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Math in the Modern World

MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

Mathematics The Nature of Mathematics

essential in the modern world, from . Mathematics is universal

cryptography to artificial intelligence. A way to make sense of the world
Explore the latest mathematical and to communicate understanding
innovations of concepts and rules using the

Math is

● essential in technology and

● can help in making informed
financial decisions.
● important in everyday life like
cooking and home improvement
Patterns and Numbers in Nature

Careers in Math
Definition of Terms
Math in Technology Math skills
and coding go hand in hand. From Patterns: Patterns are like
simple algorithms to complex repetitions or sequences of things
machine learning models, math is that happen in a certain way.
essential in technology
development.. Imagine you have a sequence of
numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. The pattern
Math is essential for businesses to here is that each number is 2 more
make informed decisions. Data than the previous one.
analysis, financial planning, and risk
assessment all require math skills. Relations: Relations are how things
are connected or related to each
other. For instance, if we talk about
Math is important in calculating the relation between your age and
budgets, managing expenses, and your height, we might notice that as
determining tips. Understanding you get older, you generally tend to
percentages and fractions is get taller. That's a relation between
essential for everyday life age and height.

Functions: Functions are like special

rules that tell us how one thing

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

changes based on another thing. Patterns of Movement. In the human

Think of a vending machine: you put walk, the feet strike the ground in a
in money (input), and it gives you a regular rhythm: the
snack (output). In math, a function left-right-left-right-left rhythm. When a
could be something like "multiply horse, a four-legged creature walks,
the number by 2." If you put in 3, you there is more of a complex but equally
get 6 as the output. rhythmic pattern. This prevalence of
pattern in locomotion extends to the
scuttling of insects, the flights of birds,
the pulsations of jellyfish, and also the
So, in simple terms: wave-like movements of fish, worms,
and snakes.
Patterns are repetitions,
Relations are connections between Patterns of Rhythm. Rhythm is
things. conceivably the most basic pattern in
Functions are rules that show how nature. Our hearts and lungs follow a
one thing changes based on another regular repeated pattern of sounds or
thing. movement whose timing is adapted to
our body’s needs. Many of nature’s
rhythms are most likely similar to a
heartbeat, while others are like
Different types of Pattern breathing. The beating of the heart, as
well as breathing, have a default
Patterns of Visuals. Visual patterns are pattern
often unpredictable, never quite
repeatable, and often contain fractals. Patterns of Texture. A texture is a
These patterns are can be seen from quality of a certain object that we sense
the seeds and pinecones to the through touch. It exists as a literal
branches and leaves. They are also surface that we can feel, see, and
visible in self-similar replication of imagine. Textures are of many kinds. It
trees, ferns, and plants throughout can be bristly, and rough, but it can also
nature. be smooth, cold, and hard.

Patterns of Flow. The flow of liquids Geometric Patterns. A geometric

provides an inexhaustible supply of pattern is a kind of pattern which
nature’s patterns. Patterns of flow are consists of a series of shapes that are
usually found in the water, stone, and typically repeated. These are
even in the growth of trees. There is regularities in the natural world that are
also a flow pattern present in repeated in a predictable manner.
meandering rivers with the repetition of Geometrical patterns are usually visible
undulating lines. on cacti and succulents.

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023


In mathematics, if a figure can be Mathematical Language and

folded or divided into two with two Symbol
halves which are the same, such
figure is called a symmetric figure
Language is a system of word, signs,
and symbols used by people in
Symmetry has a vital role in pattern expressing their ideas, thoughts, and
formation. It is used to classify and feelings.
organize information about patterns
by classifying the motion or Every field has its own language
deformation of both pattern and usage of words.
structures and processes. ● Mathematical language is the
system commonly used to
There are many kinds of communicate mathematical
symmetry, and the most ○ ideas as it is more
important ones are: Reflections precise than any other
Rotations Translations language.
○ Like other languages,
Reflection symmetry, sometimes mathematical language
called line symmetry or mirror has its own grammar,
symmetry, captures symmetries syntax,
when the left half of a pattern is the vocabulary, word order,
same as the right half. synonyms, negations,
conventions, idioms,
Rotations, also known as rotational abbreviations, sentence
symmetry, captures symmetries structure, and paragraph
when it still looks the same after formation.
some rotation (of less than one full
turn). The degree of rotational These actions represent the process
symmetry of an object is recognized one goes thru to solve a problem
by the number of distinct
orientations in which it looks the 1. 1. Modeling and formulating:
same for each rotation. Creating appropriate
representations and
Translations, exist in patterns that relationships to mathematize
we see in nature and in man-made the original problem.
objects. Translations acquire 2. Transforming and
symmetries when units are repeated Manipulating: Changing the
and turn out having identical figures, mathematical form in which a
like the bee’s honeycomb with problem is originally expressed
hexagonal tiles

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

to equivalent forms that

represent solutions.
3. Inferring: Applying derived
results to the original problem
situation, and interpreting and
generalizing the results in that
light. We reach conclusions
based on evidence and
4. Communicating: Reporting
what has been learned about a
problem to a specified

The most often used variable in algebra

Characteristics of Mathematical
is “x”, while symbol “x” use in the
operation of multiplication. Hence, dot
Mathematics is about ideas – ( ! ), parentheses ( () ), or asterisk ( * )
relationships, quantities, processes, may
measurements, reasoning, and so on. be used instead of “x”. Fo

Mathematical language differs

from the language of the ordinary
speech in three different ways.

1. Mathematical language is
non-temporal. There is no past,
present or future in mathematics.

2. Mathematical language is devoid

of emotional content.
In Mathematics, there are
3. Mathematical language is precise expressions known as
● multivariate – a mathematical
● expression with three (3) or
more variables
Ordinary speech is full of
● univariate (one variable)
ambiguities, innuendoes, hidden
● bivariate (two variables)
agenda, and unspoken
cultural assumptions.
Mathematical expression can also
be called as:

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

● monomial if it has only one (1) 1. context – this refers to the

term particular topics studied and it is
● binomial if it has two (2) terms important to
● trinomial if it has three (3) understand the context to understand
terms mathematical symbols.
● polynomial if it has four (4) or 2. convention – it is a technique used
more terms. by mathematicians, engineers,
scientists in
Mathematical sentence combines which each particular symbol has
two mathematical expressions using particular meaning.
comparison operator such as
● equal ( = ),
● not equal ( ≠ ),
● greater than ( > ), Greek and Latin letters are used as
symbols in mathematics,
● less than ( < ),
engineering, science, and other
● greater than or equal to, ( ≥ ), areas for physical quantities, special
● less than or equal to ( ≤ ). functions, and conventions in
representing the defined variable
In mathematical sentences, there are
open sentences and close sentences.
Other commonly encountered
Open sentence is a mathematical hazards in the laboratory
sentence that is not known if it true or
Close sentence is known either it is
true or false is a well-defined collection of
distinct objects known as the
element/s or member/s of it. These
Conventions in the Mathematical
element/s or member/s is/are
numbers, people, letters, symbols,
etc. comma.
Symbols are important in
mathematical works. Variables are
Sets are conventionally represented
another form of
by a capital letter where the
symbols to represent the situation
element/s are inside the braces and
needed to understand.
separated inside by the comma.
Two things to understand it are
context and convention. Two Ways to Describe a Set

1. Roster/Tabular Method All

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

elements of a set are listed and

being separated by commas and are Cardinal Number of a Set - The
enclosed within braces. cardinal number of a finite set (for
example set A) is the number o
2. Rule/Descriptive Method In this
method, the common characteristics Joint Sets - Two sets are said to
of the elements are defined. It uses joint sets when they have at least
set builder notation where x is used one common sets
to represent any element of the
given set.

Venn Diagram

The pictorial representation or

relationship and operations is called
Different Types of Set Venn- Euler Diagrams or Venn
Finite Set - A set is called a finite set
if the elements in the set can be
counted. The universal sets is usually
represented by a rectangle while the
Infinite Set - A set is called a finite circles inside it is/are subsets. The
set if it has countless member shaded region in the given diagrams
illustrates the sets relation or
Empty Set - A set which has no operation.
members is called empty set or a
null set. It is a set denoted by ∅ or {}.
Function a function as a rule that
Singleton Set - A set which contains
assigns each input value (from a set
only one member is called singleton
called the domain) to exactly one
output value (from a set called the
Pair Set - A set which contains only
the codomain)
two members called a pair set.
Flammable chemicals should be
Universal Set - The set of all objects stored in safety cabinets and
under consideration is the universal explosion-proof refrigerators in
set of that. If A, B, C, etc. are the sets remote area.
given, then a set which has all
members of A, B, C, etc. can act as Persons with burning clothes should
the universal set. Universal set be wrapped in the blanket to
varies from the situation to situation smother the flames.
denoted by ⋃ or

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

Operations of Functions

Polya’s Four Steps to Problem


George Polya is known as the father

of modern problem solving

Four Steps to Problem Solving

1. Understand the Problem
a. Sometimes the
problem lies in
understanding the
problem. If it is unclear
as to what needs to be
solved, then wrong
results will obtain. To
understand the
problem, reading it
carefully is substantial.
Once the problem is
read, components and
data involved must be
list down. This where
the variables are
2. Devise a plan. When devising
a plan, come up with a way to
solve the problem. Set-up the

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

equation, draw a diagram, something to establish that it

and make a chart that are all is true.
ways that can go about
solving the problem. Here, the
equations are being set-up
3. Look Back. In the problem STATISTICS
solving, it is very important to
look back or checking the Statistics involves the collection,
answer. Basically, it is being organization, summarization,
done to check if the presentation, and interpretation of
information in the problem is data.
really being satisfied.
Branches of Statistics

Intuition & Proof ● Descriptive Statistics - The

branch of statistics that
intuition is the ability to understand involves the collection,
something instinctively without the organization, summarization,
need for conscious reasoning. and presentation of data.
● Inferential Statistics - The
instinctive knowledge, meaning branch that interprets and
the state of being aware of or draws conclusions from the
knowing something without having data.
to discover or perceive it, or the
ability to do this. It is

Instinctive belief, meaning that

something is known or believed USES OF STATISTICS
instinctively, without actual
evidence for it.
It may help the government to
Mathematical Proof is an argument check:
which convinces other people that
something is true.

● Proof is an inferential A. Which vaccine is assertive for the

argument for a mathematical coronavirus.
statement. It is conclusive
evidence or an argument that B. What are the progressive reports
services to establish a fact or after vaccination, whether vaccines
the truth of something. are useful or not?
● consists of a test or trial of

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

C. Analyze in which areas vaccination

is done and know where they need to . 2. Indirect or Questionnaire
target, or where cases are increasing Method – The researcher
day by day with the help of polls distributes the questionnaires either
personally or by mail and collects
Statistics play a crucial role in them by the same process
weather forecasting.
3. Registration Method – This
The computer use in weather method of collecting data is
forecasting is based on a set of governed by our existing laws.
statistics functions
4. Experimental Method – This
method of collecting data is used to
we can predict any natural disaster find out the cause and effect
that may happen shortly. relationship of certain phenomena
under controlled conditions.
Use of Statistics Analyzing existing
risks, informing the public about 5. Observation Method – The
future risks, and planning actions to researcher may observe subjects
prevent disasters individually or group of individuals
to obtain data and information
related to the objectives of the

Data collected or obtained from
Data Management is the whatever manner is called raw
development, execution and data.
supervision of plans, policies,
programs and practices that control, ● Nominal – classifies data in
protect, deliver, and enhance the non-overlapping scale.
value of data and information ● Ordinal – classifies data into
assets. some specified order or rank.
● Interval – assigns real
Data Gathering Methods in numbers to observations to
Gathering or Collecting Data reflect distance between rank
position of the respondents
1. Direct or Interview Method – The or objects in equal units
researcher makes direct and ● Ratio – assigns numbers to
personal contact with the observations to reflect the
interviewee existence of true absolute

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

zero point as its origin ● movements are to be

● trends are to be established;
● estimate are to be forecasted

Bar Graph – used when numerical

values of an item over a period of
time are compared. It consists of
Data presentation gives a clear regular bars when the height of bars
picture of various relationship represents quantity or frequency for
among different data presented each category

. In which data can be presented by: Pie Graph – used to show

1. percentage or the composition by
parts of a whole

Textual Form – makes use of Pictograph – used to immediately

words, sentences and paragraphs in suggest the nature of data.
presentation. It is commonly used
when there are only few numerical
data to be enumerated or to be
compared with other data.

Tabular Form – is a systematic

presentation of data in rows and
columns. It is used when related
Organizing collected numerical
numerical facts need to be classified
data can be done in two ways:
in arrays.
Array – an arrangement of the
General Form – shows numerical numerical data/values according to
values or relationships in pictorial order of magnitude either ascending
form. It makes use of graphs, or descending.
symbols or visuals.
Frequency Distribution Table – a
condensed version of an array. It
categorizes the numerical data into
Different Types of Graphical intervals or classes.
Presentation are:
Classes are mutually exclusive
Line Graph – used when categories defining the lower limit
● data cover a long period of and the upper limit with equal
time; intervals.
● several series are compared;

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

● Class Frequency is the and one extra interval at each end.

number of observations in
each class.
● Class Mark or Class 5. The vertical axis height should be
Midpoint is used in approximately ¾ the length of the
computing the mean and horizontal axis.
some measures of variability.
● Cumulative Frequency tells
the sum of frequencies in a
particular class of interest.
● Relative Frequency tells the
percentage of observations in
a particular class of interest.
Frequency Histogram – a set of
vertical bars whose areas are
proportional to the frequencies

Frequency Polygon – is a line chart

plotted along the same scale as the
histogram. The class frequency is
plotted against the class mark

Less than Ogive – the less than

cumulative frequency is plotted
Graphical Presentation of against the upper-class limit.
Frequency Distribution with Equal Greater than
Class Size
Ogive – the greater than cumulative
Steps in Constructing Frequency frequency is plotted against the
Charts 1. Label either class limits or lower- class limit
class marks along the horizontal

2. Plot the frequency of each class

along the vertical axis above the
class mark of the corresponding
Data Analysis and Interpretation
3. The vertical scale must always
include zero. Data Analysis and Interpretation is
the process of making sense of
4. The horizontal scale must include numerical data that has been
only the range of the observed data collected, analyzed, and presented.

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

Descriptive Another type of average is the

Statistics – Method in describing
the characteristics of individual Essentially, the median is the
objects or group of individuals middle number or the mean of the
under study. Inferential Statistics – two middle numbers in a list of
Analyzing and interpreting data numbers that have been arranged in
numerical order from smallest to
largest or largest to smallest.

Any list of numbers that is arranged

in numerical order from smallest to
largest or largest to smallest is a
Descriptive Statistics Three ranked list.
Methods in Describing a Set of
The mode of a list of numbers is the
1. Measures of Central Tendency number that occurs most frequently.
2. Measures of Dispersion Sometimes , a list of numerical data
3. Measures of Skewness and can have more than one mode
The Weighted Mean A value called
the weighted mean is often used
The Arithmetic Mean the most when some data values are more
commonly used measure of central important than other.

Measures of Central Tendency –

measures indicating the center of a
set of data which are arranged in
order of magnitude. The three
common measures of central
tendency are: mean, median, and

Logic is the study of the principles

of correct reasoning.

The term "logic" came from the

The Median
Greek word logos, which is

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

sometimes translated as its connectives.

"sentence", "discourse", "reason",
"rule", and "ratio" The truth table is a table that
shows the truth value of a
Logic Statements Every language compound statement for all
contains different types of possible truth values of its simple
sentences, statements

such as statements, questions, The negation of the statement

and commands. "Today is Friday." is the statement
For instance "Today is not Friday."

, "Is the test today?" is a question In symbolic form, the tilde symbol
"Go get the newspaper." is a is used to denote the negation of a
command "This is a nice car." is an statement
opinion "Seoul is the capital of
Korea" is a statement of fact.

A Statement is a declarative
sentence that is either true or false,
but not both true and false

● Simple Statement is a
statement that conveys a
single idea. Compound Statements and
● Compound statement is a Grouping Symbols
statement that conveys two If a compound statement is written
or more ideas in symbolic form, then parentheses
are used to indicate which simple
statements are grouped together.
Table below illustrates the use of
parentheses to indicate groupings
for some statements in symbolic

The truth value of a simple

statement is either true (T) or false

The truth value of a compound

statement depends on the truth
value of its simple statements and If a compound statement is written

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

as an English sentence, then a given set satisfies some condition

comma is used to indicate which
simple statements are grouped
together. Statements on the same
side of a comma are grouped
together Introduction to apportionment
and voting

Apportionment is the problem of

dividing up a fixed number of things
among groups of different size

Hamilton’s method

-Alexander Hamilton proposed the

method that now bears his name.
His method was approved by
Congress in 1791, but was vetoed by
President Washington.

It was later adopted in 1852 and

used through 1911. since he was
interested in the question of
congressional representation, well
use the language of states and

-Hamilton’s method provides a

Existential Quantifiers - are used as
procedure to determine how many
prefixes to assert existence of
representatives each state should
something. Examples of existential
quantifiers is the word some, and
the phrases "there exists" and "at
least one".

Universal Quantifiers - these

include the words none, no, all, and Steps of Hamilton’s method
every. The universal quantifiers
"none" and "no" deny the existence STEP 1. Determine how many
of something, where the universal people each representative should
quantifiers "all" and "every" are used represent. Do this by dividing the
to assert that every element of a total population of all the states

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

by the total number of

representatives. This answer is

STEP 2. Divide each states

population by the divisor to
determine how may
representatives it should have.
Record this answer to several
decimal places. The answer is
called QUOTA.

Since we can only allocate whole

representatives, Hamilton
resolves the whole number
problem as follows:

STEP 3. Cut of all the decimal

parts of all the quotas (but don’t
forget what the decimals
were). These are called the
LOWER QUOTAS. Then we add
the lower quotas. This sum will
always be less than or equal to
the total number of

STEP 4. Assuming that the total

from step 3 was less than the total
number of representatives ,
assign the remaining
representatives, one each, to the
states whose decimal parts of the
quota were largest, until the
desired total is reached.

Note: Make sure that each state

ends up with at least one

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023

Weighted voting gives some voters

different amounts of influence or
What is voting?
weight concerning the outcome of an
Sometimes voting is more involved
than just electing whoever gets the This is often common practice when it
most votes. There are several methods comes to corporate shareholder
for determining a winner. A certain meetings when shareholders voting
method for selecting a winner may be weight is based on how many shares
more appropriate based upon the type they own. The more shares someone
of election. owns, the more weight of their vote.
The conditions that must be met for a
winner might be a simple majority, but
there could also be different
requirements to select a winner.

Math in the Modern World
MATH (Lecture)
(PSY) (101) | ENGR.Kevin | SEM 1 2023



Each individual or entity casting a

vote is called a player in the
election. They’re often notated
as P1, P2, P3,…..PN

Where N is the total number of


Each player is given a weight which

usually represents how many voters
they get.

The quota is the minimum weight

needed for the vote to pass or
weight needed for the proposal to
be approved.

A weighted voting system will

often be represented in a shorthand

[q: w1, w2, w3,...., wN]

In this form,

● q is the quota,
● w1 is the weight for player 1
● w2 is the weight for player


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