Protocol Nr. 603382 Din 11 Dec.2020 (Pag.1-3)

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Green Power

Denumlroa angalatorulul: Enel Green Power Romania S.R.L.

Cod flscal (Cul): 15034770
Nr. do inrogistraro la roglstrul colnedylL[]: J407000Q011

Protocol No. e03382 concluded today, Docembol' 11, Protocol Nr. 603382 Inchoiat astazl 11 Dec®mbr]o
2020, bctv`reen the Representatlves ol the EGPR 2020, lntre Reprezentantll 8a[arlat]lor EGPR 81 eel d[n
employees and those from the EGPR employsrs' pertea patronafului ECPR prfvind apllearea
regarding the application Of the provf8[ons of point 4 of provedorilor punctu[uf 4 d[n Procesul Vert)al de
the Negotlat[on lvI]nutos `^rfu No. 602712 / 09.30.2020 negoclero cu Nr. cOZ712/30.09.2020

The signatory parties agreed as follows: Partile semnafare au convenit umatoarele:

1. Starting with 01.01.2021 until the date of entry into force 1. Incepand ou data de 01.01.2021 pana la data intrarii in
Of the new Collective Labor Agreement, to be negotiated, the vigoare a noului Contact Colectiv de Munca, ce urmeaza
following provisions Of the existing CCM will be applied a fi negociat, urmatoarele prevederi ale COM exlstent vor
exceptionally, for the de(emined period mentioned above, fi aplicate exceptional. pe durata determinata mentionata
as follows: mai sue, astfel:

"ART. 5.18 "ART. 6.18

According to the provisions of Law 227A2015 - Fiscal Code, Potrivi( prevederilor Legii 227C015- Codul Fiscal,
Article 25, para. (3), lit. b) Social expenses, para.2. within the Articolul 25, alin. (3), lit. b) Cheltui©lile sociale, para.2, in
approved budget, the employer will pay the employee, at his limitele bugetului aprobat, angajatorul va plan salariatului,
request approved by the oupervlsor, People & Organization Ia cererea acestuia avizata de supervizor, Administrare
Admin/People Operations and approved by the General Resurse Umanefleople Operations si aprobata de
Manager, based on suppohing doouments, the value Of Directorul General, jn baza documentelor ju8tfficatJve,
tourist and / or treatment services, including transport, for contravaloarea eervlciilor turistice §i/sau de tratament,
their own employees and their family members (husband, inclusiv transportul, pentru salariatij proprii si membrii lor
wife, children) within the maximum limit of 1,800 lei for tounst de familje (sot, sotie, copiD in limta maxima de 1.800 let
Services and 2,000 loi for tlie teament ticket. pentru serviciile turistice si 2.000 let pentru biletul de
The manner of establishing the amounts allocated by tratament.
depaTthents from the annual fund tor social expenses and Modul de stabilire a sumelor alocato pe departamente din
the steps to be followed for payment of the value of tourist fondul anual pentru cheltuieli socjale si al pasilor de urmat
and / or treatment services, including transport are pentru plata contravalorii serviciilor turistice §i/sau de
presented in Annex 7 to this: Regulation on payment of value tratament, inclusiv transportul aunt prezentate in Anexa 7
of tourist services and / or treatment. including transport la prezentul: Regulament privind plata contravalorii
within one year. " servicii[or turistlce §i/sau de tratament, i nclusiv transportul
intr-un an."

"ANNEX no. 7 ``ANEXA nr. 7


on the payment of the value Of tourist and / or treatment privind plata contravalorii serviciilor turistlce §i/sau de
servlces, including tranaport, in one year tratament, inclusiv transportul. intr-un an

The employees of Enel Green Power Romania will beneft Personalul salariat al Enel Green Power Romania va
from the payment of the value Of the tourist and / or treatment beneficia de plata contravalorii seTvictilor turistice §i/sau
services, including the transport fortheir own employees and de tratament, inclusiv transportul pentru salariatii proprii
their family members (husband, wife, children) within the si membrii lor de familie (sot. sotie, copii) in limita maxima
maximum limit of 1,800 lel for tourist Services and 2,COO lei de 1.BOO Iel pentru serviciile turistice si 2.000 Iel pentru
for the troathont ticket (ciimulativo amount at annual lov®l. bilotul de tratament (8uma oumulabila la nivel de an, in
depending on the value Of the supporting documents) and functie de valoarea documentelor justificative) si numai
only if the budget approved for social expenses (established daca bugetul aprobat pentru cheltuielile sociale (stabilit
according to the provisions of Law 227ra015 -Fiscal Code, conform prevederilor Legii 227ra015 - Codul Fiscal,
Article 25, paragraph (3), letter b ) Social expenses, pare.3),Articolul 25, alin. (3), lit. b) Cheltuielile sociale, pare.3), va
will allow this payment. pemite aceasta plata.
The bud et for this e ense will be allocated to eadi entru aceasta cheltuiala va fi alocat e fiecare
End Green lfower ltomarila S.R.L
Sedful socfal: Bucurestl, Bdul Mlrcca Veda, nr. 30, el.4, camera 4.2, sector 3, 030667
]4o7ono/2oi I. c.u.I. i5o3477o
Capltal soclal 2.930.631.000 RON
Teklfon: 037.211563S sau 021.3140058; Fax: 037.2872710
Conturl nr. R017CIT(OO00000724670co8 RON §1 R092aTrooo0000724670016 EllR degchlse fa CrTIBMIK EUROPE PLC, IavBIIhl, SuC.ROMANIA
ehc\l Green Power

department depending on the number Of employees, departamen( in functje de numarul de salariati ou

speclfying that in the months Of the beginning Of the year precizaroa ca in lunile de inceput de an (tnmestrul I)
(first quarter) its value is reduced, thus copping the number valoarea acestuia este redusa plafonand astfel numamul
of settlements. The limiting character. for the first part of the de decontari. Caracterul limitativ, pentru prima parte a
year. js given by the oumulative nature of the settlement anului. este data de natura cumulativa a fondului de
fund. During tno year, the capifelized amount inerease§, deconiare. Pe paroursLIl ajiului suma capifalizata crests
being able to cover the requests for the second full semester. putand acoperi spre semestrul al doilca integral
Before assuming the payment Of the value of tourist and / or Inainte de a-si asuma plafa contravalorii serviciilor
treatment servlces, including transport the employee will turistlce §i/sau de tratament, inclusiv tensportul,
ask by e-mail the People & Organization department that salanatul va intreba printr-un e-mail departamentul
manages this budget if it can cover at that time all the coats People & Organization care gestioneaza acest buget
of the aforementioned services. daca acesta poate acoperi la momentul respediv toate
Settlement will be made on the basis of a request endorsed costuri]e servlci ilor anterior in entionate.
by the Supervisor, People & organization Adminpeople Decontarea se va face in baza unei cereri avizata de
Operations and approved by the Director General. This will Supervizor. Administrare Resurse Umanemeople
be accompanied by an e-mail confirmatlon of the existing Operations si aprobata de Directorul General. Aceasfa va
budget from People & Organization and all supporting fi insotita de copie e-mail de confimare existenta buget
documentg including proof Of payment (bank Statement if de la People & Organizaton 3i toate documentele
payment was made through the bank; tax rcoeipt, receipt, justificative inclusiv dovada platii (extras bancar daca
tax invoice, if payment was made in cash) and of a plata s-a efectuat pn.n banca; bon fiscal, chitanta, factura
declaration on the employee'8 own responsibility regarding fiscala, daca plata s-a Ofectuat ou numerar) si a unei
the content of tr`e documents issued in foreign languages, declaratii pe proprie raspundere a calariatului cu privire la
annexed to the request for compensaton for tourist / continutul dooumentelor emise in limbi straine, anexate
treatment senrices.8 cererii pentru compensarea sennciilor (uristice/de

2. The provisions of Art. 5.18 and of Annex no. 7 of the 2.Prevederile Art. 5.18 si ale Anexoi nr. 7 din CCM al
EGPR CCM in force, in the tom agreed by this Protocol, will EGPR in vigoare, in foma agreata prin prezentul
be included in the new Collective Labor Agreement of Enel Protocol, vor fi incluse asffel in noul Contract Colectiv de
Green Power Romania, considering trie application Of these Munca al Enel Green Power Romania, avand in vedere
unitary benefife, during a calendar year, for all employees Of aplicarea acestor beneficii unitar, in oursul unui an
the Company. calendaristic, pentru toti salariatii Sooietatii.

3. The documents used by the employees in order to partially 3. Dooumentele utilizate de salariati in vederea
compensate the equivalent value of trie tourist or treatment compensarii partiale a contravalorii serviciilor turistice sou
services are provided in Annex no. 1 and Annex no. 2 to this de tratament siint prevazute in Anexa nr. 1 si Anexa nr. 2
Protocol. la prezenful Protocol.

Present Protocol was completed in 2 (two) copies. one for Prezentul Protocol a fost incheiat in 2 (doua) exemplare,
Company and one for Employee's Representatives. unul pentru Societate si unul pentru Reprezentantii

Din partea / On behalf of, Din partea / On behalf Of,

Enel Green Power Romania S.R.L. Reprezentantii calarlatllor / Salaried representatives

Constantin Traian Gabriel Sim ion GeorgianaiLiliana

Cocias Sorin - Gabriel

Barbulesou Aurelian

Ei`el given Pover R®maela S.A,L
Sedh.I socfal: Bueurestl, Bdul Mlrcea Veda, nr. 30, et.4, camera 4.2, sector 3, 030667
]4070cO/2011, C.U.I. 15034770
Capital soclal 2.930,631.000 RON
Telefon: 037.2115635 sau 021.3140058; Fax: 037.287271o
conturi nr. Roi7cITiooooooo72467ooee RON §1 Rog2aTrooooooo7246700i6 EiJR descl`Ise la crrlBA»x EURopE plc, I"BLIN, suc.ROMANIA
C\^C\l Green Power

Anexa 1 la Proto¢olul Nr. 603382/11.12.2020


Sub8emnatul(a), marca .................., salariat(a) al


avand locul de munca la nr. telefonl .....

Va rog sa-mi aprobati compensorea bllefulul de odihm /tmtimert, conform Art. 5.18 din COM EGPR, in vigoare.
Mentionez ca in perioada specificata pe biletul de odilina / trafament figurez in :
I concediu deodihna
I timp ljber platit
Anexez la prezenta:
(Atert[o la detalll]® de po v®rsol|
• biletul de odihna /hatament (veucherul);
• factura fiscala eliberata de agentia de turism sau de catre unitatea tiinstca;
• chitanta fiscala eliberatz de agentia de turisnd sau de catre unifatca turistica, ordinul de plafa / bonul fiscal /
extrasul de cent (si dovada platii online, daca este cazul);
• factura pentru tonspor( (bilcte de avionden/autocar), boniiri liscale compustibiJ, in original:
• trimiterea de la medicul de familie / medioul specialist in copie si fisa de tratamont in original sau copie
certificata de catre medic (penfro biletu[ de trafamen();
• declaratia pe proprie raapundere a salariatului. in cazul in care serviciile de odihna si tratament au fost
asigurate de prestatori de servicii din strainatate si au fast emise in alto limbi decat englezaltaliana, prin
care sa declare ca documentele atasate reprezinta reprezinfa plata oontravaloiii cazarii, factura, chitanta,
transport avion eto„ dupa caz.

Data: Semnatura salaiiatului,

Director General
Nume, prenume .......
Se sollclta dcoontarea 8umoi do:„ ............ |®|3
Semnatura Semnatura
Manager D®partanent
Nume, prenume ......

Admlnl8trare Ro8urse Umane/People Operat]ons

Nume, prenume ......
1 nr. de telefon esto obllgatoriu penou contactartweriflcarl.
2 vizele reprezinta: confirmarea din partea rosponsahilului salariatuliii ca acesta a fost in concedlu de odllin5 in penoada respectiva / 8.a aflat Tn
zile compensare timp tiber, precum 9i vorificarea documentolor do angajatul Administrare Resurse Umane.
3 conform Art 6.18 din COM EGPR, decontarea sumei se face in linda nnexima de 1.eoo lel pentru servictile tlristico 8i 2.000 lei pentru biletul

de tTatarnent.

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