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CEG BANIKANNI Année scolaire: 2023-2024

BP: 1071 Parakou in a more competitive world. If you want to stay with the other global
Classe: Tle B Date: Mercredi 14 février 2024 Heure: 15h00-18h00 universities, you have no other choice.”
TRAVAUX DIRIGES EN ANGLAIS N°2 DU 1ER SEMESTRE 5- Many other European universities have taken the same
decision and the phenomenon is spreading to Asia. There is a huge shift
CD2: Réagir à un texte ou support multimédia under way and it has become extremely rare to meet a scientific research
CD3: Produire un type de texte ou support multimédia or international businessperson who cannot speak fluent English. How
A- LA REACTION A UN TEXTE LU OU SUPPORT MULTIMEDIA else would Peruvians communicate with Chinese?
Contexte: La langue anglaise est la plus dominante langue dans le
6- But wait a minute. Peruvians speak Spanish, the world’s
monde. Cela se caractérise par son importance dans la vie de tout être
second biggest-language, and Chinese have the largest number of native
Support: speakers of any language. Why don’t they just learn each other’s
Text: The triumph of English as the world’s language. languages?
1- The second president of the United States, John Adams, 7- Because neither language is much used for talking to anybody
predicted in 1780 that ‘’English will be the most respectable language in else in the other continents. Since few people have the time to learn more
the world and the most universally read and spoken in the next century, if than one or two foreign languages, we need a single lingua franca that
not before the end of this one’’. It is destined ‘’in the next and succeeding everybody can use with everybody else.
centuries to be more generally the language of the world than Latin was 8- The choice has fallen on English not because it is more
in the last or French is in the present age’’. beautiful or more expensive, but just because it is already more
2- It was a bold prediction, for at that time there were only about widespread than any of the other potential candidates.
13 million English speakers in the world, almost all of them living in Britain By Gwynne Dyer, Special to the BDN (posted May 21, 2012, at 3:43 pm).
or on the eastern seaboard of North America. So how is Adams’ Critères d’’évaluation: Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as
prediction doing now? compris en :
 utilisant “right” ou “wrong” pour les affirmations sur le texte;
3- Well, it took a little longer than he thought, but last week one of
 répondant de manière succincte aux questions sur le texte;
the most respected universities in Italy, the Polytecnico di Milano,
 montrant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire du texte;
announced that from 2014 all of its courses would be taught in English.
 indiquant les mots auxquels se réfèrent des pronoms ou adjectifs;
4- There was a predictable wave of outrage across the country  reformulant des phrases de manière indiquée;
but the university’s rector, Giovanni Azzoni, simply replied: “We strongly  traduisant un passage du texte en Français.
believe our classes should be international classes, and the only way to Tâche:
have international classes is to use the English language. Universities are

Item 1: Say if these statements on the text are “Right” or “Wrong”: Item 5: Rephrase these sentences as indicated:
1- President John Adams had low expectations for English language. 1- ‘’English will be the most respectable language in the world in the next
2- English was already the most universally read and spoken language in century’’, John Adams predicted.
President John Adams’ lifetime.  John Adams predicted ----------------------------------------------------
3- In 1780, French was generally the language of the world. 2- John Adams made his prediction centuries ago.
 It --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4- President John Adams’ prediction has become a reality.
3- A most respected university in Italy announced its Anglicization and
5- For Giovanni Azzoni, universities are in a less competitive world. applied that announcement after some weeks.
 Not only ----------------------------------------------------------- as well.
Item 2: Answer these questions based on the text:
1- What was John Adams’ view as far as English language was 4- John Adams was right, the English teacher too.
 Both ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5- Some people disregard English today but they will need it in the future.
2- Can we say that President John Adams’ dream has become true? Give  No matter --------------------------------------------------------------------
a personal justification to your answer. Item 6: Translate the first paragraph of the text into French.
3- Why according to Gwynne Dyer the choice of a lingua franca has fallen
on English ?
Item 3: Find in the text the synonyms of:
Contexte: Il est nécessaire de sensibiliser les élèves qui ignorent
1- Globally (Paragraph 1).
l’importance de la langue anglaise.
2- Periods of hundred years (Paragraph 1)
Critères d’évaluation: Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un discours
3- Foretelling (Paragraph 2).
en Anglais par rapport à la tâche ci-dessous en :
4- Not happening often, not often seen (Paragraph 5).  respectant le format d’un discours ;
5- Belonging to another country (Paragraph 7).  respectant ses différentes parties ;
 construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
Item 4: Write the nouns which these pronouns or adjectives refer to:
1- One in ‘if not before the end of this one’ (Paragraph 1).  utilisant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et la ponctuation
2- It in ‘it is destined’ (Paragraph 1). Tâche:
3- He in ‘Well, it took a little longer than he thought’ (Paragraph 3). Writing: Write a speech to tell people the importance of the English
4- Its in ‘from 2014 all of its courses would be taught in English’ (Para. 3). language during a dedication ceremony in your school.
5- It in ‘it is already more widespread than any of the other ---’ (Para. 8).

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