Positive Parenting

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I remember how my parents cared for me as a child. As an only girl child, they're always overprotective of
me because they want me to have a good life and don't want me to suffer someday. They don't want me to
have a boyfriend at a young age because, as time passes, a lot of teenagers get pregnant, and they don't want
me to have a bad boyfriend.

As I grew older, my parents taught me how to say "po" and "opo" to people who were older than me, which
had a positive impact on my life because I learned to respect other people. They also taught me how to
"bless" my grandmother and grandfather, and especially when I went to church after mass, I used to bless my
mother and father, and they taught me how to appreciate things, big and small. They taught me not to be
mean to others and not to be too harsh on myself. They want me to become a better version of myself. As I've
gotten older, I've realized that everything they do when I'm the middle child has a significant impact on my
life and helps me become a better person. Positive parenting will have a big impact on my life as I get older.
One key aspect of positive parenting is the emphasis on my clear communication, which allows me for open
dialogue and a safe space for discussing concerns and achievements without fear of judgment. This fosters
strong communication skills and confidence in my self-expression. Consistency in setting expectations and
boundaries is another fundamental element of positive parenting, providing stability and predictability to
me. Positive parenting is a powerful approach that involves showing children love, warmth, and kindness,
encouraging them to behave in the way you want, and assisting them in thriving by sending a strong message
that they are loved, good, and important. According to research, positive parenting prepares children for
success, improves academic performance, reduces behavioral problems, and boosts mental health. It also
improves teenage brain function by enhancing emotions and cognition. Furthermore, positive parenting is
linked to a happy and healthy adulthood, with long-term advantages such as improved relationships, mental
health, and well-being.

The positive parenting techniques of my parents have had a profound impact on my child's emotional
well-being. They have developed a strong sense of self-worth and resilience, knowing that my parents are my
support and guide in my challenges. The nurturing environment at home laid the foundation for healthy
relationships and effective communication in my adult life.

In conclusion, positive parenting during middle childhood is a powerful influence that shapes a child's
character and emotional well-being. The emphasis on clear communication, consistency, positive
reinforcement, and empathy creates a nurturing environment that fosters healthy development. As the
author navigates life, they carry the lessons learned from their parents' positive parenting.

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