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Respiratory system (Revision Worksheet)

I) Name the following--- 5

1) A muscular sheet separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities

2) A flap like structure which closes over the glottis during the
swallowing of food

3) One tissue in man’s body where anaerobic respiration takes


4) The technical term for air breathed in and out during normal

5) The ultimate end parts of the respiratory passages in mammalian


II) Define the following terms-- 2

1) Cellular respiration

2) Expiratory reserve volume

III) Give scientific reason for the following--- 2

1) Expired air contains more water vapours as compared to

inspired air.

2) At higher altitudes people feel breathlessness and dizziness.

IV) Match the columns--- 5


i) Lactic acid a) 4500 ml

ii) Voice box b) trachea

iii) Ribs c) anaerobic respiration

iv) Cartilage rings d) larynx

v) Vital capacity e) breathing

V) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that
follow-- 5

1) Name the parts labeled 1, 2, 3, 4

2) Which state of breathing is represented in the figure?

3) Name the two muscles that relax in this process.

4) What is the composition of CO2 in the expired air?

5) What is dead air space?

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