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DIOCESE OF GWERU Bishop’s House 77 Kopje Road P.O. Box 622 Phone: +263-54-2223565 Gweru Fax: +263-54-2223381 Zimbabwe Email: hi 1.60. zw! 13/12/2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, itis with my great joy that this year on the 16" December 2023, | will be celebrating twenty ive years of my priestly ordination. | thank the Lord who called me to serve him as a priest. As | celebrate these twenty five years of priestly ministry, many people have asked me: ‘Sekuru what do you want us to give you as a jubilee gift? In my reflection | remembered the words of, the Psalmist: “How can | repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? | will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the Lord's name” (Psalm 116:12-13). | also said to myself: What is the best gift to me and the Diocese? The gift that immediately came to my mind is that of bullding a hall at the pastoral centre for our Diocese Gweru, Our main focus as the whole Catholic family of Gweru is to construct something that accommodates us when we have our Diocesan functions such as a multi-purpose hall at the Pastoral Centre. This hall will contribute immensely towards our efforts of evangelisation. This endeavour fulflls our aspirations as the Diocese of Gweru to “Enlarge the space of our tent” Isaiah 54: 2). The hall will be used for pastoral, liturgical, educational, skills training and social activities. That is why I'm kindly appealing for your generous support towards the construction of this hall. All the gifts coming to me on this special occasion may be directed towards the construction of this mult- purpose hall. Let these words of St Paul's encourage us “Since you are eager for gifts of the spirit, try to excel in those ‘that build up the church” (1Cor 14:12). | thank you for your prayers and support in my ministry as the shepherd of the flock of the Lord. May the good Lord continue to guide and protect you in the life he is always giving you. Yours devotedly in Jesus Christ 4 Rugéit Nyandoro Bishop of Gweru

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