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Data analysis software


3. 2017
Marine Systems Company
Thank you for purchasing Data Analysis Software.
In order to use this software correctly and safely and to prevent trouble, please read this manual


1. No part of this manual can be reproduced in any form without permission.

2. The contents of this manual may be altered without prior notice.
3. This manual has been documented by making assurance doubly sure.
However, if any question arises or if any error, an omission, or other deficiencies are found,
please contact TOKYO KEIKI service station.
4. TOKYO KEIKI is not responsible for any operation results of this software.

Windows and Excel are registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

-Table of Contents-
1. Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4
1-1 Main functions and features ............................................................................................................4
1-2 Operation environment....................................................................................................................4
2. Installation and removal ........................................................................................................ 5
2-1 How to install ..................................................................................................................................5
2-2 How to uninstall (Removal) .............................................................................................................6
3. Operation ................................................................................................................................ 7
3-1 Data analysis software block diagram .............................................................................................7
3-2 How to start data analysis software .................................................................................................8
3-3 Exit data analysis software ..............................................................................................................8
3-4 Easy to use! Operation guide ..........................................................................................................9
4. Main menu ............................................................................................................................ 13
5. Trend graph .......................................................................................................................... 14
5-1 File selection ................................................................................................................................. 16
5-2 Data registration............................................................................................................................ 17
5-3 Data list ......................................................................................................................................... 18
5-4 Data between cursors ................................................................................................................... 19
5-5 Search .......................................................................................................................................... 20
5-6 Entering message ......................................................................................................................... 21
5-7 Edit message ................................................................................................................................ 21
5-8 Alarm display ................................................................................................................................ 22
5-9 Print screen................................................................................................................................... 23
5-10 View cursors ............................................................................................................................... 23
5-11 Trend line .................................................................................................................................... 24
5-12 Set time axis ............................................................................................................................... 25
5-13 Set time display interval .............................................................................................................. 25
5-14 Title ............................................................................................................................................. 26
5-15 Legend ........................................................................................................................................ 27
5-16 Supplementary settings............................................................................................................... 27
5-17 Show handwriting ........................................................................................................................ 29
5-18 Multiplex scale axis setting .......................................................................................................... 31
6. FAQ........................................................................................................................................ 32

1. Overview
Data analysis software is a software package to analyze the data acquired by the recorder of our company.

1-1 Main functions and features

● The data acquired by the instrument is displayed as trend.
● A number of data files can be compiled to one and displayed as a trend.
● Maximum 200 channels can be registered. Subtraction operations etc. can also be registered.
● Acquired data can be printed, saved in CSV format or text format.
● Maximum value, minimum value, average value, standard deviation and median value can be
displayed numerically and as graph.
● Two cursors can be displayed in the graph.
● Maximum value, minimum value, average value, standard deviation and median value between the
cursors can be displayed as numeric value and graph.
● Graph can be magnified, reduced and partially magnified.
● Message can be written in the graph.
● Trend graph can be printed. It can be saved as JPG or BMP.
● Handwritten data file created by the recorder can be displayed on trend.

1-2 Operation environment

< Hardware >

CPU Choose the minimum hardware requirements for hardware.
Memory Choose the minimum hardware requirements for hardware.
CD-ROM drive: 1 drive or more (necessary during installation)
Disk drive Hard disk drive: 1 drive or more for items with free space that is 100MB or

< Software >

Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 8.1/ Windows 10
*Internet Explorer4.0 or above is necessary.

For Windows Vista/ 7, set Control Panel → Display; DP to 'Small (S)-100%'.

2. Installation and removal
2-1 How to install
Click installation button. Installation window is displayed.
Follow the procedure shown in the images below.


Installation starts on clicking the [Next] button.

2-2 How to uninstall (Removal)
From Windows task bar, click [Start] – [All Programs] – [Control Panel].

Select 'Uninstall a Program'

Select [AnalysisCourse]

At this point, folder related to data analysis software remains in the computer.
To delete all completely, delete the [AnalysisCourse] folder from explorer etc.

3. Operation
3-1 Data analysis software block diagram

Main menu ・・・The window is display at the startup.

Trend graph ・・・Displays trend graph. (Maximum 10 windows can be displayed.)

File selection ・・・Select a file to be displayed as graph.
Save As ・・・Saves present status. (Extension: KRB)
Register used CH ・・・Registers the channel to be displayed.
(Subtraction operations can also be registered)
Trend Line ・・・Sets kind of line, color, and shape etc. of the channel on the trend.
Data List ・・・Displays the data list. It can be printed and converted into CSV file.
Search ・・・Data can be searched.
Alarm ・・・Registers color, shape, and size etc. of alarm activation point.
Hard copy ・・・Prints graph, export to clip board, or saves file.
Insert message ・・・Inserts message in the graph.
Message ・・・Edits, moves, and deletes inserted message.

Display cursor ・・・Sets cursors A and B on the graph.

Cursor ・・・Sets show, color, kind of line, and width of cursor A and B.
Cursor data ・・・Displays Data and time difference of the cursor A and B.
Displays all data and Max/Mini of data between the cursors.
Time axis ・・・Sets period to be displayed on a window.
Time interval ・・・Time interval, additional scale interval etc. can be set.
Title ・・・Displays title on the graph and the axis.
Legend ・・・Displays legend on the graph.
Supplementary settings ・・・Sets back color of the graph, kind of line, color and interval
of auxiliary line.

Vertical ・・・A number of windows are arranged vertically.

Horizontal ・・・A number of windows are arranged horizontally.
Version information Displays version information.
Help ・・・Displays help file.

3-2 How to start data analysis software
From Windows task bar, click [Start] – [All programs] – [DataAnalysis] – [AnalysisCourse].

3-3 Exit data analysis software

Click 'X' on the right corner of the task bar.

3-4 Easy to use! Operation guide
1. Select file
Select a file to analyze. There are following methods for file selection.
(Select one of following method.)

(1) Double click

When data file is double clicked, analysis software starts automatically and trend graph is displayed.

(2) Drag and drop

Start analysis software. When trend window opens, drag and drop the file.

(3) File selection

Start analysis software. When trend window opens, click file selection icon .

Select a file when File selection window opens.

2. Trend display
If the file is selected normally, data is displayed as a trend. (All data is displayed)

― 10 ―
3. Changing the time axis
Time axis can be expanded and the data in that time range can be displayed on one window by
magnifying it. Data that is out of range can be viewed by scrolling the window. There are two methods of
changing the time axis.
(1) Specify the range of time axis by using a mouse
Keeping the left button of the mouse pressed (starting point is fixed) from the point that is to be magnified and
drag (move the mouse), release the button on the point (end point is fixed) at where magnification end. (The
range in black color is magnified.)

(2)Specify the range of time axis by using keyboard

Click the time axis icon on the tool bar and open the following window.
If there is no mistake in the input contents, specified range is displayed on clicking OK after entering the

― 11 ―
4. Save
The contents that is edited using data analysis software can be saved.

Click the save icon on the tool bar and enter the name of the file. (Extension: krb)

If the saved file is selected by method '1. Select file', the status at the time of saving can be reproduced.

― 12 ―
4. Main menu
The window is displayed after the startup.

Displays trend window.

Up to 10 groups can be displayed.

Multiple windows are arranged vertically and displayed.

Multiple windows are arranged horizontally and displayed.

Displays version information.

Displays help.

Displays language selection.

― 13 ―
5. Trend graph
Acquired data is displayed on the trend graph.
 The trend is displayed vertically only.
 For vertical trend, all data is displayed on one window and time axis can be magnified. (Refer to Easy to
use! Operation guide) Window can be scrolled by using the scroll bar.
 Various displays that enables data analysis is available by clicking on tool bar.

Menu bar
Tool bar

Tool bar: Upper

File selection window is displayed. Select data to analyze.

Saves present status.(Extension: KRB)

Registers the channel to use.
Subtraction operation, tag, and units can be registered also.
Kind of line, color, and shape of trend's channels can be set.
Data list is displayed.
Data list of channel can be displayed, printed and file can be saved.
Search window is displayed and data can be searched.
Shape, color, and size of the alarm activation point can be set.
This is invalid when alarm is not activated.
Trend window can be printed, output on clipboard or saved as a file.

Message can be inserted in the trend graph.

Details of the inserted message are displayed and they can be edited, moved and deleted.

― 14 ―
Tool bar: Lower
If this icon and then the trend window are clicked, cursor A is set at the nearest position where it is
On clicking it once again, the setting is released, and even when trend window is clicked, cursor is
not set. (Cursor that is already set is not released.)
If this icon and then the trend window are clicked, cursor B is set at the nearest position where it is
On clicking it once again, the setting is released, and even when trend window is clicked, cursor is
not set. (Cursor that is already set is not released.)
Cursor A and B display or hidden, color, and line type etc. can be set.
Displays, prints and saves data and time of cursor A and B, time difference and data difference of
cursor A and B, and max, mini, and average values of all data and the value between cursor A and
Sets time axis. Period to be displayed on the window can be entered.
Sets display of time axis. Time display interval, additional scale interval etc. can be set.
Undo to the previous status if time axis is magnified.
Returns time axis to default and displays all data in one window.
Title can be entered in the graph.
Legend display can be set.
Supplementary settings of graph are done. Back color, line type, color, interval etc. of auxiliary line
can be set.

― 15 ―
5-1 File selection
 Select a file (Analysis software handles following files.)

Extension Description

Files created by course recorder. File containing handwritten data is created by

adding P in its file name like '*****M***P***.KRF'.
KRB Files created when saving data displayed with analysis software.
CSV Readable if it is compatible with format of analysis software.

 File list is displayed on top of File selection window.

 On selecting the file and clicking the select button, the selected file is added in the file column on the
bottom of the window. If the acquisition period is same, multiple files can be selected. (Only one file can
be selected for extension KRB and CSV.)
Select Selected file is added in the file column on the bottom of the window.
Undo Selected file is deleted from the selected file column.
Read Data of selected file is read.

― 16 ―
5-2 Data registration
 Registers the channel to use.
 Subtraction operation can be registered.
 Tag and unit can be registered.
 Registration is done automatically. For performing an operation, registration is done manually.

Operation method
Reference CH is registered in A: Reference channel. Channel to be subtracted is registered in B.
For subtracting a fixed value, input numeric value in B: value to be subtracted.
 Type of scale axis can not be changed.

Scale axis
Data of channels are displayed by scaling of scale max and mini values. (Displays in 0 to 100%). Up to
four scales can be displayed.

― 17 ―
5-3 Data list
 Data list is displayed in table format.
 Alarm activation point is displayed in red. If the mouse is moved to that cell, details of the warning are
 Data list can be output as file.

Displays all data as a list.

Displays data between cursor A and B as list.

This is invalid if cursor A and B are not set.

Displays the period that is currently shown.

Sets print setting.


Outputs the file.

Format can be selected form CSV and text format (Tab delimiter).

Converts to ECDIS data format.

Exports to Excel.
Excel is started automatically and displays a graph.
*Excel is necessary to display
*If the data is exported to Excel, error string (ERROR etc.) is not output.

― 18 ―
5-4 Data between cursors
 Displays, prints and saves data and time of cursor A and B, time difference and data difference of cursor A
and B, and max, mini, and average values of all data and the value between cursor A and B.
 Cursor A and B can be moved. (As it moves one by one, fine adjustment is possible.)
 Alarm activation point in between cursor data A and B is displayed in red.
 If the data difference of cursor A and B (A-B) is minus, it is displayed in red.

 Calculation between cursor A and B is displayed on clicking

 On clicking auto calculation of menu bar to ON, the calculations are made for every change of cursor A
and B. *The larger the data the longer it takes for calculation.
 Operation results between all data and between cursor A and B can be displayed in trend screen.

Moves cursor A one to the left.

Moves cursor A one to the right.

Moves cursor B one to the left.

Moves cursor B one to the right.

If displaying computation calculation result of data as trend, registers the color and kind
of line etc. of the trend.
Calculates the data between the cursors.
*This is invalid when cursors A and B are not set.

Sets print setting.

Displays print preview.


Outputs the file.

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5-5 Search
 Search window is displayed and data can be searched.
 Search result is displayed as list in table format and on clicking it, the point is displayed by cursor.
*When the point is not displayed in the trend window, the window is scrolled automatically and the point is
displayed by cursor.
Search mode Contents
Max Searches the maximum value of the objective channel.
Mini Searches the minimum value of the objective channel.
Searches value that is equal to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the average
value of the objective channel.
Standard Searches the value that is within the range and outside the range (average value ±σ) of
deviation standard deviation of objective channel.
Searches value that is equal to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the median
value of the objective channel.
Enters the value to be searched manually. It can be searched by specifying the value that is
Manual input equal to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the value, or by specifying the
Enters the time to be searched. It can be searched by specifying the time that is equal to,
Date/ Time greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the time, or by specifying the range. If
specifying the range, enter the range of time to be searched.
Searches the maximum value, minimum value, average value, standard deviation or median
value between the cursors. Searches cursor A and B.
Searches a point that has a message.
'All' searches all messages.
'Match with letters' searches only the message that has a string that matches completely with
the entered letter.
'Including letters' searches the message that contains the entered letter.
'Excluding letters' searches the message that does not contain the entered letter.
Alarm Searches the point at which alarm of the objective channel is activated.

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5-6 Entering message
 Message can be inserted in the data on the graph.
 Message is inserted at the nearest data point when it is dragged and dropped.
 Font color, font and background color of the message can be specified.
'How to enter the message'
(1) Enter a message. Select font color and font back color. (Button on the right)
(2) Click the insert button and move the message that is entered to the trend window by keeping the right
button of the mouse pressed (Drag)
(3) If the mouse is moved in the trend window, the frame is highlighted and displayed. Release the left button
of the mouse. (Drop)

5-7 Edit message

Details of the inserted messages can be edited, moved and deleted.
Edits message.
Enter the message directly.
Delete Right click on the message to be deleted and select delete option.
'Trend graph'
On clicking the right and left move buttons, it can move between the
On clicking the up and down buttons, it can move up and down.

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5-8 Alarm display
 Displays the alarm activation point of every levels on the trend graph.
 Sets shape, color, size etc. of each point of alarm activation point.
 This is invalid when alarm is not activated.
Click and select show/hide.
Show If it is hidden, it will not be displayed on the trend graph even if an alarm is generated.
* If there are many alarm activation points, it takes time to display
Style Select the style to display for the alarm activation points. (Select from the list.)
Color Select the color to display for the point for the alarm activation points. (Click and select.)
Size Enter the size of the style. (Enter a numeric value.)

― 22 ―
5-9 Print screen
Trend window can be printed, output on clipboard or saved in a file.
*If there is handwritten data, it may not be printed well. So check it by output on clipboard or file and then print
*Turn OFF animation effect for Windows 7.


Outputs on clipboard.

Outputs to file in BMP format.

5-10 View cursors

Show/hide, color, and kind of line etc. of cursor A and B can be set.
Show Click and select show/hide.
Color Select the color to display.
Select kind of line to display from the list.
Kind of line
It can be selected from 'Solid line/ Dotted line/ Chain line'.
Enter a numeric value of line width of the cursor to display.
The larger the size the wider the cursor.

― 23 ―
5-11 Trend line
Set the kind of line, color, and shape etc. of trend for each channel.

Line Connect data with lines and display.

Chart type Dot Displays data by dots.
Line + dot Displays data by dots and connect data with lines
Select the color of the line.
Line color
*This is invalid if dot is selected as graph type.
Enter the line width. The larger the size the thicker it is displayed.
*This is invalid if dot is selected as graph type.
Select a kind of line to display from the list.
Kind of line It can be selected from 'Solid line/ dotted line/ chain line'.
*This is invalid if dot is selected as graph type.
Select the color of dots.
Dot color
*This is invalid if line is selected as graph type.
Enter the size of dot to display.
Size The larger the size the larger the dot.
*This is invalid if line is selected as graph type.
Select the shape of the dot to display.
*This is invalid if line is selected as graph type.

― 24 ―
5-12 Set time axis
Period to display in one window can be entered.
There are two methods: 'Specify hours' method that displays the data from 'Beginning Date/ Time' to a
'Specific period' in one window, and 'Specify range' method that displays the data of specified period in one
window. Thus time axis can be changed as per the requirement.
*If the entered duration is much smaller than the acquisition cycle, or if the period is very long, an error
message is displayed and duration cannot be displayed.
Specify hours Displays data from 'Beginning Date/ Time' to 'Specific period' in one window.
Specify range Displays the data of specified period in one window.

5-13 Set time display interval

Sets time display interval and additional scale interval etc.
'Automatic' displays time interval which is optimum.
Normally this is easy to understand.
If the time axis is magnified/ reduced, it is changed to the interval that
Time interval is the easiest to understand.
'Data' displays time in the data interval that is specified.
Even when time axis is magnified/ reduced, display interval does not
'None' does not display additional scale.
Additional scale
'Data' displays additional scale in the data interval that is specified.
If time display interval is 'Automatic', it cannot be selected.
Set time display.
Option display Display font, character color and inclination can be set.
If interval is too small and display is overlapping, incline the characters.

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5-14 Title
Displays title in graph and axis.
By naming the graph and the axis, it makes it clear that what the graph and the axis are describing.
'Header/ Footer' Title can be entered in header and footer of the graph.
'None' displays the title without enclosing it in a frame.
Style 'Plane' displays the title by enclosing it in a frame.
'Cubic' displays the title by enclosing it in a cubic frame.
Width Sets the frame width. This is invalid if it is set to 'None'.
Back color Sets the background color of title.
Character color Sets the character color of the title.

'Time axis' Title can be entered in time axis and scale axis.
*Items displayed in gray cannot be changed.
Title Enters characters. Font can also be set.
Inclination Inclination of display characters is selected from the list.
Font Sets font of display characters.

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5-15 Legend
Legend display can be set.
Show Selection of show/hide of Legend display.
Style Sets the style for the Legend display.
Position to display the Legend can be selected
from the list.
Direction of the Legend can be selected from the
Frame enclosing the Legend can be selected from
the list.
Back color Back color of the Legend can be selected.
Character Character color of the Legend can be selected.
Title Title to display for the Legend can be entered.

5-16 Supplementary settings

Sets the supplementary settings for graph. Back color, types of supplementary line, color, and interval can be
'Color' Display color of graph is set.
Graph background Background color of the graph can be selected.
Graph frames Color of the graph frame can be selected.
Time axis Color of the time axis can be selected.
Scale axis Color of the scale axis can be selected.
Entire background Color of the entire background can be selected.

'Wall paper' Displays wall paper of the background of graph.

Select the image (BMP or WMF format) to be used for the wall paper when
Wall paper
'Use' is selected.
When 'Stretch' is displayed, the image gets enlarged and is displayed on the
When 'Center' is selected, image is displayed at the center of the window.
When 'Tile stile' is selected, image is displayed in tile pattern.

'Auxiliary line' Auxiliary line can be displayed in graph.

Time axis
Match with display Displays the auxiliary line for the period specified in time display period.
Kind of line Kind of line for auxiliary line can be selected.
Color Color of the auxiliary line can be selected.
Width of the auxiliary line can be selected. The larger the width, the larger will
its thickness be.
Display period of auxiliary line can be entered.
Display period
This is invalid if it is 'Match with display'.
Front Select whether to display the auxiliary line at the front of the graph.

― 27 ―
Scale axis
Optimization Displays the auxiliary line for the period specified in scale axis display period.
Kind of line Kind of line for the auxiliary line can be selected from the list.
Color Color of auxiliary line can be selected.
Width of auxiliary line can be entered. The larger the width, the larger will its
thickness be.
Display period of the auxiliary line can be entered.
Display period
This is invalid if it is 'Optimization'.
Front Whether to display the auxiliary line in front of the graph or not.

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5-17 Show handwriting
 When KRF file containing handwritten data is read, the handwritten part is reflected as it is on the main
 The scale axis is fixed at the first start, and it is displayed in multiscale.
 Handwritten part can be magnified/ reduced.

 Magnifying and reducing time axis of handwriting part

Magnify as shown in the figure below.


― 29 ―
Magnified display window

Specification of magnified display

Show a line connecting plotting points within the display window when magnifying handwritten part.
Line is not shown when one point is within the range and the other is out.
(Repeating magnification narrows plotting range on display and reduces handwritten part.)

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5-18 Multiplex scale axis setting
 Sets multiplex scale axis. Following items can be set.
Low limit: Enter lower limit of the scale.
High limit: Enter upper limit of the scale.
Division: Enter the number of divisions on the scale.
Subdivision: Enter the number of subdivisions on the scale.
Scale Display: Select scales to be set as multiplex scale. Up to 4 items can be selected.
Save the setting (applied to next replay): Checking here enables the setting in this window for the
next time when the file is opened.

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6. FAQ
Frequently asked questions and answers are listed below for your reference.

Q Question
1 How to change the time axis?
2 How to save the current status and then reproduce that status again?
3 How to convert the data to CSV? (To be used in software such as excel etc.)
4 How to search maximum value/minimum value?
5 How to display a cursor in the graph and to display the data of that point?
How to display only one channel on the display window.
As it is difficult to read if a number of channels are displayed in one window.
7 How to enter the title on the graph?
8 How to enter the message in the data on the graph?

― 32 ―
How to change the time axis?

If trend graph is vertical,

there are 2 methods; (1) Magnification of time axis by using mouse, and (2) Specify the range of time
axis by using keyboard.

(1) Magnification of time axis by using mouse

Keeping the left button of the mouse pressed (starting point is fixed) from the point that is to be
magnified and drag (move the mouse), release the button on the point (end point is fixed) at where
magnification end. (The range in black color is magnified)

(2) Specify the range of time axis by using keyboard

Click the time axis icon on the tool bar and open the following window.
If there is no mistake in the input contents, specified range is displayed on clicking OK after entering the

― 33 ―
How to save the current status and then reproduce that status again?

Click save icon on the tool bar.

'Saving method'
Enter the file name and save the file in the following window. Extension will be added automatically.

'Reading method'
There are three methods to read the saved file.
Select any one of the method. (Refer to Easy to Use! Operation Guide)

(1) Double-click
If the file is double clicked in the status which the analysis software is not started, the analysis software
starts automatically and trend is displayed.

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(2) Drag&Drop
Start analysis software and when trend window opens, drag and drop the file.

(3) File selection

Start the analysis software and when the trend window opens, click .

― 35 ―
How to convert the data to CSV (or to print the data)?

Open data list icon for converting the data to CSV.

'Convert to CSV'

Data can be saved in the file on clicking the floppy icon .

Data can be also converted to Text format (Tab delimiter) other than CSV format.


The data can be printed out on clicking the print icon .

'Convert to Excel'

The data is exported to Excel on clicking Excel icon .

Excel starts automatically and the graph is displayed.
*Excel is necessary to display
*If the data is exported to Excel, error string (ERROR etc.) is not output.

― 36 ―
How to search maximum value/minimum value?

Click search icon on the tool bar.

Select the 'Maximum value' and 'Minimum value' from the window displayed below.
In Objective CH, select the channel to be searched. On selecting 'All', all the channels are searched.
Search is started on clicking the Search button.

*Search mode also includes

There are 'Average value', 'Standard deviation', 'Median value', 'Manual input', 'Time', 'Cursor', 'Message',
and 'Alarm'. For details, refer to 5-5.

Search result is displayed in a list and when the list is clicked, cursor is displayed on the point and the
position can be understood. List is not displayed if no search result is applicable.

― 37 ―
How to display a cursor in the graph and to display the data of that point?

Two cursors can be displayed here and these cursors are called Cursor A and Cursor B.

Click the Cursor icons and . When Trend window is clicked, Cursor A and Cursor B are placed
on the nearest point from the clicked position.

Detailed information of the cursor is displayed on clicking icon on the tool bar.

Data deviation, maximum, minimum and average value between the cursors are displayed.

― 38 ―
How to display only one channel on the display window?
(As it is difficult to read if a number of channels are displayed in one window.)

There are two methods; 'Method to select 1 channel' and 'Method to delete the registered

'Method to select 1 channel'

Displays only the channel selected from the list as shown in the following window.
(Scale is also automatically changed)
When there are multiple channels on one window and it is difficult to view, it can be displayed by
switching over.
Returns to 'All channel' display if uppermost list '----' is selected.

'Method to delete the registered channel'

When multiple channels are registered but setting only one channel allows to display only that channel.
Only one channel is displayed on one window. Multiple channels cannot be displayed by switching.

Click register channel icon on the tool bar.

Selecting '---' (none) for Ref. CH or clearing check box in the below figure will delete a registration.

― 39 ―
How to enter the title on the graph?

Click title icon on the tool bar.

Enter the title in the following window.

Header and footer are displayed at the top and the bottom of the window.

Title can be also entered for time axis and scale axis.
*By naming the graph and the axis, it makes it clear that what the graph and the axis are describing.

― 40 ―
How to enter the message in the data on the graph?

Click message icon for entering the message.

Enter the message to be displayed in the following window.

Changing character color, font, and background color are also available.

Click the insert button and move the message that is entered to the trend window by keeping the right
button of the mouse pressed (Drag)
If the mouse is moved in the trend window, the frame is highlighted and displayed. Release the left button
of the mouse. (Drop)

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Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144-8551, JAPAN

East Japan

2-16-46 Minami-Kamata,
Kanto Service Station +81-3-3732-8642 / +81-3-3737-8643
Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144-8551, JAPAN

2-2-12 Kikusui Nijo, Shiroishi-ku,

Hokkaido Service Station Sapporo-city, Hokkaido 003-0802, +81-11-816-6291 / +81-11-816-6296

West Japan

3-4-13 Mizukidori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-

Kobe Service Station +81-78-577-6111 / +81-78-577-5335
city, Hyogo-pref. 652-0802, JAPAN

4-4-7 Tokiwa-cho, Imabari-city,

Imabari Service Station +81-898-23-6161 / +81-898-23-7731
Ehime-pref. 794-0015, JAPAN

2-7-8 Kyo-machi, Kokurakita-ku,

Kitakyushu Sevice Station Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka-pref. +81-93-531-6881 / +81-93-521-2575
802-0002, JAPAN
Data analysis software
[Document No. E12-1013]

3. 2017 (1st edition)

2-16-46 Minami-kamata, Ohta-ku, Tokyo

144-8551 Japan
Tel. +81-3-3737-8611, Fax. +81-3737-8663

This operator's manual must not be copied or reproduced without the permission of TOKYO KEIKI INC.

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