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Mills Seconday School Biratnagar -16

Third terminal exam -2080

Time -3hrs F.M.-75
Attempt all the questions
1.Read the following poem and answer the
Composed upon Westminster Bridge ,
September 3, 1802
Earth has not anything to show more air :
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty.
This city now cloth ,li ke a garment , wear
The beauty of the morning ;silent , bare,
Ships , towers , domes , theatres, and temple lie
Open unto the fields , and to the sky .
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air .

Never did sun more beautifully steep

In his first splendour , valley, rock , or hill;
Ne’er saw I, never felt , a calm so deep !
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! The very houses seem asleep ;
And all that mighty heart is lying still !

-William Wordsworths
Answer the following
a. How was the city in the early morning ?
b. What things does the poet see in the city?
c. According to Wordsworth , who is dull of the soul ?
d. What do you mean by houses seem asleep ?
e. What made the city’s views clear and visible ?
2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow .

Discovering Migration : What Birds

A snow – covered forest in winter can be a quiet place .
In spring , however , this same spot is filled with the
chirps , chatter and calls of birds . Where do they go
during the winter ? In the past , people used to think that
during the winter birds slept in holes that they dug in the
ground . Others thought they hid in the mud on the
bottoms of ponds – alive , but waiting for spring . Others
claimed that familiar summer birds transformed into
other types of birds in the winter . The truth is , in some
ways , more incredible . What birds do during this time is
migrate: They fly over land and oceans without a
roadmap or compass to destinations that are sometimes
thousands of miles away .
Like marathon ruuner , birds pace themselves so they
do not run out of energy before they can land . They are
always adjusting speed , height , and flight path to
account for changing winds , their own weight , and
stroms . In the spring , they retrace their paths back to
their summer homes . Each fall , about five billion birds
migrate south for the winter from North America. Nearly
all 500 of the 650 species of North American birds
migrate . Yet this is just one small part of the picture
More than half of all the bird species in the world –
approximately 5,000 species – migrate, and each species
is on a different journey .
Other animal species also migrate , including insects ,
amphibians , reptiles, fish and mammals . Mugration is
happening all the time : Herds of wild beast arrive every
January at green pastures in the southern Serengeti of
Africa . Swarms of free tailed bats arrive each March to
caves in Texas . Northern fur seals gather on Alaskan
islands each June . In Sptember , Chinook salmon swim
up rivers in Washington State . If you are in the right
place at the right time , you can witness these amazing
journeys . Yet , no matter where you live , you can see
some birds migrating . In fact , much of what we know
about migration comes from studying birds .
A. Complete the following sentences with correct
information from the text . 5x1=5
a. ………….is a misconception about birds ‘
disappearance during winter .
b. Birds fly thousands of miles without ……or ……….
c. Birds are compared with…….
d. Approximately ……..North American birds migrate
every winter .
e. Almost all animals , including …… migrate .
B. Answer the following . 5x1=5
a. What did the people claim about summer birds ?
b. What three things do the birds consider while flying
long distances ?
c. How do the birds return their summer homes ?
d. What are the challenges for flying birds ?
e. When can we enjoy the wonderful journeys of the
birds ?
3. Read the following text and do the tasks that
follow .
A reputed and well – established IT company of Nepal
is seeking highly motivated and skilled individual for
the following positions :
1. Sales Manager
Reqired Qualification : Bachelor’s in
management with minimum of one year experience in
sales . Moderate to strong technical background
would be a big plus . A computr literate who can work
independently with little supervision and is willing to
travel .
2. Network Engineer
Required Qualification : Bachelor’s in
Engineering with minimum one year experience .
Working knowledge of LAN/ WAN , Routing 9
Dynamic / Static ), switching technologies and
networking .
3. Sales Officer
Required Qualification : Bachelor’s in
management with minimum of nine months
experience in sales with a focus on analying growth
potential . Have the potential for growing channel
and corporate sales , requires regular visits to the
customers . Interested applicants may drop in their
applications along with resume within seven days
by post to :
The Hiring Manager / Division Manager
A.Complete the following sentences with appropriate
words / phrases from the text . 5x1=5
a. The company calls the applications for ……
different .
b. Minimum nine months experience is required
for the post of ….types of posts .
c. Altogether …..posts are fallen vacant .
d. Bachelor’s in Engineering with minimum one
year experience is needed for the post of……
e. Sales Manager requires in management with
one year sales experiences .
B.Answer the following questions . 5x1=5
a. What is the academic qualification required
for the post of sales Manager ?
b. What requirements should a candidate
possess for the post of Network Engineer ?
c. How can the application be sent ?
d. Whom should the candidate send the
application ?
e. How many posts are vacant in IT Company .

4. Read the following science article and do the

activities that follow .
Scientists have developed a gel that helps brains recover
from traumatic injuries . It has the potential to treat
head injuries in combat , car accidents , falls , or gunshot
wounds . Developed by Dr. Ning Zhang at Clemson
University in South Carolina , the gel is injected in liquid
form at the site of injury and stimulates the growth of
stem cells there . Brain injuries are particularly hard to
repair , since injured tissues swell up and can cause
additional damage to the cells . So far , treatments have
tried to limit this secondary damage by lowering the
temperature or relieving the pressure at the site of injury
. However , these techniques are often not very
effective .
More recently, scientist have considered transplanting
donor brain cells into the would to repair damaged
tissue. This method has so far had limited results when
treating brain injuries. The donor cells offer fall to grow
or stimulate repair at the injury site, possibly because of
the inflammation and scaring present there. The injury
site also typically has a very limited blood supply and
connective tissue, which might prevent donor cells from
getting the nutrients they require. Dr. zhang’s gel,
however, can be loaded with different chemicals to
stimulate various biological processes at the site of
injury. In previous research done on rats, she was able to
use the gel to help re-establish a full blood supply at the
site of brain injury. This could help create a better
environment for donor cells . in a follow – up study, Dr.
zhang loaded the gel with immature stem cells as well as
the chemicals they needed to develop into full- fledged
adult brain cells. When rats with severe brain injuries
were treated with this mixture for eight weeks, they
showed signs of significant recovery. The new get could
treat patients at varying stages following injury and is
expected to be ready for testing in humans in about
three years.
A. Match the word in column ‘A’ with their meaning in
column ‘B’ One meaning is given extra . 5x1=5
Column ‘ A’ Column ‘B’
a. Traumatic I. subscriber
b. Combat ii. Raise levels of physiology
c .donor iii. critical
d.stimulate iv. war
e. severe iv.brain
vi. terrible or distressing
B.Put the following sentences in the correct order
as they appear in the text . 5x1=5
a. Gel is administered in the wounds to grow
stem cells .
b. Brain injury is barely repaired.
c. Dr. Ning has primarily experimented with the
gel on rats .
d. Swelling hinders to cure of brain injury .
e. The gel is expected to recover from terrible
brain injury .
C.Answer the following questions.5x1=5
a. What sorts of injuries are expected to be
cured by the gel ?
b. Where does Dr. Zhang work ?
c. Why is the gel administered in the injury
d. Why are the donor cells failed to grow ?
e. How long does the experiment on rats take
place ?
5.Write a couple of paragraphs describing a place of
tourist attraction in your village /town . Use the given
clues . 5
Location ……accessibility……facilities…..major attractions

6. Suppose you are Prabesh Pandey , the secretary of the

Child club at your school . The club is going to organize a
poem recitation competition in the school auditorium
hall . You have decided to invite Vishnu S. Rai , a
prominent poet to grace the occasion . Draft an invitation
letter for him . 5
7. a tourist , who has recently arrived at a hotel , wants
to stay there for a week . Compose a dialogue between
the tourist and the receptionist not less than six
exchanges . 6
8. Write a newspaper article on ‘Global Warming : A
Cross- cutting Issue .’ Include the causes , effects and
offer some mitigating measures . 8
9.Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the
brackets .6x1=6
a. One can solve this puzzle,…..?( Add a correct question
tag )
b. Some of the students have submitted their
assignments . ( Change into negative )
c. The teacher showed the students pictures so that they
can understand the text easily . ( Change into ‘ why ‘
question )
d. Recently , scientists ( discover ) water on Mars . ( use
the verb in the correct tense )
e. He said to her , ‘’ What were you doing when I
knocked at the door ? ‘’
f. Kritika adores her teachers checking her diary .
( Change into passive voice )
10.Choose and copy the correct answer for the
numbered blanks below . Rewriting is not compulsory.
One day a lame boy ….1……( who / whose / whom/
which ) parents had already died , went to the house of
a farmer . He told the farmer that ….2…( I will work / he
will work / he would work / I would work ) for him . He
further begged , “ I will plough your lands ….3….(
and/so/ but/yet ) I will clean the dishes . “ Both of my
parents …4….( are / were /is/are ) dead,” he said .
hearing his voice , the farmer’s wife feit sorry for the
boy . She said to the farmer , “ Do not drive …5…( out/
away/off/ through ) this boy .” She turned to the boy
and said , “ Stay here . We will give you food .” Many
days passed Gradually , the farmer’s daughter started
liking him . One day , she said to her father ,” Do not say
him to go from here . He is not …6….( a /the /an/ no
article ) idle beggar .”The father agreed and the boy
lived with the farmer’s family . The farmer got the boy
…7….( work/ works / to work/ worked ) in the fields .
The boy grew up and became a mature man . After
some years , the farmer couples died . The boy married
the farmer’s daughter . The boy …8….( won’t have /
wouldn’t have / shouldn’t have ) married the farmer’s
daughter if he had not been given the job by the farmer
. Thereafter the couple spant their lives …9…( happy /
happily /more happily / the most happily ) . Love never
fades away if it emerges from the inner heart ,…10….
( does it / doesn’t it/ don’t it / do they ) ?

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