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Strategy & Corporate Finance Practice

The board’s role in

building resilience
Boards of directors can help executive teams build the foresight,
response, and adaptation capabilities they need to manage
future shocks.

© Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

December 2022
Resilience means both protecting against the the US. CEOs likewise report strong balance sheets.
downside of potential shocks and preparing to Innovation is alive and well, and this is a moment
capture the upside. In this episode of the Inside the when everyone is thinking through how to take
Strategy Room podcast, three experts discuss the advantage of digital, improve productivity levels,
board’s role in building that resilience to weather and drive innovation and growth. We are getting
the current volatility. Asutosh Padhi, McKinsey’s mixed signals on the economy, but we believe that
managing partner for North America, is joined by moments of high uncertainty are when institutions
Celia Huber, who leads our board services work have to differentiate. In previous downturns, the
in the region, and Ida Kristensen, coleader of actions that companies took made a tenfold
McKinsey’s risk and resilience practice in North difference in share price over a seven- to ten-year
America and leader of the global cybersecurity period. Likewise, the actions that leaders take today
practice. This is an edited transcript of the matter, and boards can enable them.
discussion. For more conversations on the strategy
Sean Brown: Are boards well prepared to address
issues that matter, follow the series on your
a potential new series of negative events? They
preferred podcast platform.
generally rose to the COVID-19 challenge.
Sean Brown: Why is resilience on the board
Celia Huber: In our global board director surveys,
agenda now?
boards say they are very prepared to deal with
Ida Kristensen: We’re facing an amazing set of some challenges close to home, such as employee
disruptions. First, the highest inflation since the safety, but they feel unprepared for larger-scale
1970s, and while energy receives a lot of attention, forces. Major crises, macroeconomic shocks,
core inflation is also high, and it is unclear what climate change—directors find these challenges
governments and other institutions will do. GDP ambiguous. But boards have learned over the
slowdowns seem to be continuing, but how past two years that their clock speed and ability
deep will it be and for how long? There is a lot of to make decisions need to increase to match the
volatility in the capital markets as well, and while environment. I don’t know many boards that are
they are quite robust, access to capital and credit just doing quarterly meetings anymore. They
is tightening, which is particularly important for have added ad hoc phone and virtual meetings in
growth-oriented companies. between regularly scheduled ones.
We see continued supply chain challenges. In our It was also interesting that board members see
surveys, we see increasingly negative sentiment opportunities to improve their efficiency and
from consumers and businesses. We see job effectiveness during crises. One piece I found
growth, which normally would not be consistent surprising is that only 7 percent of the respondents
with recessionary trends, but the tight labor market believe that over the past year their board was
is paired with decreased productivity in many “most effective” at risk management, but 40 percent
countries. On top of all these macroeconomic said their organizations are currently well prepared
elements, we have continuing uncertainty around for the next large crisis. That still leaves 60 percent
the pandemic and geopolitical tensions. In of board members feeling unprepared.
conversations with CEOs and boards, uncertainty is
Ida Kristensen: And there are ways boards can
the number-one topic that comes up. But there is a
prepare. For example, we sometimes stage war
lot more resilience built into the system today than
games around potential crises, and I recently
in previous times of volatility.
participated in one with a North American company,
Asutosh Padhi: Yes, it’s not all gloom and a joint session for board members and the executive
doom. Consumer sentiment is at an all-time low, management. It was a ransomware-attack scenario
but consumer balance sheets continue to be played out over 3.5 hours, and it was more gripping
extraordinarily strong, totaling $3 trillion of cash in than the latest James Bond movie, a really high-

2 The board’s role in building resilience

‘Boards say they are very prepared to
deal with challenges close to home,
such as employee safety, but they feel
unprepared for larger-scale forces
such as major crises, macroeconomic
shocks, and climate change.’
– Celia Huber

intensity situation. At the end, the CEO turned to the past downturns, which means that planning an
chair of the board and said, “If this had been real, I exit from the slowdown should start now. Board
would now resign from the company.” When you do members should make sure that management
these exercises and play through the decisions you is focused on both defense and offense. What
would have to make, it brings them to life and that measures should we take to protect the firm in
gives you some muscle memory. the short term? What opportunities can we find to
improve our business portfolio?
Sean Brown: Given those mixed economic signals,
what are some ways, aside from war games, that Finally, talent is an important topic. Amidst talent
boards and management teams can plan for shortages, some of our clients are considering not
different eventualities? filling open positions, but our advice is to not cut
to the bone. Manage your talent, because you will
Ida Kristensen: Financial and geopolitical volatility
need all of them soon.
will likely be with us for a long time; it may be the
new normal. So, one thing we advise clients is to not Asutosh Padhi: The decisions that boards now
rely on forecasts. The only thing you know about support and influence will have an impact on their
your forecast is that it will be wrong. You need to companies for the next three, ten, 20 years. This is
think about scenarios and interdependencies and a moment to simultaneously focus on both growth
plan for what you would do in those situations. and productivity. Productivity alone can help get
you through, but on the other side of the business
Many board members have experienced more
cycle you may lose strategic distance.
economic cycles than the current management, so
they can ask: How do we create a new playbook that Secondly, most management teams and boards
builds on everything we have learned from the past? have a view on the businesses they want to be in
Secondly, boards can help ensure that the focus is today and in the future, and we think this is a time
not just on short-term protection of the business. to accelerate both divestitures and acquisitions.
There is a higher premium on short-term earnings The third element boards should pay attention
and profitability given the rising interest rates, but to is strategic optionality, which comes from the
this recession may be shallower and shorter than health of the balance sheet. What is our fixed-cost

The board’s role in building resilience 3

position? How can we strengthen and deepen our “We have a 99 percent patching rate, we’ve got it
talent bench? under control.” We are seeing a much more honest
and substantive conversation about the threat
Sean Brown: What is the board’s role in developing
landscape. What do we know about who is coming
this new playbook?
into our systems? What are they looking at? What
Celia Huber: It is not unusual for companies to are our greatest vulnerabilities and how are we
have an M&A playbook, and the management addressing them?
team has approval to move forward within that
Sean Brown: The word “resilience” is used a lot
playbook, but boards understand that may
these days. What does it mean to be resilient in the
adjust given the context. We are talking about
current environment?
something analogous [on broader strategy]. The
board doesn’t need to be in the details but to Ida Kristensen: Fundamentally, it is the ability
understand the playbook’s framing and underlying to pivot when a disruption strikes, both by
assumptions. If these were to change due to the preparing the company for what is happening
macroeconomic environment, that would change now and strengthening it for what’s ahead. We
the management’s playbook as well. see three elements to that: foresight, response,
and adaptation. Everything begins with
Ida Kristensen: A board member can say, “Help
information. Do we understand the likelihood of
us understand the playbook we are deploying.
different things happening, their complexities
What are the key insights we are relying on? What
and interdependencies, and the implications for
scenarios could require us to mobilize quickly,
our company? Tactically, it means looking not at
what would be the board’s role, and how are you
forecasts but scenarios, with stress testing, early-
preparing us for that? What is our balance between
warning systems, and some clear management
defensive and offensive moves?” There will be some
decision processes around what you would do if
telltale signs if the company is retracting too much
X, Y, or Z were to happen. Take the supply chain:
to short-term management of expenses and not
What kind of disruption would trigger the need for
sufficiently looking ahead.
a decision, and are you clear on what that decision
Talent is another topic board members should would be?
probe. “In an increasingly competitive talent market,
Response is all about the near to medium term.
how are we differentiating ourselves? What is our
What levers are we pulling in response? That can
value proposition, and what are indicators telling us
be expense management, pricing changes, or
about our ability to attract and retain talent?” Board
operational adjustments, as we saw during the
members should also ensure a cyber playbook
pandemic, where brick and mortar stores had to
exists, because a cyber crisis plays out quite
change their processes. Then adaptation might
differently from most other crises.
require more long-term changes to diversify your
Sean Brown: Are boards changing their approach to suppliers so you are less vulnerable to any one
managing cyberrisk, maybe appointing a dedicated disruption. It could mean building up the resilience
director or establishing new reporting structures? muscles within the company, institutionalizing
Ida Kristensen: Some boards are making sure that war games and tabletop exercises, and preparing
at least a couple of directors have the right technical longer-term playbooks in response to more
experience. We are also seeing boards, both in systemic changes.
regulated industries like banking and nonregulated Asutosh Padhi: The questions board members
industries, say, “This is now such a critical threat to should consider are, one, what is the speed of the
the company that we as a board need to understand response? During the pandemic, we saw companies
and prepare for it.” Gone are the days when the that used to launch products in four to five years
chief information security office would tell the board, doing that in three to six months. Number two is the

4 The board’s role in building resilience

‘Gone are the days when the chief
information security office would
tell the board, “We have a 99 percent
patching rate, we’ve got it under
control.” We are seeing much more
substantive conversations.’
– Ida Kristensen

effectiveness of the response. What results from Sean Brown: What is the board’s role on each
these actions? And what is an enduring aspect of those three aspects of resilience—foresight,
of the response? What are we learning that is not response, and adaptation?
just an in-the-moment exercise but can change
Celia Huber: On foresight, the board’s role is
how we run the institution? An example is board
thinking about the main areas of uncertainty. Many
and management interactions: long presentations
boards I work with use scenario planning as a tool
versus much more bite-sized, problem-solving
to understand the main drivers of uncertainty and
topics. How does the CEO communicate with
the early-warning indicators that you are heading
customers and with employees? You want to use
into that scenario. On response, the board’s role
this as a moment to accelerate.
depends on the specifics of the crisis, and whether
Ida Kristensen: It reminds me of something it is a moment to be seized. Most companies that
JPMorgan Chase chair and CEO Jamie Dimon came out of the 2008 recession in a strong position
shared in the CEO Excellence book. During had used that downturn to make bold strategic
the 2008 financial crisis, he thought talking moves. So, boards can ask, what are those moves
theoretically about what was happening at board for our company and what strategic decisions
meetings wasn’t the best use of his time. Instead, he need to be made or business model changes
pulled the board members out to the trading floor so implemented? For example, in the industry I work in,
they could see in real time. During crises, the board which is healthcare, one of the necessary business
plays a different role around foresight, response, model changes recently was more digital delivery,
and adaptation. Rather than debating the response, particularly of primary care, and that had to happen
it is probably more helpful to tell management, almost overnight. As for the adaptation questions,
“Go run with it and tell us what you need.” But the how can we expand those capabilities? Can we take
board can play an important role in ensuring the that virtual health offering and turn it into something
organization learns from the crisis. bigger and bolder?
Ida Kristensen: Fundamentally, the board members
can think about the balance between defensive

The board’s role in building resilience 5

versus offensive responses to crisis, short-term but we think other elements of resilience are
versus long-term trade-offs, and appropriately also critical. Thinking systematically around six
challenging management. Once you understand the dimensions can help ensure that the company
main areas of uncertainty, ask management how is prepared for whatever might happen. Aside
they can help you prepare for the moment when you from financial, there is operational resilience,
get into one of the scenarios when you have to make which covers the inner workings of supply chains
quick decisions. and production channels and how diversified or
concentrated they are, how subject to disruption.
Asutosh Padhi: I start with the notion of one team.
Technology comes back to our cyberrisk discussion
I see the CEO and the management team as the
as well as other potential technology disruptions.
player-coaches and the board as non-playing
How are we prepared and what backup systems
coaches. For this team to win, collaboration and
are in place? How quickly can we get up and
faster two-way information exchange need to be
running again?
in place, and joint problem solving as opposed
to 100-page presentations. When I work with Resilience in brand, reputation, and ESG
institutions, we recognize that there are three to five [environmental, social, and governance
big questions that will determine the future of the considerations] is about how you manage both
institution, so what are those questions and are you internal and external stakeholders, and how
spending enough time on them? you think about your societal commitments. On
business model and innovation, resilience is about
Sean Brown: What aspects of resilience should
how quickly you can pivot. Asutosh talked about
boards pay the most attention to?
making production times shorter but what are the
Ida Kristensen: When we talk about resilience, areas where it is critical to innovate quickly? Finally,
people often focus immediately on financial organizational resilience is both the leadership—the
resilience. How strong is our balance sheet? What board’s and the management team’s ability to
are our pricing levers? What can we hedge? There’s decide and act quickly—and ensuring the talent
no doubt that financial resilience is important, value proposition.

‘Supply chain resilience first became a

board-level topic during the pandemic. I
liken it to having been to the emergency
room and now it’s time to go to the
gym—to reimagine what the supply
chains should look like for the future.’
– Asutosh Padhi

6 The board’s role in building resilience

Sean Brown: Which of those do you find boards Sean Brown: One aspect of resilience we
Find more content like this on the
and management teams are most focused on—or haven’t talked about is climate change. How are
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should focus on most? boards ensuring that executive teams manage
environmental risks, especially around catastrophic
Asutosh Padhi: I think talent is a top-three topic
events like floods?
for boards and CEOs now, especially around
leadership development and how to strengthen Asutosh Padhi: That falls into the bucket of
the leadership bench. operational resilience. For example, with industrial
companies, supply chain resilience first became a
Celia Huber: It depends on the industry, but
board-level topic during the pandemic. I liken it to
brand, reputation, and ESG are big topics in
Scan • Download • Personalize having been to the emergency room and now it’s
healthcare. The conversation about health equity
time to go to the gym—to reimagine what the supply
became important even prior to the pandemic, with
chains should look like in the future.
boards worrying about access and quality of care
for underserved communities. Even if you are a Sean Brown: What aspect of the evolution in the
privately held, for-profit healthcare business, you board’s role are you most excited about?
still need to think about, what is your customer
Celia Huber: I’m most excited about the board
base? What do those stakeholders need, and how
becoming a catalyst, bringing those independent,
are you creating the ecosystem to serve them?
outside viewpoints to raise the ambition of
Sean Brown: Is this increased need for strategic the management.
and operational resilience changing the structure of
Ida Kristensen: I would say the long-term perspective
boards, such as more independent directors?
and the commitment to long-term strategy and
Celia Huber: Board seats change slowly, so innovation, making sure that course is clear and
we haven’t seen a huge uptick in the number of maintained even in the stormiest of weathers.
independent directors. I do think shareholders,
Asutosh Padhi: I think there is no better time to be
and particularly institutional investors, are looking
a board member. This is a time when the actions
more closely at the backgrounds of independent
you take will matter more than what you did five
directors and whether those directors are on
years ago and even in aggregate. Resilience is
too many boards. We are seeing more time on
a new muscle for everyone and how boards and
the agenda for the chief risk officer and outside
management teams work together to build that
experts in different risks. Board members are
muscle is going to be extremely important.
also demanding more time on the agenda for
discussion after the presentations. Boards are
using executive committees more as well, be they
on supply chains and operations or technology.

Celia Huber is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office, Ida Kristensen is a senior partner in the New York office, and
Asutosh Padhi is a senior partner in the Chicago office. Sean Brown, global director of communications for the Strategy &
Corporate Finance Practice, is based in Boston.

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The board’s role in building resilience 7

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