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1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

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latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII

Total pertanyaan: 20 Kelas

Waktu lembar kerja: 32menit

Nama instruktur: Nova Angraini Tanggal


“Allow it to melt” (step 4). The word “it” refers to …

a) The ice b) The food

c) The freezing unit d) The refrigerator


“Save your valuable documents in the safest place in your house”

The synonym of the underline word is ...

a) Awful b) Bad

c) Scream d) Worth


What made Jakarta flooding ?

a) 80% there is garbage everywhere is b) Heavy rain never stop for three days
dipped the water

c) 80% of its area is dipped with water d) Heavy rain every day
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz


What should we do after turn the temperature control “defrost”?

a) Allow the ice to melt b) Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays

c) Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument d) Remove all another foodstuff


What is the purpose of the text?

a) To discuss the influence of CD-ROM on b) To measure the effectiveness of

the computer work. computer working with CD-ROM installed.

c) To tell how to install CD-ROM d) To tell the readers how to connect

computers using CD-ROM.


What does the writer strongly recommend in order to get the best result of the CD-ROM

a) That the computer should be turned off b) That the CD-ROM is set as Master device in
before installing CD-ROM. the Secondary IDE.
c) That CD-ROM is set as Master device in d) That we remove the computer cover first.
Primary IDE


What is the purpose of the text?

a) To explain the step how to face b) How to make heavy rain for three days
the problem of flood
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

c) To give an information the percentage d) To explain how to run when flooding

(%) of area flooding


According to the text, we know that the computer….

a) Belonged to the writer b) Was bought by the writer’s neighbour

c) Is ready to sell d) Was not ready to be used


The length of the pencil case depends on …

a) The size of the pen b) The box that we find

c) The ruler we have d) The items we are going to put there


“… Add glitter if you like.” (step 4) The synonym of the underlined word is …

a) Becloud b) Haze

c) Darken d) Twinkle


Plug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power on.
The word ‘outlet’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to ….
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

a) Cable b) Channel

c) Port d) Button


“Connect the IDE cable to the drive.”

The word ‘drive’ in the sentence refers to ….

a) Motherboard b) Jumper

c) Computer d) CD-ROM


What should you do to detergent first?

a) Put it away b) Clean it

c) Spray it d) Shake it up


What should be saved first ?

a) The unimportant documents b) The important documents

c) Electronic appliances d) Cupboard


What part of the CD-ROM should be set if you want to apply CD-ROM as Master or Slave?

a) Master/Slave Jumper b) Cable power
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

c) Motherboard slot d) IDE slot


Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface directly or
spray it on …

a) The fabric cleaner b) The brush

c) Our fingers d) The paper


“Connect the audio cable (if applicable).”

The sentence implies ….

a) It is not necessary to connect the cable if b) You may not turn the computer on before
it is not valid connecting the cable.

c) Reinstall the CD-ROM if you have not d) Your CD-ROM may not work properly
connected the cable. if you do not connect the cable.


What should we do after we move the arrow?

a) Click the star menu b) Look at the left button

c) Move the mouse d) Plug the power cord


“Cleanse gently with the fabric cleaner or brush” (step 3). What does the underlined word
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

a) Cleanly b) Directly

c) Carefully d) Harshly


From the text above we can conclude that we have to be …. in decorating the box to have a
good result.

a) Careful b) Box

c) Creative d) Risky

Kunci Jawaban

1. a) The ice 2. d) Worth 3. b) Heavy rain never stop

for three days

4. a) Allow the ice to melt 5. c) To tell how to install CD- 6. b) That the CD-ROM is set as Master de
ROM Secondary IDE.

7. a) To explain the step how8.tob)

by the
of 9. d) The items we are going
flood writer’s neighbour to put there

10. d) Twinkle 11. c) Port 12. d) CD-ROM

13. d) Shake it up 14. b) The important 15. a) Master/Slave Jumper


16. a) The fabric cleaner 17. a) It is not necessary to 18. a) Click the star menu
connect the cable if it
is not valid

19. c) Carefully 20. c) Creative
1/17/2024 latihan soal Procedure Text kls XII | Quizizz

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