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Classe : 5ème Durée : 01H 30mn

Deuxième devoir surveillé du 1 er semestre

EPREUVE : D’anglais

I- Compétences à évaluer
- Compétence disciplinaire n◦2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à
un support multimédia
- Compétence disciplinaire n◦3 : La production de texte écrit ou d’un
support multimédia de type et de fonction variés.
A- La réaction à un texte lu

Contexte : La vie du village est une vie merveilleuse mais certains phénomènes
naturels peuvent nous amener à ne plus désirer cette vie jadis enviable.


Text: The forgotten village.

My name’s Koto. I live in Parakou but I’m from Tibani. Tibani was a small
village situated in the northern part of Benin. The village was built on the
montains of Birni. It was a quiet place. In that village, people were farmers,
hunters and blacksmiths. Tingui was the traditional doctor. He cured sick
people from their illnesses. SOUNON was the king of the village.

Hunters killed animals such as: monkys, rabbits, partridges, snakes and so on
into the forests and on the Atacora montains. They used traditional guns,
arrows, spears and traps. Farmers grew crops such as yams, cassava,
grandnuts, beans sorghum and millet. They used tools such as hoes and
machetes. Villagers lived in thatched houses. Farmers hept their crops in barns.
The role of town crier was to carry and announce information to villagers.

People were happy to live in Tibani but one night, a storm destroyed the village.
Villagers were unhappy. They decided to leave the montains and abandon the
village. Tibani doesn’t exist today. It is forgotten.

Vocabulary: Unpublished

_ a storm= tempête, orage ; partridge= perdrix

_ forgotten= oublié ; montain= montagne

Critère d’évaluation : après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris
en :

 Répondant par ‘’True’’ or ‘’False’’,

 Répondant aux questions posées sur le texte,
 Choisissant les mots corrects
 Remplaçant les pointillés par les adverbes de fréquences correspondants.


Item 1: Write ‘’True’’ or ‘’False’’

1- Koto lives in Parakou.

2- Tibani was a village in Benin.
3- Koto is from Tibani.
4- Farmers of Tibani kept their crops in barns.

Item 2: Answer these questions based on the text:

1- Where was Tibani situated?

2- What were people in Tibani?
3- Cite four crops that farmers grew in Tibani.

Item 3: Chose the correct word from the brackets to fill in the gaps (choisis le
mot correct pour remplir les pointillés).

1- A rabit is ……… fast as a squirrel. (as; less)

2- Look! The girl is ………….. a bicycle. (rides; riding)
3- Eto’o is ……… old than Roger Mila. (as; less)
4- We are not ………. Tèkè. (daneing; dance; dancing)

Item 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of frequency from the brackets.

1- Toto is a lazy student. He …… plays truant. (never; always).

2- Moussa is a good muslim. He ……. Eats porc. (usually; naver).
3- Bernadain is a christian. He ……… goes to church on Sundays. (never;
4- It ……… rains in December. (always; rarely).

B- Production écrite d’un texte de type et de fonction varies.

Contexte : Ta camarade Fifamè est née à Cotonou. Elle n’a jamais mis pieds
dans un village. Tu décides de lui parler de ton village.

Critère d’évaluation : Tu montreras ta compétence à rédiger un paragraphe sur

le village en anglais en :

* Respectant le contexte,

* Respectant la logique interne du texte,

* Respectant aux questions posées,

* Utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.

Writing: Write a paragraph about your village. These questions will help you.
(Ecris un paragraphe pour parler de ton village. Les questions suivantes vont te

1- What is your name ?

2- What is the name of your village?
3- What can you see in your village?
4- What activities do people do in your village?
5- What is the name of your village king?
6- Why do you like your village?


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