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• Elevate your knees high in the air while you walk.

Step up the pace to a

jog or incorporate more arm movements, such as a hand or elbow touch, to
intensify the walk.

• Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are a great way to intensify your warm-up
exercises because they work your arms and legs and give your routine more

• Side Hops: Leap from one side to the other of an imaginary line while
keeping your feet together. Or hop back and forth while standing on one

• Walking Lunges: Take a single step forward, bending your front knee to a
90-degree angle and extending your back leg outward. Next, get up and
execute a lunge by stepping the back leg forward.

• Arm Circles or Swings: Extend your arms from your shoulders, make small
circles with them, then get bigger. Rotate them in a forward direction for a
while, then backward. Alternately, swing your arms from shoulder to back
and forth.

• Butt Kicks: Try to "kick" your thigh or rear end with every stride when
jogging. (There are times when running in place makes this easier to do.)

• Dancing: Let kids create their own routines to their favorite tunes. Create a
straightforward dance for a group to a well-known song. The team dance can
then be incorporated into the pre-game tradition.

• Grapevine: Jog or walk sideways while alternately crossing one foot in

front of the other.
The effects of technology on the physical development of children in late childhood are multifaceted
and can have both positive and negative implications. Here's a summarized report:

Positive Effects:

1. Active Gaming and Fitness Apps:

 Some technological tools, like active gaming consoles and fitness apps, encourage physical
activity by making exercise more engaging and enjoyable for children.
2. Educational Apps and Games:
 Technology can support physical development indirectly by offering educational apps and
games that promote cognitive skills and problem-solving, which can contribute to overall
3. Online Physical Education Resources:
 Technology provides access to online resources for physical education, offering instructional
videos, tutorials, and virtual classes that can enhance children's understanding of fitness and

Negative Effects:

1. Sedentary Lifestyle:
 Excessive screen time, including prolonged use of computers, tablets, and smartphones, can
contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to a lack of physical activity and potential health
2. Poor Posture and Musculoskeletal Issues:
 Extended use of electronic devices may lead to poor posture, eyestrain, and musculoskeletal
issues, impacting the physical well-being of children.
3. Sleep Disruption:
 Exposure to screens, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns, affecting the
quality and quantity of sleep that is essential for physical growth and development.
4. Reduced Outdoor Play:
 Increased screen time may result in a decline in outdoor play and recreational activities,
limiting opportunities for the development of gross motor skills and social interaction.
5. Obesity Risk:
 Sedentary behavior associated with excessive screen time is linked to an increased risk of
obesity and related health issues among children.


1. Balanced Screen Time:

 Encourage a balanced approach to screen time, ensuring that children have ample
opportunities for outdoor play, physical activities, and face-to-face interactions.
2. Educate Parents and Caregivers:
 Provide information and resources to parents and caregivers about the importance of
monitoring and regulating their child's screen time.
3. Promote Outdoor Activities:
 Emphasize the importance of outdoor play, sports, and recreational activities to support
physical development and overall well-being.
4. Quality Content Selection:
 Encourage the use of educational and interactive content that supports cognitive and
physical development rather than passive screen time.
5. Establish Healthy Habits:
 Promote healthy habits, including regular physical exercise, proper posture, and adequate
sleep, to counteract the potential negative effects of technology.

In conclusion, while technology can offer valuable tools to enhance physical development, it is crucial
to manage and monitor its use to mitigate potential negative impacts on the overall health and well-
being of children in their late childhood.

It is says that intelligence is the ability to create an effective product that valued in the future which is
true because sa panahon ngayon ang mahalaga na ay ang kakayahang sulusyunan ang mga bagay at ang
maging madiskarte sa buhay dahil sa panahon ngayon dika mabubuhay kung wala kang diskarte sa
buhay lalo na ngayon ay ang pinaka mahalaga sa buhay ng tao ay ang pera so kung wala kang
intelligence paano ka makakahanap ng pera na gagamitin mo sa pang araw araw na buhay and also
intelligence explains that it is also about gathering new knowledge, sa lahat naman ng pagsubok sa
buhay ay natutunan kang bagong aral which is part din ng intelligence so it means intelligence is finding
and creating solutions for problems and gathering new knowledge

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