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Discuss the Global Classification System that is used to classify living organisms

Living organisms :
Living things in an ecosystem, representing the biotic element, are characterized by their vitality. Some
illustrations of these living entities encompass creatures like cattle, humans, insects, vegetation, and cells.
These living entities possess the capacity for reproduction, generating living cells or descendants. The
classification of organisms is determined by their resemblances and disparities. (, 2018)

Taxonomy :
The worldwide system employed for categorizing living organisms is known as taxonomy. Taxonomy
serves as the scientific discipline dedicated to naming, describing, and grouping organisms according to their
common traits and evolutionary connections. The principal objective of taxonomy is to arrange the extensive
array of life forms on Earth into a structured and hierarchical framework that mirrors the evolutionary
history of these organisms. (Global Taxonomy Initiative, 4.6.2010)
According to Global Taxonomy Initiative (4.6.2010), our understanding of taxonomy remains far from
comprehensive. Over the past two and a half centuries of research, taxonomists have officially designated
approximately 1.78 million species encompassing animals, plants, and microorganisms. However, the full
count of species remains uncertain, likely falling within a range of 5 to 30 million.
From the above information I can draw a conclusion with the uncertainty and incomplete knowledge in
taxonomy but in the mining context. In the South African mining industry, there's often a lack of
comprehensive information about the exact location, quantity, and quality of mineral resources within a
given area. Just as taxonomists have identified only a fraction of the estimated total species on Earth, miners
may have explored and documented only a fraction of the potential mineral deposits beneath the Earth's
surface. (, 2018)
Mining companies like Sedibelo Platinum Mines Ltd invest significant resources in exploration and
geological surveys to discover and assess mineral reserves. However, despite decades of exploration and
technological advancements, the total extent of valuable mineral resources within the Earth's crust remains
uncertain. Estimates of untapped mineral wealth can vary widely, much like the range of potential
undiscovered species in taxonomy.
This uncertainty in both fields highlights the ongoing need for continued research, exploration, and
investment to expand our knowledge and understanding, whether it's in identifying new species or
uncovering valuable mineral deposits. It also underscores the importance of sustainable and responsible
practices in both taxonomy and mining to ensure that our actions do not harm the environment or lead to the
extinction of species or depletion of finite resources.
Below is a mysterious mineral from Earth’s mantle discovered in South Africa :

Figure 1 : Mysterious mineral (Lanese, 2018)

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Linnaean System :
The Linnaean System, designed by the 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus, is an organized
hierarchical method for classifying and labelling living organisms. It provides a systematic way to group and
recognize species based on their shared traits and evolutionary relationships. This system involves several
hierarchical levels, starting from the broader categories and becoming increasingly specific. (Helmenstine
P.h.D, 2019)
According to Helmenstine (2019), the living things are scientifically classified into eight major classification
systems which are :
1. Domain : Is the highest classification level, where organisms are sorted into three main domains:
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This level signifies fundamental differences in cellular and molecular
2. Kingdom : Within each domain, organisms are further categorized into kingdoms. For example, the
Eukarya domain includes kingdoms like Animalia (for animals), Plantae (for plants), Fungi (for fungi), and
Protista (for protists).
3. Phylum : It is called phylum in animals while in plants and fungi, it's referred to as "division." These
terms are used to denote significant structural and evolutionary distinctions among organisms.
4. Classes : This is based on additional shared characteristics, which are then established within each
phylum or division. Classes are further divided into orders.
5. Orders : Orders reflect more specific similarities among organisms.
6. Family : Contains one or more "genera," which are clusters of closely related species.
7. Genus : A genus is a group of species that are closely related to each other. These species share many
common characteristics and are more similar to each other than they are to species in other genera.
8. Species : They represent distinct, individual populations of organisms that cannot interbreed. The
scientific name of a species follows the binomial nomenclature format, where both the genus and species
names are employed, with the genus name capitalized and both names italicized (e.g., Homo sapiens for
Linnaean System and mining.
In the context of mining, standardized terminology and classification systems are crucial for effective
communication and collaboration among professionals in the industry. It can help :
1 Avoiding Confusion : In mining, as in biology, using common names for minerals can lead to
confusion due to regional variations and different colloquial terms. By adopting standardized mineral
classification and nomenclature, professionals can minimize misunderstandings and ensure that they
are working with the same mineral definitions and properties.

2 Supporting Resource Management : Standardized classification systems in mining are essential for
efficient resource management and exploration. They help identify economically viable mineral
deposits and guide decision-making processes in mining operations, just as binomial nomenclature
aids in species conservation efforts in biology.
Standardized classification and nomenclature systems are vital in mining to ensure clear communication,
avoid confusion, support international collaboration, and make informed decisions in the extraction and
management of mineral resources. (Bressan, 2016)

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How animals are classified.

Domain (Domains)

Kingdom (Kingdoms)

Phylum (Phyla)

Class (Classes)

Order (Orders)

Family (Families)

Genus (Genera)


Figure 2 : Encyclopedia Britannica,Inc (2015)

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2. Explain the general pattern in species abundance and distribution, with specific examples of

Species abundance and distribution are essential principles in the fields of ecology and biology. They
explain the quantity of individuals of a species within a specific region and how they are spread across that
area. These concepts offer valuable insights into ecosystem dynamics and interactions, playing a crucial role
in comprehending biodiversity and environmental patterns. (Verwerk, 2011)
Species abundance.

What? - Species abundance indicates the quantity of individuals belonging to a particular species within a
defined region or community. (Dubey, 2023)
Factors affecting abundance - Several factors affect species abundance, including resource availability,
competition with other species, predation, environmental conditions, and reproductive rates. Abundance can
also vary seasonally and over time (Population dynamics, 2023)
Species abundance patterns. (Verwerk, 2011)

Species abundance patterns are consistent and foreseeable tendencies in how individuals from various
species are distributed within a specific ecological community or habitat.

 Log-normal distribution : This particular pattern is defined by a logarithmic scale displaying a

bell-shaped curve. In this distribution, a small number of species are exceptionally abundant,
whereas the majority are less common. Log-normal distributions are frequently seen in various
ecosystems where numerous uncommon species coexist alongside a small number of prevalent ones.
 Log-series distribution : In this pattern, species are ranked in decreasing order of abundance, with
each subsequent species being less than half as abundant as the previous one. It is often seen in
simplified or disturbed ecosystems.
 Dominance-persistance curve : Some ecosystems exhibit a few highly dominant species that persist
over time, while numerous rare species come and go. This pattern is common in ecosystems with
stable environmental conditions.
 Rank-abundance curve : This curve illustrates the proportional abundance of each species within a
community, arranged in order from most abundant to least abundant. It offers a graphical
representation of both species evenness and richness within an ecosystem.
 Species-area relationship : When the size of an ecosystem expands, it typically results in the
observation of a greater number of species. This phenomenon, referred to as the species-area curve,
is commonly employed to estimate species richness in larger ecosystems
 Species-energy hypothesis : This hypothesis proposes that the number of species in an ecosystem is
affected by the availability of energy resources. Ecosystems with greater energy availability have the
capacity to sustain a larger number of species.
Species distribution.

What? - Species distribution refers to the geographical locations where a species can be located and how its
populations are arranged within a particular habitat or ecosystem. (Dubey, 2023)
Factors affecting distribution - The distribution of species is determined by a variety of ecological factors,
encompassing habitat suitability, environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity, and light), the
presence of food and resources, interactions with other species (like competition and predation), and
historical aspects (including past geological events or migrations).

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Species distribution pattens. (Harieden, 2016)

Species distribution patterns pertain to the manners in which various species are spatially organized or
dispersed within a specific habitat, ecosystem, or geographical area.

 Clumped distribution : This pattern is defined by individuals of a species gathering or congregating

in specific regions of their habitat. A clumped distribution is frequently observed when resources like
food or shelter are not evenly spread throughout the environment. Many social animals display this
behavior, as they come together in groups for protection or reproduction.
 Uniform distribution : Uniform distribution is observed when members of a species are
consistently and evenly spaced across their habitat. This pattern is frequently observed in territorial
species, where individuals maintain a set distance from one another to minimize competition for
resources. For instance, nesting birds may maintain uniform spacing as a means to protect their
 Random distribution : In a random distribution, individuals of a species are dispersed in an
unpredictable manner, lacking any noticeable pattern. This pattern can arise when resources are
plentiful and not restrictive or when environmental conditions exhibit high variability.
 Endemic distribution : Certain species possess a very limited geographic distribution and exist
solely within particular, isolated regions. These species are described as having an endemic
distribution. For instance, Madagascar's lemurs are endemic to that island and do not naturally
inhabit any other part of the world
 Patchy distribution : Certain species exhibit a scattered distribution, indicating that they are located
in separate patches of suitable habitat within a broader area. This distribution pattern can arise due to
habitat fragmentation or specific ecological preferences.
 Latitudinal gradient : This pattern explains the alterations in species distribution as one moves
across different latitudes. It typically involves a rise in species diversity as one approaches the
equator, a phenomenon referred to as the latitudinal diversity gradient. Tropical areas tend to exhibit
more diverse species distributions in comparison to polar regions.
 Altitudinal gradient : Altitudinal gradients encompass alterations in species distribution based on
changes in elevation. When transitioning from lowland regions to higher altitudes, distinct species
may become more prevalent as a result of variations in temperature, humidity, and habitat

Figure 3 : The distribution-abundance relationship (Verberk, 2011)

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Figure 4 : Species abundance distributions on a log-normal scale (Verberk, 2011)

Species abundance in mining. (Sonter et al, 2018)

In mining, species abundance refers to the number of individuals of various plant and animal species found
within or near mining sites. This can vary significantly based on the type of mining, the geographical
location, and the ecological characteristics of the area. Examples include :
A. Coal mining and bird species : In areas where coal mining is widespread, the population of
specific bird species, like canaries, can be impacted. These birds might be more numerous in
proximity to coal mines because they can utilize abandoned mine structures as suitable nesting
B. Impact on acquatic species : Open-pit mining activities can have an impact on the population of
aquatic species such as fish by altering water quality and disrupting their habitats. Certain species
might experience a reduction in their numbers as a result of pollution or the destruction of their
habitat caused by mining operations.
Species distribution in mining. ( Mavani-Paras et al, 2019)

Species distribution in mining refers to where different plant and animal species are found in relation to
mining activities. It can provide insights into how mining affects local ecosystems. Examples include :
A. Habitat fragmentation : Open-pit mining can result in habitat fragmentation, where a formerly
continuous habitat is broken into smaller, isolated sections. This can impact species distribution,
causing some species to be confined to the remaining habitat fragments
B. Tailings ponds and bird species : Waste material storage ponds, known as tailings ponds in mining,
can draw the attention of bird species that utilize these areas for finding food. The presence and
distribution of bird species can be affected by the proximity of these ponds.
In general, the influence of mining on the distribution and abundance of species is intricate and reliant on the
situation. It can lead to both decreases and enhancements in the population levels of various species,
contingent on specific conditions, the nature of mining activities, and the efficacy of environmental
management strategies. Employing sustainable mining methods and practicing responsible environmental
stewardship are crucial to mitigate adverse impacts on biodiversity and safeguard ecosystems.

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3. Describe the impact of mining and related activities on the physical and cultural environment
in South Africa, with an emphasis on communities.

Mining’s impact on people

Mining and its associated operations have exerted a notable influence on South Africa's physical and cultural
surroundings, with a particular focus on the well-being of local communities. These effects encompass a
spectrum of advantages and disadvantages and have undergone transformations as the mining sector has
evolved and adapted. Here's an overview of the key aspects of this impact:
a) Economic impact (Bravus mining and resources, 2021)

Upside : Throughout history, mining has played a pivotal role in propelling the South African economy
forward, making substantial contributions to GDP, employment opportunities, and government income.

Downside : Unfortunately, these economic advantages have not consistently reached the grassroots level
within local communities, resulting in economic disparities and unequal distribution of wealth. In certain
mining regions, economic stagnation persists
b) Environmental impact (Laker, 2023)
Negative: Mining operations have led to widespread environmental harm, encompassing issues such as soil
erosion, loss of forests, contamination of air and water, and the destruction of habitats. These consequences
have had an impact not only on the nearby ecosystems but have also posed threats to the well-being and
economic stability of adjacent communities.
c) Health impact (Leuemberger, 2021)
Negative: The emission of pollutants and particulate matter from mining activities has resulted in severe
health concerns within neighbouring communities, causing respiratory illnesses and various other medical
conditions. Additionally, water contamination can jeopardize the availability of safe drinking water for these

d) Land displacement (Shackleton, 2020)

Negative: Mining frequently necessitates the relocation of communities, triggering social upheaval, the
erosion of cultural heritage, and sometimes even disputes over land ownership.
e) Cultural impact (Jurgenson, 2020)
Negative: Mining has the potential to disturb cultural traditions, as it frequently occurs in proximity to lands
that hold sacred significance for local communities. Traditional lifestyles can be jeopardized or even
extinguished as a result of mining operations
f) Social impact (Metalex commodities inc, 2023)
Negative: Mining can place pressure on the local infrastructure, such as housing, healthcare, and education,
which may not be sufficiently expanded to cope with the increased numbers of workers and their families
g) Social conflict (Saenz, 2019)
Negative: Tensions can emerge among mining firms, local communities, and government officials
concerning issues like land ownership, compensation, and environmental matters.

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h) Long-term sustainability (Saenz, 2019)
Questionable: Although mining has delivered immediate economic advantages, its long-term viability
raises doubts. After mineral resources are exhausted, communities might find themselves with limited
economic support and a legacy of environmental harm.
i) Regulation and mitigation (Shackleton, 2020)
Mixed: South Africa has enacted measures to address the environmental and societal repercussions of
mining, yet the consistency of enforcement and adherence can be inconsistent. Certain mining enterprises
have endeavored to alleviate their impact via community development initiatives, but the effectiveness of
these efforts varies.
j) Social benefits (Saenz, 2019)
Positive: A number of mining firms have launched community development initiatives, including the
establishment of schools, healthcare facilities, and vocational training programs, resulting in beneficial
effects for nearby communities.
In summary, mining and its associated endeavors have produced intricate and varied effects on both the
natural and cultural landscapes of South Africa, notably within local communities. Although the sector has
delivered economic advantages, it has also been linked to environmental deterioration, health concerns,
social disputes, and cultural upheaval. Striking a balance between the economic advantages of mining, the
welfare of local populations, and the protection of the environment continues to pose a significant challenge
for both the South African government and the mining sector.

Mining’s impact on animals (Mac, 2016)

Mining and associated operations within South Africa have exerted notable influences on both the natural
environment and the wildlife, resulting in repercussions for the cultural surroundings and nearby

I. Habitat destruction

Negative: Mining frequently requires the extensive clearance of land for excavation, leading to the
eradication of vital wildlife habitats. This habitat loss can result in the relocation of diverse animal species.

II. Water pollution

Negative: Mining has the potential to pollute adjacent water sources by discharging harmful chemicals and
heavy metals. Such contamination can have adverse consequences on aquatic ecosystems, causing a decline
in water quality and affecting aquatic organisms.

III. Air pollution

Negative: Mining activities, particularly those related to mineral processing and smelting, have the potential
to emit pollutants into the atmosphere. These airborne contaminants can adversely affect both terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems and have detrimental effects on the health of animals.

IV. Noise and vibration

Negative: Mining operations produce substantial noise and vibrations, which have the potential to disturb
the behavior and living environments of wildlife. These disruptions can result in stress, displacement, and
alterations in the migration patterns of animals.

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V. Fragmentation of habitats

Negative: Infrastructure expansion linked to mining, including the construction of roads and railways, can
fragment natural habitats, hindering the free movement of animals and their access to resources. This
fragmentation can result in isolated animal populations and decreased genetic diversity.

VI. Direct harm to wildlife

Negative: Certain mining activities can unintentionally pose risks to wildlife through incidents like vehicle
collisions, damage to nests or burrows, and direct exposure to hazardous substances.

VII. Invasive species

Negative: Mining operations can introduce invasive species into ecosystems, whether deliberately or
accidentally, and these invasive species can compete with native wildlife, leading to disturbances in local

VIII. Conservation efforts

Mixed: Despite the challenges mining poses to wildlife, certain mining companies in South Africa have
launched conservation initiatives and biodiversity offset programs aimed at alleviating these effects. These
endeavors may encompass activities like restoring and safeguarding habitats.

IX. Regulation and enforcement

Mixed: South Africa has established environmental regulations to tackle the effects of mining on wildlife,
but the enforcement of these regulations can be irregular. The degree to which these regulations effectively
protect biodiversity varies.

In conclusion, mining and associated operations in South Africa have resulted in adverse consequences for
the natural environment, notably through habitat destruction, pollution, and ecosystem disruption. These
repercussions also affect the wildlife, potentially impacting local communities and their cultural ties to the
environment. Striking a balance between the economic advantages of mining, wildlife conservation, and
cultural preservation is a intricate challenge that necessitates meticulous planning, effective regulation, and
mitigation measures.

Figure 5 : Dead fish due to diamond mining (Matthews, 2019)

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4. Describe the adaptations and behaviour of plants and animals through the ecosystems
concerning mining activities.

Mining operations can cause substantial effects on the ecosystems in which they are situated, resulting in
various adjustments and responses from both flora and fauna as they attempt to adapt to the transformations
in their surroundings. These adaptive responses can fluctuate based on the nature of the mining method (e.g.,
surface mining, underground mining, or mountaintop removal mining), the size of the operation, and the
unique ecological circumstances involved.

Figure 6 : Some bats live in mines (National park service, 2014)

Changes in habitat selection (Northrup et al, 2021)

Plants: Certain plants might adjust to mining operations by changing their habitat preferences. They could
thrive in areas that have been disrupted, where the soil and vegetation have been cleared away, capitalizing
on the greater sunlight and access to nutrients.

Animals: Some animals may modify their habitat choices to steer clear of mining zones, searching for
shelter in undisturbed areas. Conversely, some may seize the opportunities presented by the transformed
landscapes, like scavenging in exposed soil or mining facilities

Soil and water adaptations (Anawar et al, 2013)

Plants: Some plants may evolve specialized root systems to extract water and nutrients from soils that have
been disrupted or contaminated. Some of these plants are referred to as "pioneer species" and can enhance
soil quality through the process of phytoremediation.

Animals: Certain animals may adjust to alterations in water quality resulting from mining activities. For
instance, specific fish species can withstand elevated levels of heavy metals in water.

Nocturnal behaviour (Marent, 2019)

Animals: Mining operations frequently entail the use of loud machinery and disruptions during daylight
hours. As a response, certain animals might increase their nocturnal activity to steer clear of these

Migration and dispersal (Anawar et al, 2013)

Plants: Seeds that are dispersed by the wind or species with mechanisms for long-distance dispersal can
utilize the disturbed terrain to establish themselves in fresh locations.

Animals: As mining operations expand, some animals may have to undertake migration in search of suitable
habitats, potentially resulting in shifts in their migration patterns.

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Avoidance and stress responses (Anawar et al, 2013)

Plants: Certain plants may display stress reactions in response to pollutants or shifts in soil quality, such as
modified growth patterns or the synthesis of protective compounds.

Animals: Wildlife can demonstrate stress-related behaviors, like elevated levels of stress hormones or
changes in feeding and reproductive habits, as a reaction to habitat disturbance and mining-related pollution.

Human interaction (Anawar et al, 2013)

Animals: Certain animals might acclimate to the presence of humans connected to mining activities. They
may grow accustomed to human presence and may even forage for food in close proximity to mining

Conservation measures (Anawar et al, 2013)

Plants and Animals: In reaction to the adverse effects of mining, conservation initiatives may be launched
to safeguard at-risk species or ecosystems. These initiatives may encompass activities like restoring habitats,
implementing captive breeding programs, and designating protected areas.

It's crucial to acknowledge that mining operations can exert both immediate and indirect influences on
ecosystems. The responses and behaviors of plants and animals can diverge significantly, contingent upon
the particular conditions and the adaptability of the species in question. To mitigate the ecological
consequences of mining activities and foster the enduring well-being of impacted ecosystems, it is
imperative to prioritize conservation and sustainable mining practices.

Figure 7 : A rare plant which bleeds nickel grows near mines (Dyna, 2020)

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5. Describe the importance of ecotones

Ecotones represent transitional regions where multiple distinct ecosystems intersect and engage in mutual

Figure 9 : Example of an ecotone (Amruta, 2023)

These distinct zones assume a vital role in the natural world for several compelling reasons:

Biodiversity Hotspots: Ecotones frequently harbor a greater abundance of diverse life forms compared to
the neighboring ecosystems. This phenomenon arises from the coexistence of species from both ecosystems
within these transitional areas, leading to a wealth of plant and animal species. Ecotones function as
sanctuaries for organisms adapted to varying environmental conditions and facilitate the exchange of genetic
material among populations. (Defenders of wildlife, 2023)

Augmented Resilience: Ecotones serve as protective barriers or shock absorbers in the face of
environmental upheavals such as wildfires, storms, or disease outbreaks. The assortment of species and
habitats present in ecotones serves as a reservoir of resilience, enabling ecosystems to recover more swiftly
following disturbances. (Kotter, 2015)

Nutrient Cycling: Ecotones represent dynamic zones where the circulation of nutrients and the flow of
energy between ecosystems take place. They can act as focal points for nutrient transfer between terrestrial
and aquatic systems, thereby enhancing the overall productivity and health of ecosystems. (Geeks for geeks,

Distinctive Species and Adaptations: Certain species have evolved specialized traits that enable them to
thrive within ecotone environments. These species may possess unique adaptations that enable them to
exploit the resources and conditions specific to these transitional regions.

Research and Conservation: Ecotones hold significant value as research sites for ecologists and
conservationists. They provide valuable insights into the ways ecosystems interact, adapt to changing
circumstances, and respond to human impacts. A comprehensive understanding of ecotones is essential for
effective conservation and restoration initiatives.

Provision of Ecosystem Services: Ecotones can deliver critical ecosystem services to human communities.
They aid in the regulation of water flow, the enhancement of water quality, and the mitigation of flooding
impacts. Furthermore, ecotones often support recreational activities and tourism, contributing to human

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Mitigating Climate Change: Ecotones can function as natural carbon reservoirs by storing carbon within
vegetation and soils. Safeguarding and rehabilitating ecotone areas can play a role in climate change
mitigation efforts by preserving these carbon reserves. (Lemessa, 2023)

Cultural and Aesthetic Significance: Ecotones possess aesthetic appeal and cultural importance. Many
individuals value these transition zones for their natural beauty, and they may hold cultural or spiritual
significance for indigenous communities.

In summation, ecotones hold ecological significance as they foster biodiversity, bolster ecosystem resilience,
facilitate nutrient cycling, support unique species and adaptations, serve as pivotal sites for research and
conservation, provide essential ecosystem services, contribute to climate change mitigation, and possess
cultural and aesthetic value. Acknowledging and preserving the importance of ecotones is indispensable for
the maintenance of the health and integrity of ecosystems on a global scale.

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Discuss the Global Classification System that is used to classify living organisms

(, 2018) -

(Global Taxonomy Initiative, 4.6.2010) -

(, 2018) -

Figure 1 : Mysterious mineral (Lanese, 2018) -


(Helmenstine P.h.D, 2019) -

(Bressan, 2016) -


Figure 2 : Encyclopedia Britannica,Inc (2015) -


Explain the general pattern in species abundance and distribution, with specific examples of organisms

(Verwerk, 2011) –


(Dubey, 2023) -

(Harieden, 2016) -


(Population dynamics, 2023) -


(Mavani-Paras et al, 2019) -

(Sonter et al, 2018) -

Describe the impact of mining and related activities on the physical and cultural environment in South
Africa, with an emphasis on communities.

(Bravus mining and resources, 2021) -


(Laker, 2023) -

(Leuemberger, 2021) -

Page 14 of 17
(Shackleton, 2020)
displacements%20 largely%20 affect%20poor,to%20livelihoo d%20 shocks%20and%20poverty.

(Jurgenson, 2020) -


(Metalex commodities inc, 2023) -


(Saenz, 2019) -

(Mac, 2016) -


Describe the adaptations and behaviour of plants and animals through the ecosystems concerning mining

(Anawar et al, 2013)

(Northrup et al, 2021) -

(Marent, 2019) -

(Dyna, 2020) -


(National park service, 2014) -

Describe the importance of ecotones

(Amruta, 2023) -

(Defenders of wildlife, 2023) -


(Kotter, 2015) -

(Geeks for geeks, 2023) -

(Lemessa, 2023) -

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Extra references

1. The water cycle. (n.d.). Retrieved


2. The carbon cycle. (n.d.). Retrieved


3. “The Nitrogen Cycle.”, Geography Bse, 16 Nov. 2017,


4. “Nitrogen Cycle The Complete Process of Biogeochemical Cycle.” Biology, 18 Jan. 2018,

5. "The importance of Nitrogen"


6. Bailey, Regina. ThoughtCo,

7. Nutrient Cycling,

Page 16 of 17
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