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Assignment -3

1. An irreversible reaction A → 4B is conducted in an isothermal batch reactor at constant pressure in

presence of inert. Feed contains no B. If the volume of gas at complete conversion must not exceed the 3
times of the initial volume, the minimum mole percent of the inert in the feed must be?
(A) 16.1 (B) 33.33 (C) 50 (D) 66.66

2. For liquid phase second order reaction, operating in a batch reactor, calculator the time required to achieve
78% conversion if 48% conversion achieved in 5 min?

3. The rate of liquid phase reaction of type A + B → R is found to be independent of concentration of A &
B & equal to 1 kmol/m3.min at 300 K. find the conversion in a batch reactor having residence time of 2
min with feed composition of A & B is 5 K mol / m3 at the reaction temp of 300 K. if the activation energy
of reaction is found to be 83.1 KJ/mol. Find the residence time for the same conversion & feed conditions
if reactor is 320K.

4. A gaseous phase reaction 3 A → 4 B feed consisting of equimolar A & B entering a batch reactor at 400K
& 2 atm. The reaction rate is given as −rA = kCA2 mol / L.min . Calculate the time required to achieve final
concentration of 0.01 mol/L, if rate constant k = 1 lt/mol.min.

5. For a liquid phase second order reaction operating in a MFR, conversion obtained is 50%. What will be
conversion if MFR is replaced by 6 times larger MFR?

6. For a liquid phase reaction, operating in a MFR, calculate the size of reactor required to achieve 63%
conversion if CAo = 20 mol / lt, FAo = 30 mol / h, and K = 2 liter 2 / mol2 .hr

7. A pollutant P degrades according to first order kinetics. An aqueous stream containing P at 2 kmol/m3 and
volumetric flow rate 1 m3/hr required MFR of volume V to bring down the pollutant level to 0.5 kmol/
m3 .
The inlet concentration of pollutant is now doubled and the volumetric flow rate is tripled. If the pollutant
level is to be brought down to the same level of 0.5 kmol/m3, the volume of the mixed flow reactor should
be increased by a factor of _________?

8. At 6500C phosphene vapors decomposed as 4PH 3 → P4 + 6H 4 , −rPH3 = (10 hr −1 ) CPH 3 what will be the
volume of MFR, needed operating at 6500C temperature & 11.4 atm for 75% conversion while feed
consisting 2/3 PH3 and 1/3 inert. If FAo = 10 mol / hr.

9. A gaseous phase reaction 2A → 4B + C operating in a CSTR. Feed is consisting of equimolar A & B

enters the reactor at the rate of 30mol/hr at 300K & 5 bar. Calculate the volume required of reactor to
achieve 75% conversion? If − rA = 5 CA mol /

Shailendra Kumar Sir : +91-8317047762, Referal Code : SKS50

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Assignment -3
10. For a liquid phase second order reaction operating in a PFR, conversion obtained is 50%. What will be
conversion if existing PFR is replaced by 6 times larger PFR?

11. In a liquid phase first order reaction operating in a PFR conversion obtained is 50%. If existing PFR is
replaced by equal size MFR then what will be the conversion?

12. For liquid phase zeroth order reaction, initial concentration of feed is given as 10 mol/lt & rate constant
(k) is 5 mol/lt.min. What will be the size of reactor to obtain 90% conversion if feed rate is 30 mol/hr
(i) for MFR
(ii) for PFR

13. The gas phase reaction A → B + C is carried out in an ideal PFR achieving 40% conversion of A. The
feed has 70 mol% A and 30 mol% inerts. The inlet temperature is 300 K and the outlet temperature is 400
K. The ratio of the outlet molar concentration of A (assuming ideal gas mixture and uniform pressure) is
(A) 0.60 (B) 0.30 (C) 0.47 (D) 0.35

14. A first order gaseous phase reaction 3A → 2P is conducting in a PFR, the 30 moles of feed containing
60% A and 40 % inert entering the reactor per hour. The operating conditions of reactor are maintaining
at 1680C and 4.5 atm. What will be the size of PFR (in litre) if 68 % conversion is required? Given: the
rate constant at 1680C = 2.3 hr–1.

15. The gas phase reaction 2A → B is carried out in an isothermal plug flow reactor. The feed consists of 60
mol% A and 20 mol% B and remaining inert. If the conversion of A at the reactor exit is 50%, then C A/
C A 0 at the outlet of the reactor is

(A) 2/3 (B) 5/8 (C) 1/3 (D) none of these


Shailendra Kumar Sir : +91-8317047762, Referal Code : SKS50

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