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BSB50420 Diploma Leadership and Management

Term 1 2024 assignment

Student Details/ Declaration

Unit of
BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement

☐ I fully understand the context and purpose of this assignment.

☐ I am fully aware of the competency standard/ criteria against which I will be assessed.

☐ I am aware of the resources I need and how the assignment will be conducted.

☐ I have had the appeals process and confidentiality explained to me.

I declare that
(please tick): ☐ I understand that the assignment is an individual effort and that all written work is my own.
I am aware that if I am caught with either collusion or plagiarism of another student’s work, I will be penalised for
☐ academic misconduct which could result in the suspension or cancellation of my course enrolment/ student visa.

I understand that I will not disclose any assignment question or answer, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means
before, during, or after I have submitted my assignment to Canvas on any internet ‘share space/ chat room, or otherwise,
☐ which will constitute a breach of academic misconduct and would result in the suspension or cancellation of my course
enrolment/ student visa.


Student ID ECS Submission Date

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- After the due date, Start Assignment button will not be available, and you will have to contact student services at to arrange your assignment submission
Deadline - Assignments submitted after the due date (as stipulated on Canvas) will incur a late submission fee of $50 if submitted
by the end of the scheduled feedback session on week 7/9
- If your assessment is marked as Not Yet Satisfactory (NYC), it is your responsibility to check the result on Canvas and
contact student services and plan to be re-assessed. Re-assessments need to be submitted within the period allocated
to the unit otherwise re-assessment fee of $250 per unit will apply.

- You must complete your assignment by utilizing only this official assignment tool document (which features working
answer/ portfolio templates) to meet the requirements of validity principles.
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Assessor Use
- I have provided appropriate feedback (including verifying all answer pages within this assignment either on the check
Only box or at the answer fields as well as leaving comments in Canvas).

S ☐ S ☐ C ☐ Assessor Initials & Date

Knowledge Performance Overall
Criteria Criteria result
Knowledge criteria: short answer questions

1. Briefly explain how each step of the decision-making process outlined below is done when facilitating
continuous improvement. Ensure each explanation includes a brief description of each step.

Steps of the Decision- How Each Step is Done When Facilitating Continuous Improvement (each answer
Making Process should not exceed 50-word count limit)

 Identify the decision

to be made

 Gather relevant

 Identify the options

 Evaluate the

 Choose among the


 Take action

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Knowledge criteria: short answer questions (cont.)

Steps of the Decision- How Each Step is Done When Facilitating Continuous Improvement (each answer
Making Process (cont.) should not exceed 50-word count limit)

 Review your

2. Briefly explain how each of the following systems are used by businesses during continuous

How Each System is Used During Continuous Improvement (each answer should not
exceed 50-word count limit)

 Knowledge

 Performance

3. Identify the industry-specific applicable to the fitness business in terms of quality and sustainability

Standard for Each Business How Each Standard Can Be Applied to

Business Requirements Requirement (each answer should not Bounce Fitness (each answer should not
exceed 50-word count limit) exceed 50-word count limit)

 Quality

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Knowledge criteria: short answer questions (cont.)

Standard for Each Business How Each Standard Can Be Applied to

Business Requirements
Requirement (each answer should not Bounce Fitness (each answer should not
exceed 50-word count limit) exceed 50-word count limit)

 Sustainability

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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Short Answers Questions (for Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Q1. to 3. When completing this
checklist, you must ensure that:

 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.

 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Answer all short questions covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

 Briefly explain how each step of the decision-making 1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
process outlined below is done when facilitating continuous continuous improvement and communicate to
improvement. relevant stakeholders
 Briefly explain how each of the following systems are used 1.1 Identify current systems and processes that
by businesses during continuous improvement. facilitate continuous improvement
 Identify the industry-specific applicable to the fitness 2.1 Confirm relevant systems and processes
business in terms of quality and sustainability aspects. meet organisation sustainability requirements

Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Assessor initial & date

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Performance criteria: Case study/ project portfolio/ observation

The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an environment with
conditions like that of a real workplace.

To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to lead and manage
continuous improvement systems and processes.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
 Workplace Project Assessment - A series of written practical tests assessing the learner’s practical
knowledge and skills underpinning of the unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace
documents or similar as evidence of competent performance.
 Workplace Practical Observation - A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate
practical skills relevant to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed
by the assessor.
Tasks and activities in this project assessment require you to have access to a workplace or a similar environment.

Some tasks in this Practical Assessment require you to refer to corporate sustainability legislation and regulations
applicable to the state/territory where the workplace policy and procedures you will develop and implement for this
practical assessment is based or located in.

Case study

Bounce Fitness is made up of four fitness centres. Head office is currently established in Cairns,
Queensland. The other centres are in Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and Melbourne,
(Victoria). It is the intention of the Board of Directors that a new centre will be opened in Perth, (Western
It was established in 2001 by Margaret House as a single aerobic studio. After two years membership
increases demanded the small, leased centre be expanded and a new facility was built on land purchased by
the organisation. In 2004 a second centre was established in leased premises in Brisbane and then Sydney
and Melbourne in the subsequent two years.
The Head Office remains in Cairns and a Board of Directors has been established to oversee the function of
the business in all the centres. Each centre has a manager, who reports to the CEO in Cairns, and a team of
permanently employed fitness instructors and other casual instructors, all of whom report to the Centre
Manager. The business is operated on best business practice and complies with all legislative requirements,
local by-laws and is registered with the national body.
Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and expertise to establish itself as a
premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. Much time is invested in training the Centre staff to upgrade
their professional skills and in customer service to foster a loyal member base. Classes are innovative and varied
with regular changes to routines and activities.

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Bounce Fitness has developed choreographed fitness moves with accompanying music which is geared
to the varying interests, needs and goals of the member group. It is intended that all around Australia,
gym and fitness centre members will continue to be enhancing personal performance through classes
designed and produced by this business. Classes are coupled with state-of-the-art fitness equipment to
cater to those who prefer resistance training to aerobic workouts. Additional free weights allow for use by
even die-hard lifters.
All centres are carpeted in areas used for stationary activities, spacious, well-ventilated, and air-
conditioned to make the environment as safe and comfortable as possible. They are light and feature
wrap-around mirrored walls. The decor was designed by a Brisbane firm and is updated every three
years. There are showers, toilets, lockers.
Each centre features a retail section selling fitness shoes, clothes, and other related fitness items. There
is a small cafeteria which is leased to a provider who supplies healthy, low-calorie drinks and light food.
Each Centre has regularly scheduled aerobic classes ranging from high intensity to low intensity. The
scheduling is left to each Centre but must sustain a minimum average of twelve in each class for them to
continue to be held. The style of classes changes as new methods are developed to sustain interest and
provide variety.
Circuit classes are also scheduled for groups who move in a circuitous rotation around the different
resistance equipment sequentially as instructed by the instructor. They are required to complete interval
aerobic exercises during the completion of a class to enhance the value of the workout. Very low intensity
classes are also held in age care facilities to keep residents active and incorporate light weights to keep
them healthy. This exercise contributes to the physical and mental health of participants as well as
providing an interest in their day.
Special classes are held in high schools for senior students, sheltered workshops and other special
situations as requested and are operated at minimal or no cost as a community service. Funding is
primarily from memberships. Memberships are sold on one-, three-, six- and twelve-monthly basis on a
decreasing fee scale. Casual members are welcome, but the daily rate is a premium one.

Supplementary Case Study Materials (please use these documents to assist in your assignment)
1. BSBSTR502 - Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Quality Assurance Manual V2022.1 1 of 7
2. BSBSTR502 - Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Policies and Procedures for Meetings V2022.1 2 of 7
3. BSBSTR502 - Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedures V2022.1 3 of 7
4. BSBSTR502 - Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Workplace Health and Safety Policies and Procedures V2022.1 4 of 7
5. BSBSTR502 - Case Information - Safe Work Australia - National guide for safe workplaces – COVID-19
5 of 7
6. BSBSTR502 - Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Business Strategy V2022.1 6 of 7
7. BSBSTR502 - Case Information - The Road Ahead - Implementing Knowledge Management V2022.1 7 of 7

BSBSTR502 Learner Workbook

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Case study/ workplace project/ workplace practical observation form

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name Erwan Tjan

For satisfactory performance, learner’s submission must include the following tasks:

 Task 1 - Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes & Define
Improvement Needs and, Opportunities to Develop and, Communicate Decision-Making
Work activity
 Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Knowledge Management Systems
and Develop Processes to inform Team Members about Outcomes, Supporting Team
Members to Implement Systems and Processes, Evaluate and Recommend on
Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes

In person (student Via remote (attach three audio files when you
Observation done ☐ ☐
presentation in class) submit your assignment to Canvas)

Date of observation

Task 1 Evidence/s Required

Oral presentation on:

One audio
recording (either in
- Activity 1: Workplace Briefing
mp3 or mp4
Notes to a new recruit
format) for each
task activity to be
 Additional - Activity 2: Continuous uploaded along
evidence/s Improvement Policy and with this
required Procedure Framework & Prolicy assignment to
(commence your and Procedure Development to Canvas.
audio recording when relevant stakeholder
you see the
microphone icon in Task 2 Evidence/s Required
Orange and end
your recording when - Activity 3: Propose a Knowledge
you see the One audio recording
Management System (either in mp3 or
microphone icon in
Development Brief to be used to mp4 format) to be
support communication, changes uploaded along with
or improvements done during the this assignment to
continuous improvement activities Canvas.
at the workplace

Total evidences Three (3) audio recordings to be uploaded to Canvas

required: submission link along with this assignment document

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Project Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes & Define Improvement
Needs and, Opportunities to Develop and, Communicate Decision-Making Process

This workplace project assessment requires you to establish and implement systems and processes for
continuous improvement. This information will be used to improve your workplace organisation’s continuous
improvement processes. There are two activities within this task:
Activity 1
o Review organisational documents that are relevant to each of the following that are currently used in your
organisation to facilitate continuous improvement:
 Decision-making processes

 Strategies for continuous improvement

o Complete the Workplace Briefing Notes about the organisation’s current systems and processes for
facilitating continuous improvement to provide an induction to a new employee
o Conduct an induction briefing with the new employee (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can
undertake this role) based on the completed Workplace Briefing Notes.
o Produce and record one (1) audio recording of your oral presentation based on the induction briefing.
Your recording should be of approximately 7 to 10 minutes in duration and you will need to make sure
that you have access to a device like a SMART phone or a computer which has a microphone able to
record your work.
Activity 2
The second task activity will require you to identify and define continuous improvement needs and
opportunities in the workplace/organisation.
o Review case information documents that are relevant to address compliance with the Work Health and
Safety Regulation 2017 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
 National COVID-19 safe workplace principles

 National guide for safe workplaces – COVID 19

o Develop a continuous improvement policy and procedure framework to address:

 Improvement needs
 Improvement opportunities
 Requirements for organizational sustainability and practice
o Develop a policy and procedures to address the improvement need and opportunities:

 Identify the scope and policy statement

 Define the consultation procedures

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 Provide the recommended workplace principles to be implemented that meets regulatory
 List out the recommended policy procedures in accordance to regulatory requirements

 Determine how the policy would be implemented and communicated

 Include supporting references

 Identify the document/ policy authority

o Make an appointment with the CEO (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake this role) to
obtain consultation to provide feedback on the proposed policy and procedures as a continuous
improvement measure for the organization’s sustainability and practice.
o In engaging with your relevant stakeholders, it is crucial to always utilize the appropriate structure and
language. Language refers to the words you use in speaking, while structure refers to how you put these
words together.

o Produce and record one (1) audio recording based on your policy and procedures proposal. Your
recordings should be of approximately 7 to 10 minutes in duration and you will need to make sure that you
have access to a device like a SMART phone or a computer which has a microphone able to record your

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Commence your 1st audio recording for your oral presentation based on your completed
Workplace Briefing Notes to the new employee at this point.

As General Manager – Human Resource Management, you have been tasked to provide an induction to a
newly recruited Quality Assurance Manager, Tobias Andersen, at the headquarters in Cairns on the
organization’s continuous improvement culture. Complete the Workplace Briefing Checklist about Bounce
Fitness’ current systems and processes for facilitating continuous improvement by reviewing 1. BSBSTR502
- Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Quality Assurance Manual V2022.1 for guidance.
You would need to address Bounce Fitness’:
o Quality assurance objectives
o Decision-making processes for facilitating continuous improvement
o Existing continuous improvement strategies
o Knowledge management systems for facilitating continuous improvement

Workplace Briefing Notes

Document title Induction for new recruit

Employee’s name

Business unit Quality Assurance

Locations* allocation ☐ Sydney ☐ Melbourne

requested for (select an
appropriate option) ☐ Cairns ☐ Brisbane

☐ to provide information quickly and effectively about process/ procedures

☐ to influence/ indoctrinate decisions/ offer solutions/ standard operating procedures
Document purpose
(select an appropriate to raise awareness for new recruits on how task processes are addressed in the

option) workplace
to identify key pieces of information that would enable the employee to achieve their

work tasks/ objectives efficiently

Prepared by

Position General Manager - HRM Date prepared

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Workplace Briefing Notes (cont.)

Workplace standard operating procedures

o Quality 1.
(review 1.
BSBSTR502 - 3.
Case Study -
Bounce Fitness -
Quality Assurance 4.
Manual V2022.1)

ISO9001 which is structured in 3 levels:

o Type of quality 1.
system used 2.


o Decision-
making process
(refer to 2. 3.
Case Study -
Bounce Fitness - 4.
Policies and
Procedures for 5.
Meetings V2022.1;
answers should
reflect how the 6.
meetings are
chaired and
decisions are 7.


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Workplace Briefing Notes (cont.)

Workplace standard operating procedures

o Continuous
improvement 1.
(review 3.
BSBSTR502 - Case 2.
Study - Bounce
Fitness - Continuous
Improvement Policy
and Procedures


o Management
review and
internal audit
objectives (review 3.
1. BSBSTR502 -
Case Study -
Bounce Fitness - 4.
Quality Assurance
Manual V2022.1)


Please stop your 1st audio recording for your oral presentation at this point and
save file as BSBSTR502 Audio Recording 1 - (your name). upload this audio ☐
recording file along with this assignment to Canvas (please tick the box once completed).

You will now lead the new recruit to discuss of a recent management meeting which focused on
improving the company’s Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Policy and Procedures (refer to 4. BSBSTR502
- Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Workplace Health and Safety Policies and Procedures V2022.1) to include guidelines on
keeping the workplace safe from Covid-19.

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Scenario (cont.)
The management meeting touched on several key areas, notably, the regulatory approach to NSW work
health and safety legislation – COVID-19. The management has expressed that they would the Quality
Assurance department to undertake on improving the company’s current WHS practices to address
compliance with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
o National COVID-19 safe workplace principles
o National guide for safe workplaces – COVID 19

Working with new recruit, Tobias Andersen, you are required to improve the company’s current WHS
Policy and Procedures by:
o Developing a continuous improvement policy and procedure framework
o Proposing a set of policy information to address the continuous improvement requirements

Make an appointment with the CEO/ External Consultant (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can
undertake this role) to consult on the proposed Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework
and obtain feedback and, approval for this task activity.

Commence your 2nd audio recording for your oral presentation based on your completed
Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework and Policy and Procedure
Development to the relevant stakeholder at this point.

Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework

To establish the framework for the management of Policies, Procedures and

☐ supporting documents at Bounce fitness and alignment to relevant legislation as

Document purpose The development of these policies describes the Bounce Fitness Policy
(select an appropriate ☐ Framework and the principles for developing and managing codes of conduct,
option) policies, standards, and procedures.

The purpose of this policy framework is to specify Bounce Fitness’ approach to the
☐ development of WHS policies that will ensure consistent standards of application
for its related task objective/s.

In consultation with ☐ CEO ☐ External Consultant

Prepared by

Position General Manager - HRM Quality Assurance Manager

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Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework

Date prepared

This procedure applies to all staff and to all policies, procedures and schedules
developed for and on behalf of Bounce Fitness namely:

Providing guidelines for safe workplace (to assist persons conducting a business
or undertaking meet their work health and safety (WHS) duties in relation to COVID-19
Scope (select all ☐
given the significant risk this disease presents to the health and safety of people at the

Providing mental health assistance at the workplace (to ensure we are meeting
☐ the need for every single workplace in NSW to provide an environment that promotes and
encourages good mental health.)

☐ They are not available in the organization’s WHS policies

To clearly define and set the expectations for employees and provide a source of
☐ reference for employees to be able to review and understand organizational

Rationale for ☐ Provides guidance to managers for how they are to conduct themselves and the
developing policy standards they will be held to.
and procedure (select To assist the organization in communicating its obligations to provide a fair and
an appropriate ☐ equitable workplace and how it will meet those obligations imposed by regulatory/
option/s) legislation requirements.

☐ To ensure that the organization can demonstrate the fair application and
reasonableness of an employer’s actions when responding to a personnel’s issue.

☐ To provide employees information on where they can turn to for help / a point of
contact for queries/ how any grievance can be addressed in the workplace.

Document version V2022.1

☐ Quality Assurance Manager ☐ CEO

In developing new policies, the author of the policy must identify the subject
Responsibilities of
matter the policy is intended to address, how the policy aligns with the Bounce
the policy owner
☐ Fitness’ strategic objectives, the relevant stakeholders affected by the policy and
(please select the
any policy impacts that will need to be considered and addressed within the terms
appropriate option/s)
of the policy.

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Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework

Official policy documents must be appropriately assessed by the originating

department to ensure that policy impacts have been appropriately taken into
account within the policy draft. This will require consultation with relevant

departments, i.e., strategic alignment, staffing issues, equality impact
assessment, legal, compliance and data protection, risk assessment and financial

Clear and accurate version control is necessary when circulating draft documents
with amendments and so all official policy documents must include a document

control section including information such as authorship, date of approval and the
Responsibilities of approving authority.
the policy owner
(please select the The Author and Owner must communicate any new or updated the official policy
appropriate option/s; document to the relevant target audience and consider what, if any training will be
cont.) ☐ needed for key stakeholders to support implementation of the policy. This can
include staff briefings, departmental emails, bespoke training sessions or other
communication or training channels.

It is essential that existing official policy documents are reviewed, revised and re-

published in a timely manner to ensure they are relevant and up to date

Clear and accurate version control is necessary when circulating draft documents
with amendments and so all official policy documents must include a document

control section including information such as authorship, date of approval and the
approving authority.

Ensures that decisions are made fairly, whether they concern individuals or the

organization as a whole.

States clearly the employee-employer relationship, putting both the interests of

the organization and its employees into consideration.

Development of a
Sets the standard for the way things should be done and what the organization
policy outcome ☐
expects from its employees.
(please select the
appropriate option/s)
☐ Presents a uniformed way of doing things

☐ Doubles as a training manual for new staff members

Gives employees room to carry out their activities freely as long as it is within the

boundaries already put in place through policies.

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Policy and Procedures Development

Policy information

Organization name Bounce Fitness

Policy title

Related focus area Workplace health and safety

Development type Update/ Addendum/

☐ New/ standalone ☐ ☐
modification addition
Document version V2022.2

Date issue Review date

Purpose (brief
statement/s about the
overall purpose of the

policy, i.e., what
outcome/s is the policy
intended to achieve)

This policy guidelines will be used to assist the Company to determine how best
to manage the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace (includes all casual/ temporary staff/
apprentices/ trainees).
Scope (specify the
groups to whom the
☐ Senior Management ☐ General Managers
policy applies to)
☐ Centre Managers/ Asst. Managers ☐ Administrative staff

☐ Fitness staff ☐ Marketing staff

Plan: Plan what businesses should do to work safely. This includes conducting a

risk assessment regarding COVID-19 in the workplace.

Implement: Put into practice the control measures to minimise the risk of COVID-

Policy statement 19 in the workplace.
(select all options)
☐ Monitor: Keep checking to see how well the control measures are working.

Improve: Address any issues and find ways to make what the business is doing

even more effective.

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)


procedures (refer to
answers from items 5 to 3.
9 on page 12 of this


Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency, that all
actions in respect of COVID-19 should be founded in expert health advice and in
line with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 in response to the COVID-19
pandemic that the following principles:


Workplace principles 2.
(refer to National
CCOVID-19 safe
workplace principles*;
you are required to list 6
guideline items)


*National COIVID-19 safe workplace principles at URL:


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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency, that all
actions in respect of COVID-19 should be founded in expert health advice and in
line with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 in response to the COVID-19
pandemic that the following principles (cont.):
Workplace principles
(refer to National
CCOVID-19 safe 5.
workplace principles*;
you are required to list 6
guideline items; cont.)


*National COIVID-19 safe workplace principles at URL:


Plan (it is expected that during the planning phase, Bounce Fitness should consider their
A. operations in detail and identify and determine the most effective control measures to
manage the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplace; cont.)

Identifying activities and situations where people may contract COVID-19

1. (when identifying the activities or situations where people in the workplace may contract
COVID19 from each other or from a surface, Bounce Fitness will need to assess):
Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’, -
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’
approach to risk
management of COVID- -
19 in the workplace; refer
5. BSBSTR502 - Case
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1)

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Plan (it is expected that during the planning phase, Bounce Fitness should consider their
A. operations in detail and identify and determine the most effective control measures to
manage the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplace; cont.)

Assessing the risks (the business context is impacted by both external issues such as
the status of the pandemic in the geographic location of the workplace (for example, whether
2. there is current evidence of community transmission of the virus) and workers, as well as
internal issues like the structure of the business and worker demographics; some of the
external issues that Bounce Fitness may include but are not limited to):

Policy procedures -
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’,
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’
approach to risk -
management of COVID-
19 in the workplace; refer
5. BSBSTR502 - Case
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide -
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1;

Internal parts of Bounce Fitness’ business for consideration during the risk
assessment process may include (but are not limited to):

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Plan (it is expected that during the planning phase, Bounce Fitness should consider their
A. operations in detail and identify and determine the most effective control measures to
manage the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplace; cont.)

Controlling the risks (while it is not possible to eliminate the risks related to COVID-19,
Bounce Fitness would need to ensure that proper planning and implementation of controls
3. will ensure risks in workplaces arising from the pandemic are minimized; there is clear health
advice about how to reduce the risk of contact and droplet spread from a person, directly or
indirectly, and from contaminated surfaces including):

Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’,
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’
approach to risk -
management of COVID-
19 in the workplace; refer -
5. BSBSTR502 - Case
Information - Safe Work -
Australia - National guide
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1; -
Addressing new WHS risks (when planning to address risks related to COVID-19,
4. Bounce Fitness should also take into account any existing WHS risks and control measures
already in place to manage these. Bounce Fitness should:)

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Plan (it is expected that during the planning phase, Bounce Fitness should consider their
A. operations in detail and identify and determine the most effective control measures to
manage the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplace; cont.)

Preparing the workplace for workers to return (prior to workers returning to the
workplace after a period of shutdown or restricted operations, Bounce Fitness must ensure
5. their workplaces are safe to use; as part of the risk assessment, to prepare for safe operation
on the premises—that is, the actual building or work site where work is performed—
businesses should consider the following:)

Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’,
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’ 
approach to risk
management of COVID-
19 in the workplace; refer -
5. BSBSTR502 - Case
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide Working in mobile workplaces or workers in multiple locations (Bounce Fitness
for safe workplaces – must ensure that these workers are given support, guidance and adequate resources to work
COVID-19 V2022.1; 6. safely and to avoid transmission of the disease through travel and interaction with other
cont.) people especially for workers who are on casual employment with several workplaces. In
general, businesses with mobile workplaces or workers in multiple locations should:)

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Plan (it is expected that during the planning phase, Bounce Fitness should consider their
A. operations in detail and identify and determine the most effective control measures to
manage the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplace; cont.)

Working in mobile workplaces or workers in multiple locations (Bounce Fitness

must ensure that these workers are given support, guidance and adequate resources to work
6. safely and to avoid transmission of the disease through travel and interaction with other
people especially for workers who are on casual employment with several workplaces. In
general, businesses with mobile workplaces or workers in multiple locations should; cont.:)

Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’, -
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’
approach to risk
management of COVID- Implement (Bounce Fitness must ensure effective implementation of the control measures
19 in the workplace; refer
B. discussed above to limit the spread of COVID19 requires relevant workplace policies and
clear and comprehensive communication with workers and others at the workplace)
5. BSBSTR502 - Case
Information - Safe Work
Communication about COVID-19 (Bounce Fitness must ensure, so far as is reasonably
Australia - National guide
practicable, the provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision that is
for safe workplaces – 7. necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried
COVID-19 V2022.1; out as part of the conduct of the business; in a COVID-19 environment this includes providing
cont.) workers with:)

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Implement (Bounce Fitness must ensure effective implementation of the control measures
B. discussed above to limit the spread of COVID19 requires relevant workplace policies and
clear and comprehensive communication with workers and others at the workplace)

Communication about COVID-19 (Bounce Fitness must ensure, so far as is reasonably

practicable, the provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision that is
7. necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work
carried out as part of the conduct of the business; in a COVID-19 environment this includes
providing workers with; cont.:)

Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’, -
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’
approach to risk Communication on transitioning back to the usual workplace (Bounce Fitness
management of COVID- should take all reasonable measures to ensure workers understand the behaviors,
19 in the workplace; refer processes and working practices required to manage the risk of transmission of COVID-19
5. BSBSTR502 - Case before returning to a workplace as well as determining the following:)
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1; -

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Implement (effective implementation of the control measures discussed above to limit the
B. spread of COVID19 requires relevant workplace policies and clear and comprehensive
communication with workers and others at the workplace)

Communication on transitioning back to the usual workplace (Bounce Fitness

8. should take all reasonable measures to ensure workers understand the behaviors,
processes and working practices required to manage the risk of transmission of COVID-19
before returning to a workplace as well as determining the following; cont.:)

Policy procedures -
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’,
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’ -
approach to risk
management of COVID- Monitor (as for any WHS risks and controls, Bounce Fitness should closely monitor the
19 in the workplace; refer D. effectiveness of measures introduced to control risks arising from COVID-19; to do this,
5. BSBSTR502 - Case managers are expected consult their workers and their HSRs and consider the following:)
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide -
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1;

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Monitor (as for any WHS risks and controls, Bounce Fitness should closely monitor the
effectiveness of measures introduced to control risks arising from COVID-19; to do this,
managers are expected consult their workers and their HSRs and consider the following;

Policy procedures
(the procedure uses a
‘Plan’, ‘Implement’,
‘Monitor’ and ‘Improve’ -
approach to risk
management of COVID-
Improve (Bounce Fitness should actively consider the results of monitoring and review of
19 in the workplace; refer E. COVID-19 control measures and address any issues of concern, in consultation with workers
5. BSBSTR502 - Case and their representatives by ensuring:)
Information - Safe Work
Australia - National guide
for safe workplaces –
COVID-19 V2022.1;
cont.) -

This procedure will be implemented and communicated through:

☐ Announcement on the company’s website

Implementation and ☐ Internal circulation to staff

(please select the ☐ Staff professional development
appropriate option/s)
☐ Onboarding programs

☐ Staff handbook

Supporting ☐ National Guide for Safe Workplaces - COVID-19

references (please
select the appropriate
option/s) ☐ Statement of regulatory intent: COVID-19

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Policy and Procedures Development (cont.)

Policy information (cont.)

Document/ policy
☐ Board of Directors ☐ CEO ☐ Assurance

Make an appointment with the CEO/ External Consultant (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake
this role) to consult on the proposed Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure Framework and obtain
feedback and, approval for this task activity.
Produce and record one (1) audio recording of your oral presentation based on your policy and
procedures proposal. Your recording should be of approximately 10 to 15 minutes in duration and you will
need to make sure that you have access to a device like a SMART phone or a computer which has a
microphone able to record your work.
Commence your audio recording when you see the microphone icon in Orange and end your recording
when you see the microphone icon in Red.

Please stop your 2nd audio recording for your oral presentation at this point and save
file as BSBSTR502 Audio Recording 2 - (your name). upload this audio recording file ☐
along with this assignment to Canvas (please tick the box once completed).

Consultation (for CEO/ External Consultant use)

Not yet
Consultation area Satisfactory Pending Feedback

o Continuous
Improvement Policy and ☐ ☐ ☐
Procedure Framework

o Policy and Procedures

☐ ☐ ☐

Decision ☐ Approved ☐ Pending ☐ Not approved

CEO/ External Consultant’s


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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Case study/ project portfolio/ observation for Task 1
(For Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Task 1. When completing this checklist,
you must ensure that:
 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.
 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Answer all case study covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

 Completed the workplace briefing notes needed to brief

a new recruit covering:

o Provided accurate details of the document

o Defined the organization’s quality assurance system

1.1 Identify current systems and processes that
facilitate continuous improvement
o Determined type of quality system used
1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
o Identified the organization’s decision-making continuous improvement and communicate to
process relevant stakeholders

o Highlighted the organization’s continuous

improvement policy statements
o Indicated the management review and internal audit
 Developed a continuous improvement policy and
procedure framework:
1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
o Provided accurate details of the document
opportunities for the organisation
o Identified the scope of the document
1.6 Develop new systems and processes that
o Indicated the rationale for developing policy and facilitate continuous improvement according to
procedure improvement needs and opportunities
o Determine the responsible personnel and 2.4 Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and
responsibilities of the policy owner operations could be improved
o Identified the development of a policy outcome

 Completed a policy and procedures development:

1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement
o Provided accurate details of the document and encourage team members to participate in
decision-making processes
o Identified the scope of the document

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Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Answer all case study covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

o Determined the policy statement

1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement
o Indicated the consultation procedures and encourage team members to participate in
o Highlighted the workplace principles decision-making processes
1.6 Develop new systems and processes that
o Detailed the procedures for the policy
facilitate continuous improvement according to
o Indicated the implementation and communication improvement needs and opportunities
for the policy
1.7 Establish processes that confirm team members
o Indicated the supporting references for this policy are informed about continuous improvement
o Identified the document / policy authority

2.1 Confirm relevant systems and processes meet

organisation sustainability requirements
 Made an appointment with the CEO/ External
Consultant to consult on the proposed Continuous 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
Improvement Policy and Procedure Frame work and strategies to relevant stakeholders
the Policy and Procedure Development task
3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
systems and processes

 Outlines their workplace/organisation’s existing

continuous improvement strategies:

o Strategies for continuous improvement can

allow the organisation to 1.1 Identify current systems and processes that
facilitate continuous improvement
o Determine how they will implement continuous
improvement 1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement
and encourage team members to participate in
o Identify what the focus of continuous
decision-making processes
improvement is

o Identify how the organisation can determine if

continuous improvement is a success

 Outlines their workplace/organisation’s decision-

making processes required for facilitating continuous
improvement in the organisation: 1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
continuous improvement and communicate to
o Identifying what decision must be made to the relevant stakeholders
procedures that can provide the organisation
to: 1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
opportunities for the organisation
- Determine the need to improve
products, services or procedures

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Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Answer all case study covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

- Identifying what part of the organisation 1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
must be improved continuous improvement and communicate to
relevant stakeholders
- Define the nature of the decision that
1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
must be made
opportunities for the organisation

o Gathering information relevant to the decision

to the procedures that can provide the
organisation to:

- Determine what information is needed

2.4 Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and
- Identify appropriate sources of operations could be improved
information required

- Determine how information must be


o Identifying what options are available to the

procedures that can provide the organisation
to: 1.6 Develop new systems and processes that
- Identify existing options for continuous facilitate continuous improvement according to
improvement improvement needs and opportunities
2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
- Determine alternatives to existing options
strategies to relevant stakeholders
- Document outlined options for
continuous improvement

o Evaluating evidence for and against each

option to the procedures that can provide the 2.1 Confirm relevant systems and processes meet
organization to: organisation sustainability requirements

- Determine which options are more likely 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
to achieve the continuous improvement strategies to relevant stakeholders

 Reviewing the decision made to the proposed

procedures that can provide the organisation to:

o Procedures can provide the organisation

information on how to 3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
- Determine whether the continuous systems and processes
improvement goal was achieved

- Identify areas of improvement in the

decision-making process

Assessor initial &

Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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Project Task 2: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Knowledge Management Systems and
Develop Processes to inform Team Members about Outcomes, Supporting Team Members to Implement
Systems and Processes, Evaluate and Recommend on Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes

This task will require you to identify and define continuous improvement needs and opportunities in the workplace/
organisation. In addition, this task will require you to develop decision-making processes that will assist in the
proposal of the continuous improvement initiative.
To complete this task, you must:
o Review the case scenario included in this document

o Identify and develop new decision-making process for assisting continuous improvement including:

 Identify what decision must be made

 Gather information relevant to the decision

 Identify what options are available

 Evaluate evidence for and against each option

 Choose among the options

 Take action based on the decision made

 Review the decision made

Activity 3
o Develop strategies for continuous improvement including:

 Improvement needs

 Scope of continuous improvement

 Continuous improvement objectives

 General strategies for continuous improvement

 Key performance indicators

 Action items for each of the following:

 Coaching

 Mentoring

 Providing additional support

 Implementing continuous improvement systems and processes

o Continuous improvement strategies developed must adhere to organisational sustainability requirements.

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o Develop new knowledge management systems for assisting continuous improvement in the workplace/
organisation by capturing the following information about your team:
 progress procedures

 objectives for record-keeping

 maintain relevant information

o Review the continuous improvement strategies that you will implement to support your team by
implement an action plan for the following outlined in the continuous improvement strategies:
 Coaching for the team as a whole to:
- Implement continuous improvement systems and processes
- Support continuous improvement systems and processes
 Mentoring for at least two team members to:
- Implement continuous improvement systems and processes

- Support continuous improvement systems and processes

 Additional support required by team members

o Identify and evaluate improvements to continuous improvement planning and operations:

 The development and implementation of continuous improvement systems and processes

conducted in this practical assessment
 Review the development and implementation of continuous improvement systems and processes

 Determine recommendations for the improvement of the development and management of

continuous improvement systems and processes
 Communicate recommendations for improvements to continuous improvement planning and
operations identified
o Make an appointment with the CEO (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake this
role) to obtain consultation to provide feedback on the proposed policy and procedures as a continuous
improvement measure for the organization’s sustainability and practice.
o In engaging with your relevant stakeholders, it is crucial to always utilize the appropriate structure and
language. Language refers to the words you use in speaking, while structure refers to how you put
these words together.
o Produce and record one (1) audio recording of your oral presentation based on your policy and
procedures proposal. Your recording should be of approximately 7 to 10 minutes in duration and you
will need to make sure that you have access to a device like a SMART phone or a computer which has
a microphone able to record your work.

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Continuous improvement is the ongoing improvement of products, services, or processes through
incremental and breakthrough improvements, depending on the approach. Any well-run organisation would
have continuous improvement processes in place because it positively affects output quality, productivity,
worker satisfaction, and profitability. It also helps lower costs and reduces the worker turnover rate.
To facilitate continuous improvement in Bounce Fitness as its Quality Assurance Manager in the Sydney
fitness centre, you have been tasked by the CEO (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake this role)
to propose a Knowledge Management System Development Brief to be used to support communication,
changes or improvements done during the continuous improvement activities at the workplace including:

 Develop the application of knowledge management into the workplace

 Identifying the relevant stakeholders to be involved in this project
 Determine the Workflow Activity Plan and project timeline and milestone
 Provide a knowledge management blueprint covering analysis and design, construction,
integration and testing of the system
 Determine the implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the system including governance
and program management as well as risk assessment
 Identifying the support required to individuals and teams in achieving their work task requirements
Arrange a meeting with the CEO (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake this role) to propose to the
two areas to support continuous improvement. Record the oral discussions for the first two tasks, i.e.,
Knowledge Management System Development Brief, using a SMART phone or a computer which has a
microphone to record your work

Commence your 3nd audio recording for your oral presentation based on your completed
Knowledge Management System Development Brief to the CEO at this point.

Knowledge Management System Development Brief

Document title

Location/s assigned for ☐ Sydney ☐ Melbourne ☐ Brisbane ☐ Cairns

this project
To have the knowledge infrastructure and operational framework for knowledge

management in place.

To enable the organization to support employees as a key knowledge facilitator with

☐ processes in place to promote collaboration with key stakeholders via in person and
Document purpose
(select at least one or more virtual collaboration mechanisms in a user-friendly way.
To have mechanisms in place that enable employees to extract, analyse, learn and
share lessons from the projects and programs it finances, hence contributing to the

improvement of the design and effectiveness of adaptation projects and

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Document consultation ☐ Margaret House, CEO

Prepared by

Position Quality Assurance Manager Date prepared


Value proposition of knowledge management (the purpose of the Knowledge Management process is to share
perspectives, ideas, experience and information; to ensure that these are available in the right place at the right time to enable
informed decisions; and to improve efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.)

Improve the quality of management decision-making by ensuring that reliable and

secure knowledge, information and data is available through the service lifecycle
Enable the service provider to be more efficient and improve quality of service,
☐ increase satisfaction and reduce the cost of service by reducing the need to
rediscover knowledge
Ensure that staff have a clear and common understanding of the value that their
Value proposition (select
☐ services provide to customers and the ways in which benefits are realized from the
an appropriate option)
use of those services
Maintain a Knowledge Management System (KMS) that provides controlled access

to knowledge, information and data that is appropriate for each audience

Gather, analyse, store, share, use and maintain knowledge, information and data

throughout the service provider organization

How the value of
knowledge management
is aligned to Bounce
Fitness’ strategy (refer to
6. BSBSTR502 - Case Study
- Bounce Fitness - Business 2.
Strategy V2022.1)

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Drivers of knowledge
management (an
understanding of the related
disciplines influencing
knowledge management
allows KM proponents to
appreciate the different
perceptions that people may
have about knowledge

Application of knowledge management into the workplace (knowledge management in the workplace involves
collecting and curating collective employee knowledge, and applying that knowledge to achieve specific goals. It is about ensuring
that employees have the knowledge and information they need—where they need it, when they need it, and in the format, they
need it; select at least one option from each knowledge-driven category)

Speed up innovation to meet Develop competitive advantage over

☐ ☐
customers’ needs industry rivals
 Product and Provide a holistic user-friendly Develop and implement life cycle
☐ ☐
service knowledge knowledge-base environment management approaches
Increase value to client and
☐ ☐ Improve process automation
Ensure accurate information and Collect timely information on the
☐ ☐
data is recorded in the sytem performance of staff
Reduce the negative environment Minimize resouce use, specifically in
 Process knowledge ☐ ☐
footprint energy and water
Manage communication barriers
☐ ☐ Faster and more effective onboarding
between employees

☐ Improve customer service delivery ☐ Improve supplier relationship

 Customer and/ or
supplier knowledge Standardised processes and
☐ Obtain feedback from customer ☐
Audit of the existing digital workplace
☐ Avoid duplicated efforts ☐
 Technical or expert to identify areas for improvement
knowledge Ensures all relevant information and
☐ Create better resource efficiency ☐
resources can be accessed

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Critical success factors (Critical Success Factors have been demonstrated and recognized as fundamental elements for firm
success and performance in several activity domains; these factors refer to the limited number of areas in which satisfactory
results will ensure successful performance for the individual, department, or the firm; select the appropriate option/s for each
factor category)
Factors (select the appropriate
Sub-factors (select the appropriate option/s)

Culture (culture does not directly Sharing knowledge (encourage knowledge

lend its influence on KM project's ☐
sharing culture)
effectiveness; rather, it exerts its
☐ Conformity/ individualism (attitude could
influence through shaping the
behaviours and values of ☐ affect creation, sharing and
organizational employees) transferring knowledge)

Structure (structure encourages sharing

knowledge and collaboration)
Incentive system (financial

Structures and Procedures or non-financial that motivates people)
(structures and procedures to Channels for knowledge transfer
organize communication flows ☐
(flexibility dimension of sharing knowledge)
☐ between departments as well as
regulations and policies to help Size (level of departmentalization versus

create, transfer and use of information flow/ collaboration)
knowledge within the firm.) Network/ community of practice

Organizational factors (supportive and collaborative network)
considerations Coordination (managing

dependencies, but clarifying abilities)

Human resource management (level of KM

integration into HR strategy)

Familiarity (harmonious environment where

☐ people are willing and happy to share their
Human and Financial
Resources (people are at the Employee involvement and training (skills
heart of creating organizational ☐
to foster innovation and knowledge sharing)
☐ knowledge and therefore, managing
people who are
willing to create and share Teamwork skill (level of encouragement of

knowledge is important) cross-functional teams and learning groups)

Empowerment (take responsibility for sharing

knowledge and fostering KM)

Financial investment (financial

resource availability)

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Critical success factors (Critical Success Factors have been demonstrated and recognized as fundamental elements for firm
success and performance in several activity domains; these factors refer to the limited number of areas in which satisfactory
results will ensure successful performance for the individual, department, or the firm; select the appropriate option/s for each
factor category; cont.)
Factors (select the appropriate
Sub-factors (select the appropriate option/s)

KM measurement (help leaders to

☐ translate the KM program to employees’ daily
KM Processes (activities gearing
work activities)
towards creating and sharing
☐ knowledge and harvesting
KM processes and activities (process
knowledge from either employees
models assumed that steps and sub processes
or external sources) ☐
are often concurrent, sometimes repeated, and
not always in linear sequence)

IT/ communication system (infrastructures

allow employees to collaborate and negotiate for

creating and sharing knowledge within the

Connectivity (enable knowledge to flow

☐ within the firm in order to support efficiency,
Technology and effectiveness, and innovation excellence)
Organizational factors Infrastructure (investing in
comprehensive technological ☐ Usability (facilitation of knowledge generation)
considerations (cont.) ☐
infrastructure such as information
technologies and communication Repository/ access (user friendly

systems for the purpose of KM) area for penetrating knowledge within the firm)

☐ Security IT (information sharing is secured)

Searching IT (search, access and share

knowledge, and supports communication)

☐ Intellectual property

KM strategy (ability to create, integrate, store,

Strategy and Leadership disseminate and apply knowledge)
(defining objectives and goals
clearly and trying to make the
Management support (designing of a
☐ ☐
suitable vision for a KM project)
connection between the KM
strategy and the business
Change management (leaders help to shift
strategy of the firm)
☐ individuals, teams, & organizations from a
current state)

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Project preparation and the methodology used to conceptualize and design the knowledge management
system proposed (the aim to have a smart knowledge management application, which allows to collect, share, analyse and
apply lessons learned and best practices, is to bring productivity and efficiency to the organization, continuously improving how
projects are deliver)
The objective of this ☐ Ensure knowledge target the right people timely and with the right information
project is to design an
end-to-end application, ☐ Avoid reworking, decrease costs and can help to minimize delays in implementation
which collect lessons
learned, analyse them ☐ Help stakeholders to take better decisions based on experience and objective data
and transform to
recommendations ☐ Help to reduce the knowledge gap caused due turnover of personnel or distance
(please the appropriate
option/s): ☐ Increase customer satisfaction (projects delivered on time, within budget)

Description of Best practices (a lesson is knowledge acquired through experience, which may be positive
information to be ☐
and we would like to reinforce it)
gathered, documented
and stored in the KM Lessons learned (a lesson is knowledge acquired through experience, which may be

system negative and we would like to avoid repeating it)

Collect and Store (gather Lessons Learned from all project team in a simple way, allowing
☐ the project manager to configure a questionnaire from a template or a draft and send it to the
project team)

Verify applicability and quality (to ensure data correction the system will validate the
☐ data inserted and also, will engage users to rate lessons learned, hence, the most useful will
Functionality features have more visibility and will be a candidate to be transformed to a needed action)
scope (identifying
conceptualization and Disseminate (the stored lessons learned can be shared by email or extracted as a pdf or
design framework of the KM excel file, i.e., pull strategy for engaged users; in addition, the system will regularly

system functionality) communicate the new updates and changes to keep everyone up-to-date, i.e., push strategy
for non-motivated users).

Data analytics (data centralization to provide visual reports, which will help out users to
take decisions; giving visibility and reports of the gathered lessons learned and tracking them

to become actions with the aim is to reduce unnecessary waste, rework and improve the way
that we deliver projects).

Requirement specification (review the requirement specifications gathered from a general perspective of key functionalities,
to a collection of technical requirements, i.e., security, language, response time, and finally, to the user-centred requirements.)

Online, global tool; all the information

☐ ☐ Easy lessons entry, edition and review
in a single source
General System
Recommendation-based on user
Requirements (select the ☐ Powerful search capabilities ☐
appropriate option/s; cont.)
Capability to upload and see Data quality check through different
☐ ☐
multimedia content steps

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Requirement specification (review the requirement specifications gathered from a general perspective of key functionalities,
to a collection of technical requirements, i.e., security, language, response time, and finally, to the user-centred requirements;

General System ☐ Proactive system (push notifications) ☐ Clear metrics and executive outcomes
Requirements (select the Engagement mechanisms (user
appropriate option/s) ☐ Different views for each user type ☐
contribution roles and measures)
Elements (select
Description (select the appropriate option/s)
each option)

Screens to be as intuitive as possible. Recognized

conventions to be used e.g., hyperlinks in blue etc.
System security to control screens or fields which
can be updated. Screens to be as intuitive as possible.

Recognized conventions to be used e.g., fields greyed out if
☐ Ease of use input not allowed.
Navigation should be possible backwards and forwards

between screens without data loss.
Reports/screens showing data already in the public domain
☐ (e.g., on lessons) to be made as easily accessible as

☐ Documentation to explain how to use the system.

Requirements Documentation to explain how to use the system and ensure
☐ User guides ☐
system security.
Documentation for handover to support the

Simple screens to return data in < 10 seconds; Complex

screens to return data in < 30 seconds
☐ Reporting
On screen reports to be available in < 30 seconds (warning

message to be displayed if report time will be greater than this)

Database to be backed up every 24 hours. Rollback required

☐ to reload any data lost by restoring the databases from
☐ Data recovery
Backups required of Web Server, databases and any other
☐ required components to ensure that the systems can be
recovered within agreed business timelines.

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Knowledge Management System Proposal (cont.)

Requirement specification (review the requirement specifications gathered from a general perspective of key functionalities,
to a collection of technical requirements, i.e., security, language, response time, and finally, to the user-centred requirements;
Elements (select
Description (select the appropriate option/s)
each option)
Data Low rated and visited lessons will be archived
☐ ☐
retention once per year.
Network User authentication will be used to control access to
☐ any part of the application that allows data to be updated or
gives visibility of sensitive information.
Within the application, user security will be managed by the
☐ User security
☐ system Administrator to control the elements of data that can
Technical be updated by individual users.
Requirements (cont.)
Application to be available 24/7 to allow access to people

working on different shifts.

☐ The language used in the application will be English.

☐ Language
☐ Options for other languages.

The application has to be available across the company’s

intranet only.
☐ Accessibility
The application has to be available both across the

company’s intranet and remotely.
Comparative of existing tools (comparison of two different existing tools to manage lessons learned and knowledge.
Shortlist one of the tools to be used as inputs for the design of our knowledge management application to encourage users to
collaborate and share knowledge.)

Tool name (select an Unavailable

Features Cost URL link
appropriate option) features
- Cloud Knowledge
- Base (ensure security) - Lessons Free trial
- Intelligent Search validation Business ($199)
☐ Help juice - Customizable Scale ($249)
- Analytics - Comments Enterprise
- Users’ rewards
- Fast search Depend of
- Categorization number of users.
- Filterable/ customizable 100 users (850$)
content dashboards 200 users
☐ Tally Fox - Customizable - Analytics and
reporting ($1450)
- User Rewards
More contact.
- Open to integration with
other applications
- Mobile payment

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Justification to the
selected tool (provide a
brief explanation on the
selected knowledge
management tool option;
answers should not exceed
40-word count limit)

Project preparation and the methodology used to conceptualize and design the knowledge management
system proposed (the aim to have a smart knowledge management application, which allows to collect, share, analyse and
apply lessons learned and best practices, is to bring productivity and efficiency to the organization, continuously improving how
projects are deliver)

Responsibilities (provide a brief description not exceeding 60-word

Role count limit with the exception of ‘All employees’ where its answers should
not exceed 100-word count limit)

Identify stakeholders ☐ Process
required to be involved Owner)
in this project (to build
out knowledge management
for your company, you need
to get a variety of
roles involved and
determine their
responsibilities; select all
options; cont.)
☐ Manager (KM

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Responsibilities (provide a brief description not exceeding 60-word

Role count limit with the exception of ‘All employees’ where its answers should
not exceed 100-word count limit)

☐ (Knowledge

Identify stakeholders
required to be involved
in this project (to build
out knowledge management
for your company, you need
to get a variety of
roles involved and Clients
determine their (Knowledge
responsibilities; select all ☐
options; cont.) Consumer)

☐ Personnel
(KMS Tool

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Determine the workflow activity (each activity performs a different task, such as running a script, sending notifications, or
requesting approvals. Workflow runs activities as the user session that starts or advances them. Workflows started from record
operations will run activities as the user session that performed the record operation.; complete the Workflow Activity Plan below
using the RACI model, i.e., Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed, for managing the KM process)

Workflow Activity Plan

Process roles (please tick the respective options for each KM role accordingly)

Process activities KM Process Knowledge KMS Tool
KM Process Champions/
Manager (Quality Artifact Administrator
Owner (CEO) Contributors (all
Assurance Manager) Consumer (clients) (Technical personnel)

Activity 1: Knowledge
planning & management

1.1 Identify stakeholders ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Define stakeholders’
1.2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Identify sources of data
1.3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
& information
Identify data,
1.4 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
information requirement
Define & create
1.5 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
information architecture
Define delivery
1.6 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
mechanisms/ media
Create & publish KM
1.7 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Activity 2: Manage data,
information & knowledge
Establish data &
2.1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
information requirement
Examining existing
2.2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
knowledge artifact
Create new knowledge
2.3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Review existing
2.4 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
knowledge artifact
Confirm changed
2.5 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Knowledge artifact still
2.6 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Update/ modify existing
2.7 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
knowledge artifact
Archive knowledge
2.8 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Determine the workflow activity (each activity performs a different task, such as running a script, sending notifications, or
requesting approvals. Workflow runs activities as the user session that starts or advances them. Workflows started from record
operations will run activities as the user session that performed the record operation.; complete the Workflow Activity Plan below
using the RACI model, i.e., Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed, for managing the KM process; cont.)

Workflow Activity Plan (cont.)

Process roles (please tick the respective options for each KM role accordingly)

Process activities KM Process Knowledge KMS Tool
KM Process Champions/
Manager (Quality Artifact Administrator
Owner (CEO) Contributors (all
Assurance Manager) Consumer (clients) (Technical personnel)

Activity 3: Publish

Define requirements to
3.1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
access knowledge
Identify delivery
3.2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
mechanism/ media use
Format knowledge
3.3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
artifact for consumption
Review/ test knowledge
3.4 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Publish new/ revised
3.5 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
knowledge artifact
Inform stakeholders of
3.6 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
new knowledge artifact

Activity 4: Manage
knowledge management R A C I R A C I R A C I R A C I R A C I

4.1 Plan KM systems ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

4.2 Implement KM systems ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

4.3 Control KM systems ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

4.4 Verification & audit ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Determine the workflow activity (each activity performs a different task, such as running a script, sending notifications, or
requesting approvals. Workflow runs activities as the user session that starts or advances them. Workflows started from record
operations will run activities as the user session that performed the record operation.; complete the Workflow Activity Plan below
using the RACI model, i.e., Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed, for managing the KM process)

Workflow Activity Plan (cont.)

Process roles (please tick the respective options for each KM role accordingly)
Process activities KM Process Knowledge KMS Tool
KM Process Champions/
Manager (Quality Artifact Administrator
Owner (CEO) Contributors (all
Assurance Manager) Consumer (clients) (Technical personnel)

Activity 5: Management
information & reporting

5.1 Identify success criteria ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

5.2 Develop KPIs ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Define reporting
5.3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

5.4 Create report templates ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

5.5 Measure results ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

5.6 Publish reports ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Project timeline and milestone (milestones provide a way to more accurately estimate the time it will take to complete your
project by marking important dates and events, making them essential for precise project planning and scheduling; tick the
respective boxes below to map the timeline required for each process activities; ensure adequate time is allocated for task

Process Activities (please Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

tick the respective options for
each process activities W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
accordingly) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Knowledge planning &

1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Manage data, info. and
2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

3 Publish knowledge ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Manage knowledge
4 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
management systems
5 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
information & reporting

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Developing the knowledge management system (define the knowledge management process, and process inputs from,
and outputs to, other process areas)

Required 1.
components to
support developing 2.
the KM System (refer
to BSBSTR502 Learner

blueprint (the workflow
system architecture
organizes the procedure
of seizing, dispensing,
and efficiently utilizing
knowledge so that each
knowledge layering can
be optimised for
performance, scalability
and interoperability)

Analysis and design of the knowledge management system (this phase is considered a two-fold as analysis and
design are considered to be technical in nature considering the functional requirements of the proposed process or system and
then looking into the needs of those who will be making use of the process or system while design involves the specifications,
features, and operations of your proposed system or process; refer to 7. BSBSTR502 - Case Information - The Road Ahead -
Implementing Knowledge Management V2022.1)


Creating the
knowledge 2.
system blueprint (list
the required process for
this phase) 3.


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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Analysis and design of the knowledge management system (this phase is considered a two-fold as analysis and
design are considered to be technical in nature considering the functional requirements of the proposed process or system and
then looking into the needs of those who will be making use of the process or system while design involves the specifications,
features, and operations of your proposed system or process; refer to 7. BSBSTR502 - Case Information - The Road Ahead -
Implementing Knowledge Management V2022.1; cont.)

Creating the
knowledge 6.
system blueprint (list 7.
the required process for
this phase; cont.)

Actual development of the knowledge management system (involves working on the creation of your
systems/processes based on the data you have collected and produced thus far; refer to 7. BSBSTR502 - Case Information - The
Road Ahead - Implementing Knowledge Management V2022.1)



Considerations to
the construction of
the knowledge
management 4.
system (list the
required process for this
phase) 5.



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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Integration and testing of the knowledge management system (prior to implementation, there is a need to undergo the
phase of integration and testing to ensure it is able to meet the knowledge management goals and objectives; refer to 7.
BSBSTR502 - Case Information - The Road Ahead - Implementing Knowledge Management V2022.1)




Pilot testing and
deployment (list the 5.
required process for this





Implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the knowledge management system (it is important that the
company is able to demonstrate its contribution to intermediate outcomes, and indicators can play a vital part in establishing the
knowledge management system)
Clear and explicit in intent and Robust (able to stand up to critique and
☐ ☐
language interrogation)
Usable (linked to accessible data we Durable: have longevity (being able to
Identify key ☐ ☐
know how to find) compare results over time)
Meaningful (you have a reason for
indicators for an Contextualized (well suited to the context
☐ ☐ measuring it and the information is useful to
effective outcome in which they are being used)
(select the appropriate
options) ☐ Valid (it measures what it claims) ☐ Quick and simple to measure

Coherent (linked to the original problem Described in terms that are themselves
☐ ☐
and objectives/outcomes) defined

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Governance and program management of the knowledge management system (governance is the primary focus for
addressing the top layer of any KM capabilities model; it sets the principles and framework within which all the components of a
KM program fit especially both culturally and structurally within the wider organizational context)


Governance in
terms of 2.
requirements (list
at least five criteria 3.
that the organization
needs to fulfil; refer
to BSBSTR502
Learner Workbook 4.
pp 58 - 59)


Risk assessment (the ultimate aim of the risk assessment is the decision on the level of the acceptable risk and the measures
that will ensure the maintenance of risk at the determined level; the risk assessment procedure is based on the identification of
hazards and the assessment of risk arising from the identified hazards.)

Risk assessment
Plausible risks Contingency strategy option (select
that can occur Likely risk the appropriate option/s)
Consequences Risk rating

Implement policies aimed at

☐ Rare ☐ Negligible ☐ 1 = Remote ☐
promoting collaborative learning
Knowledge Motivate and encourage employees
☐ Unlikely ☐ Minor ☐ 2 = Unlikely ☐
hiding – an to share their knowledge
intentional attempt Implementing leadership fostering
to withhold or ☐ Moderate ☐ Medium ☐ 3 = Average ☐
interpersonal trust
1. conceal
knowledge that Offer training to improve adaptability
has been ☐ Likely ☐ Major ☐ 4 = Likely ☐ skills, self-management, and
requested by organizational citizenship
another person
Establish a working culture that
☐ Certain ☐ Severe ☐ 5 = Very likely ☐ enables mutual cooperation and

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Risk assessment (the ultimate aim of the risk assessment is the decision on the level of the acceptable risk and the
measures that will ensure the maintenance of risk at the determined level; the risk assessment procedure is based on the
identification of hazards and the assessment of risk arising from the identified hazards; cont.)

Plausible risks Risk assessment

Contingency strategy option (select
that can occur Likely risk the appropriate option/s)
Consequences Risk rating

Transfer and store crucial knowledge

☐ Rare ☐ Negligible ☐ 1 = Remote ☐ in IT-based databases

Solutions/tools that are sufficiently

☐ Unlikely ☐ Minor ☐ 2 = Unlikely ☐ protected
Cybercrime –
connected with Install different levels of knowledge
the threats of access, i.e., only available to those
☐ Moderate ☐ Medium ☐ 3 = Average ☐
malicious software persons who need such knowledge to
2. either destroying perform their tasks.
or locking
computer systems Retain critical knowledge through
in organizations; ☐ Likely ☐ Major ☐ 4 = Likely ☐ codification and distribution in
or hacker attacks
Be cautious in selecting outsourcing
and cooperating partners to minimize
☐ Certain ☐ Severe ☐ 5 = Very likely ☐ the risk of improper knowledge usage
by these parties

Replace approach scraps the

☐ Rare ☐ Negligible ☐ 1 = Remote ☐ existing system and replaces it with a
completely new system

Outdated Rebuild approach looks at full rebuild

rearchitects the legacy system into a
technologies – ☐ Unlikely ☐ Minor ☐ 2 = Unlikely ☐
fully modernized, cloud native
outdated software environment
can cause
software Refactor & rearchitect option
mismatch and a leverages changing parts of the
3. ☐ Moderate ☐ Medium ☐ 3 = Average ☐
high cost and long legacy component to optimize code
recovery time if for better performance.
there are failures;
old software can Re-platform approach ports an
have security application’s components to a new
☐ Likely ☐ Major ☐ 4 = Likely ☐ runtime platform with minimal code
changes and with the same features

Rehosting, also called the “lift and

☐ Certain ☐ Severe ☐ 5 = Very likely ☐ shift” migration approach

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Risk Rating Guide (for Risk Register reference)

Level Description

Rare The event may occur in exceptional circumstances.

Unlikely The event will probably occur at some time.

Scale Moderate The event will probably occur at some time.

Likely The event will occur in most circumstances.

Certain The event is expected to occur in all circumstances.

Negligible (a risk event that, if it occurs, will have little or none impact on achieving desired results, to the
extent that one or more stated outcome objectives)

Minor (a risk event that, if it occurs, will have a minor impact on achieving desired results, to the extent that
one or more stated outcome objectives will fall well below goals but well above minimum acceptable levels)

Consequence Medium (a risk event that, if it occurs, will have a moderate impact on achieving desired results, to the
2 extent that one or more stated outcome objectives will fall well below goals but above minimum acceptable

Major (a risk event that, if it occurs, will have a significant impact on achieving desired results, to the extent
that one or more stated outcome objectives will fall below acceptable levels)

Severe (a risk event that, if it occurs, will have a severe impact on achieving desired results, to the extent
that one or more of its critical outcome objectives will not be achieved)

Risk Matrix Guide + Risk Priority Scale

Rare Unlikely Moderate Likely Certain
Consequence Level 1 2 3 4 5
Negligible 0 0 0 0 0 0

Minor 1 1 2 3 4 5

Medium 2 2 4 6 8 10

Major 3 3 6 9 12 15

Severe 4 4 8 12 16 20

Risk rating Risk priority Description

0 N No Risk: The costs to treat the risk are disproportionately high compared to the negligible consequences.
Low: May require consideration in any future changes to the work area or processes, or can be fixed
1–3 L
4–6 M Moderate: May require corrective action through planning and budgeting process.

8 - 12 H High: Requires immediate corrective action.

15 - 20 E Extreme: Requires immediate prohibition of the work process and immediate corrective action.

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Support Individuals and Teams (to effectively capture and store the team’s progress, insights, and experiences through
seeking information from team members who themselves are a part of the KM Systems; obtaining insights from team members
may supplement and further clarify what was determined through performance records detailing possible trends and patterns, low
points and highlight, incidents and other matters to make an assessment)

Peer support, coaching & mentoring support (mechanisms to support staff wellbeing, drive staff development and
facilitate innovation and continuous improvement.)

Audience (please ☐ General Managers ☐ Centre Managers ☐ Asst. Centre Managers

select option/s
accordingly) ☐ Fitness Instructors ☐ Marketing Staff ☐ General Staff

Mentoring (is a relationship

Peer Support (occurs Coaching (occurs when a between an experienced
Type of support when staff provide support, person works with a staff person who helps to guide,
mechanism (select knowledge or practical help member to identify, target advise or train a person with
☐ ☐ ☐
the appropriate to one another to facilitate and plan for performance less experience to maximise
option/s) staff wellbeing and improvement in a particular their potential, develop their
continuous improvement) skill or knowledge area) skills, and improve their

☐ Share experience ☐ Task and performance ☐ Build capability

Focus and reason
(select the
Receive structured support Facilitate growth through
appropriate option/s) ☐ Support staff wellbeing ☐ ☐
& find solution instruction & direction

Create a safe, trust-based Asking questions, making

Listening, providing a role
environment so that staff observations, and
model and making
☐ feel confident to share their ☐ providing appropirate ☐
suggestions, insights and
Support experiences without fear of direction, feedback, and
consequences support
strategies (select
the appropriate
option/s) Listening, providing an
Listening, skill and
understanding sounding Questioning, goal setting,
knowledge goal setting,
☐ board, and making ☐ ☐ building trust and action
building trust, and action
suggestions, insights & planning

Long-term focus, often on a

☐ Short-term/ long term focus ☐ Intermittently or as required ☐
regular basis

Frequency of Typically between 4 – 12

support (select the More informal, meetings times, meeting over 2 – 12 More informal, meetings take
appropriate option/s) ☐ can take place when staff ☐ months (generally more ☐ place when mentee needs
members need support structureed with regular some guidance/ support
meetings scheduled)

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

Peer support, coaching & mentoring support (mechanisms to support staff wellbeing, drive staff development and
facilitate innovation and continuous improvement; cont.)

Type of support
☐ Peer Support ☐ Coaching ☐ Mentoring
mechanism (cont.)

Establish an organisational Establish an organisational Facilitated but not always

☐ peer support policy and ☐ coaching policy and ☐ driven at an organisational
procedure procedure level

Ensure staff are aware of Ensure staff are aware of

Ensure your organisation
policy and understand how policy and
has a mentoring policy and
Support ☐ to identify, seek out and ☐ understand how to identify, ☐
process in a place staff can
mechanism establish peer support seek out and
requirements relationships establish coaching
(select the
appropriate option/s) Seek feedback (if relevant
Seek feedback (if relevant through staff
through staff surveys on peer support
surveys on peer support needs and whether these Support staff to find a mentor
☐ ☐ ☐
needs and whether these needs are currently being as required
needs are currently being addressed; include in
addressed) performance appraisal

Clearly articulates role Prepares and delivers Listens to and considers

expectations, monitors logical sequential and different ideas, and
☐ ☐ ☐
performance and provide succient briefs and discusses issues credibly
timely feedback presentations and thoughtfully

Expected Reinformces and supports Ensures work outcomes Contributes to the

outcome/s (select ☐ the organization’s vision, ☐ are aligned with business ☐ development of plans,
the appropriate objectives and outcomes strategy strategies and team goals

Understands and uses Understands and applies Applies knowledge

available knowledge information and knowledge management processes to
☐ ☐ ☐
management to maximise management principles ensure effective workplace
efficiency & effectiveness and processes performance

Employee engagement
☐ ☐ Performance appraisals ☐ Supportive feedback
Feedback type to surveys
be utilized (select Employee lifecycle
☐ 360 feedback ☐ Pulse surveys ☐
the appropriate checkpoints
option/s) Casual interpersonal
☐ Group-based settings ☐ One-on one conversations ☐

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

On-the-job, formal training & self-directed learning support (additional mechanisms to support staff wellbeing, drive
staff development and facilitate innovation and continuous improvement.)

Audience (please ☐ General Managers ☐ Centre Managers ☐ Asst. Centre Managers

select option/s
accordingly) ☐ Fitness Instructors ☐ Marketing Staff ☐ General Staff

On-the-job training
Formal training (involves Self-directed learning
(requires an employee to
Type of support a lecture-style learning (relies on the trainee’s ability
learn the skills and
mechanism (select method where trainees to learn the necessary skills
☐ knowledge involved in a ☐ ☐
the appropriate would be situated in a and knowledge required by
task by actually performing
option/s) classroom setting by an virtue of teaching themselves
the task with guidance by
expert/ trainer) )
an expert)

Provides understanding of Identify the staff’s

☐ the environment in ☐ competencies required to ☐ Build future capability
Focus and reason which work is done perform their role
(select the
appropriate option/s) Identify the gaps/ shortfalls
Facilitate growth through
☐ Speed to performance ☐ in the staff’s existing ☐
instruction & direction

Behavioral Learning
(individuals learn behaviors Build a resource collection of
by reinforcing the behavior Systems for quality training information, media, and
☐ ☐ ☐
through rewards or and assessment models related to a variety of
removal of a negative topics or areas of study

Support Cognitive Learning (when Provide information on

strategies (select presented with Compliance with relevant certain topics through online
the appropriate ☐ information, individuals ☐ legislation and regulatory ☐ learning and the use of
option/s) encode the information, so requirements media or other learning
it can be recalled later) techniques

Promote discussion, raising

Social learning (individuals of questions, and small
Learning and assessment
☐ learn new behaviors by ☐ ☐ group activity to stimulate
observing others) interest in the learning

Frequency of
Long-term focus, often
support (select the ☐ Short-term/ long term focus ☐ Intermittently or as required ☐
ongoing basis
appropriate option/s)

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Knowledge Management System Development Brief (cont.)

On-the-job, formal training & self-directed learning support (additional mechanisms to support staff wellbeing, drive
staff development and facilitate innovation and continuous improvement; cont.)

Type of support
☐ On-the-job training ☐ Formal training ☐ Self-directed learning
mechanism (cont.)
Learning strategy (provides
Sources of expertise in the Managing time and effort to
information on how training
workplace with the time complete learning packages
☐ ☐ programs may be ☐
and inclination to teach for achieving
organised in workplaces
others course outcomes
and training institutions)

Trainer or registered Presentations introducing the

Support training organization (an subject or discipline, its
mechanism individual or organization structure, the modes of
Resources availability for
requirements ☐ ☐ registered by a state or ☐ inquiry employed, the
the employee
(select the territory recognition questions or issues it deals
appropriate option/s) authority to deliver training/ with, and the major concepts
conduct assessments) on which it is based

Training package (an

Identify if learner is integrated set of nationally Designing and completing
☐ motivated to learn and is ☐ endorsed standards, ☐ their own plans/ activities for
ready for change guidelines and achieving course outcomes
qualifications for training)

Assess and build upon

Knowledge and previous learning and
Enhancing individual and
☐ understanding of company ☐ ☐ experiences to pursue new
group productivity
culture are connected learning, independently and
in collaboration with others.
outcome/s (select Foster greater
Driving behaviour to align
the appropriate collaboration of shared Evaluate, analyze,
☐ ☐ with organization’s core
option/s) experiences and synthesize and critique key
values, goals and strategy
collaboration of tasks concepts and experiences,

and apply diverse
Transfer of knowledge Developing employee perspectives to find creative
☐ management is applied in ☐ capabilities to their fullest solutions to problems
real time potential

Using team meetings to get

Regular performance catch Schedule casual one-on-one
☐ feedback from team ☐ ☐
ups sessions
Feedback type to members
be utilized (select Employee engagement Business process feedback Continuous feedback
the appropriate ☐ ☐ ☐
software survey mechanism
Employee satisfaction Employee performance Employee experience (EX)
☐ ☐ ☐
surveys evaluation platform

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Make an appointment with the CEO (your classmate or alternatively, your Trainer can undertake this role) to obtain
feedback on your proposed Knowledge Management System Development Brief. This feedback would
identify areas for improvement in terms of:
o Monitoring continuous improvement covering:

 Employees and their requirements

 Type of learning support
 Learning strategy approach
 Support mechanism requirements
 Expected outcomes from the learning support
 Identification of the feedback methodology
o Interviews, surveys and feedback

Proposal Assessment (for CEO use)

Please tick
• Assessment areas
Yes No

Value proposition of knowledge management

o Identified the benefits of the proposed initiative? ☐ ☐
Relating the value proposition to the organization’s strategy
o Is long-term strategy aligned with the introduction of knowledge management efforts? ☐ ☐
Application of knowledge management into the workplace

o Identified how knowledge management is being applied to products and service knowledge? ☐ ☐

o Identified how knowledge management is being applied to process knowledge? ☐ ☐

o Identified how knowledge management is being applied to customer and/ or supplier
☐ ☐
o Identified how knowledge management is being applied to technical or expert knowledge? ☐ ☐

Critical success factors

o Identified the required cultural factors? ☐ ☐

o Identified the required structures and procedures? ☐ ☐

o Identified the required human and financial resources? ☐ ☐

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Proposal Assessment (for CEO use)

Please tick
• Assessment areas (cont.)
Yes No

Critical success factors (cont.)

o Identified the required knowledge management processes? ☐ ☐

o Identified the required technology and infrastructure? ☐ ☐

o Identified the required strategy and leadership? ☐ ☐

Project preparation and the methodology used to conceptualize and design the knowledge
management system proposed

o Determined the objective/s for the knowledge management initiatives? ☐ ☐

o Indicated the description of information to be gathered, documented and stored in the KM
☐ ☐
o Selected the functionality features and scope of the KM system? ☐ ☐
Requirement specification

o Determined what are the KM general system requirements? ☐ ☐

o Identified the various technical requirements needed to be included in the KM system? ☐ ☐

o Identified a KM tool/ reseller to be approached for this project? ☐ ☐

o Provided a justification to the selected KM tool/ reseller? ☐ ☐

Project preparation and the methodology used to conceptualize and design the knowledge
management system proposed

o Identify stakeholders required to be involved in this project? ☐ ☐

o Completed the Workflows Activity using the RACI model? ☐ ☐

o Forecasted the project timeline and milestone for the project? ☐ ☐

Developing the knowledge management system

o Identified the required components to support the development of the KM system? ☐ ☐

Analysis and design

o Determined the knowledge management system blueprint? ☐ ☐
Actual development
o Provided the knowledge management construction ☐ ☐

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Proposal Assessment (for CEO use)

Please tick
• Assessment areas (cont.)
Yes No

Integration and testing

o Identified pilot testing and deployment requirements? ☐ ☐
Implementation, monitoring and maintenance
o Identified key performance indicators for an effective outcome? ☐ ☐
Governance and program management
o Addressed sustainability requirements? ☐ ☐
Risk assessment
o Conducted a risk assessment on the identified risks? ☐ ☐
Support Individuals and Teams

o Identified peer support, coaching and mentoring support? ☐ ☐

o Identified on-the-job, formal training and self-directed learning support? ☐ ☐

Need to include internal and external audits throughout the process as a check and
balance measure.

Feedback (if any)


Decision ☐ Approved ☐ Pending ☐ Not approved

CEO’s name Margaret House

CEO’s initials Date

Please stop your 3rd audio recording for your oral presentation at this point and
save file as BSBSTR502 Audio Recording 3 - (your name). upload this audio ☐
recording file along with this assignment to Canvas (please check box if complete).

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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Portfolio Task 2 (for Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Portfolio Task 2. When completing this
checklist, you must ensure that:
 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.
 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Evidence of meeting discussion, submitted by the

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

 Completed the knowledge management system

development brief:

o Assigned location for this project 1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
opportunities for the organisation
o Determined the document purpose
1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement and
o Provided a brief introduction
encourage team members to participate in decision-
o Identified the value proposition for this project making processes

o Related the value proposition to the organization’s


o Identified the application of knowledge

management into the workplace in terms of:

- Product and service knowledge 1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to

capture team progress, insights and experiences from
- Process knowledge
business activities
- Customer and/ or supplier knowledge

- Technical or expert knowledge

o Identified critical success factors in terms of

organizational factor considerations:

- Culture

- Structures and procedures

1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
- Human and financial resources opportunities for the organisation

- KM processes

- Technology and infrastructure

- Strategy and leadership

1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to
o Project preparation and the methodology used to capture team progress, insights and experiences from
conceptualize and design the knowledge business activities
management system proposed:

BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement V2024.1  NYS

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- Determined the project’s objective/s

Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Evidence of meeting discussion, submitted by the

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

- Indicated the description of information

to be gathered, documented and stored 1.6 Develop new systems and processes that facilitate
in the KM system continuous improvement according to improvement
- Selected the functionality features and needs and opportunities
scope of the KM system

o Reviewed the requirement specification:

- Determined what are the KM general

system requirements

- Identified the various technical

requirements needed to be included in 2.1 Confirm relevant systems and processes meet
the KM system organisation sustainability requirements

- Identified a KM tool/ reseller to be

approached for this project

- Provided a justification to the selected

KM tool/ reseller

o Project preparation and the methodology used

to conceptualize and design the knowledge
management system proposed

- Identify stakeholders required to be

involved in this project

- Completed the Workflows Activity Plan

using the RACI model

- Forecasted the project timeline and 1.7 Establish processes that confirm team members are
informed about continuous improvement outcomes
milestone for the project
2.4 Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and
o Developed the knowledge management system: operations could be improved
- Identified the required components to 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
support the development of the KM strategies to relevant stakeholders

o Analysis and design of the knowledge

management system:

- Determined the knowledge management

system blueprint

o Actual development of the knowledge

management system:

- Provided considerations to the

construction the knowledge management

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Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Evidence of meeting discussion, submitted by the

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

o Integration and testing of the knowledge

management system: 1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to
- Identified key performance indicators for capture team progress, insights and experiences from
business activities
an effective outcome
1.6 Develop new systems and processes that facilitate
o Governance and program management of the
continuous improvement according to improvement
knowledge management system:
needs and opportunities
- Addressed sustainability requirements
3.1 Evaluate outcomes and identify opportunities for
o Completed a risk assessment on the identified improvement

o Identified the support for individuals and teams:

- Determined the audience

- Identified type of support mechanism

- Identified support strategies needed

1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
- Indicated the frequency of support continuous improvement and communicate to relevant
o Identified peer support, coaching and mentoring stakeholders
support for the knowledge management system 1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to
initiative: capture team progress, insights and experiences from
business activities
- Identified support mechanism
requirements 2.3 Coach individuals and teams to implement and
support continuous improvement systems and
- Highlighted the expected outcome/s
- Indicated feedback type to be utilised 2.4 Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and
o Identified on-the-job, formal training, and self- operations could be improved
directed learning support for the knowledge 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
management system initiative: strategies to relevant stakeholders
- Identified support mechanism

- Highlighted the expected outcome/s

- Indicated feedback type to be utilised

 Make an appointment with the CEO to obtain 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
feedback on your proposed Knowledge Management strategies to relevant stakeholders
System Development Brief in terms of:
3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
o Monitoring continuous improvement strategy systems and processes
3.3 Identify other areas for improvement and document
- Employees and their requirements feedback for future planning

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Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Evidence of meeting discussion, submitted by the

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

- Type of learning support

- Learning strategy approach 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate

strategies to relevant stakeholders
- Support mechanism requirements
3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
- Expected outcomes from the learning systems and processes
3.3 Identify other areas for improvement and document
o Identification of the feedback methodology feedback for future planning

o Interviews, surveys and feedback

 Outlines the scope of the continuous improvement 1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
strategies opportunities for the organisation

 Identifies the objectives of continuous improvement 1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement and
that the continuous improvement strategy aims to encourage team members to participate in decision-
achieve. making processes

 Outlines an action plan for providing support for the

work team that aims to improve the team’s measurable
performance for a specific area or skill in terms of: 2.3 Coach individuals and teams to implement and
support continuous improvement systems and
o Peer-support, coaching and mentoring
o On-the-job, formal training, and self-directed

 Adheres to organisational sustainability requirements

that aim to address problems that impact the 2.1 Confirm relevant systems and processes meet
organisation and the environment in areas such as organisation sustainability requirements
resource efficiency and consumption.

 Outlines sets of procedures for communicating

continuous improvement outcomes to team members 1.7 Establish processes that confirm team members are
by referring to step-by-step actions that must be taken informed about continuous improvement outcomes
by relevant personnel to ensure team members are
informed about the results of continuous improvement.

 Support continuous improvement systems and 2.4 Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and
processes to provide their feedback and experiences operations could be improved
with the implementation and outcomes of continuous
improvement systems and processes to identify ways 2.5 Make recommendations and communicate
to improve each of them. strategies to relevant stakeholders

 Shows that documentation and records have been 1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to
completed based on the knowledge management capture team progress, insights and experiences from
system used business activities

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Did the learner (cont.): Yes No

Evidence of meeting discussion, submitted by the

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

 Shows that relevant information about the learner’s

team is available in knowledge management systems 1.5 Develop knowledge management systems to
used where the information available must correspond capture team progress, insights and experiences from
to the information recorded in the knowledge business activities
management system as indicated in the evidence 1.7 Establish processes that confirm team members are
showing that relevant information has been recorded informed about continuous improvement outcomes
submitted in this task.

 Recommendations for improvement submitted by the

learner by identifying options for improving:

o Options for improvement that can be chosen 1.1 Identify current systems and processes that
by the organisation to ensure that systems facilitate continuous improvement
and processes are efficient, accurate and 1.2 Identify and define improvement needs and
sustainable. opportunities for the organisation
o Changing the resources used to promote 1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
more efficient development and continuous improvement and communicate to relevant
implementation stakeholders
o Adding needed action items to support

 Evaluates each identified option to improve

development to determine at least one 3.1 Evaluate outcomes and identify opportunities for
recommendation for improvement taking into risk, improvement
consequences and feasibility considerations.

 Opportunity for the learner to seek feedback on 1.4 Develop strategies for continuous improvement and
continuous improvement systems and processes from: encourage team members to participate in decision-
making processes
o Results of implementation throughout this 3.3 Identify other areas for improvement and document
assessment feedback for future planning

 Seeks feedback on continuous improvement systems

and processes based on the effectiveness of 3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
continuous improvement systems and processes in systems and processes
achieving the improvement needs and opportunities.

 Presents information about the decision-making

process using appropriate structure 1.3 Develop decision-making processes to assist
continuous improvement and communicate to relevant
o Sets time for participants to ask questions stakeholders
regarding information presented
3.1 Evaluate outcomes and identify opportunities for
o Ensures discussion falls within the established improvement
length of the communication
3.2 Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on
o Follows a logical sequence when discussing systems and processes
and does not jump from topic to topic
3.3 Identify other areas for improvement and document
o Establishes a time during communication for feedback for future planning
discussing questions and concerns

Result Assessor initial &

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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