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Distance of Jupiter from the Sun: 778,412,000 km (average)

Known to the ancients, the giant planet Bacteria find microscopic melt cracks in Distance from the Sun compared to Earth: 5.2 x
Jupiter is named after the Roman King the ice and flow along. Perhaps Europa’s
Length of Year: 11.85 years
of the Gods, an appropriate name for the similar covering of ice would be no barrier
largest planet in the Solar System. In fact to resistant life. Length of Day: 9.925 hours
Jupiter is larger and more massive than all Diameter: 142,984 km
Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar
of the other planets put together.
System. It is probably made of rock and Diameter compared to Earth: 11.2 x
Jupiter is one of the gas giants and water ice and its surface is covered with
Number of Moons: 60+
is mostly made up of hydrogen. The ancient craters and younger grooves and
‘surface’ appears as a tapestry of ridges. It may even have a very thin
multicoloured stripes created by the oxygen atmosphere!
strong winds that speed around the planet.
Mysteries left to solve: Voyager 1 transformed our knowledge of
Callisto is one of the most heavily cratered the giant planet and the way we look at it.
How was Jupiter formed? Studying what It tracked wind speeds and storms in the
Jupiter, like its neighbour Saturn, has a satellites in the Solar System. Its major
is underneath its stripy surface may help atmosphere, discovered lightning crackling
ring system. Unlike its giant neighbour surface feature is a 3,000 kilometre wide
us to solve some of the mysteries about in the cloud tops and took photographs of
however, Jupiter has only one ring, basin named Valhalla.
the formation of the Solar System. Jupiter’s faint ring system. It also furthered
which is made of micro particles much like
our understanding of the Galilean moons.
smoke. It was discovered in 1979 by the Did you know that…? A rocky core? Does Jupiter have a rocky
Voyager 1 spacecraft and is only visible core underneath that swirling gas? If so The Galileo probe discovered more new
when backlit by the Sun. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet. It
how did it form? And how big is it? A good things about Jupiter including an intense
takes under ten hours to complete one
guess is that it may be about the same radiation belt above the cloud tops, helium
Over 60 moons whirl around Jupiter turn. It spins so quickly it bulges in the
size as the Earth. in the same concentration as the Sun and
giving it the appearance of a mini middle!
Solar System. Some of these moons are new facts about Io and Europa. It also
Is Europa a suitable site for life? The
captured asteroids that have been reeled Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the carried a small probe that analysed the
European Space Agency and NASA hope
in by Jupiter’s huge gravitational field. The sky after the Sun, the Moon and Venus atmosphere of Jupiter.
to find out by looking for evidence of life
most famous of Jupiter’s moons are Io, and can be seen with the naked eye. Look
on this frozen moon. They also want to In 2011 NASA hopes to launch a probe
Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. These are at Jupiter through a pair of binoculars or a
know if it has a subsurface ocean and called Jupiter Polar Orbiter also known
known as the Galilean moons after Galileo telescope and you may be able to see it’s
how Europa interacts with Jupiter. as JUNO. It will circle the poles of the giant
Galilei, the Italian astronomer who first beautiful red and white stripes and maybe
planet to explore places that have never
observed them in 1610. some of the Galilean moons.
Missions: Past and Future: been explored before. It will find out about
Io is the most volcanically active body Jupiter is similar in composition to the the baffling mysteries hidden inside this
There have been only a handful of giant world.
in the Solar System. It is covered with Sun. If it were eighty times more massive
missions to Jupiter, mostly fly-bys from
volcanoes that change the surface, it would have become a star and not a
spacecraft on their way to other planets. While filling in the missing pieces of the
painting it various colours. planet.
puzzle about what Jupiter is really like,
Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to JUNO will reveal clues about the origin
Europa is covered in a thick layer of ice In amongst the striped bands on Jupiter’s
travel through the Asteroid Belt and reach of this giant and give an insight into the
with a possible vast ocean underneath. On surface is the Great Red Spot, a swirling
the outer Solar System. The information formation of our own Solar System.
Earth, resistant life survives in thick ice hurricane about three times the size of
it gathered about Jupiter was crucial to
sheets that cover deep lakes in Antarctica. Earth. This storm has been raging for over
the designing of the Voyager and Galileo
three hundred years.
National Space Science Centre: registered charity no: 1078832

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