sub-
facilities and that the programmes carried out there include eugenics, clone-production and
hybridization, where these kind of programmes have been carried out for decades.

He stated quite unequivocally that some of the programmes required the participation of either
`captured' or `engineered' extraterrestrials.

Make of that one what you will. I am of course, unable to substantiate this information.’

Researcher and Former Military Employee - Barry King

The Show of Aviation Dinosaurs?

In the main, the Farnborough

International Airshow is all about
making money: Military bigwigs, trade
stands, reps, and keynote speeches;
this week-long sales pitch west of
London is where the aviation industry
goes to buy and sell airplanes,
helicopters, and everything needed to
build them.

Then, at the weekend, (when things have

been reorganised a bit), this area is open
to the public.

Indeed a great day can be had by all

seeing a variety of flying machines; but
as we always say, everything on display,
(even the UAV pictured here), are
Aviation Dinosaurs, and at least 50 years
behind anything developed secretly.

Truly, we believe the greatest show on

earth is going on deep underground,
unseen by all except the highest security
clearance personnel.

Please excuse us for sounding a bit

unimpressed or indifferent about these
planes, but this stuff is, (yawn), all so Sorry - no super-intelligent propulsion systems on
‘yesterday’ compared to the UFO craft display here.
that we have witnessed.

One would have thought that the name QinetiQ should in fact be
spelled QuinetiQ (with a ‘U’), after its then Group Chief Executive Leo
Quinn, (since resigned and now CEO at Balfour Beatty), so curious -
the reasoning for it being spelt the way it is.
According to one QinetiQ blog, Quinn has even applied for a
trademark on the name ‘qinetiqette’!
A Word of Caution

Please do not think that the Cody Technology Park is somewhere that one can just walk into sightseeing - it is NOT; generally this is a high security, military

Despite the ‘campus’, landscaped, friendly feel portrayed in their PR videos and literature, all visitors must first check in with the security gatehouse situated
at the entrance, which is some way before the main QinetiQ building; the guard there is armed and there are a number of armed personnel at various points
around the main complex.

Those who attempt to enter without a legitimate appointment and ID will be turned away. Facial recognition is used to confirm the identity of all visitors and
there are plenty of CCTV cameras and other security devices in operation around there also.
Aerial map of the
former DERA complex,
(Defence Evaluation
Research Agency),
Hampshire, UK - now
called the Cody
Technology Park -
home to QinetiQ.

Rumours have
circulated for years
about this place - but
now some of its
secrets have been laid
A near ground level view of the Cody
Technology Park, Farnborough,
Hants, UK, a fully landscaped 257-
acre site.
Latitude and Longitude Coordinates:
51.280950 - 0.791390

Current occupiers include:

● QinetiQ - a FTSE 250

company engaged in the
Defence, Aerospace,
Security & Technology
Solutions Markets and the
Largest Research and
Technology Organisation in
the UK.
● This includes the famous
Arthur C. Clarke building.
An aerial view of the
Cody Technology Park,
Farnborough, Hampshire, UK
QinetiQ could well be a front company that runs everything here:

1/3 of it is owned by an American company called the Carlyle Group, who

itself was massively funded by money flowing out of Saudi Arabia, and
even from the Bin Laden family!
Yes, Carlyle have/had involvement with the Saudi Binladin Group, the $5
Billion construction business run by Osama’s half-brother Bakr.
The infamous Carlyle Group are actually heavily involved in the US Army
and its directors include former UK prime minister John Major, (Ball) and
former US president George H.W. Bush, (as well as his father George W.
Bush Snr.), James Baker other prominent or former public officials.

Another piece of potentially significant information has been brought to our attention about this rather shadowy outfit in Farnborough.
As most readers who are well-versed on this topic will know, the Illuminati go to so much effort to hide their esoteric communications in
plain site, using symbols so blatent and obviously occult-inspired, that often they go unnoticed and unappreciated by many.
Secretly our rulers are absolutely obsessed by symbolism and numerology... so, (apart from the streets in front of the main QinetiQ building looking
like an alien when viewed from above - and apart from there being a disc-shaped structure situated smack bang on its forehead), what else is there by way of
evidence that this is REALLY the case... especially as far as Farnborough is concerned?
Well, their title of ‘QinetiQ’ it turns out, has a Jewish Gematria value of 303... and the word ‘Pentagon’ also has exactly the same value!
‘QinetiQ’ = 'Pentagon', what are the odds of that? A bit strange don't you think?

Work it out for yourself with this Gematria Calculator

We imagine a few readers might ask 'what the devil is Gematria when it's at home?'

Gematria /ɡəˈmeɪ.tri.ə/ (Greek: meaning geometry) is an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of code and numerology later adopted into Jewish

culture that assigns numerical value to a word or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some

relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to nature, a person's age, the calendar year, or the like.

Gematria is a form of Jewish numerology…. and remember what we said about how those in positions of great power are so fixated with


If you are still left in any doubt, simply Google ‘Illuminati’ - ‘Numerology’ - ‘Gematria’ and read the results!
‘hmmm, now let me think.’
What - You Still Can’t See It?

Well OK, To Make Things Easier For

You, Let’s Go Back 20-50,000
Years For Another Clue.
Seems familiar eh?
From Australia to Peru - to England

Now highlighted here for ease of

viewing, we suggest that this is a
Stylized, Diagrammatic Representation
of an Alien Grey/Reptilian Hybrid
figure - just like the Australian
Aboriginal ‘Supreme Creator’ paintings
attempted to portray...

...but, (and staying on a similar theme),

rather like the ancient deity geoglyphs
located in the Nazca Desert in
Southern Peru, this symbol is only
apparent from above - when viewed

So, it has to be asked - what is such an

image also doing here in Farnborough,
Hampshire, England, the home of
Aviation Development?
Even some of their PR blurb is interesting; for instance, this 2014 Airshow
brochure openly boasts about Farnborough as ‘The Labyrinth’ (‘of Invention’).
‘Labyrinth’ - main Dictionary Definition 1. a complicated irregular network of
passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. Does this not
suggest to the reader Underground Tunnels - some kind of Subterranean Facility
perhaps? This can be a trick - hide the truth in Plain Sight - right under your very
noses; or in this case as we suspect, right under our feet.
Thinking about it hard again and
making another decision…

Hmmm, now let me see…

what could a representation
of an alien be doing in Farnborough,
embedded in the grounds
of Britain’s largest military
and aerospace research facility?

He replies ‘I’m sorry - you’ve lost me’.

(as if he didn’t know).

Left: QinetiQ image shown in negative;
can you see our Alien-looking friend?
‘The Supreme Creator’ as the early
aboriginals called him.

QinetiQ is known by those who work Right: Ancient Aboriginal Rock Painting of a Wandjina - or
here as ‘The Magic Kingdom’, ‘Supreme Creator’:
and believe me, everything in this I think the reader will agree, that our figure embedded into
place is as Illuminati as one can get... the modern QinetiQ layout bears more than a passing
full of symbolism and hidden meaning. resemblance to this venerable Wandjina painting.
...and on May 28, 1998 an aerial shot of DERA even appeared on the front
pages of our local papers...
...but it seems that very few people took much notice of this oddity in the
Try Googling ‘Ancient Wandjina Art Images’
There are loads of others to choose from.

all very similar

Which shows that we are not merely being ‘selective’
with our choice of early aboriginal art image; there are
enough of them... Go Compare with our Qinetiq friend!
A lasting reminder
So why do this? - why incorporate a massive image of an Alien,
or Supreme Creator, (a figure that can only be seen from the air) -
within what we suspect to be a Top Secret Subterranean Military

By using Sound-Right reasoning, we begin to appreciate why:

For a start, the design can only be translated by those who
hold the knowledge to decode such symbolism:

It will go unrecognised by most.

Likely enough, this New World Order crowd are quite a

supercilious lot and are simply boasting of their achievements
by displaying the Alien Creator symbol, (whilst having a big
laugh at our expense) - content in the knowledge that we cannot
fully prove our suspicions of what is at work here - or take
matters into our own hands either: Just imagine if we illegally
gained access to one of these D.U.M.B. facilities, and found out
what they were up to - we would be arrested, (or disposed of) -
NOT them. THEY haven’t broken any laws - because they ARE
the law and the FINAL word.

Image right: It is suspected that this is how the Illuminati see the
general public - as helpless puppets who can be easily
manipulated into thinking that accusations and ‘conspiracy
theories’ about nefarious government operations could not
possibly be true.
Left: Disc/Saucer structure from air - Right: ground view.

Note where this disc is positioned in relation to the Chakra points

shown on the chart below.

Why did the designer of this complex choose the Highest Chakra point to position a 16ft disc on - which
is the ‘Crown’ Chakra - a point on the body relating to Spiritual Matters?
Note also that the official representing colour for the Crown Chakra is White, same colour as the
*saucer is here, (*symbolic for the Vehicle in which ‘he’ or ‘they’ first arrived to earth perhaps?).
Worth pointing out also that the outline of the head is depicted in Grey (Alien Grey/Gray?),
whereas rest of its body, (the roads), is coloured in a blue-ish hue.
At the top of this Alien
Hybrid’s Head there is a
The Alien
16ft Flying Saucer
situated on its ‘Crown
Chakra’ or ‘Third Eye’
Hybrid Figure
area These are its
Explained stylized Ears

Slit Nose

Typical large Eyes of a

‘Grey’, somewhat
abstract of course
Arms The attention to detail here
is creepy; the figure even
has a mouth; a touch of
humour maybe - like the
joke is on us? or
something way more
sinister? The ‘Heart Chakra’

Chakra points; Sex
Organs/sexuality area. Torso
[Constructed over to
one side for reasons
of practicality?] The Tail of this hybrid is decidedly ‘Reptilian’
Deep Penetration
Fact: We have been informed by someone who works for a leading
Geophysical Field Equipment company, that one of its biggest customers for
their top end Deep Ground Penetrating Radar Instruments - which are used for
mining and geological surveying - is the Military.
This information has come from an unimpeachable source.
Every year they get orders for dozens of their machines, (each costing many
£thousands), from the MOD.
It has to be wondered, why does our military want so much of this equipment?
Why is it busy collecting all of this Geological data?
Think about it.
Please click these words to watch the video D.U.M.B.’s - Deep
Boring…. (Not!) Underground Military Bases
The pictures contained in this video are a collection from a
collaborated group of anonymous researchers, we therefore cannot
confirm the legitimacy of ALL of the pictures within... however we are
confident that MANY are perfectly real photo's of actual D.U.M.B.'s and
the diggers used to make them. The objective here is to bring this
subject into the open and to show that the technology exists, as do the
Please note: QinetiQ
has massive mining
interests, and also
assists the mining
industry with VIRTUAL
using computer-based
virtual reality
Our special emphasis
on ‘virtual reality' might
seem a bit odd at first,
but all will become
clear as the reader
progresses through this
dossier - Re: MILAB.
Re: Suspected Farnborough D.U.M.B. - Deep Underground Military Base
News and Mail article, Wednesday October 7, 2015
Quote: When questioned, a spokesman for QinetiQ said; 'we are sorry to say that no such
facility exists beneath Cody Technology Park.' (end quote)

Ah, denial, the most common defense mechanism; a DUMB idea even asking them we suppose.

Realistically, what other answer could be expected?

Interestingly, we noticed how this story was not covered in our local Star Courier, although it
appeared in every other edition of the same freebie paper, Guildford, Camberley etc, but not
Farnborough’s edition… why? Continued next page.
Quote from QinetiQ’s own literature: ‘One of QinetiQ’s skills is that it has
always been good at doing hard and difficult engineering, part of this has
been gained through building our other facilities across the UK.’
>Now Play Qinetiq Mining/Virtual Reality Training Video
- Click The Link And Think What This All Might Imply!<

Intermittently over a 15 year period, we had been hearing underground rumbles in Farnborough; also, as you may know, sound travels at night, and
quite often, we would hear the distinct bleep, bleep alarms of reversing heavy duty lorries in the distance, and even the clanging of girders, (or
something like that): In addition, imagine the noise an empty rubbish skip would make if it were dropped from a height to the ground - that is how
we would describe another sudden crashing, metallic sound that we heard from time-to-time.

If anyone complained about these disturbances - should they for instance write to their council or their local newspapers about this, (which we and
others did), - they would be fobbed-off with various pat answers/excuses - ‘oh, it was simply military conducting anti terrorism bomb training’ etc,
etc, and as for the lorry and clanging sounds - these apparently were just from ‘haulage vehicles used for road maintenance’, yet subsequent
daylight checks by us revealed no such large scale ‘maintenance’ on any of the major roads around here at that time.

Sure, we fully accepted the odd aerial bang and some rifle fire, (after all, this is to be expected as we were living close to Aldershot, ‘Home of The
British Army’, and they could do what they like, when they like on their own land, (large parts of which had been commandeered/purchased
especially for training purposes, farmland etc), fair enough ...but this was beyond mere ‘testing’ and the odd lorry - this was full-on, heavy duty stuff,
and in the middle of the night too, which didn’t make any sense to us - and as mentioned, this went on for the best part of 15 years: Local folk being
like they are, (generally a tad docile), either simply learned to live with and put up with these disturbances, while a few others even chose to move
away from the area altogether; but being the inquisitive and stubborn types that we are, Hilary and I stayed put and conducted our own search for
REAL answers.

Regarding these underground noises, we contacted the BGS Earthquake Seismology Team, the UK's national earthquake monitoring agency, but
after several weeks we received a reply informing us that their seismic equipment hadn’t registered anything significant for the Farnborough area…
so, another proverbial brick wall: Next, in 2009 we contacted a London University professor, (name/title details now forfeited to a Trojan virus on our
PC), who was very interested in what we had to say - and took on our case; then, after a period of about 2 years more, he and his team eventually
narrowed the problem down to within a 20 mile radius of Farnborough; unfortunately, several months after this, all contact with the investigative
team was lost, and we heard no more back from them.

Thankfully, in recent years, these disturbances have quietened down considerably, (and fingers crossed it stays that way) - so presumably whatever
it was they were building has now been completed.
Where Has All The Spoil Gone?
Where could the estimated multi million-tonne pile
of waste material brought up during the course of such a
mammoth mining operation, have gone to?

Landfill sites? Transported out to the coast and dumped at sea perhaps?

Possibly, then there are the massive ‘earth’ banks that were built some years ago around
Farnborough Airport or TAG London Farnborough Airport - huge man-made mounds.

The countless tons of ‘filler’ used for this project had to come from somewhere.

The authorities must think we’re all stupid, but now, after having done our homework, a likely secret is
laid bare.
Image taken from a
QinetiQ Virtual Reality
mining training video,
showing the scale of
their giant earthmoving
These huge banks
all around
as they seem,
Earthen and
covered with real
grass (as opposed
to Astro Turf or
similar); so here
may be the answer
as to where some
of the excavated
spoil went to.

Please bear in mind

that these banks
are enormous and
run a considerable
distance around
this facility, (built
circa 2006) as part
of the sites’
landscaped design.
Let us not forget either, the GEC-Marconi scientist deaths, where
between 1982 and 1990, twenty-five, (25), British-based GEC-Marconi
scientists and engineers who died under mysterious circumstances,
which included Marconi employees from nearby Frimley and

Police investigations found the deaths to be unconnected

and lacking evidence of foul play.

Might there be a connection here concerning Black Program

Extraterrestrial/Government/Military Interests?
such as these D.U.M.B.’s and the things that are supposed to go on
QinetiQ is the world's leading defence technology and security

QinetiQ is Omnipresent - from the ocean bed to outer space, they

predict, prepare for and create the future. They are the world's
leading supplier of military robotics. They’re in cars, planes, boats
and trains: They’re there when you use your mobile. They’re in the
tag on your new pair of jeans. They are even there when you undergo
a body scan. They work with NASA, Rolls-Royce, BAA, Boeing, Intel,
London Underground, DARPA, (The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency), the Army, the Royal Navy and the RAF. And they’
ve been supplying the ideas behind everyday existence for a very
long time. Their rich heritage of invention includes RADAR, thermal
imaging, LCD, flat panel speakers, carbon fibre and the jet engine.
Scoping Beneath QinetiQ Using Remote Viewers

The results of official US Government scientific

studies completed using ‘remote viewers’
indicates the definite existence of ‘psychic’
phenomena in humans.

Although not well understood, some of these

phenomena are controllable and have profound
implications for intelligence collection and
security. See next page
Experiments Performed on the QinetiQ Facility Employing Independent
Psychic and Remote Viewing (RV) Specialists

Remote viewers "see" objects and scenes hundreds or thousands of miles away by closing their eyes and focusing on the object
or place, working from map coordinates or a very basic description of the ‘Target’. Although information received through such
extrasensory means can often prove to be jumbled or confusing, there is generally a core element of fact to what is revealed.

As-is, unedited, uncorrected communications:

Psychic No 1: ‘Couldn't wait - curiosity got the better of me - got Google Earth downloaded and then put in QinetiQ; saw the map
pinpoint, and got immediately banks of people staring at screens in underground (?) setup - that’s without even trying - not very
helpful but I got that it was connected with security and 'warfare' and 'monitoring'; the people doing this were kind of 'enslaved' in
the mindset - don't know how to put it any other way, like battery hens.

Underground because of the ambience - artificial light and a sense of 'no daylight' and also a depressing feel about the place; lots
of screens full of data, rows of numbers and a grid pattern, (almost like a 'spider’s web'), that seemed to be the basis of the work
done by the people staring at screen.

There were dark-uniformed staff there too - peaked caps, guns as well; these seemed to be security or military and not working on
the data, more like 'minders'.

As for the car park… under that, get a tubular feeling about lots of tunnels and a big complex of interconnecting tunnels; yellow,
yellowish lighting, a sort of background 'hum' as if some sort of plant or machinery is operating, some weapons down inside the
tunnels… missiles? seemingly sharp needle-nosed 'weapons' of some kind… and there are laboratories also, 'specimens' in fluid.

I think of greys, deep down; not connected with the command centre directly but connected by tunnels to that.
Psychic No 1 continued:

There are lifts that don't work via the usual means, There is a connection with 'space' and satellites, beam technology/weaponry -
energy grids, (an electronic grid pattern over the earth, that is to say - a grid based on triangulates), a bit like this.

Fluctuations on the energy grids are monitored like a spider feels an insect on the outer limits of the web and 'homes in'. Its a huge
complex, 'black weapons', defensive; they seem to be on the alert for threats from beyond our planet, but could be used against
earthly threats as well. They have a cover of conventional 'services' most of the people on the surface don't know what is
underneath. Rumours circulate, Knowledge is not certain, some people suspect but can't get beyond 'top secret' screens; craft there
that work on electromagnetic fields for energy source; several different projects down there. Also a connection with undersea craft,
not always 'ours'. I get the feeling that reptilians are involved as well, deep, deep down - never seen except by a very few people.
They are big, large I mean in size, head and shoulders above the humans. Mean and cold; no emotions. super intelligent. I got the
overall feeling that it is a sinister place.

Maybe one of my spirit (guides?) helped - I found later that I had left one of them able to 'roam free', rather than being 'contained'
after last dealing with them - so maybe he was on hand; the info came from 'somewhere' in a mediumistic flow.

Remote Viewer No 1

1st Attempt: Whatever you are looking for has intelligence and is able to move around; although I haven’t looked at the area it’s in a
dense part, (woodland), there are houses around maybe a small village; also its definatly not static there seems to be a small
distance between the houses or people and some kind of wood or similar; I’ll post more later as i’m working on another case as well.
2nd Attempt: Had a look today and saw the configuration you described, which is why I was drawn to the woods on the perimeter; the
building has an underground part to it and what goes on down there creates a lot of screaming, pain etc; there is also something in
the forest. Gaining access by normal means would be impossible; although very public, there is some serious testing going on there;
will get to the right block which seems to be plain white and small. Hope this helps.
‘‘From some of the RV descriptions of this place, we get the
impression that here, we might even be looking at some kind of
Secret Underground Command Center.’’
What D.U.M.B.’s Might Be
Used For
The MILAB - (Military Abduction)
Secret Human Experimentation
Here is something in the way of proof for the Abduction Phenomenon.
This is a comparison of the art created by two separate and unrelated Alien Abduction experiencers/contactees; lecturer/author Ellis Taylor and
former MoD worker, now researcher/housewife Hilary Porter.
On the left is a picture painted by Ellis depicting an abduction recollection he had just a few years ago, when he recalled having been taken
aboard a craft; it shows the saucer cockpit and beings; on the right is Hilary's drawing that she made of her similar experience way back in 1970;
this is her recall of the saucer cockpit and aliens that she saw during her own abduction. So basically, these drawings were made around 40
years apart, yet we think the viewer will agree, they bear a certain resemblance; but how can this be if the alien experience is merely just a
figment of the imagination as skeptics love to keep telling us? - especially as Hilary's drawing had never been in the public domain up to that
Now a third image has been added to
those of abductee/experiencer Ellis
Taylor and Hilary Porter.

Surely, this drawing must be that of

another alien abductee one would think,
as it is so similar to the others ...but
A while back we came across
this old drawing on the net
made by self -proclaimed
whistleblower Barry King.

The image is supposed to

depict a laboratory room in
an alleged Secret British
MILAB (Military Abductions)
facility at Peasemore,
Berkshire, where he claims to
have worked as a Security
Officer years ago;

Here we see the ‘trip seat’,

used for programming,
deprogramming and
reprogramming, among other

We think his sketch bears a

passing resemblance to the
two abductee pictures
(rounded room - position of
computer screens etc).
We don't know all of the ins-and-outs as it were, but basically, this
is the scenario for a MILAB abduction episode:

Depending on an individual’s circumstances, (usually subjects

living alone), victims will be clandestinely given some subliminal
mind programming, ...hypnotic cues which they may unwittingly
receive days, weeks, or even months before an abduction is due
to take place.

Later, (as and when required), these ‘cues’ will be ‘triggered’ via a
'silent' phone call to their home - where a special frequency,
(rather like a barely audible dog whistle sound), is sent down the
line, which they have been instructed to respond in a certain way

Then after this ‘mystery’ phone call, the victim will receive a visit
later that night ...a knock or a ring at their front door; of course,
those waiting outside this person’s place of residence will be a
couple of 'special ops', military guys probably garbed in overalls.

Now in a fully compliant, obedient state, the victim willingly goes

with these uninvited visitors, where he or she is helped into the
back of an unmarked white van and transported to the 'lab'.

Once there, the victim is strapped to a table, drugged and

subjected to psychiatric and/or physical abuse, chip implantation
etc, etc.

Finally, when they have served their usefulness, the helpless

abductee is, (probably whilst still half-drugged), shown staged
footage of actors wearing alien masks - and maybe the odd flying
saucer prop as well, perhaps on a screen or through some kind of
virtual reality headset - before being returned home; and voilà! ...
guess what the victim remembers when they wake up? Not a
ghastly and terrifying ordeal in the hands of humans - but a
slightly more acceptable Alien Abduction Encounter - a false
So these are to 'bring back 'training memories' are they?
but is has to be wondered what else these cannisters of
'smells' (such as grass) developed by DERA, could be used
for; to assist with implanted, false memories perhaps?

It has to be wondered what else these canisters could be used for?

False abduction memories perhaps?

Left; cutting from DERA in-house newspaper

It’s unthinkable for most people that our caring,
sharing governments would sanction such things;
but unfortunately the situation is far worse than
even we can even reveal here;
some doors are best left shut.

What we can reveal however, is that the history of

secret chemical, biological and nuclear experiments
conducted by governments around the world,
(including the UK and US), upon its own
unsuspecting people is very well documented;
and what follows is the unquestionable proof.
Project MK ULTRA.
This concerns Secret Mind Control
Experimentation conducted on the
American public by the CIA!
Britain also practised similar testing
on its own subjects.
You may not want to believe what
you about to read, but it’s ALL true!
This program was conducted from 1953 to 1964, when the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) conducted dozens of experiments on the effects
of biological and chemical agents on American citizens without their
knowledge in Project MKUltra. These covert tests included subjecting the
unwitting subjects to hallucinogenic drugs and other chemicals, among
other things.
It is difficult to find official documents about this program; however, in 1976
and 1977, the U.S. Senate conducted investigations and even held a joint
committee hearing on Project MKUltra, then published much of what was
discovered; you will not believe what they found out.
Please click here for an official report into The CIA’s Program of
Research in Behavioral Modification
Taken from Wikipedia: Project MKUltra — sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program — was the
codename given to an illegal and clandestine program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and
procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind
Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the project coordinated with
the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army's Chemical Corps.[1] The program began in the early 1950s, was officially
sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973.[2] The program
engaged in many illegal activities;[3][4][5] in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which
led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[3](p74)[6][7][8] MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's
mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other
chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.[9]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and
universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.[10] The CIA operated through these institutions
using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[11]

As the Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:

concerned with "the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment
in clandestine operations to control human behavior." The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency
contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private
researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MKULTRA indirectly, many of the participating individuals were
unaware that they were dealing with the Agency.[12]
Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald
Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that
CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller
Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of
documents that survived Helms' destruction order.[13]
Every word here is important in this story -
so please read the text.

For example at the top here: This subjects

memory was erased… her brain is now
that of a newborn baby!

Regarding this type of sick perversion -

read the next page in our presentation,
(if you can handle such shocking truths)
for the anecdote concerning ‘Petra’,
a little handicapped girl here in Farnborough.

We are not making any of this up.

Why on earth do this to anyone?

What sort of people are behind such atrocities?

But that’s in the United States, what has all of this got to do with Farnborough, UK?
you may be left wondering.

Bearing in mind that we live less than a mile and a half away from QinetiQ and the TAG
Farnborough aviation complex, here are two quick, but important anecdotes -
by Hilary Porter

A carer for a handicapped girl who attended a local club for those with disabilities, said
something to me that I will never forget; she said one day she went out in her car to their
local shopping centre in Farnborough with Petra; suddenly the girl became very upset as
we passed the airfield, and she said ‘’in there is where they have got my sister’, (pointing
excitedly to the airfield complex) - and she added ‘’I rarely see my sister now, as she is
not allowed out - only now and then, short visits - then she has to go; she lives in there
and now has a baby too’.

My friends mother works for the military as a cartographer, (map maker), and years ago,
(during the late 1990’s), I once began talking to her about the high amount of
underground explosions that we had been getting - deep rumbles so bad that they would
cause objects to vibrate within our house; she informed me that she had heard rumours
that the underground research base there was being expanded - and this enlargement
was going beneath North Camp and on to Aldershot.
These things happen for sure…
and many people go missing in this country as well:
Quote: ‘Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear’, many of whom are never found!

‘Odd place, Britain. Every day, 13 million

CCTV cameras track our movements.
We're PIN-numbered, databased, credit-
rated, nannied, Neighbourhood-Watched:
You you wouldn't think any of us could
slip away unnoticed.

But we do, in ever-increasing quantities.

Apart for the obvious answers, we must

also remember that there is more than
one type of sick and twisted mind in this
world… and some of those missing
individuals may have been MILAB

The point of this exercise is to show a possibility of what the

QinetiQ underground base, and other such secret facilities might be used for.

At the very least, Abduction and Experimentation is most likely, as

we have just seen; but by who or what exactly?

Secret Ops Military? Scientists? Aliens? Military/Non-Human collusion?

After learning about all of
this, one has to question
exactly where we are
getting our rapidly
advancing knowledge of
cloning and DNA from.

Is it only from open,

reputable and above board

...official, ethical,
controlled and scrutinised
clinical laboratories?

Or, in the name of science,

are dark, unethical (and
sometimes murderous)
experiments being
performed on human
captives, held in deep
subterranean cities? Some
never to be seen again.

...nightmare environments
where cloning, DNA
enrichment, and Alien
cross-breeding with human
beings is taking place -
perhaps right now, as we
Joining The Dots
So you see, the evidence is really beginning to stack up - simply join the dots together.

● Deep Underground Bases -

with possibly our own here in Farnborough, (the British equivalent of ‘Area 51’ in
Nevada, United States? which we have jokingly dubbed ‘Area 52’ - although many a true
word said in jest)

● UFO/Paranormal Activity/Alien Appearances

● Activity Mostly Performed Under The Cover of Darkness

● Abductions

We think most will agree, that an intriguing picture has now been laid bare - and it is hoped that
this has provided you all with some quality food for thought.
As Hilary’s Uncle, (Freddie Stringer - who was then head of Janes Aviation and
the Carroll Aircraft Corporation),
said with a little chuckle when we tried to press him for more information as to
why DERA Farnborough was referred to as ‘The Magic Kingdom’...
...‘Oh, everything around here is magic!’ he retorted.
And that was as far as he would go on the matter.
His knowing look said it all.
In case the reader missed our earlier list... apart from at QinetiQ itself, there
remains the question of other entrances to this huge underground facility;
where might they be located?
We have shortlisted three strong contenders:
● Within the 38 hectares of grounds at Minley Manor, Minley, Farnborough.
(Please ‘Google’ it for more info about this place).
● Somewhere in Aldershot; because the QinetiQ deep base is thought to
extend up to this major Military Garrison - 4 miles away!
Or even
● At Pirbright, Surrey - which is as much as 6 miles distant!

‘Everything around here is magic.’

the New World Order
Some viewers comments:

“Really interesting, I live overlooking this site and we have lately been woken by
loud rumbling and strange noises from that direction during the night.”

“I used to work at TAG and heard all sorts of rumours about the place - but no one
would confirm to me whether there was an underground section or tunnels there.”

“Just over a year ago we moved to a place near Sandhurst Academy and have been
experiencing strange vibrations and other unexplainable sounds in the location
ever since we came here.”

“That's right! I've worked for QinetiQ and its predecessors for over 20 years and I
can positively say that there is some truth in this report, but I will not divulge
anything more as I have said more than enough as it is.”

BEAMS website:

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