Preparatory 7th 2023-2024

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Doddathimmasandra, Sarjapura(P), Anekal(T) - 562 125

Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, Affiliation No. 830703
Preparatory Examination February 2023-24

Class: VII Sub: ENGLISH Marks: 80

SECTION A (Reading)
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions: (12×1=12)
Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England
wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had
claimed in the Americas. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch
admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though
these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold
and silver to England’s treasury and diminishing Spain’s supremacy.Religious
differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was
Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of
Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again.
To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England’s theft of his gold
and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada,
in January 1586.

Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new

warships, he marshaled 130 sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than
19,000 robust soldiers and 8,000 sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns
and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could
withstand any battle with England. The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster,
and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth,
England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain
vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On
August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of
Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set
it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their
crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English
attacked again on August 8.
1. To which countries the conflict took place and when?
2. Who was the queen of England?
3. Name the person who achieved dramatic success.
4. What did Sir Francis Drake added to England’s treasury.
5. Tell about the religious difference that caused conflict between two countries?
6. What did king Philip II of Spain wanted t do?
7. In which year king Philip began to build his fleet of warships?
8. The Spanish fleet met_____ ship.
9. Both the ships met in the battle of?
10. How many ships did England sent?
11. The burning ships were sent into?
12. The English attacked again on?
SECTION B(Grammar)
II. Define the following: (4×1=4)
1. Define tense.
2. Mention the two kinds of complements.
3. Write the two main functions of verb phrase.
4. Mention the two kinds of verb phrase
III. Identify the tense of the underlined verbs in the following sentences: (4×1=4)
1. Megha had challenged Sneha to speak the tongue-twister.
2. My brother was explaining the concept to her.
3. The organisation will be working on equal food distribution.
4. Sam and his family will reach Srinagar by tomorrow.
IV. Change the following into passive voice: (4×1=4)
1. You should watch The Flinnstones.
2. My father would cook my favourite dish every Sunday.
3. They might close the store soon.
4. We were using the library books.
V. Change the following into reported speech: (2×1=2)
1. Swathi said,’ I am going home tomorrow’.
2. Cindrella said,’I will go to the ball tomorrow ‘.
VI. Identify the verb phrase in the following sentences: (3×1=3)
1. She will graduate next year.
2. Sahu is planning a world tour with his family.
3. I have been looking for the book everywhere.
VII. Identify the adjective phrase.: (3×1=3)
1. The children look quite cheerful.
2. The biriyani was absolutely delicious.
3. She keeps her room clean and tidy.
SECTION C (Creative writing)
1. You recently read a book and found it impressive. Write a letter to your cousin who lives
in a hostel recommending the book to them. (5)
SECTION D ( Literature)
VIII. Read the following poem extract and answer the following questions: (6×1=6)
Sit up
Say please
Less noise
Shut the door behind you
Don’t drag your feet
Haven’t you got a hankie?
Take your hands out of your pocket
Pull your socks up
Stand straight.
1. Why is the child asked to stand straight?
2. What does walking by dragging feet suggest?
3. Make a sentence of your own using the word ‘drag.’
4. Who is giving these instructions?
(a) The poet (b) An adult © A child (d) The teacher
5. To whom are these instructions being addressed?
(a) The poet (b) An adult © A child (d) The teacher
6. Why would the child need a hankie?
(a) To clean his mouth. (b) To clean his shoes.
(C) To clean his bag. (d) To clean his slate.

IX. Read the following prose extract and answer the following questions: (6×1=6)
On the Monday following Mamma’s birthday, Seven went alone with her to
the Clinic at Girgaum as I was spending the evening with a school friend. When they
returned, Nishad told me he’d been to see Mr Nath and I felt most annoyed that I
hadn’t been there. Seven had been quite upset about Mr. Nath’s gaunt appearance
and was sure that he was starving. He told me that he had knocked loudly on Mr
Nath’s door that evening and said, “Open the door quickly, Mr Nath.”
1. Where did he go for Mamma’s birthday?
2. Where is the clinic present?
3. What was Seven upset about?
4. Why Nishad went to Mr Nath’s place for?
(a) To look for his marbles. (b) To look in to the trunk in his room
© To give him a bar of chocolate (d) To befriend with him
5. Where was the narrator?
6. Who went to clinic?
X. Choose the correct answer: (10×1=10)
1. Among various kinds of the commonest ant is ______.
(a) yellow or green (b) green or black © red or yellow (d) black or red

2. The ants never try to ______.

(a) please the queen. (b) go out of the ant’s hill
(c) not to go out of the ant’s hill (d) harm other ants

3.The commands learnt by Kari were:

(a) ‘Dhat’ and ‘Mali’ (b) ‘Dhat’ and ‘Shoo’
(C) ‘Dhat’ ‘Mali’ and ‘Shoo’ (d) none of the above

4. The author cleaned Kari’s body with:

(a) clay of the river (b) water and soap (c) clean sand of the river (d) all the above

5. During the fight. Golu’s nose:

(a) was injured (b) got flattened © kept on stretching (d) was cut

6. The long nose will be useful to you’. Who said to whom:

(a) the python said to the elephant. (b) the crocodile said to the elephant
© the myna said to the elephant (d) none of the above
7. Abbu Khan lived In:
(a) the hills (b) Almora © loneliness (d) a hut

8. Freedom means life.’ But the irony was:

(a) the goats gave their life for it. (b) the goats lived happily for sometime
(c) the goats separated from Abbu. (d) none of the above

9. A change came over him’ when Timothy was:

(a) a month old (b) about six months old © chased out of the jungle (d) taken to the zoo

10. Timothy and Grandfather travelled in:

(a) a bus (b) a first class compartment © a train (d) an executive compartment

XI. Answer the following questions: (any 8). (8×2=16)

1. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
2. Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa-fish?
3. Why did the neighbours kill the dog?
4. Why did the author visit the shop so infrequently?
5. What is “strange” about Mr Nath’s Sundays?
6. What did Nishad give to Mr. Nath? Why?
7. Why did Abbu Khan buy a young goat?
8. When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?
9. Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?
XII. Answer any one of the following: (1×5=5)
1. Write a short summary on ‘The Tiger in the House’
2. Brief the character sketch on‘Chandni’.

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