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The National Engineering University

College of Industrial Technology

“Multifunctional Chair with Ice Cooler”

A Project
Development Study
presented to the
Faculty of College of Industrial Technology
The National Engineering University
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
for the Degree
Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Drafting Technology


Adame, Neil Alvin A.

Opena, Bryan B.

Maranan, Jerome F.

Paz, Keann Ira N.

December 2022
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology


As the modern world has begun, the money conservation of humans is now more

difficult. Nowadays, the price of lots and houses is still increasing and affects many people

who come to get small home. Various stressors and unproductive have involved having a

limited space room. Having a small space is a hustle of in-house functionality and one of

the struggles most people have encountered.

Multifunctional furniture brings adaptable solution; this furniture can be used for

several activities at once. These furniture pieces not only showcase modern designs but are

also carefully crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and easy upkeep.

This eliminates concerns about frequent damage and the need for replacements. Selecting

minimalist furniture with high-quality materials is essential Top of Form. This not only

adds to space efficiency but also extends the lifespan of the furniture, offering a cost-

effective solution in the long term. The simplicity, practicality, and minimalist design of

multifunctional furniture not only save space but also provide economic benefits.

Multifunctional furniture goes beyond just saving space, it also proves to be a wise

financial investment. Its straightforward design and practicality contribute to both space

efficiency and economic benefits. Being able to serve more than two functions in a single

piece, the cost-effectiveness of multifunctional furniture becomes evident, offering an

economical alternative to buying separate items for different purposes.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

But today saving time, space, and reducing human effort should be a

consideration for furniture designs mainly for domestic use. By definition, this furniture

is a design that gives useful functions for indoor and outdoor activities. The multi-

function of this furniture will perfectly fit for houses that have chill spot or mini bar.

The researchers devised this study with the primary goal of designing and

developing the multi-functional chair with ice cooler. This research was guided by the

design and ergonomic standards required in furniture design.

Background of the study

People loves traveling and exploring the outside world. To support peoples’

hobbies the design considers the activities for indoor and outdoor. Even they have a lot of

travels or vacations such us outings, camping, and long drives they can easily bring the

multi-functional chair with ice cooler.

The study's goal was to design and develop a multi-functional chair with ice

cooler that might be used for indoor and outdoor activities. The envisioned furniture was

intended to offer relaxing feels in any places such as resorts, camping site and it also

might use for vendors such as ice candy vendors that may support for small businesses.

Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this research was to design and develop the multi-functional

chair with ice cooler. Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Design a chair with ice cooler considering:

1.1 Ergonomic Standards

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

1.2 Aesthetic

2. Develop a chair with ice cooler considering:

2.1 Material Specification

2.2 Availability of Materials

3. Test the efficiency of the project in terms of:

3.1 Functionality

3.2 Durability

3.3 Safety

4. Present the bill of materials of the project. (nasaan yung mga bills and yung user’s

manual? Attach lang here and onti definition and explanation)

Significance of the Study

The project was believed to be beneficial to the following:

To the community of travel enthusiasts. To help those individuals with travel

hobbies and limited space inside the house.

To small businesses. Such as public vendors that includes, ice candy vendors and

sidewalk vendors. The adoption of this furniture design may assist them in promoting and

adhering to.
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College of Industrial Technology

To future researchers. As they may find this study useful as a starting point for

their study if they wish to develop and improve the design and function of the developed


Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation of the Study

This research focuses on the design and development of a multifunctional chair

with ice cooler, aiming to provide users with a perfect blend of comfort and functionality.

Adhering to the Ergonomics of Interiors Guide, the study prioritizes user well-being by

ensuring the chair meets established ergonomic standards The core of this research lies in

designing and developing a multifunctional chair that seamlessly incorporates an ice

cooler. The goal is to offer users a chair that not only prioritizes comfort but also enhances

practicality, catering to various needs.

In alignment with the Ergonomics of Interiors Guide, this study is committed to

following established ergonomic principles. This commitment is driven by the aim to create

a multifunctional chair that not only looks good but also supports user well-being through

thoughtful design. Additionally, the research dives into the careful selection of materials,

focusing on factors like durability, sustainability, and adherence to industry standards This

careful approach aims to enhance the chair's overall quality, ensuring it can withstand

regular use while also being environmentally friendly. Moreover, a critical aspect of this

study involves thoroughly examining the entire production cost. This encompasses
identifying and evaluatingThe
costs associated
National with materials,
Engineering labor, and other essential

factors. The detailed

College of Industrial Technology

financial overview aids in effective budgeting and resource allocation. The study employs

evaluation techniques, covering functionality, durability, and safety checks. These

assessments are essential to guarantee that the multifunctional chair not only meets design

expectations but also aligns with practical user needs and stringent safety standards.

Furthermore, exploring market trends and understanding user preferences within the target

demographic is a crucial aspect of this research. By thoroughly understanding the unique

requirements and preferences of potential users, the goal is to customize the design and

features of the multifunctional chair to align closely with the likes and needs of the

intended audience.

In summary, this research is focused on creating a user-friendly multifunctional

chair with an integrated ice cooler. By following ergonomic guidelines, carefully choosing

materials, thoroughly examining costs, employing thorough evaluation methods, and

understanding user preferences, the goal is to contribute to practical and innovative

furniture solutions that prioritize both comfort and functionality.

Commercialism plan and viability however excluded from the study.

Definition of terms
The following terms used inEngineering
The National the study University
were defined conceptually and

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for easier understanding of the contents of the study.

AutoCAD. It is a computer-aided tool that is used to draw and draft plans. It

allows making precise drawings on the computer (Ecker, 2019). In this study, it is the

software application used in creating plans for the project.

Ergonomics. Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned

with the understandiong of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and

the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to

optimize human well-being and overall system performance. (ErgoPlus) In this study,

ergonomics involves evaluating and adjusting factors such as seating design, workspace

layout, and tool usability to minimize physical stress, promote user satisfaction, and

enhance overall productivity in the development of the multifunctional chair with ice


Polystyrene. A light usually white plastic used especially for putting around

delicate objects inside containers to protect them from damage, or for putting around

something to prevent it from losing heat. (Cambridge Dictionary. In this study, polystyrene

refers to a versatile material that can be molded into various shapes and forms, making it

suitable for applications such as packaging, insulation, and disposable food containers. The

operational definition ensures a clear understanding of polystyrene as a polymer with

specific properties, emphasizing its practical
The National uses andUniversity
Engineering characteristics in the scope of the

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Multi-functional. Multi-functional is the organization of domestic architectural

spaces that are close to each other and contain a multifunctional space surrounding a

courtyard. (Cambridge Dictionary). In this study, the term "multi-functional" is a design


product capable of serving more than one purpose or accommodating various activities

within a single entity. This characteristic emphasizes versatility, where a particular item or

system offers functionality beyond its primary or traditional use. Practical applications

include the incorporation of features or elements that enhance the adaptability and utility of

the design, catering to diverse user needs and preferences.

3D modeling. Is the process of creating three-dimensional representations of an

object or a surface.3D models are made within computer-based 3D modelling software

such as Sketch up (Futurelearn, 2022). In this study, 3D modeling is the process of creating

a digital representation or simulation of a three-dimensional object or environment using

computer software. This involves the use of geometric shapes, textures, and virtual

materials to generate a visual and often interactive model.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology



This chapter presents the conceptual and related literature which are found

significant to the study. It also contains the synthesis which tackles the unified and

summary of the literatures being interrelated to this study.

Conceptual Literature

Related Literature

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College of Industrial Technology



This chapter describes the project development process, which includes the pre-

design stage, design stage, development stage, preliminary evaluation, and the final design.

Research Design

This study utilized a developmental research design that was concerned with the

techniques and strategies commonly used in lifespan development research. This research

design was particularly important when describing development and change due to the

interest in what should change and what does not change with age. In this study, it serves as

a framework for understanding the evolution and growth of the Multi-Functional Chair

with an ice cooler, emphasizing the dynamics of its design concept across different stages.

It is pertinent to understanding how the design of the Multi-functional chair with an ice

cooler evolves, considering factors such as user needs, preferences, and technological

advancements. Moreover, it involves a systematic examination of gathered data and

information to enhance theThe
chair’s functionality,
National aesthetics,
Engineering and user experiences. In this
College of Industrial Technology
study, data examination played a crucial role in refining the design concept of the Multi-

Functional Chair with an ice cooler, ensuring that changes and improvements were

informed by empirical evidence. Furthermore, the study aimed to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the evolutionary process behind the Multi-Functional Chair with an ice

cooler, emphasizing its adaptability to changing needs and technological advancements

over time.

To develop the design concept of the Multi-Functional Chair with ice cooler. The

researchers methodically examined the gathered data and information. The processes were

divided into phases to achieve the objectives of the study, including pre-design, preliminary

evaluation, design development, final design and development stage.

Conceptual Framework

To achieve the study's desired output, the researchers followed the step-by-step

procedure. The study was constructed by using a plethora of sources, this includes books,

articles, the internet, and ideas and observations from prior relevant research

investigations, all of which informed the current study significantly.

The design and development of a multi-functional chair with ice cooler was the

goal of the research. The research paradigm as shown displays the link between the

study's input, process, and output.

The input is made
Theout of concepts,
National knowledge,
Engineering and skills. The concepts and
College of Industrial Technology
knowledge contain the Design Standards and Ergonomic Standards. The concepts and

knowledge will come from the gathered information and ideas of the researchers and the

data is conducted at the beginning of the study. Skills have an important role in the study

as these will be the key traits to make the project successful. The researchers will have

enough skills in AutoCAD and SketchUp to create the design of the project.

The process includes the planning, designing, animation, and production of the

project to make the desired product/output. The researchers made plans for the project

through careful research on articles, books, and other related literature i. e. the internet. In

terms of designing, the researchers rely on the standard dimensions set by the

Ergonomics of Interior Guides to make the project precise and accurate. The researchers

use 3d software such as SketchUp and AutoCAD to create an animation of the output to

show its functionality. The researchers then proceed with developing the project by

following the measurements, procedures, and materials that will be used. The output is

the Chair with ice cooler.


Concepts and
Knowledge on: Multi-functional
 Design Planning
Chair with Ice
Designing Cooler
 Ergonomi
cs 3d Modeling &
 Ergonom
ics of Production
Figure 1: ConceptualThe
Paradigm of Engineering
National the Multi-Functional Chair with Ice Cooler
College of Industrial Technology

Pre-Design stage

The stage was composed of planning, brainstorming, and conceptualizing the

design of the Multi-Functional Chair with ice cooler. In this stage, the researchers

conducted some readings from the related literature and studies. The information that was

related to the study was gathered from different sources on the internet such as online

articles, books, thesis, and journals. Suggestions and comments that came from the

professionals helped the researchers on the improvement of the design of the project.

Design Stage

Layout and designing were conducted by the researchers to visualize the overall

appearance, functions, and dimensions of each part of the proposed chair with ice cooler.

This stage also included detailed drawings using AutoCAD and 3D modeling layouts using

the Sketch Up 2021 Pro software application.

Preliminary Evaluation

The researchers examined the 3D model of the proposed Multi-Functional Chair

with ice cooler utilizing SketchUp 2021 Pro software. This evaluation focused on assessing

the chair's functionality and pinpointing any potential issues necessitating modification. By

utilizing animation, the researchers acquired valuable insights into the overall functionality

of the initial design, facilitating well-informed adjustments.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

Figure 2: Exploded View of the Multi-Functional Chair with Ice Cooler

Figure 2 shows the exploded view of the project which will aid in visualizing how the

elements were put together to construct the project. Additionally, an orthographic,

isometric, and sectional image of the redesigned project was presented below to provide a

more comprehensive look at the project.

The 3. Isometric
National View of the
Engineering Final Project
College of Industrial Technology

Final Design Stage

In areas highlighted during the preliminary evaluation, necessary alterations and

modifications were implemented.

Development Stage

In the development phase of the "Multi-Functional Chair with Ice Cooler," the

researcher systematically addressed various design aspects. Following a step-by-step

approach, the researchers began by carefully selecting the most durable materials locally

available. Subsequently, the project underwent thorough evaluations, focusing on

functionality, durability, and safety throughout the production phase. This ensured that the

chair not only met design expectations but also compiled to the highest standards of quality

and safety

The design of the project was presented in the next pages.

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College of Industrial Technology



Preliminary Evaluation

Final Design

Development Stage

Figure 3. Process Flow Chart of the Project

Gantt Chart
The table below shows the Breakdown of the Work Schedule of the Project which

is indicated through a Gantt chart that depicts the series of activities led by the researchers

in carrying out the project.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

Table 1: The Breakdown of Work Schedule

2022 2023
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May





As for Table 1, it consists of Pre-designing which will be done on August. While the

Designing stage is goal to be done from September to December since the study needs to

be visualized and performed as for its realistic perspective. In the other hand, the

development stage is set from January until March. The developed Multi-Functional Chair

with Ice Cooler is tested on the month of April as for its functionality, durability and safety

be applied during this method. And lastly, the Final Design will be set on the month of May

for final performance testing considering some design modification during its use.
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology



This chapter details the design and description of the completed project, as well as a

discussion of the study's achieved objectives.



Figure 4. Orthographic Views of the Project with Measurements

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College of Industrial Technology
1.1 Design Features

In stating the features of the design of this furniture, it is important to know

the feature it and how the furniture works. Mainly because it will also help the

researchers to teach or guide someone who is willing to buy the product. The Multi-

Functional Chair with Ice Cooler has a number of features that make this furniture

more interesting to know each feature to the costumers. The uniqueness of this chair

is that it has an ice cooler indicated under it. This type of chair has also have

organizer for the utensils needed to get the ice and drinks easier. This chair also

have a wheels, so it can be easily trapnsported to different places. Combining chair

and ice cooler in one makes it crucial, because of its uniqueness and space-saving


Figure 5. Ergonomic Recommendation for Seating Furniture

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

Table 2. Measurements of the chair according to the Technical

Standards for the Practice of Interior Design

Preparation the Bill of materials that include:

2.1 Material Choice and Availability;

The materials listed in Table.2 provide the required specific properties so

that the furniture can function as required by the process. The proponents selected

these materials because of their practicality, availability, and durability.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology


Length x Width 17.78 cm x 81.28 cm

Thickness 3/40.6 cm

Weight 4.9 kg

Fiber Mat
Length x Width 15inch121.92 cm x 243.84 cm
Thickness 0.2 cm
Weight 3/ 4 kg

Table 3. Properties of Key Materials

2.2 Availability of Materials

To begin the fabrication process, the researchers began to canvas the plan on

making the furniture and make a design to know what materials the researchers need.

It follows by searching various hardware stores and online shop to search for high

quality materials that is needed in the operation. The researchers accomplish the task

on buying the materials needed and contact Mr. Randy R. Araza, a Contractor or Fiber

glass technician to make the furniture. And to make sure that the furniture will be
lived on to its durability and safety,
The National the researchers
Engineering check every material that is
College of Industrial Technology
needed in the process. The total amount spent in making the furniture is ₱ 11,200.00.

2.3 Cost and Materials

This displays the total cost of the materials and other items required in order

to construct the project. It provides an in-depth breakdown of the prices at which each

of the items that went into the making of the project may be purchased.

Table.4 Breakdown of Cost and Materials

The National Engineering University
Quantity Unit Description
College of Price
Industrial Technology Total Price
Quantity Unit Description Price Total Price
2 1 PcsPc Metal Chair
Paint Brush (big) 75 150 1,200
1 1 Pc
Liter Styro Board 4”
Polyurethane 350 2,500
1 1 Liter
Pc Clear Gloss
Plywood ¼ 250 575
- - Total ₱ 1,156.75 ₱11,200.00
40 Pcs Glue Stick (big) 6.75 270
2 Pcs Hinges 75 150
2 Pcs Wheel 250 500
1 Kg White Glue 200
2 Kg News Paper 50 100
1 Kg Flour 40
2 Pcs Brush 45 90
12 Liter Resin 150 1,800
2 Kg Fiber Mat 180 360
1 Liter Hardener 250
1 Gal L. Thinner 515
2 Pcs Blade 35 70
¼ Yard Sand Paper # 60 120
¼ Yard Sand Paper # 100 120
7 Pcs Sand Paper # 240 20 140
1 Liter Epoxy Primer 325
5 Pcs Sand Paper # 120 20 100
2 Liter PoliToff Putty 325 650
1 Liter Auto Paints White 255
¼ Liter Paint Raw Sienna 60
¼ Liter Paint B. Umber 60

2.4 Cost of Labor

The Contructor helped the researchers to build their furniture asked for

their labor fee of P11 200.00 having three people working on it. The sallary of

each people is P2 000 for the labor styro, P4 300 for labor fiber glass and P1 500
for the labor painting. The product
The National finished within
Engineering 1 month and their salary added
College of Industrial Technology
to the cost of material and come up with the total of P19,000.

3. Test and evaluate the efficiency of the project in terms of:

3.1 Functionality

Table 5. Hardware Materials and their Function

Materials Function
1. Plywood This is best used for beams and hoardings and strong

and durable, and it is resistant to warping and cracking.

2. Hinges This is to connect two swinging objects or points to

one another and give them the freedom to move

relative to each other.

3. Wheel This is to allow heavy objects to be moved easily

facilitating movement or transportation while

supporting a load

4. Brush This is used to apply paint to the project and ensure

that any
The National small areasUniversity
Engineering are not missed. It comes in a
College of Industrial Technology
variety of quality and size options

5. Resin This is for building as adhesives, coatings or as a

construction material when a strong bond is required.

6. Fiber Mat This is can be used to reinforce the chair's frame and

overall structure, contributing to its strength,

durability, and longevity

7. Hardener This is to increase the speed of a chemical reaction, in

this case paint drying and hardening, preserving its

nature once the reaction is complete.

The National Engineering University
1. Hardener CollegeThis
of isIndustrial Technology
to increase the speed of a chemical reaction,

in this case paint drying and hardening, preserving its

nature once the reaction is complete.

2. Thinner This was added to paints and coatings to reduce their

viscosity, making them easier to apply and achieve a

smoother finish. It also helps in achieving proper

spray patterns when using paint sprayers.

3. Sand Paper This was used to smoothen the wood surface of the

project and makes sure it is easy and safe to work


4. Polituff Putty This was used to fill up the holes and smoothen out

surface flaws before applying the topcoat paint.

5. Polyurethane This was used for thermal insulation in buildings,

refrigeration, and appliances. It helps to regulate

temperature and improve energy efficiency.

6. Clear Gloss This was used for making the art or the paint enrich

the color and add depth to the artwork

7. Paint This helped to bring out the artistic design of the

object and protects the object from UV radiation

The National Engineering University

3.2 Durability
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The current research demonstrates how the selected materials were

appropriately made, how it was joined to sufficiently fit together, and how it was

then fabricated durable as planned, using the step-by-step progression indicated in

the construction process.

Figure 6 . The Product has been used to test

As the test conduct, it proves that there is no problem when the user try to

put an ice in the chair with ice cooler.

3.3 Safety

The furniture contains safety features to avoid the risk of accidents. The

researchers ensures the durability of the furniture so that it will not wear out if it's

getting used indoor or outdoor .Hence the researchers use mini wheel to serve as a

support the furniture when its transforted. To ensure the user's safety, the
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
researchers made sure that every wheel, hinges, fiber mat, polyurethane are

secured and fortified to avoid any unwanted injuries.

Figure 7. Ice utensils organizer

The researchers made sure that all materials used properly installed and

tightened and not loose, to avoid damage and injuries.

Figure 8. Concealed / Hydraulic Hinges

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
The researchers added 2 hinges for the “Multi- Functional Chair

with Ice Cooler” to hold the weight of the chair opening and ensure the

user’s safety.

Figure 9. Users Procedure/Guide

The researcher put a user guide to make it easier for the users.

Step 1: Open the ice box under the seat to insert ice.

Step 2: Next, take a seat and relax. You can get ice wherever you are without melting it

because of it's durability

Step 3: Because it is so light and portable, you may pull to wherever you want with the

help of wheels.
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology


This chapter summarizes the outcomes, derives conclusions from the findings, and

presents proposals in accordance with the researcher’s conclusions.


In order to ensure that the product satisfied the requirements, the researcher

employed a developmental process that included the design stage, the developing stage,

and the final stage. The researchers examined the gathered data and information. In the

project development, they complied with the project's process flow: initially, they

collected the appropriate information and data from online resources along with

corresponding information. The researchers implemented the collected data according to

what was provided in the predesign stage as their starting point when planning the

project. The suggested design was supported by the use of thorough drawings in AutoCad

and 3D modeling layouts such as the Sketch Up 2021 Pro Software Application, as well

as the implementation of essential revisions and modifications. In the developmental

stage, in which the researchers looked into all aspects of design, they also followed a

step-by-step procedure which include the selection of the most durable material available

locally. Moreover, the project’s functionality, durability and safety were evaluated and

implemented and its operation was evaluated by animating the many combinations that

might be made. The output was called the Multi-Functional Chair with ice cooler.
The National Engineering University
Findings College of Industrial Technology

1. The researchers successfully managed to design and build a multi-functional chair

with an ice cooler that is simultaneously aesthetic and ergonomic.

2. The researchers utilize appropriate and standard resources which tend to be

advantageous and geographically available.

3. The beneficial effects of the project were assessed in terms of:

3.1 Functionality. The project’s functionality was created by means of 3D

modelling. Sketch-Up and AutoCad were used for illustrating the various

combinations thereof.

3.2 Durability. Extending product lifetime is critical for reusing, repairing,

refurbishing, and remanufacturing, all of which contribute to greater

environmental sustainability and additional value. Durability is critical in

maintaining product lifespan through sturdy designs and materials in the present


3.3 Safety. The design is capable of protecting the user and minimizing their



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. It has been potential to design a modular chair that promotes safety by

conforming to ergonomically correct furniture requirements set by the Furniture.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
2. Architecture Standards of the Philippines, and by incorporating natural materials

elements in the design.

3. Extending the life of a product is crucial for reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and

remanufacturing, all of which contribute to improved environmental sustainability

and added value. In the current situation, durability is crucial in ensuring product

longevity through strong designs and materials.

4. The endeavor's capability and numerous settings were successfully put into effect.

5. Sketch building and graphics have been employed for developing the above

picture. The construction's resilience along with security were likewise put to

evaluation through placing it in action.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations were presented.

1.Research the market, consumer needs, and available technologies before

starting a project to find possibilities and gaps to develop a unique offering.

2. Define the chair's requirements, including size, weight capacity,

materials, and features like ice coolers, cup holders, and storage sections.

3. Build a prototype to test and improve the design before manufacturing,

identifying any design problems or enhancements.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
4. Test the finished product to ensure it meets specifications, including

checking the chair's structural soundness and the ice cooler's ability to keep

beverages cold.

5. Establish a marketing and promotion strategy to introduce the product

to the market, including determining the target market, producing

marketing materials, and promoting through social media.

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology



Al-Fawzan, M.A., & Rizkalla, S.H. (2017).” Design and Development of a

Portable Ice Cooler. International Journal of Engineering Research and

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Bhaskar, S. S., & Rangaswamy, V. (2016). “Design and Development of a

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Kavitha, A., Kumar, A. S., & Selvamani, S. T. (2017). Design and Development

of a Multipurpose Chair with Ice Cooler. International Journal of Scientific &

Engineering Research, 8(4), 132-135. Retrieved from


Prabhu, R. S., Balaji, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2017). Design and Development

of a Multipurpose Chair with Ice Cooler and Speakers. International Journal of

Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(9), 601-609. Retrieved from
Saikia, J., & Barua,
The A. (2017).Engineering
National Design and University
Development of a Multipurpose

College of Industrial Technology

with Built-In Cooler. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 14(2), 01-06.

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with Ice Cooler. (Master's thesis). National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra.

Choi, S. (2017). Development of a Multi-Functional Chair with a Built-In Ice Cooler.

(Master's thesis). Yonsei University.

Huang, W. (2019). Design and Development of a Multipurpose Chair with Ice

Cooler and Sound System. (Master's thesis). National Sun Yat-Sen University.

Kim, D. (2016). Development of a Portable Chair with Ice Cooler for Outdoor

Activities. (Master's thesis). Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Li, Z. (2018). Design and Development of a Multi-Functional Chair with Ice Cooler and

Solar Power System. (Master's thesis). Zhejiang University.

Oktaviani, D. (2017). Design and Development of a Multipurpose Chair with

Built-In Ice Cooler for Camping and Picnic Activities. (Bachelor's thesis). Universitas

Gadjah Mada.

Cooler Chair: TheThe
Coolest ChairEngineering
National on the Beach" (2018). Format: Video Retrieved
College of Industrial Technology

"Folding Multipurpose Chair with Ice Cooler" (2019). Format: Video Retrieved


"Portable Camping Chair with Built-In Cooler" (2021). Format: Webpage

(Amazon product page). Retrieved from


"Multi-Functional Cooler Chair" (2020). Format: Webpage (Amazon product

page). Retrieved from

"Design and Development of a Portable Foldable Chair with Cooler Bag"

(2018). Format: Research Paper Retrieved from


"Design and Development of a Multipurpose Chair with Ice Cooler"

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"Design and Development of Engineering
The National a Multipurpose Chair with Ice Cooler and
College of Industrial Technology
Speakers" (2017). Format: Research Paper Retrieved from

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology


The researchers encountered difficulties in finding the availability of materials and

in searching for an expert who specializes in creating this type of product. Nonetheless,

despite encountering some minor issues in finding someone to create the product, the

researchers were able to resolve it quickly. During the research, the researchers came

across an individual on a social media platform who is involved in making this type of



researchers spoke with Mr. Randy Araza they had initially chosen to go over the Multi-

Functional Chair's dimensions, structure, and prospective supplies. After discussing the

planned product, the researchers decided that the materials to be used for the said product

will be sourced by the Mr. Randy Araza to make it more convenient and less hectic for

them, considering their geographical distance from each other. Nevertheless, the
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

researchers made sure to stay updated and maintain communication with Mr. Randy

Araza regarding the process and progress of their commissioned product.

The researchers carried out layout and creating

to envisage the general look, purposes, and sizes of each component of the proposed chair

with ice cooler. The most suitable elements to employ during the construction of the

Multi-functional chair have been figured out by the researchers. Materials were chosen

based on their suitability and accessibility as well as the Mr. Randy Araza’s knowledge

and experience, that is in position to

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

oversee the majority of the construction process. The constructing methods are able to

begin whenever the basic products are currently obtained and the necessary tools have

been put together.

The workers have begun constructing the multi-functional chair with an

ice cooler using the following materials: steel, welding, styrofoam, paper with

flourpaste, fiberglass, fiber mat with hardener, paintbrush, and lacquer thinner.
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology
The National Engineering University
College of Industrial Technology

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