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1. Judgement (n) Sự phán xét Orchids are very dry things. The buying of
2. Perhaps (adv) Có lẽ orchids is always a kind of risk, The plant
3. Understand (v) Hiểu may be ugly or dead, or it may be just a
4. Cupful (n) Tách nhỏ nice one. Or you might be really lucky and
you buy a new kind with new colours and
5. Cousin (n) Anh em họ
shapes. It was perhaps the hope of some
6. Suppose (v) Giả định
such happy discovery that made Winter
7. orchid- Người sưu tầm
Wedderburn go so often to these sales. He
collector phong lan
was a shy and lonely man, who had enough
8. Malaria (n) Bệnh sốt rét
money to make sure he didn’t have to
9. Wounded Bị thương work in his life. He could collect stamps or
(adj) coins, or translate Horace, or write poems.
10.Poisoned (v) Bị đầu độc But, he grew orchids in his little hothouse.
11.Leeches (n) Đỉa "Peters' are going to sell some plants from
12.Quarter (n) Một phần tư the Andamans and the Indies. I will go to
13.Plenty (n) Nhiều London and see what they have. I may buy
14.Umbrella (n) Chiếc ô some. "When he returned from London he
15.Returned (v) Trả lại was excited. He had bought some flowers.
16.Excited (adj) Hào hứng It was unusual, because he usually
17.Unusual (adj) Bất thường hesitated and didn’t buy anything in the
18.Hesitated (v) Do dự end. But this time he had bought some
19.lovingly Đáng yêu flowers.
20.Soup (n) Canh Several of the Vandas and the Dendrobium
21.laid (v) Đặt died under his care, but the strange orchid
22.Telling (n) Nói began to grow. "I don't know for sure, but I
23.Slowly (adv) Chậm don't think there are any orchids that have
24.Exceptional Đặc biệt aerial rootlets quite like that.You see they
(adj) are a little flattened at the ends." "I don't
like them," said his housekeeper, and
25.Absolutely Tuyệt đối
turned away. "I know it's very silly of me,
and I'm very sorry, particularly as you like
the thing so much. But I can't help thinking of that dead man." A few days later he came to his
cousin and he was really excited. "The leaves are beginning to unfold now. I wish you would
come and see them! And at last the great thing happened. When he entered the little glass
house he knew that the plant started flowering.There was a new smell in the air. It was a rich,
very sweet smell. The flowers were white, with stripes of golden orange. He could see at once
that this flower was a new kind.
The flowers were white, with stripes of golden orange. He could see at once that this flower
was a new kind. The gardener was coming up the garden. He heard the smashing of glass, and
then he saw her pulling a motionless body and her hands were bloody. For a moment he
thought she had killed him. Wedderburn had lost a lot of blood, but otherwise there was
nothing wrong with him. The cold air was blowing through the open door. The orchid was
broken by the fall, and the flowers were getting brown at the edges. The next morning the
strange orchid still lay there. It was black now and it was dying. The cold wind was going
through the Wedderburn's orchids and they were getting dry. But Wedderburn himself was
bright and happy in his room

26.Pointed (adj) Nhọn 39.Fainted (v) Ngất

27.Branch (n) Chi nhánh 40.Swamp (n) Đầm lầy
28.Identified (v) Xác định 41.Suppose (v) Gỉa định
29.Housekeeper Người quản gia 42.Grow (v) Phát triển
30.Ugly (adj) Xấu xí 43.Aerial (adj) Trên không
31.Shape (n) Hình dạng 44.Fingers (n) Ngón tay
32.Pot (n) Nồi 45.Silly (adj) Ngớ ngẩn
33.Spider (n) Nhện 46.Particularly (adv) Cụ thể
34.Smiled (v) Mỉm cười 47.Shrugged Nhún vai
35.Root (n) Nguồn gốc 48.Shoulders (n) Vai
36.Certainly Chắc chắn 49.Generally (adv) Nói chung là
38.Adventure(n) Cuộc phiêu lưu
37.Stuff (n) Chất liệu 50.Thermometer Nhiệt kế
The Happy Prince

76.Column (n) Cột 51.Frowned (v) Cau mày

77.Sapphires (n) Ngọc bích 52.Severe (adj) Nghiêm trọng
78.Glowed (v) Phát sáng 53.Approve (v) Chấp thuận
79.Sword-hilt (n) Chuôi kiếm 54.Dreaming (v) Đang mơ
80.Admired (v) Ngưỡng mộ 55.Attracted (v) Thu hút
81.Weathercock (n) Ông gió 56.Slender (adj) Mảnh khảnh
82.Remarked (n) Nhận xét 57.Touching (adj) Sờ vào
83.Artistic (adj) Kĩ thuật 58.Courtship (n) Tán tỉnh
84.Fearing (v) Sợ hãi 59.Ridiculous (adj) Lố
85.Unpractical (adj) Không thực tế 60.Afraid (adj) Sợ
86.Muttered (v) Lẩm bẩm 61.Coquette (n) Làm tình
87.Gazed (v) Nhìn chằm chằm 62.Blew (v) Thổi
88.Statue (n) Bức tượng 63.Curtseys (v) Cuối đầu
89.Cathedral (adj) Thánh đường 64.Domestic (adj) Nội địa
90.Scarlet (n) Đỏ tươi 65.Preparations (n) Sự chuẩn bị
91.Pinafores (n) Yếm trẻ con 66.Alighted (v) Xuống xe
92.Softly Nhẹ nhàng 67.Sorrow (n) Nỗi buồn
93.Climate(n) Khí hậu 68.Indeed (adv) Thực vậy
94.North (adj) Phía bắc 69.Ugliness (n) Xấu xí
95.Dreadful (adj) Ghê gớm 70.Misery (n) Khốn khổ
96.Merely (adv) Chỉ đơn thuần là 71.Solid (adj) Chất rắn
97.Selfishness Tính vị kỷ 72.Seamstress (n) Thợ may
98.Chimney-pot(n) Nồi ống khói 73.Embroidering (v) Thêu thùa
99.Determined Xác định 74.maids-of-honour Phù dâu
(adj) 75.Marble (n) Đá hoa
100. Moonlight Ánh trăng
HIGH above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all
over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby
glowed on his sword-hilt. Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love
with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river
after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped.
Autumn came they all flew away.After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his
lady-love. But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up, and saw—
Ah! what did he see? The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were
running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little
Swallow was filled with pity. There is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it
I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands,
all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin
gown for the loveliest of the Queen’s maids-of-honour to wear at the next Court-ball. In a bed
in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. At last he came to the poor house and looked
in. The boy was tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallen asleep, she was so
tired. He visited all the public monuments, and sat a long time on top of the church steeple. He
swooped past the match-girl, and slipped the jewel into the palm of her hand. But at last he
knew that he was going to die but at last he knew that he was going to die. Paradise this little
bird shall sing for evermore, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me.

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