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Fantastic Worlds Design

🙂 Age: 11-12 years

🎓 Level: light
🕐 Duration: 32 lessons
⏱ Lesson duration: 60 minutes in group format, up to 8 people
📜 Course programme:
M1. Draw a character for a future cartoon/game and animate it
L1: Sketch of a future character. How to create a character from 3 forms
L2: How to draw a character figure in
L3: How to draw faces and emotions in
L4: Finish drawing the character and animate it

Result: author's character with basic animation

M2. First steps into animation

L1: Animation of the finished character
L2: Team animation in the Gartic Phone
L3: Character storyboard
L4: Frame animation of a character

Result: animated video with own character

M3. Location for a future cartoon/game

L1: Brainstorm on the topic of the future location. Starting to draw
L2: Drawing the location and adding details
L3: Location animation
L4: Character animation in the location

Result: drawing of a location for a future cartoon or game

M4. Developing a comic book

L1: Introduction to the Krita software. Making up a story
L2: Rules for creating a composition: starting work on a page
L3: Completing the work on the page
L4: Final refinement: creating a comic book cover

Result: stylish comic book with an interesting storyline, using students’ illustrations

M5. Working on a cartoon based on a comic book

L1: Storyboarding the keyframes of the cartoon
L2: Finalising work on the cartoon scenes
L3: Gluing together cartoon frames
L4: Adding effects, sounds to the finished cartoon

Result: a complete 2D cartoon based on the comic book storyline, using own characters,
backgrounds and design
M6. Modelling the environment for a cartoon or game

L 1: Introduction to the 3D modelling

L2: Basic forms. Creating the building of the future
L3: Introduction to the Scribble tool and creating models from sketches
L4: Modelling the transport of the future

Result: students’ own 3D location, created in a special Tinkercad programme

M7. Modelling characters for a cartoon or game

L1: Modelling the Chibi-version of a superhero
L2: Modelling a city guard
L3: Learning to model animals in 3D
L4: Creating a favourite character figure

Result: 3D author's superhero, character, and animals for use in future games and

M8. 3D scene animation

L1: The landscape of the city of the future
L2: Unloading the location
L3: Setting the sound and movement of objects in the location
L4: Projects presentation

Result: elaborated animation of the final 3D project, created in special software for
animating 3D objects

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