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Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 1 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression of measurements in scientific notation (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-1)
Differentiate accuracy from precision (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-2)
Differentiate random errors from systematic errors (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-3)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Analyze ● Physical
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to give the first idea that comes to their minds
measurement Quantities, a. Prayer whenever they hear “Physics” and explain why they have such
problems Units and b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols impressions of the field.
involving Measurements c. Checking of attendance
conversion of d. Quick “kamustahan” B. Firm-up
units and Ask the learners to read pages 3-13 of the book, then watch the
expression of II. LESSON PROPER video “Why the metric system matters - Matt Anticole” in this
measurements A. Explore link:
in scientific Invite the learners to give the first idea that comes to their minds
notation whenever they hear “Physics”. Let some learners explain why C. Deepen
● Differentiate they have such impressions of the field. Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
page 13 of the book.
accuracy from
B. Firm-up
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Why the D. Transfer
● Identify random metric system matters - Matt Anticole” in this link: In a sheet of paper, ask the learners to complete the table of the
errors from differences between accuracy and precision.
systematic Basis for Accuracy Precision
errors The teacher will then discuss the following: Comparison
⮚ Conversion of Units and Scientific Notation Meaning
⮚ Accuracy vs Precision Degree
C. Deepen Measure of
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on Concerned with
page 13 of the book.

D. Transfer E. Evaluation
In a sheet of paper, ask the learners to complete the table of the Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
differences between accuracy and precision. 1, 4 and 11) in page 19 of the book.
Basis for Accuracy Precision
Measure of
Concerned with

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 4 and 11) in page 19 of the book.
● Analyze ● Physical
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to recall the steps of a unit conversion, and the
measurement Quantities, a. Prayer differences between accuracy and precision.
problems Units and b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
involving Measurements c. Checking of attendance
conversion of d. Quick “kamustahan”
units and II. LESSON PROPER B. Firm-up
expression of A. Explore Ask the learners to read pages 14-18 of the book, then watch the
measurements Ask the learners to recall the steps of a unit conversion, and the video “Systematic and Random Error” in this link:
in scientific differences between accuracy and precision.
● Differentiate B. Firm-up C. Deepen
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
accuracy from
“Systematic and Random Error” in this link: page 14 of the book.
● Identify random D. Transfer
errors from The teacher will then discuss the following: Let the learners perform the activity below:
systematic Room Measurement. Using your understanding of the
⮚ Sources and Types of Errors
errors fundamental units, use various tools (e.g. handspan, foot length,
⮚ Estimating Errors and Uncertainty tape measure, etc.) to determine the dimensions of your bedroom.

E. Evaluation
C. Deepen Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on 16 and 18) in page 19 of the book.
page 14 of the book.

D. Transfer
Let the learners perform the activity below:
Room Measurement. Using your understanding of the
fundamental units, use various tools (e.g. handspan, foot length,
tape measure, etc.) to determine the dimensions of your

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
16 and 18) in page 19 of the book.
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 2 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Differentiate vector and scalar quantities (STEM_GP12V-Ia-8 )
Perform addition of vectors (STEM_GP12V-Ia-9)
Rewrite a vector in component form (STEM_GP12V-Ia-10)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Understand that ● Vector
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson involving physical
a vector is a a. Prayer quantities.
quantity that has b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
a magnitude and c. Checking of attendance B. Firm-up
direction and be d. Quick “kamustahan” Ask the learners to read pages 20-27 of the book, then watch the
able to video “Scalar Quantity and Vector Quantity” in this link:
graphically II. LESSON PROPER
represent a A. Explore
vector using a Let the learners recall the previous lesson involving physical C. Deepen
scaled diagram quantities. Then, ask for two volunteers for the string tension Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
and the counter- game. (One learner will hold a nylon cord at length across two page 27 of the book.
clockwise from hands. The second learner loops his nylon cord onto the learner’s
east convention cord. The second learner pulls slowly on the cord; if the loop is D. Transfer
of direction; closer to the other learner’s hand, ask the class how the learner Using their understanding of vectors, allow the learners to
● Add vectors will feel the pull on each hand, and why.) strategize how one should paddle across a flowing river to
traverse the least possible distance. Let them illustrate and
using a head-to-
B. Firm-up present their strategy in a sheet of paper.
tail addition
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Scalar E. Evaluation
method and a
Quantity and Vector Quantity” in this link: Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
scaled vector 1, 3 and 6) in page 35 of the book.
diagram and be The teacher will then discuss the following:
able to identify
⮚ Vector vs Scalar
the magnitude
and direction of ⮚ Addition of Vectors
the resultant;
C. Deepen
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
page 27 of the book.

D. Transfer
Using their understanding of vectors, allow the learners to
strategize how one should paddle across a flowing river to
traverse the least possible distance. Let them illustrate and
present their strategy in a sheet of paper.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 3 and 6) in page 35 of the book.
● Understand that ● Vector
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to recall the difference between vector and scalar
a vector is a a. Prayer quantities. Then ask them to enumerate the steps in addition of
quantity that has b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols vectors.
a magnitude and c. Checking of attendance
direction and be d. Quick “kamustahan”
able to
represent a II. LESSON PROPER B. Firm-up
vector using a A. Explore Ask the learners to read pages 28-34 of the book, then watch the
scaled diagram Ask the learners to recall the difference between vector and video “Components of a Vector (Part 1)” in this link:
and the scalar quantities. Then ask them to enumerate the steps in
counterclockwis addition of vectors.
e from east C. Deepen
convention of Ask the learners to answer the following problem in a separate
direction; B. Firm-up sheet of paper:
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video If P1 = P(7, 4, -1) and P2 = P(3, -5, 4), what are the components of
● Add vectors “Components of a Vector (Part 1)” in this link: P1P2? Express P1 P2 in terms of i, j and k.
using a head-to-
tail addition
D. Transfer
method and a The teacher will then discuss the following: Let the learners perform the activity below:
scaled vector Maze Game: Visit the link below to learn about position, velocity
⮚ Components of Vectors
addition and acceleration in the “Arena of Pain.” Use the green arrow to
diagram and be move the ball. Add more walls to the arena to make the game
able to identify C. Deepen more difficult. Try to make a goal as fast as you can. Maze Game
the magnitude Ask the learners to answer the following problem in a separate
and direction of sheet of paper:
the resultant; If P1 = P(7, 4, -1) and P2 = P(3, -5, 4), what are the components E. Evaluation
and of P1P2? Express P1 P2 in terms of i, j and k. Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
7, 8 and 9) in page 35 of the book.
D. Transfer
Let the learners perform the activity below:
Maze Game: Visit the link below to learn about position,
velocity and acceleration in the “Arena of Pain.” Use the green
arrow to move the ball. Add more walls to the arena to make the
game more difficult. Try to make a goal as fast as you can. Maze

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
7, 8 and 9) in page 35 of the book.
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 3 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Convert a verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension into a mathematical description (STEM_GP12Kin-Ib-12)
Interpret displacement and velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time curves (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-14)
Interpret velocity and acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position vs. time and velocity vs. time curves (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-15)
Construct velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time graphs, respectively, corresponding to a given position vs. time-graph and velocity vs. time graph and vice versa
Solve for unknown quantities in equations involving one-dimensional uniformly accelerated motion , including free fall motion (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-17)
Solve problems involving one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration in contexts such as, but not limited to, the “tail-gating phenomenon”, pursuit, rocket launch, and free
fall problems (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-19)

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

● Describe motion ● Kinematics:
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on vectors. With a
and kinematics; Motion along a a. Prayer companion, let the learner walk fast in a straight line from one
and Straight Line b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols end of his/her study area to another as his/her companion records
● Calculate c. Checking of attendance the duration time (using a watch or timer). The covered distance
d. Quick “kamustahan” is measured using a meter stick. Repeat the activity but this time,
various aspects
the learner and companion switch tasks and ask the other
of motion such
II. LESSON PROPER companion to walk as fast as the learner from the same ends of
as velocity,
A. Explore the study area. Is the companion able to walk as fast as the
Let the learners recall the previous lesson on vectors. Then, ask learner?
for two volunteers. Instruct one to walk fast in a straight line
and time.
from one end of the classroom to another as the other records the
duration time (using a watch or timer). The covered distance is B. Firm-up
measured using a meter stick. Repeat the activity but this time, Ask the learners to watch the video “Motion in a Straight Line:
let the volunteers switch tasks and ask the other volunteer to Crash Course Physics #1” in this link:
walk as fast as the first volunteer from the same ends of the, then read pages 36-49 of the
classroom. Is the second volunteer able to walk as fast as the book.
C. Deepen
B. Firm-up Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Motion page 40 of the book.
in a Straight Line: Crash Course Physics #1” in this link: D. Transfer
Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
The teacher will then discuss the following: page 49 of the book.
⮚ Kinematic Quantities Position
E. Evaluation
⮚ Average and Instantaneous Acceleration Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
4, 5 and 11) in pages 62-63 of the book.
⮚ Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
page 40 of the book.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
page 49 of the book.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
4, 5 and 11) in pages 62-63 of the book.
● Describe motion ● Kinematics:
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to recall the difference between average and
and kinematics; Motion along a a. Prayer instantaneous acceleration. Then ask them to review the formulas
and Straight Line b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols for displacement, speed, velocity, average velocity and average
● Calculate c. Checking of attendance acceleration.
d. Quick “kamustahan”
various aspects
B. Firm-up
of motion such
II. LESSON PROPER Ask the learners to read pages 50-61 of the book.
as velocity,
A. Explore
Ask the learners to recall the difference between average and C. Deepen
displacement, instantaneous acceleration. Then ask them to review the formulas Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
and time. for displacement, speed, velocity, average velocity and average page 51 of the book.
D. Transfer
B. Firm-up Ask the learners to answer the “Check your Understanding” on
Before the discussion, the teacher simulates a free-fall motion page 59 of the book.
such as dropping a marble inside a graduated cylinder. The
teacher will then discuss the following: E. Evaluation
Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
⮚ Free-Fall Motion
16, 17 and 19) in page 63 of the book.
⮚ One-Dimensional Uniform Acceleration Problems

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Investigation” on
page 51 of the book.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to answer the “Check your Understanding” on
page 59 of the book.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
16, 17 and 19) in page 63 of the book.
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 4 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Describe motion using the concept of relative velocities in 1D and 2D (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-20)
Deduce the consequences of the independence of vertical and horizontal components of projectile motion (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-22)
Calculate range, time of flight, and maximum heights of projectiles (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-23)
Solve problems involving two dimensional motion in contexts such as, but not limited to ledge jumping, movie stunts, basketball, safe locations during firework displays, and Ferris
wheels (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-26)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Describe motion ● Kinematics:
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on 1-dimension motion.
and kinematics; Motion in 2- a. Prayer Then show pictures of 2-dimension motion (orbit of a satellite,
and Dimensions b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols bicycle rounding a curve, swimmer diving into a pool, puppy
and 3- c. Checking of attendance chasing its tail), and ask them what is common among these
● Calculate
Dimensions d. Quick “kamustahan” pictures.
various aspects
of motion such
as projectile
A. Explore Ask the learners to watch the video “Kinematics Part 3: Projectile
motion, and
Let the learners recall the previous lesson on 1-dimension Motion” in this link: , then read
circular motion
motion. Then show pictures of 2-dimension motion (orbit of a pages 64-72 of the book.
satellite, bicycle rounding a curve, swimmer diving into a pool,
puppy chasing its tail), and ask them what is common among C. Deepen
these pictures. Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
page 71 of the book.

B. Firm-up D. Transfer
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video Ask the learners to answer the question below.
“Kinematics Part 3: Projectile Motion” in this link: Why is it necessary to be far away from where fireworks are launched? Relate physics to your answer.

The teacher will then discuss the following: E. Evaluation

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
⮚ Kinematic Quantities in 2-Dimensions and 3-Dimensions
1, 3 and 5) in page 89 of the book.
⮚ Projectile Motion

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
page 71 of the book.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to answer the question below.
Why is it necessary to be far away from where fireworks are
launched? Relate physics to your answer.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 3 and 5) in page 89 of the book.
● Describe motion ● Kinematics:
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to recall the projectile motion by providing
and kinematics; Motion in 2- a. Prayer examples. Introduce the idea of circular motion by asking the
and Dimensions b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols learners of activities or events that exhibit this kind of movement.
and 3- c. Checking of attendance
● Calculate
Dimensions d. Quick “kamustahan” B. Firm-up
various aspects
Ask the learners to watch the video “Uniform Circular Motion
of motion such
and Centripetal Force” in this link:
as projectile
, then read pages 73-88 of the book.
motion, and
circular motion
A. Explore C. Deepen
Ask the learners to recall the projectile motion by providing Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment” on
examples. Introduce the idea of circular motion by asking the page 82 of the book.
learners of activities or events that exhibit this kind of
movement. D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment”on
B. Firm-up page 85 of the book.
Before the discussion, ask the learners to watch the video
“Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal Force” in this link: E. Evaluation Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
7, 9 and 11) in page 89 of the book.
The teacher will then discuss the following:
⮚ Circular Motion

⮚ Relative Motion

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment” on
page 82 of the book.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment” on
page 85 of the book.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
7, 9 and 11) in page 89 of the book.
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 5 Learning Area: General Physics 1
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 1-4. Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 1-4.
Senior High School Department
Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 5 Learning Area: General Physics 1
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 1-4. Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 1-4.

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 6 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Apply Newton’s 1st law to obtain quantitative and qualitative conclusions about the contact and noncontact forces acting on a body in equilibrium (STEM_GP12N-Ie-33)
Apply Newton’s 2nd law and kinematics to obtain quantitative and qualitative conclusions about the velocity and acceleration of one or more bodies, and the contact and noncontact
forces acting on one or more bodies (STEM_GP12N-Ie-36)
Solve problems using Newton’s Laws of motion in contexts such as, but not limited to, ropes and pulleys, the design of mobile sculptures, transport of loads on conveyor belts, force
needed to move stalled vehicles, determination of safe driving speeds on banked curved roads (STEM_GP12N-Ie-38)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Describe motion ● Newton’s
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on 2-dimension motion.
using the Laws of a. Prayer Then ask the learners to do simple activities like raising their
Newton’s Laws Motion and b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols hands, tapping their desks, pushing their bags, etc.
Applications c. Checking of attendance
● Apply the Laws
d. Quick “kamustahan” B. Firm-up
of Motion in
Ask the learners to watch the video “Newton's Laws: Crash
II. LESSON PROPER Course Physics #5” in this link: ,
A. Explore then read pages 90-99 of the book.
Let the learners recall the previous lesson on 2-dimension
motion. Then ask the learners to do simple activities like raising C. Deepen
their hands, tapping their desks, pushing their bags, etc. Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Experiment” on page
95 of the book.

D. Transfer
B. Firm-up Ask the learners to fill in the table below:
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video Laws of Motion in Daily Life
“Newton's Laws: Crash Course Physics #5” in this link: Law of Activity/Event Motion
1st Law
The teacher will then discuss the following: 2nd Law
⮚ Definition of Concepts 3rd Law

⮚ Newton’s Laws of Motion

E. Evaluation
C. Deepen Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
Ask the learners to answer the “Take Home Experiment” on page 1, 3 and 5) in page 115 of the book.
95 of the book.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to fill in the table below:
Laws of Motion in Daily Life
Law of Activity/Event
1st Law
2nd Law
3rd Law

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 3 and 5) in page 115 of the book.
● Describe motion ● Newton’s
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the different laws of motion.
using the Laws of a. Prayer
Newton’s Laws Motion and b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols B. Firm-up
Applications c. Checking of attendance Ask the learners to read pages 100-114 of the book.
d. Quick “kamustahan” C. Deepen
● Apply the Laws
Ask the learners to differentiate static and kinetic friction by
of Motion in II. LESSON PROPER providing examples.
everyday A. Explore
activities Let the learners recall the different laws of motion. D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment” on
B. Firm-up page 107 of the book.
The teacher will discuss the following:
E. Evaluation
⮚ Contact and Noncontact Forces
Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
⮚ Application of Newton’s Laws to Single-Body and Multi- 10, 11 and 13) in page 115 of the book.
body Dynamics

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to differentiate static and kinetic friction by
providing examples.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the “Take Home Experiment” on
page 107 of the book.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
10, 11 and 13) in page 115 of the book.
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 7 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Determine the work done by a force acting on a system (STEM_GP12WE-If-41)
Interpret the work done by a force in one dimension as an area under a Force vs. Position curve (STEM_GP12WE-If-43)
Relate the gravitational potential energy of a system or object to the configuration of the system (STEM_GP12WE-Ig-48)
Relate the elastic potential energy of a system or object to the configuration of the system (STEM_GP12WE-Ig-49)
Solve problems involving work, energy, and power in contexts such as, but not limited to, bungee jumping, design of roller-coasters, number of people required to build structures
such as the Great Pyramids and the rice terraces; power and energy requirements of human activities such as sleeping vs. sitting vs. standing, running vs. walking. (STEM_GP12WE-
Ih-i- 55)
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Define and ● Work, Energy
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on laws of motion.
calculate work; and Energy a. Prayer Then, ask them what keeps them “energized” or motivated to
b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols study. Encourage everyone to share their answers.
● Define and
c. Checking of attendance
calculate power; d. Quick “kamustahan” B. Firm-up
● Explain how Ask the learners to watch the video “Work and Energy” in this
II. LESSON PROPER link: , then read pages 120-129
force, energy
A. Explore of the book.
and work are
Let the learners recall the previous lesson on laws of motion.
Then, ask them what keeps them “energized” or motivated to C. Deepen
● Characterize study. Encourage everyone to share their answers. Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
energy and its page 128 of the book.
different types;
and B. Firm-up D. Transfer
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Work Ask the learners to solve the following problems in a separate
● State and apply and Energy” in this link: sheet of paper:
the Law of 1. A force of 20 newtons is used to push a box along the floor
Conservation of The teacher will then discuss the following: a distance of 4 meters. How much work was done?
Energy. 2. A force of 150 newtons was necessary to lift a rock. A
⮚ Work done by a Force
total of 200 joules of work was done. How far was the
⮚ Work-Energy Relation rock lifted?
3. A set of pulleys is used to lift an antique china cabinet
⮚ Kinetic Energy weighing 1,000 newtons. The cabinet is lifted 3 meters in
60 seconds . How much power is used?
C. Deepen
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on E. Evaluation
page 128 of the book. Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 5 and 9) in page 145 of the book.
D. Transfer
Ask the learners to solve the following problems in a separate
sheet of paper:
1. A force of 20 newtons is used to push a box along the
floor a distance of 4 meters. How much work was done?
2. A force of 150 newtons was necessary to lift a rock. A
total of 200 joules of work was done. How far was the
rock lifted?
3. A set of pulleys is used to lift an antique china cabinet
weighing 1,000 newtons. The cabinet is lifted 3 meters in
60 seconds . How much power is used?

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
1, 5 and 9) in page 145 of the book.
● Define and ● Work, Energy
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on work by asking for
calculate work; and Energy a. Prayer the formula and SI unit for work.
Conservation b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
● Explain how
c. Checking of attendance B. Firm-up
force, energy
d. Quick “kamustahan” Ask the learners to watch the video “Introduction to Power” in
and work are
this link: , then read pages 130-
II. LESSON PROPER 144 of the book.
● Characterize A. Explore
energy and its Let the learners recall the previous lesson on work by asking for C. Deepen
different types; the formula and SI unit for work. Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on
and page 137 of the book.
B. Firm-up
● State and apply Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video D. Transfer
the Law of “Introduction to Power” in this link: Ask the learners to perform the activity below:
Conservation of Write a short story with word problems related to work, power,
Energy. and energy. Show your solutions to the problem at the end of the
The teacher will then discuss the following: story.
⮚ Power
Here is a sample story which you can use as a guide.
⮚ Conservative and Nonconservative Forces Cassie and Marga are sisters who love to study. One day,
Cassie decided to borrow books from the school library.
⮚ Energy Conservation, Work and Power Problems Problem 1. She borrowed books weighing 1.5 newtons which
she lifted 2 meters. How much work was done by
C. Deepen Cassie?
Ask the learners to answer the “Check Your Understanding” on Marga, on the other hand, ordered books and reviewers from an
page 137 of the book. online shop. They were delivered and she was excited to open
her package.
D. Transfer Problem 2. How much power is used if Marga applied a
Ask the learners to perform the activity below: force of 35 newton to push her package box a distance of 5
Write a short story with word problems related to work, power, meters in 30 seconds?
and energy. Show your solutions to the problem at the end of the
story. E. Evaluation
Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
Here is a sample story which you can use as a guide. 23, 26 and 27) in page 147 of the book.
Cassie and Marga are sisters who love to study. One day,
Cassie decided to borrow books from the school library.
Problem 1. She borrowed books weighing 1.5 newtons
which she lifted 2 meters. How much work was done
by Cassie?
Marga, on the other hand, ordered books and reviewers from
an online shop. They were delivered and she was excited to
open her package.
Problem 2. How much power is used if Marga applied a
force of 35 newton to push her package box a distance of 5
meters in 30 seconds?

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
23, 26 and 27) in page 147 of the book.

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 8 Learning Area: General Physics 1
MELC/s: Differentiate center of mass and geometric center (STEM_GP12WE-Ih-i- 56)
Relate the motion of center of mass of a system to the momentum and net external force acting on the system (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ih- 57)
Relate the momentum, impulse, force, and time of contact in a system (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ih- 58)
Compare and contrast elastic and inelastic collisions (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ii- 60)
Apply the concept of restitution coefficient in collisions (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ii- 61)
Solve problems involving center of mass, impulse, and momentum in contexts such as, but not limited to, rocket motion, vehicle collisions, and ping-pong. (STEM_GP12MMIC-Ii-
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
● Explain what ● Center of
Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to get a toy and let them relate how they play the
momentum is, Mass, a. Prayer toy to the previous lesson on work, power and energy.
physically Momentum, b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
Impulse and c. Checking of attendance B. Firm-up
● Calculate the
Collisions d. Quick “kamustahan” Ask the learners to watch the video “Impulse and Momentum” in
momentum of a
this link: , then read pages 148-
moving object
II. LESSON PROPER 157 of the book.
● Explain what an A. Explore
impulse is, Provide some toys (ball, toy cars, yo-yo, etc) to the learners and C. Deepen
physically let them play around like kids. After a few minutes, let them Ask the learners to provide scenarios where momentum and
relate their assigned toys to the previous lesson on work, power impulse are observed.
● Describe what and energy.
an impulse does
B. Firm-up D. Transfer
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Impulse Ask the learners to perform the “Take-Home Investigation” on
and Momentum” in this link: page 157 of the book.
E. Evaluation
The teacher will then discuss the following: Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
2, 7 and 11) in page 169 of the book.
⮚ Center of MassWork done by a Force

⮚ Momentum-Impulse Relation

⮚ Law of Conservation of Momentum

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to provide scenarios where momentum and
impulse are observed.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the “Take-Home Investigation” on
page 157 of the book.
Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
2, 7 and 11) in page 169 of the book.
● Relate impulses ● Center of
Begin with classroom routine: Let the learners recall the previous lesson on work by explaining
to collisions Mass, a. Prayer the importance of momentum and impulse.
Momentum, b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
● Apply the
Impulse and c. Checking of attendance B. Firm-up
impulse- Collisions d. Quick “kamustahan” Ask the learners to watch the video “Elastic and Inelastic
Collisions” in this link: , then
theorem to solve
read pages 158-168 of the book.
A. Explore Ask the learners to differentiate elastic and inelastic collisions by
Let the learners recall the previous lesson on work by explaining providing examples.
the importance of momentum and impulse.
D. Transfer
B. Firm-up Ask the learners to perform the activity below:
Before the discussion, let the learners watch the video “Elastic Collision Simulation: With materials found in your study area
and Inelastic Collisions” in this link: simulate the two types of collision. Record a video of your simulation.

The teacher will then discuss the following: E. Evaluation

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
⮚ Collisions
17, 18 and 20) in page 169 of the book.
⮚ Center of Mass, Impulse, Momentum, and Collision

C. Deepen
Ask the learners to differentiate elastic and inelastic collisions by
providing examples.

D. Transfer
Ask the learners to perform the activity below:
Collision Simulation: With materials found in the classroom,
simulate the two types of collision.

Ask the learners to answer the “Problems and Exercises” (Items
17, 18 and 20) in page 169 of the book.

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

Senior High School Department

Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: 12
Week: Week 9 Learning Area: General Physics 1
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 5-7. Let the learners use the class period to review Lessons 5-7.


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