Vocabulary Questions - Fill in The Blanks and Matching

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Fill in the blanks

Finagle Avail Negligent Ambivalent Magnanimous Frivolous

Grievance Concessions Disposition Eloquent Vindication Daunting
Squalid Benign Assuage Grapple d Squander Mollify
Aberrant Avaricious Nefarious Palatable Obtuse

1. He managed to ____________ a ticket concert by claiming to be one of the concert’s

committee members.

2. The board of directors of that company finally agreed to made some __________
regarding the work conditions of their employees to meet their employees’ demands
during the protest.

3. John failed to deal with his employee’s __________ about not being given a salary raise
even though the employee was known to be the best performing employee of the year.

4. Even though he won the competition, he remained ____________ in his victory and
praised his opponent.

5. I tried to __________ my mother by buying her a box of her favorite chocolate as she
was very angry at me.

6. It was very __________ for her to speak in front of a large crowd as she is a very shy

7. The parents regretted being _________ in allowing the child to play by herself near such
a dangerous area.

8. Jane tried her best to persuade her sister to change her mind but to no _________.

9. Some people like the movie and some people don’t, but I am ___________ about it.

10. We should not waste a lot of our time arguing about something so ___________.

11. The employee who was wrongly accused of stealing the office supplies finally earned
____________ for his innocence in this matter.

12. The _________ room was extremely uncomfortable for anyone to live in.
13. The robber ___________ with the police officer before finally surrendering himself.

14. The leader is so __________ in the way he explains the difficult decisions he made that
he got the full support of his team members.

15. My parents taught me since I was young that I must not ___________ money and time on
useless things.

16. The doctor told her that the disease is __________ and that she does not need to worry
too much about it.

17. The meal served in this restaurant is very ____________. I would definitely come back
for lunch some other time.

18. He is an ___________ businessman who does not hesitate to betray his partner for more

19. The police officers are putting maximum effort to arrest the main suspect for this
______________ scam.

20. ______________ behavior can be a sign of rabies in a wild animal.

21. Your cheerful _____________ tend to have a positive effect on others around you too.

22. The government has tried to ______________ the public’s fear of the effects of the recent

23. He pretended to be too ___________ to understand such simple problem as he does not
want anything to do with it.
Match the following words to their meaning:
1. used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary ________
1. Dissipation
2. having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge: ________ 2. Colloquial
3. Indolent
3. the squandering of money, energy, or resources: ________ 4. Astute
5. Vindictive
4. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy: ________ 6. Cavil
7. Inundate
5. overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with: ________ 8. Restive
9. Nuance
6. make petty or unnecessary objections: _________ 10. Beholden
11. Demure
7. having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or 12. Sordid
people and turn this to one’s advantage. _________ 13. Dauntless
14. Iniquity
8. owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or 15. Ignoble
a service. _________

9. A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. _________

10. unable to keep still or silent and becoming increasingly difficult

to control, especially because of impatience, dissatisfaction, or
boredom. _________

11. immoral or grossly unfair behavior. _________

12. showing fearlessness and determination. _________

13. reserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman). _________

14. involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste

and contempt; dirty or squalid _________

15. not honorable in character or purpose. _________

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