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Mills Ma. V.

School Biratnagar—16
Third terminal exam -2080
Time-3 F.M.-75
1.Read the following story and do the activity
that follows. (5)
The first time I went to a disco I was very young and
shy . However , I decided to go . Do you remember the
star Disco in Thamel ? It was a lovely p
Place ……always full of beautiful girls . Of course, most of
them are grandmothers now !
When I went to the disco , I was much too shy to ask
anyone for a dance . So , I sat down and thought I’d
watch for a while . You know , see how the other lads did
it . There was a lovely girl in a blue dress . A man walked
up to her and said . “ Excuse me . May I have the
pleasure of the next dance ? “She looked up at him and
said” Eh ? What did you say ?” So , he said , “ I wonder if
you would be kind enough to dance with me ?
…………..if you don’t mind ?” No , thank you very much
.”A few minutes later this other chap arrived . He gave
her this big smile and said , “ Would you be so kind as to
have the next dance with me ? “ “ Pardon ?” she said .
“Would you mind having the next dance with me ?” he
said , a bit nervously this time , “ No thanks . “
Then , this third fellow came over . He was very
good -looking , you know , black teeth , while hair -sorry .
I mean white teeth , black hair ! He said , ever so politely
, “ Can I ……….I mean …..could I … , might I have the
next dance with you ?” “ Sorry “ , she said , “ Me feet
are aching .”
By now , I was terrified . I mean , she ‘d said ‘ no ‘
to all of them ! Then this fourth character though he’d try
. “ Would you like to dance ?” She looked straight at
him . “No”.
Well , I decided to go home . I was Wearing an old
jacket and trousers, and nobody would say that I was
good- looking ! Just as I was walking past her , she smiled
. “Er….dancer ?” I asked “Thank you very much , “ she
replied. And that was that it’s our twentieth wedding
anniversary next week .
A. Choose the correct answer from the
alternatives given and complete the
a. The narrator is probably ………….
i) a comedian ii) a musician iii) an actor
b. When he got to at the disco , he first noticed……
i) his grandmother ii) some guys dancing iii) a
beautiful girl
c. Now his age may be about ……….
i) 20 years ii) 30 years iii) 40 years
d. The pretty girl ….
i) didn’t dance at all ii) became serious
iii) danced at last
e. The story is best characterized as…….
i) humorous ii) serious iii) sad
2. Read the following text and do the activities
that follow.(10)
A message from Another planet
Suren Majhi sat on the sandy bank of the Sun Koshi River
He had been fishing all day but had caught nothing . He
was tired and the twilight was changing into darkness .
Suddenly , in the distance over the river , Suren saw a
bright object . It might be a helicopter , he thought ,
probably going to Diktel , but there was no noise . It
came closer , and took on the shape of a saucer . It
landed on the bank about 50 meters away . Suren got up
and walked to the object .Once he had seen a film about
a spaceship, probably this was one . It might have come
from another planet . As he went closer ,a door opened ,
and Suren was drawn into the vessel . He found himself
in a room with what appeared to be a large number of
control panels with flashing lights . He was frightened
and almost jumped when he heard a voice saying ,”
Welcome to our spaceship , Suren . Don’t be afraid . Sit
down on the couch behind you . “ How do you know my
name ? “ Suren asked .
“ We are from another planet and we have
been observing Earth for several months . Our devices
have recorded radio and television broadcasts , and we
have learned to speak English , since it is the most widely
– used language . By using a long distance listening
device , we learnt your name and that you are the best
student in your school . We have chosen you to pass on
an important message to the leaders of your nation and
of the world . “
“ Do you think that leaders will listen to a poor kid
like me ?” Please open the door . I want to have ,” Suren
said .
“ You can’t leave now , look at the screen . The ship is
several thousand kilometers from Earth , although only a
few minutes have passed . On our planet , all the
resources are recycled whereas , on earth , you are
wasting your resources . Soon there will be nothing left .
Give your people the message that the recycle collection
centers should be set up in every town and city on Earth .
Cans , bottles , old household appliances , in fact ,
everything which is no longer in use , should be taken
there and be recycled . “
Suren said , “ if I tell people that I’ve
been in a spaceship , they will probably think I’m joking
or , perhaps , out of my mind . “Don’t worry !” the voice
said , “ We’ll give you an object that will prove that what
you say is true . Pick it up . It’s a tiny computer , far more
advanced than any found on Earth . When it’s examined
by a computer engineer , we’re sure your story will be
believed .’’ The screen lit up , and Suren saw the world
growing larger and larger . He saw the Himalayas and the
River Sunkoshi . The screen grew dark , the door opened ,
and Suren stepped out onto the sand . As soon as he was
out of the spaceship , it ascended at an enormous speed
and disappeared .
At home , before going to bed , Suren
wondered whether he had been dreaming , but when he
put his hand in his pocket , he could feel the tiny
computer .
A. Write the sentences in order as they are
mentioned in the text above .(5)
a. He was frightened and almost jumped when he
heard a voice .
b. The ship was several thousand kilometers from
Earth .
c. He saw a bright object .
d. He got up and walked to the object .
e. He saw the world growing larger and larger .
B. Answer the following questions . (5)
a. What did Suren initially think of the dazzling object ?
b. Where had Suren previously seen a spaceship ?
c. What emotions did Suren experience after being
sucked into the ship ?
d. How were they aware of Suren ?
e. How do they oversee the planet’s resources ?
3. Read the following advertisement and do
the activities that follow.(10)
One of the leading software Development Company and
training institutes in Nepal , is on its way of establishing a
new ISP with new technology . So , vacancies for different
positions are currently available in our company .
Minimum Qualification ;
10+ 2 or equivalent
Computer Literature
Good English ( both speaking and writing )
No previous experience required .
Training will be provided for all the selected candidates ;
Interested candidates should drop in their resume within
10 days from thi date either through post or in the office
itself between 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Contact : Softtware Solution & Research Center
Gwarko , GPO Box 2678, Kathmandu
A.Read the advertisement again and fill the gaps with
appropriate words.(10)
This is an advertisement of a company . It deals with
…..and training . There are many positions …..A person
who has passed ….and has knowledge of …..can
contact .Candidates must have good English . They can
….their application within 10 days from the date given .
B.Answer the following questions . (5)
a. How can the application be delivered ?
b. When is the last day to apply ?
c. What sort of experience is required to apply ?
d. Can the candidates apply online ?
e. What is the company’s name ?
4. A .Read the advertisement and do the activities that
follow. (15)
Vacancy Announcement
WWF Nepal , the global conservation organization
leading international efforts for a living planet , seeks
applications from qualified Nepali candidates for the
following full time position .
If you think you are an achiever and willing to work
within a diverse team in a multicultural environment
with commitment and passion for what you believe in ,
you are highly encouraged to apply .
Human Resource Associate
Major Responsibilities : under the direct
supervision of the Senior Human Resources
Officer, the Human Resources Associate is
responsible for assisting in planning ,
implementing and monitoring a variety of HR
duties including recruitment and induction
employee contract administration ,
performance management , staff benefits
management ,staff database updates , benefits
survey , etc . She/He will also be responsible for
providing regular HR Events of WWF ?Nepal
that includes WWF Annual Retreats and WWF
Nepal Anniversary . She/He will also be
responsible for providing regular HR support to
the Hariyo Ban Program.
Qualification : Bachelor’s degree in Human
Resources management or related subject with
at least 2 years of working experience in an HR
position is required . The Human Resources
Associate must have good interpersonal ,
organizing and administrative skills , and the
ability to work under time constraints using
initiative and judgment .
Interested applications are requested to
download the application form on the below
mentioned website and send the same with an
application letter to the email address below by
17:00nhours on 30th July 2022 . Please mention
the position you are applying for as the
subject . Emails without an application letter
and completed application form will not be
entertained . Only shortlisted candidates will be
informed . Detailed TOR for the above
mentioned position can be download form our
website .
Website : http://www. Www nepal. org
Email : hr @wwfnepal . org
WWW is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Please join us in our mission to save life on
Earth .
A. Find the words from the advertisement
which have opposite meanings to the
following . (5)
a.Local b. Unqualified c. Failure d.
National e. Uniform
B. State whether the following statements
are true or false .(5)
a. The phrase ‘a living planet ‘ refers to the
earth .
b. Only Nepali citizens can apply for the
position advertised .
c. The selected candidate can get an
opportunity to work in a multicultural
environment .
d. The abbreviated forms HR and TOR refer
to Human Resource and Teams of Reference
respectively .
e. Human Resources Associate doesn’t need
to have administrative skills.

C .Answer the following questions . (5)

a. What kind of organization is WWF ?
b. Who directs the person holding the position of Human
Resources Associate ?
c. What is the minimum qualification required for HRA?
d. Who is eligible to apply ?
e. How can an interested candidate get the application
form ?
5. Write a set of rules and regulations for the visitors in
a park . Use the expressions given below . (5)
…….is/are …..(not) allowed to …….strictly prohibited /
forbidden to ……can / cannot ……is / are required /
expected to ……must / must not ……
6.Write a newspaper article expressing your views on
the impact of science and technology . (5)
7.While visiting the zoo , you saw some people were
poking the animals with the sticks . How did you feel
seeing such people ? Write a couple of paragraphs
expressing your feelings . (6)
8. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper
highlighting the importance of natural resources in
Nepal and ways of preserving them .(8)
9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in
the brackets . (5)
a. Saroj never gets worried ,…………? ( Add a suitable tag )
b. She has gone to the USA . ( into simple past )
c. Ramita did not do any work . ( change into affirmative)
d. Anish said that he had been teaching . ( change into
direct speech )
e. People speak English all over the world . ( change into
passive voice )
10. Rewrite the following text choosing the correct
words / phrases from the brackets . (6)
One day Mark Twain was walking down …..( a/an/the ) .
He…..( was going / goes / went ) to give a lecture that
evening . He met a young man who said to him , “I have
an uncle who never laughs and smiles .’’ Mark Twain said
if he brings his uncle to his lecture , he ………( can make /
could make / would have made ) him ………( laugh/ to
laugh / laugh ). That evening the young man and his
uncle sat ……..( in/on/at ) the first row . Mark Twain told
some funny stories …..( therefore / but / so ) the old man
didn’t smile at all .

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