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Past simple or present perfect simple

Past simple.-

We use the past simple to talk about

. - Activities that start & finish in the past.- e.g.- I ate pasta yesterday

.-When we do one thing after the other . – e.g.- I woke up this morning, I had breakfast & then
I brushed my teeth

Some common expressions it goes with are: yesterday, last week, 2 years ago


The past simple verbs can be regular (-ed) or irregular (list of irregular verbs). The structure in
past simple sentences is.-

Affirmative.- Subject+ verb (regular or irregular) + rest

I went to the cinema yesterday

Negative.- Subject+ didn’t + verb (infinitive) + rest

I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday

Interrogative.- (Question word) + did + subject+ verb (infinitive) + rest?

(Why) did you go to the cinema yesterday?

Present perfect simple

We use the present perfect simple for activities that start in the past but affect the present or
are connected to them

e.g. I have broken my leg

The normal structure is.-

Affirmative.- Subject + have/has + verb in past participle (3rd column)

She has finished her homework

Negative.- Subject + haven’t/hasn’t + verb in past participle (3rd column)

She hasn’t finished her homework

Interrogative.- (Question word) + have/has + subject + verb in past participle (3 rd column)?

When has she finished her homework?

Sometimes, this structure can be changed because of the expressions it goes with. Some
common expressions it goes with are.-

 Already.- I have already finished my homework (it goes after have/has & it is used in
affirmative sentences) (YA)
 Just.- I have just finished my homework (it goes after have/has & it is used in
affirmative sentences) (ACABAR DE)
 Yet.- I haven’t finished my homework yet (it goes at the end of the negative &
interrogative sentences) (AÚN)
 For.- I have stayed in Malaga for 10 years (it goes with a number of years) (DURANTE)
 Since.- I have stayed in Málaga since 2010 (it goes with the year) (DESDE)

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