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Name:Muhammad Affan

Roll No:10
Subject:Pakistan Study

Imran khan Govt:2018 Onward

Imran Khan served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, leading the Pakistan
Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government since August 18, 2018. However, for the
most current information on Imran Khan's government and any developments
that may have occurred after January 2022, I recommend checking the latest
news sources or official government announcements. Keep in mind that the
political landscape can evolve, and there may have been changes or new
developments since my last update
Economic Challenges:
Khan inherited a challenging economic situation marked by high inflation,
fiscal deficits, and a balance of payments crisis. His government entered into
agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to secure financial
assistance, leading to the implementation of economic reforms. The measures
included subsidy cuts, tax reforms, and initiatives to attract foreign investment.
However, these policies were met with public resistance, contributing to
occasional protests and criticism.
Anti-Corruption Agenda:
One of the central pillars of Imran Khan's political platform has been an anti-
corruption drive. His government initiated investigations into corruption cases
involving politicians and bureaucrats, promoting accountability in public
offices. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) played a crucial role in
pursuing corruption cases against individuals from various political parties.
Foreign Relations:
In terms of foreign policy, Khan's government has sought to strengthen ties
with key allies, such as China and Saudi Arabia. Relations with the United
States have experienced fluctuations, with a focus on cooperation in areas like
counterterrorism. The situation in Afghanistan has been of significant concern,
with Pakistan playing a role in facilitating peace talks and promoting stability
in the region.
India-Pakistan Relations:
Khan's tenure witnessed ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan,
particularly after India's revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.
Efforts to normalize relations faced obstacles, and sporadic clashes along the
Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir remained a point of contention.
Domestic Criticisms and Challenges:
The government faced domestic criticisms related to governance, human
rights, and press freedom. Opposition parties raised concerns about the
transparency of elections and accused the government of political
victimization. Protests and demonstrations occasionally challenged the
government's policies, contributing to political polarization.
COVID-19 Pandemic Response:
The COVID-19 pandemic presented a formidable challenge during Khan's
tenure. The government implemented measures to control the spread of the
virus and mitigate its socio-economic impact. However, the response faced
logistical challenges, and the economic fallout further strained an already
delicate situation.

In conclusion, Imran Khan's government has navigated a complex landscape
of economic difficulties, geopolitical tensions, and domestic criticisms. The
effectiveness of the policies pursued and their long-term impact on Pakistan's
development remain subjects of ongoing scrutiny and debate. The political
landscape in Pakistan is dynamic, and developments beyond my last
knowledge update in January 2022 may have shaped the trajectory of Khan's
government further.

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