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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.,India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office - Madhapur - Hyderabad
SEC: Jr.Super60_NUCLEUS & STERLING BT WTA-34/WTA-29 Date: 07-01-2024
Time: 09:00AM to 12:00PM JEE-ADV_(2021-P2) Max. Marks: 180

07-01-2024_Jr.Super60_NUCLEUS & STERLING BT_Jee-Adv(2021-
PHYSICS : Current Electricity : Electric current, Charge carries in different materials, Ohm's Law, Resistivity and
conductivity, Elementary description of current flow through a conductor, Relation between drift speed, current
and current density, Derivation of Ohm's law on the basis of electron drift and microtype view of Ohm's law,
Mobility, Limitations of Ohm's law : Linear and non-linear circuits, Classification of materials on the basis of
resistivity, Conducting materials for specific uses, Temperature dependent of resistivity, Superconductivity,
Kirchhoff's laws, Combination of resistors, Resistors in series and parallel, wheatstone bridge, Cell and Battery
The electromotive force(emf) of a cell, Internal resistance of a cell, Relation between Electromotive force and
terminal voltage(Potential difference),Grouping of cells
CHEMISTRY : SOLID STATE: Classification of solids, crystalline state unit cell and seven crystal systems , calculations
involving unit cell parameters, Packing of solids, density calculations, close packed strucure of solids(cubic and
hexagonal) , Structures of simple ionic solids: NaCl, CsCl, ZnS, CaF2, Na2O,Braggs law and its applications
MATHEMATICS : Ellipse: Standard equation of Ellipse, Foci, Directrices, Axes, Latus Rectum, Position of a point w.r.r a Ellipse,
Parametric equation, Eccentric angle, Auxiliary Circle, equation of chord in parametric form, equation of chord
with given midpoint, Condition of Tangency, Equation of tangent and its properties, Director Circle, Chord of
Contact, Pair of Tangents, Equation of normal and its properties, Reflection property of Ellipse, Properties of

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 07-01-2024_Jr.S60_NUCLEUS & STERLING BT_Jee-Adv(2021-P2)_WTA-34&WTA-29_Q.P

Time: 3:00Hr’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 180
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 6) +4 -2 6 24
with Partial mark
Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 7 – 12) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Paragraph Questions with Single Answer
Sec – III(Q.N : 13 – 16) +3 -1 4 12
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 17 – 19) +4 0 3 12
Value Type
Total 19 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 20 – 25) +4 -2 6 24
with Partial mark
Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 26 – 31) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Paragraph Questions with Single
Sec – III(Q.N : 32 – 35) +3 -1 4 12
Answer Type
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 36– 38) +4 0 3 12
Value Type

Total 19 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 39 – 44) +4 -2 6 24
with Partial mark
Paragraph Questions with Numerical
Sec – II(Q.N : 45 – 50) +2 0 6 12
Value Answer Type
Paragraph Questions with Single
Sec – III(Q.N : 51 – 54) +3 -1 4 12
Answer Type
Questions with Non-negative Integer
Sec – IV(Q.N : 55 – 57) +4 0 3 12
Value Type
Total 19 60

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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60

 This secti on contains SIX (06) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (al l) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
Negative Marks : −2 In all other cases.
1. A long round conductor of cross – sectional area S is made of material whose resistivity

depends only on distance r from the axis of the conductor as   , where  is a
constant. Find :
A) the resistance per unit length of such a conductor is R  2 / S 2
B) the resistance per unit length of such a conductor is R   / S 2
C) the electric field strength in the conductor due to which a current i flows through it
2 i / S 2
D) the electric field strength in the conductor due to which a current i flows through it
 i / S 2
2. The region between two concentric conducting spheres with radii a and b is filled with a
conducting material of resistivity  , and maintained a potential difference V
 1 1
A) the radial resistance between the spheres is   
4  a b 
 1 1
B) the radial resistance between the spheres is   
2  a b 
C) the expression for current density as a function of radius is J  r  
 b  a  r 2
D) the expression for current density as a function of radius is J  r  
 b  a  r 2
3. For the given circuit, If internal resistance of cell is 1.5 then

A) VP  VQ B) VP  VQ  4V C) VP  VQ D) VP  VQ  2.5V

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4. The potential difference between points A and B in the circuit shown in figure is 16V.

A) the current through the 2 resistance is 3.5A

B) the current through the 4 resistance is 2.5A
C) the current through the 3  resistance is 1.5A
D) the potential difference between the terminals of they 9V battery is 7V
5. In the circuit shown in figure, some potential difference is applied between A and B.
The equivalent resistance between A and B is R.

A) No current flows through the 5 resistor

B) R = 15
C) R= 12.5
D) R  
6. A battery of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a resistance R.
Resistance R can be adjusted to any value greater than or equal to zero. A graph is
plotted between the current passing through the resistance (I) and potential difference
(V) across it. Select the correct alternatives.

A) Internal resistance of the battery is 5 .

B) Emf of the battery is 10V.
C) Maximum current that can be taken from the battery is 2A.
D) V – I graph can never be a straight lines as shown in figure

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 This section contains THREE (03) question stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-
screen virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
Question Stem for Question Nos. 7 and 8
Question Stem
Twelve equal wires, each of resistance r ohm are connected so as to form a skeleton

7. The equivalent resistance between the diagonally opposite points 1 and 7 is xr then
x value is
8. The equivalent resistance between two corners on the same edge of the cube is 7r .
The value z is
Question Stem for Question Nos. 9 and 10
Question Stem
In the circuit shown,

9. VA  VB  x volt then x value is

10. If I 2 is A the value of n is
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Question Stem for Question Nos. 11 and 12

Question Stem

11. Six resistors are arranged along the edges of a pyramid as shown in figure. The
values of resistances are mentioned with resistance in the figure. If the effective
resistance between A and B is  the value of x is
12. If a battery of potential 12 Volt is connected between terminals A and B then the
current through the battery is _____ A
 This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : −1 In all other cases.
1 d
The thermal coefficient of resistivity is given by   where  is resistivity at a
 dT
temperature T.  is not constant, rather varies as   , where T is temperature in
Kelvin and n is a constant. For cabon   0.0005K 1 and   3.5 105    m  at 270 C
13. Relation between  and T using the above information
A) T n B) T n1 C)  T  n D) 
14. Find the value of ‘n’ of carbon
A) 0.15 B) 0.3 C) 0 0.9 D) 0.6

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In the circuit shown in the figure

15. The value of current I1 is

A) 2A B) zero C) 2.5 A C) 1A
16. The value of current I 4 is
A) 2A B) zero C) 2.5A C) 1A
 This section contains THREE (03) questions.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the
place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
17. A battery of e.m.f 6V and internal resistance 1 gives a p.d of 5.8V when connected
to a resistance. The external resistance is x  then the value of 29+x is
18. Twelve cells each having the same emf are connected in series and are kept in a closed
box. Some of the cells are wrongly connected. This battery is connected in series with
an ammeter and two cells identical with cells used in the battery . The current is
5Awhen the cells and battery aid each other and 3A when the cells and
battery oppose each other. How many cells are wrongly connected ?
19. Four resistors P,Q,R and S whose values are 8  , 2  , 6  and 3  respectively are
joined to form a Wheatstone Bridge. Calculate the value of resistance (in  ) with which
the resistance S must be shunted in order that the bridge may be balanced.

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60

 This secti on contains SIX (06 ) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
 For each questi on, choose the option(s) correspo nding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
Negative Marks : −2 In all other cases.
20. The crystal systems with edge length values a  b  c is possible for which of the
following crystal system (consider only edge length)
A) Orthorhombic B) Simple Cubic C) Trigonal D) Hexagoanl
21. In which of the following crystal system body centered cubic unit cell can exist
A) Trigonal B) Tetragonal C) Orthorhombic D) Simple cubic
22. The correct statement for cubic close packed three dimensional structure is
A) The coordinational number of crystal is 12
B) The packing efficiency of crystal is 74%
C) The unit cell edge length is
D) The number of octahedral voids are 2 and number of tetrahedral voids are 4.
23. Molybdenum (At mass = 96 g.mol-1 ) crystalise in B.C.C crystal if density of crystal is
10.3g/cm3 then radius of molecular atom is  NA  6 1023 
A) 111 pm B) 135.96 pm C) 1.3596 A0 D) 0.1359 A0
24. Aluminium metal has a density 2.72g/cm3 and crystalise in a cubic lattice with an edge
of 405 pm. Which are correct
A) It forms F.C.C unit cell
B) It forms B.C.C unit cell
C) It’s nearest neighbouring distance is
D) Its coordination number is 12
25. If the radius of Na  is 95pm and the Cl  ion is 181 pm then
A) Coordination number of Na  is 6
B) Coordination number of Cl  is 8
C) Length of the unit cell is 552 pm
D) Length of the unit cell is 380 pm
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 This section contains THREE (03) question stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-
screen virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
Question Stem for Question Nos. 26 and 27
Question Stem
A compound formed by elements X and Y has a cubic structure
in which X atoms are at the corner of the cube and also at the face centers. Y atoms are
present at the body center of the cube and the edge centre of the cube.
26. If all the atoms from the diagonal of the one of the face of the cube are removed then
total number of atoms in the crystal is----------
27. If all the atoms are removed from one of the plane passing through middle of the
cube calculate the total no. of atoms in the cube. ______
Question Stem for Question Nos. 28 and 29
Question Stem
An element occur in the body centered cubic lattice with cell edge of 300pm. The
density of the molecule is 6.8 g / cm3 . Answer the following  N A  6  10 23  .
28. The distance of the closest approach between the two atoms element is x 101 pm what is
x . (Rounding to the nearest integer)
29. The atomic mass (M) of the element is _______(Rounding to the nearest integer)
Question Stem for Question Nos. 30 and 31
Question Stem
In three dimensional close packing arrangement. The third layer placed on the second
layer to covering the tetrahedral voids of the second layer. In this case the sphere of the
third layer are exactly aligned with those of the first layer. This pattern is often written
as ABABAB type pattern this structure is called HCP structure.
30. What is the % of packing fraction in this structure ______
31. The volume of the HCP unit cell is x  2r 3 what is the value of x .
 This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
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Negative Marks : −1 In all other cases.
The density of the unit cell is represented as
effective no.of atoms ( s )  Mass of the unit cell
NA  a 3
NA  6.023  10 23 ;
M = Mass of the unit cell
A = Edge length of the unit cell
Z = Effective atomic number
32. Silver crystalise in F.C.C lattice if the edge length of the cell is 4.07  10 8 cm
and mass of silver is 108. Find out density of the crystal
A) 5.6 g / cm3 B) 20.12 g / cm3 C) 10.24 g / cm3 D) 8.2 g / cm3
33. Each edge of a cube unit cell is 400pm long if atomic mass of element is 120 and its
density is 6.25 g / cm3 . The structure of crystal lattice is
A) Primitive B) Body centered C) Face centered D) Hexagonal
In zinc blend structure anions are arranged in ccp and cations are present in the
tetrahedral voids and only half of the tetrahedral voids are occupied ( Alternative voids )
34. The coordination number of cations and anions are respectively
A) 4 and 8 B) 4 and 4 C) 8 and 4 D) 8 and 6
35. For this type of structure radius ratio r  / r  should be in the range.
A) 0.225 – 0.414 B) 0.155 – 0.225
C) 0.414 – 0.732 D) 0.732 – 1
 This section contains THREE (03) questions.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the
place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
36. Among the following how many solids are covalent network solids.
Diamond , I 2 , SO2 , CaF2 , HCl , NH 3 , AlN , BN , Cu , Quartz, Mg, CO2 , graphite
37. Atom X occupies the F.C.C lattice sites as well as alternate tetrahedral voids of the same
lattice. The packing efficiency in percentage of the resultant solid is closed to Y, the
value of is______
38. The percentage of void space of metallic element crystalising in a ABCABCABC.... type
lattice pattern is x. What is the value of is ______(Rounding to the nearest integer)
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MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 60

 This secti on contains SIX (06 ) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
 For each questi on, choose the option(s) correspo nding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
Negative Marks : −2 In all other cases.

If the locus of P  x, y  satisfying the condition  x  4    y  1   x  4    y  1  12

2 2 2 2
represents a conic then
A) Its eccentricity is B) Distance between its foci is 8
C) Length of its minor axis is 12 D) Length of its latusrectum is
40. Consider two lines which are common tangents to both the curves x 2  y 2  and
y 2  4 x . Let these lines intersect at the point Q. Consider the ellipse with centre at the
origin and whose semi – major axis is OQ. Length of its minor axis is 2 . Choose the
correct statement(s) among the following.
A) The eccentricity of the ellipse is and length of its latusrectum is 1.
1 1
B) The eccentricity of the ellipse is and length of its latusrectum is .
2 2
C) The area of the polygon formed by the foci and ends of minor axis is 2 sq.units.
D) The area of the polygon formed by the foci and ends of minor axis is 1 sq.unit.
x2 y 2
41. Let the angle between the pair of tangents drawn to the ellipse   1 from the point
16 9
P is  . The possible coordinates of point P when   900 is
A)  5,0  B)  3, 4  C)  3 2, 7  D)  2 3, 13 
42. If R  2,6  , S 12, K  are the foci of an ellipse which touches both the coordinate axes then
A)Its eccentricity
24 2
B) Length of its latusrectum is
C) Length of its major axis is 5 2
D) Length of its double ordinate bisecting RS is 4 6
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x2 y 2
43. If x  2 y  4  0 is a common tangent to parabola y 2  4 x and ellipse   1 then
4 b2
A) b  3
B) b  3
C) Equation of other common tangent is x  2 y  4  0
D) Equation of other common tangent is x  2 y  4  0
x2 y 2
44. If the equation of an ellipse is   1 then
16 12
A) The locus of middle points of chords of ellipse which touch the circle x 2  y 2  25 is
 x2 y 2   x2 y 2 
25     
 256 144   16 12 
B) If the line 2 x  3 y  K  0 is a normal to the ellipse then 4 3 K  12 .
C) The locus of foot of perpendicular drawn from the centre of the ellipse on any of its
tangents is  x 2  y 2   16 x 2  12 y 2

D) The equation of the director circle of the ellipse is x 2  y 2  16 .

 This section contains THREE (03) question stems.
 There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each question stem.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value corresponding to the answer in the designated place using the mouse and the on-
screen virtual numeric keypad.
 If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
Question Stem for Question Nos. 45 and 46
Question Stem
Let the equation of an ellipse be 9 x 2  25 y 2  36 x  50 y  164  0
45. If foci of the ellipse are  x1 , y1  ,  x2 , y2  where x1  0 then x2 y1  x1 y2 
46. Let any two ends of the latusrecta of the ellipse are  p, q  ,  r , s  where p , q , s  0 and
r < 0 then 5 ps  qr 
Question Stem for Question Nos. 47 and 48
Question Stem
x2 y 2 5 
If the extremities of a focal chord of the ellipse 2
 2  1 a  b  are and  then
a b 12 12

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12 2
47. If the eccentricity of the ellipse is e then e
48. 
Question Stem for Question Nos. 49 and 50
Question Stem
 a b  x2 y 2
P ,  is a point on the ellipse   1 . The tangent at P meets the auxiliary
 2 2 a 2 b2
circle in A,B and AB subtends a right angle at the origin. Let the eccentric angle of the
point be ' ' .
49. If ‘e’ is the eccentricity of the ellipse then 3e 2  2 

50. If the slope of the normal to the ellipse at the point with eccentric angle     is m
then .m 
 This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
 For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : −1 In all other cases.
x2 y 2
Let C represents the circle x 2  y 2  9 , ‘E’ represents the ellipse   1 and ‘L’
9 4
represents the line y  2 x .
51. P is a point on C and PL is the perpendicular to the major axis of E which meets the
ellipse at M then 
1 2 3
A) B) C) D) 1
3 3 2
52. If R is the point of intersection of L and the line x  1 then R lies
A)Inside C and outside E B) Inside both C and E
C) Outside both C and E D) On both C and E
Let the line ‘L’ be a tangent to the ellipse x 2  4 y 2  16 at the point whose eccentric angle
is ' ' .
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53. If ‘L’ passes through the vertex of the parabola y 2  2 x  4 y  4  0 then  

  3 
A) B) C) D)
2 4 4 4
54. If ‘L’ touches the circle x 2  y 2  then  
   
A) B) C) D)
3 4 6 2
 This section contains THREE (03) questions.
 The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER.
 For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the
place designated to enter the answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
55. If the distance between one focus and the corresponding directrix of the ellipse

2  5x  2    5 y  4 
2 2
   3x  4 y 1 2
is K then  K   ______ (  x  denotes greatest integer
 x)
x2 y 2
56. Let the foci of the ellipse   1 are S  f1 , 0  , S 1  f 2 ,0  where f1  0, f 2  0 . Let P1 , P2 are
9 5
two parabolas with the common vertex at (0,0) and having foci at  f1 ,0  ,  2 f 2 ,0 
respectively. Let T1 be a tangent to P1 passing through  2 f 2 ,0  and T2 be a tangent to P2
passing through  f1 ,0  . If m1 , m2 are slopes of T1 , T2 respectively then 2
 m22 
57. If the point  2, K  on the ellipse x2  2 y 2  6 is the nearest to the line x  y  7 then
 20 K 
   ______ ([ ] denotes G.I.F).
 3 

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