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Test Paper

Chapter – 17
The United Nations (30 marks)

Fill in the blanks (2 marks)

1) The headquarters of the United Nation is located in _______ _________. (New York)
2) The ___________ council was formed in 1945. (Trusteeship )
3) The cause of children suffering from ___________ is taken up by the FAO.
4) The IAEA spreads scientific information about the peaceful uses of ________ energy.

State True or False. Correct the false statement. (2 marks)

1) The WHO seeks to improve Trading System all over the world. False
Correction: The WHO seeks to improve the health of the people all over the world.
2) The headquarters of the UNESCO is in Netherland. False
Correction: The headquarters of the UNESCO is in Paris.
3) WHO and ILO are specialized agencies of the UN. True
4) Spanish is one of the official languages of the UN. True

Match the following (5 marks)

1) The WHO a) The World Heritage Site
2) Taj Mahal b) Geneva
3) The FAO headquarters c) the World Bank
4) The ILO headquarters d) Rome
5) The IBRD e) launched World Wide programs
1. E
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C

Choose the correct answer (3 marks)

1) The International Court of Justice consists of _____ judges from different countries.
i. 10 ii. 13 iii. 15 iv. 18
Ans: iii

2) The WHO has launched World Wide Programs to prevent ______________.

i. Ashthma ii. Migraine iii. Stomachache iv. AIDS
Ans: iv

3) The body responsible for making and selling greeting cards under the UN.

i. IAEA ii. UNICEF iii. ILO iv. WHO

Ans: ii

Name the following (5 marks)

1) Name the official languages of the United Nations. (Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish)
2) The main organs of the United Nations. (The General Assembly, The Security Council,
The Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice))
3) The chief administrative officer of the united nation. (The Secretary-general)
4) Which was the first specialized agency of the UN after the Second World War? (The
International Labor Organization)
5) Name the five permanent members of the Security Council. (Britain, China, France,
Russia and USA)

Define the following term (2 marks)

1) Veto: a vote against any resolution in the Security Council by a permanent member is
called a veto.
2) Sanctions: Penalty imposed on a state to force it to conform to an international
agreement or norms of conduct typically in the form of restrictions on trade.

Assertion and Reasoning-based question (2 marks)

1) Assertion (A): The World Food Programs (WFP) is a vital component of the United Nation’s
efforts to combat hunger and malnutrition.
Reasoning (R): WFP provides food assistance and works to improve nutrition in crisis
situations by launching the Freedom From Hunger Campaign.
a) Both A and R are true, and the R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but the R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but the R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
Ans: a
2) Assertion (A): The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United
Reasoning (R): The judges of the International Court of Justice are elected only by the
United Nations General Assembly.
a) Both A and R are true, and the R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but the R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but the R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
Ans: c
Answer the following questions (9 marks)
1. What are the achievements of the United Nations?
Ans: The achievements of the United Nations are:
i. It prevented the Cold War between USA and the former Soviet Union from turning into
another world war.
ii. It helped bring about the withdrawal of Russian forces from Afghanistan and also
enforced a ceasefire in the eight year long war between Iran and Iraq.
iii. The Un has also made major contributions towards the liberation of nations from the
Dutch. It also intervened effectively in the Suez Crisis.
iv. It has consistently condemned the policy of apartheid in places like South Africa;
promoted universal human rights and encouraged disarmament.
v. The contribution of the UN and its related agencies towards education and healthcare
across the globe has also been substantial.

2. Discuss the aims of the United Nations.

Ans: The aims of the United Nations were:
i. To maintain international peace and security.
ii. To develop friendly relations among nations.
iii. To achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural and human
welfare problems.
iv. To promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
v. To coordinate the actions of nations towards achieving these common ends.

3. Mention any three agencies of the UN. Give its functions.

Ans: The three agencies of the UN are:
i. The World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO seeks to improve the health of the
people all over the world. It has launched worldwide programs to prevent smallpox,
malaria, cholera and AIDS. It promotes and funds medical research in these areas.
ii. The International Labor Organization (ILO): Its main function is to improve working and
living conditions of laborers.
iii. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): This organization provides technical
assistance to nations seeking to use atomic energy for peaceful purpose. It also
spreads scientific information about the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

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