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• The Pale Nimbus : Sloop, white hull accented with

polished dark wood.

The captain is “Gentleman James Werthy “ A fielman

aristocrat who decided to play pirate as the result of
a midlife crisis.(He was an owner of a fighting arena
where a gladiator killed a Fielman noble over a woman
, James grew tired of the situation and used his money
and influence to but the ship and sail away , Of
course not knowing that Isales was the one putting
these ideas slowly inside his head)

His crew hold no respect for him, instead following

the orders of the first mate ,a man known as Isales.

James is called like that because it was very stylish

at his time of birth to name children by human names.

In reality Isales is yuan ti pureblood sent on an

urgent mission from the serpent coils to retrieve an
item from the depth of the black crag , he was an
adviser to James for the past 3 years in topaz city ,
slowly seeding ideas of glory as a pirate in the man’s
head all under the orders of his yuan-ti leaders who
predicted the rise of the black crag in that time

Isales has a scaly torso that he hides by wearing

several layers of gray leather , he is wearing brown
contacts to hide his serpentine pupils , his skin is
very pale , his hair is black and slicked back with
shaved sides and he has a tattoo of a snake wrapping
around his left arm hidden under his long white coat.

Isales wishes to become more than a pureblood after

completing his mission and nothing will stop him from
doing so.

Isales has connections with other pirate vessels in

the isles and news of found discoveries and ancient
treasures always reach him.

• Disciples of the incandescent one , these cultists

follow the archfey known as the incandescent one ,
they are former sailors , pirates and fisher folk who
escaped their drowning fate by mysterious ways and
since then have been in debt to the archfey who they
think saved them and have been given visions and
dreams of the entity guiding them to perfect their
form , to become one with the ocean and thus they have
been on the search for rituals and machines that will
transform their mortal flesh into that of aquatic

The truth is these dreams are magically crafted by the

syndicate of geometry to push those poor people into
exploring the black crag for them without drawing
attention to the syndicate which has ties to a
goblinoid artificer called Crimson claw who wants to
use the machine in his machinations regarding

• The green dragon Morgawra and her followers , she

arrived here from the darkened isles after her parents
were killed in the destruction and settled on the
islands helping the Tanguna in their fight against the

Morgawra demands tributes of treasure and services

from the Tanguna , recently she found information
about the transformation device that’s in the heart of
the black crag from studying the ruins of Gazkel’s
tower and wants to use it to become permanently the
size of an ancient dragon skipping centuries of time
that she doesn’t want to experience , she wants to
return to her home and reclaim her parents’ territory
believing that this could be an opportunity to become
a very powerful dragon in a short span of time.

Fear is amusing, but reverence is delicious , that’s

the dragon’s ideal , she doesn’t value the lives of
the Tanguna but she understands that if they respect
her and revere her they are easier to manipulate , yet
she can use fear and demonstrate her monstrous side if
she needs to.

The daughter of the chieftain of the Tanguna helps the

dragon as it knows the cure for a disease that’s
striking the people as the black crag has risen and
the temple structure in the middle of the village
glowed with green flame, she thinks that the cure
could be in Gazkel’s tower and would abandon the cause
of the dragon if that cure was brought to her.

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