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The largest fence supplier in China

Table of Contents
Safety warning………………………………………………………………………………………3
Ⅰ. Functions and Purposes…………………………………………………………………….……4
Ⅱ. Technical parameters………………………………………………………………….…………5
Ⅲ. energizer installation……………………………………………………..................……………6
Ⅳ. Lectotype of the front-end fence……………………………………………………..…………13
Ⅴ. Installation of the front-end fence………………………………………………………………15
Ⅵ. Application and maintenance……………………………………………………………...……20
Appendix: G5 main engine packing list……………………………………………………….……21

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Thank you for choosing our products!

Please read the instruction book carefully and follow the steps so that you can use it more
conveniently; meanwhile, all the warnings and precautions shall be paid attention to. Please
carefully maintain the instruction book.
Due to the products improvement, the energizer you get may have a little difference with the
illustration diagrams in the instruction book, please operate as per the real product. We hereby
express our thanks.

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Safety cautions

●Never install the fence during thunder and lightning.

●Never install the energizer directly in damp area.
●Never touch the electrical conductor unless the fence has been relieved from high pressure.
●Before installation and application of the product, the workers shall be educated with technical
training and safety training.
●This work has an AC220V (50Hz) voltage when working; the output terminal and the front-end
has 5000V~10000V impulse high pressure; please never touch it to ensure personal and
equipment safety.
●The operators of this product must have electrical apparatus safety and electrical shock rescue
knowledge; you should read the instruction book before installation and application to be familiar
with the accurate application methods and specifications of the product; otherwise, the users shall
be responsible for any results.
●Once there is abnormal situation, the power supply shall be cut off at first, and then professional
operators for installation and inspection shall be informed immediately.
●Before using this product, please learn all the contents in this manual.

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Ⅰ. Functions and Purposes

G5 series impulse fence energizer (hereafter referred to as G5 energizer) with all the
functions like delay, deterrence, warning and intelligence, and is a new safety precaution and
warning product with intelligence.
1.1 The front-end fence with high voltage electricity will bring great deterrence and much
obstruction at the same time to the invaders, which greatly increase the cost for jumping
over the fence.
1.2 The front-end fence is physical fence, which won’t be restricted by the wind and
complication of the topography, and there are no blind areas and dead corners, thus it can be
erected followed by the terrain without any careless omission.
1.3 The energizer is equipped with warning interface, which can be interlocked with other
security protection equipment and can be designed and installed according to the users’
requirements, on-site geographical environment and safety class to increase the security
protection class of the system.
1.4 Distinguishing function—the fence can inspect various intrusion grade by intelligence. The
intelligent distinguishing is between animal obstruction or human invasion; occasional
obstruction or force obstruction; the misstatement rate is extremely low.
1.5 It can work constantly for 24 hours, and the system can be equipped with 7AH storage
battery to ensure constant work in case of power cut; defense deployment/removing can be
done at any time based on different situations.
1.6 Apply high and low voltage impulse of low frequency and low energy (high
voltage5000V~10000V and low voltage500V~1000V). Because the energy is extremely low
and the reaction duration is temporary, no damage will be caused to the human body. In case
it is touched, people will leave since there is direct electric shock.
1.7 It has good safety capacity, G5 can satisfy national fence standard GB/T 7946-2008. The
system can be installed at any place where security protection is required.

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Ⅱ. Technical parameters

G5101 G5102 G5171 G5201 G5202 G5271 G5106 G5176 G5206 G5276
Defense Single Single Single Double Double Double Single Single Double Double
area type defense defens defense defense defens defense defense defense defense defense
Four-wi e Four-wi Four-wi e Four-wi c Six-wir Six-wir Six-wir
re Four-w re re Four-w re e e e
ire ire
High and High High High High High High High High High High
low and low pressur and low and low pressur and low and low and low and low and low
voltage voltage e voltage voltage e voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
       
connectio    
dimensio 32 cm×22 cm×11.7cm
Power AC220V(±10%) 50Hz; AC24V >30W; DC12V >30W
Applied Temperature: -40℃~+55℃ Relative humidity≤95%
Alarming 1s
Rated 30W
Impulse Impulse extent: high voltage5000V~10000V, low voltage500V~1000V (for detailed impulse status,
characteri please refer to high and low voltage type)
Impulse frequency: once per second for the signal, and the pulse duration ratio 1/10

Impulse duration: ≤0.1s Maximum currency for each impulse:2.5mc Maximum energy: 5.0J
Peak value for the impulse current: 10A
Duration of more than 300mA output: ≤1.5ms
Insulated The insulating resistance between power supply socket and the outside exposed metal parts shall be
resistance more than 100MΩ.
Note: the product follows international standard: GB/T7946-2008
Fence standard CEI61011 and AS/NZS60335
Gato enterprise standard GT090124-C212

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Ⅲ. energizer installation
G5 series fence energizer applies BI-polar polarization design, which make each wire on the
front-end have high voltage impulse output.
3.1 G5 main engine plate illustration
Four displaying lamps and a set of film operation keys, see drawings 3-1 and 3-2. Different
models will have different keys, and it will subject to the real products.

电源指示灯 Power light

系统指示灯 System indicator light

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围栏报警灯 Fence warning light
故障报警灯 Fault warning light
高压指示灯 High voltage indicator light
低压指示灯 Low voltage indicator light
启动开关 Start switch
高压转换开关 High voltage transferring switch
Drawing 3-1 G5101/G5106 energizer plate graphic representation

电源指示灯 Power light

系统指示灯 System indicator light

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围栏报警灯 Fence warning light
故障报警灯 Fault warning light
高压指示灯 High voltage indicator light
低压指示灯 Low voltage indicator light
启动开关 Start switch
高压转换开关 High voltage transferring switch

Drawing 3-2 G5201/G5206 energizer plate graphic representation

3.1.1 Display illustration ⅠⅡ for the indicator lamps

Displaying situations for the indicator lights under different conditions

Indi FenceⅠ FenceⅡ High
Power Ok Energizer Low
cator light (fence ( fence (high
(power (system (fault alarm (high voltage
situation alarm alarm voltage
indicator) indicator) light indicator)
light) light ) indicator)
Shutdown Green
Red light Red light Red light Red light Red light
light Red light off
off off off off off
Starting-up High
Red light Red light Red light Red light voltage Low voltage
works off off off model model works
Circuit Red light Red light High
interruption Red light works works after Red light voltage Low voltage
/short works after once once off model model works
circuit sparkling sparkling works
220V Green
Red light Red light Red light Red light Red light
power fail light Red light off
works off off works off
Note: 220v power fail is the power supply status of the storage battery for main engine use (single defense
area and six-wire have no Fence Ⅱ item)

Table 3-1 G5 series main engine indicator lights displaying situation

3.1.2 Functional keys instruction

Functional key Low voltage High voltage

System switch
Model transferring switch transferring switch

G5101 √ √

G5102 √

G5171 √ √ √

G5201 √ √ √

G5202 √

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G5271 √ √ √

G5106 √ √ √

G5176 √ √ √

G5206 √ √ √

G5276 √ √ √

Table 3-2 G5 series energizer switch

Low voltage transferring switch: switch the impulse voltage generated from energizer into
low voltage status, and the peak value for impulse voltage is 500V~1000V;
System switch: control the starting-up and cutting-off of energizer, pay attention that the eis
energizer under energizing condition;
High voltage transferring switch: switch the voltage generated from energizer into high
voltage status, and the peak value for impulse voltage is 5000V~10000V. Starting-up is
under default high voltage condition.
3.1.3 Wire connection cover sketch
There is a double-layer socket under the bottom of the main engine with a needle pitch of
3.5mm. For detail please see the right side sketch of double-layer socket. Refer to drawing

常闭 Normal close

常开 Normal open

公共 Public

地 Ground

主机故障输出 Main engine fault output

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报警输出 Alarming output

正 Positive

负 Negative

接线示意图 Connection sketch

Drawing 3-3 G5 series energizer wire connection cover sketch (the left side is double-defense area, and the right

side is single defense area and six-wire system)

Illustration Hole position Illustration
Earth Power line ground
close 1
Public 1 FenceⅠ RS485_A RS485_A
RS485_B RS485_B
open 1
Normal Public ground for outside switching value
close 2 input end
Public 2 FenceⅡ Input2 Outside switching value input 2
Input1 Outside switching value input 1
open 2
DC12V_negative Negative pole of 12V storage battery
Public Main engine fault alarming output DC12V_positive Positive pole of 12V storage battery
AC24V Alternating current AC24V
al open
Earth Power line ground AC24V Alternating current AC24V

Illustration Hole position Illustration
Earth Power line ground
close 1
Public 1 Fence RS485_A RS485_A
RS485_B RS485_B
open 1
Public ground for outside switching value
input end
Input2 Outside switching value input 2
Input1 Outside switching value input 1

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DC12V_negative Negative pole of 12V storage battery
Public Main engine fault alarming output DC12V_positive Positive pole of 12V storage battery
AC24V Alternating current AC24V
al open
Earth Power line ground AC24V Alternating current AC24V

Table 3-3 G5 series energizer wire connection cover hole position

3.1.4 Energizer and front-end wire connection
The wire connection principle of energizer front-end fence is like drawings 3-4, 3-5, 3-6 and

避雷器 Lightning arrestor

接地 Grounding
Drawing 3-4 G5101\G5102\G5171 model energizer wire connection

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避雷器 Lightning arrestor

接地 Grounding
Drawing 3-5 G5106\G5176 model energizer wire connection

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避雷器 Lightning arrestor
接地 Grounding
Drawing 3-6 G5201\G5202\G5271 model energizer wire connection

避雷器 Lightning arrestor

接地 Grounding
Drawing 3-7 G5206\G5276 model energizer wire connection
3.2 Debugging and installation of the energizer
3.2.1 Energizing inspection

Before energizing, connect the negative pole in the emission part and the negative pole in
receiving pole using high voltage insulating wire, and connect the positive pole in emission
part and the positive side in receiving pole; then connect 220v currency. When the indicator
light works normal, there will be drop sound of impulse inside the machine, and no
warning for outside output, the liquid crystal works normally, which implies the machine is
in good condition.
3.2.2 Do incomplete circuit, short-circuit and supply interruption tests
Short-circuit: connect two negative poles or two positive poles using metal wire; after
about one second, the main engine will give alarm, the short circuit can be removed and the

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machine can work normally.
Incomplete circuit: pull any of the insulating wire on the insulated wire; after about one
second, the main engine will give alarm, and the impulse sound disappears, the incomplete
circuit can be removed and the machine can work normally.
Supply interruption: pull electric socket of 220V and the main engine will give alarm (the
main engine can only be installed after normal working)
3.2.3 energizer grounding and lightning arrestor installation
The energizer grounding shall be separated with lightning arrestor grounding. The inside of
the main engine is equipped with lightning arrestor device, and the grounding resistance
shall be less than 10Ω, the embedded depth for ground stud shall be no less than 2.5m, and
the distance between main engine grounding and lightning arrestor shall be more than 10m.
When installing external lightning protecting equipment, the first wire on the top of the
front fence shall be connected to the lightning arrestor, and the end of the lightning arrestor
shall be connected with the grounding stud. (The depth of grounding stud shall be more
than 2.5m and be connected with copper lead of 16 mm2~25mm2). Refer to drawing 3-4, 3-5
and 3-6.
3.2.4 Installed position for the main engine
① Control center
② Gate keeper
③Field (the main engine shall be put into a protection case for on-site installation)

Ⅳ. Lectotype of the front-end fence

4.1 According to different safety class, the suitable fence that can satisfy the requirements shall be
equipped, and normally the safety class can be divided into three grades.

Ⅰ Deterrence Non-monitoring way, one defense area shall be equipped in the entire boundary.
In case four-wire system installed onto the top of the wall, the maximum length of each
defense area is 1000m with warning prevention and deterrence functions.
Ⅱ Medium safety class; the length for each defense area shall be less than 500m, in case it is
more than 500m, it shall be divided into many defense areas, each of which shall be
equipped with independent energizer. The energizer can be placed in guardhouse or close to
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local public security authority. The normal used are four-wire to twelve-wire system.
Ⅲ High level safety; the length for each defense area shall be less than 100m, and there are
many defense areas in the fence. Each defense area must be equipped with independent
main controller with independent alarming device which can indicate the alarming position.
Normally, the warning output shall be interlocked with CCTV, red infrared correlation, spot
light, alarming device and other safety protection systems. The normal used are four-wire to
twelve-wire system.

4.2 Fence types

According to on-site installation type, the fence can be divided into wall top, subordination
and independent models. In case special installation is required, you can contact the local
dealer or Shanghai Gato Information Technology Co., Ltd.

4.2.1 Wall top type fence

The wall top type fence is currently common used in China, and shall be erected at the top
of the wall. The height of the wall shall be more than 1.8m, and the height of fence is about
0.8m, and the distance between top wire of the fence and the wall shall be more than
750mm, and the distance between bottom wire and the wall shall be 150mm±20mm.

4.2.2 Subordinate fence

Just as its name suggests, subordinate fence is affiliated onto the wall. This fence is
normally used for occasions when there are higher safety class requirements without
consuming the owners’ external lands. There are three requirements for current wall: first
of all, the wall shall be strong enough that can bear tensile and voltage from the fence;
secondly, the height of wall shall be more than 2m; lastly, the network hold of the wall
shall be less than 50mm to avoid direct touching with hands.
4.2.3 Independent fence can be erected directly onto the floor with a height of 2.4m and 2.1m. 2.4 m
means higher safety class. In view of the equipment and personal safety, it’s required to
install protection wall or enclosure of more than 1.2m on one side or both sides of the
independent electric fence. The clearance distance between shall be more than 1m so that
the working parts of independent fence won’t be touched by people and be placed in closed
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Ⅴ. Installation of the front-end fence

5.1 Announcements before installation

5.1.1 It’s forbidden to install alternating current on the fence. When the product is out of service or
in a error, the fence won’t have alternating current.
5.1.2 This product can satisfy international safety standard, and when there is alarm situation, the
impulse generator will close automatically; thus nobody will be injured.
5.1.3 The electric impulse won’t damage the invaders, however, in order to remind and alert the
invaders, first of all, on marked place of the fence, there must be at least one warning sign
saying “electric fence, no climbing” every 10m; secondly, the touchable installed height of
the fence shall be more than 1.8m; in case it’s not high enough, the outside and both sides of
the fence shall be installed with divider wall or network to avoid personal touch
5.1.4 The fence has impulse height; when there is accidental touch, or a certain object is close to the
energized conductor, there will be slight electric spark. Therefore, the fence shall be erected
at places where there is no inflammable gas or liquid; or to keep a certain distance according
to relevant international and national standards; or protective safety separation measures
shall be taken.
5.1.5 The fence cannot be erected at the same electric pole with power circuit or telecommunication
5.1.6 The horizontal distance between the fence and public road shall be more than 5m (except top
wall fence).
5.1.7 The fence shall be kept enough distance with electric line. See table 5-1 for the minimum
Ariel multi-conductor power The minimum horizontal The minimum vertical distance
lines distance with fence (m) with fence (m)
Voltage class (KV)
Below 10 3 2

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35~110 5 3
220 7 4
330 8 5
500 8 5
Table 5-1 The minimum distance between fence and Ariel multi-conductor power lines

5.2 Front fence installation procedures

5.2.1 Rod body assembling

According to international requirements and actual construction requirements, pre-assemble
the rod body (mast, loading rod and terminal pile) and parts like insulator. Install the
insulator on the rod body and keep reasonable distance. The common used assembly ways
are manual positioning, housing pin positioning and blind rivet positioning etc. specific
ways will be subject to the structures and models of the insulator; please see the drawings:

Drawing 5-1 Insulator sketch of different rod body

5.2.2 Universal base installation
Based on true wall situation, the operator shall choose the installation position for universal
base, and select the plane and locking hole position; in case it is special wall, the
installation plane can be made by welding, clamping or embedding. See the following

Drawing 5-2 Plane sketch for installation of U-clamp

When install vertically the fence, the sequential direction for universal base shall be

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identical to keep beauty. For leaning installation, the sector of universal base shall face the
scheduled leaning direction of fence, and the workable space for the front fence shall be
ensured. The scheduled mast position shall be installed with single universal base, and the
scheduled loading rod and end pole position shall be installed with double universal base.
In addition, special attention shall be paid to the fact the direction of universal base at the
corner of the wall shall be identical with leaning direction of the rod during construction.
See the following drawing:

Drawing 5-3 Universal base and locking card sketch

5.2.3 Rod body installation
The mast and universal base will be connected through sleeve and locking card. Pay
attention that all the rod body shall be in the same plane surface, and the corresponding
insulator shall be kept in the same line. In addition, the loading rod and end rod shall be
fixed between two universal bases by using screw.
5.2.4 Tightening of the lead
The end of the lead shall be fixed on the insulator on one side of the end pole. First of all
embed the wire into the insulator of loading pole to do pre-frap; then embed the wire into
the mast; finally get the wire through wire grip, and connected with the insulator on the
other side of the end pole and tighten it.
5.2.5 Cross over of impulse circuit
After finishing installation of all the conductor lines, cross over shall be done according to
the circuit system principle; different metal wire shall be avoided to protect corrosion
because of electrochemical reaction.
5.2.6 Inspection after installation
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After all the installation has been finished, an overall inspection shall be done to check
whether various rod bodies are secure enough, whether the position is right, whether the
position of insulator is right, whether the conductor line erection is normal, whether the
crossover line is good, whether the grounding device is good and whether the grounding
resistance is under good condition, whether the signal wire and the circuit wire of the high
voltage insulating line that go towards the main controller have been threading separately
and whether the connection between the starting point and the end point is right. Check
whether the insulating resistance of the system can satisfy the requirements.
5.2.7 Energizing test fence
When the main engine is connected with AC220V currency, the indicator lamp shall
twinkle once per second according to impulse meter with drop sound; each displaying lamp
works normally, the system is then under normal condition.
5.3 Requirements and specifications of fence installation
5.3.1 When underground wiring is needed for the fence, high voltage insulating conductor line with
rated voltage which is more than 15KV shall be applied to go through insulating duct
assembly. The lead with positive pole and negative pole shall be penetrated into different
insulating pipes.
5.3.2 There must be enough room between insulating lines and insulating lines, and insulating lines
and metal electrical conductor. According to GB16796-1997 installation requirements and
test methods for safety precaution alarming equipment, the clearance of high voltage live
parts of this product shall be more than 43mm, and the creepage distance shall be more than
5.3.3 Normally, there are two ways of connection between insulating lines: winding by itself and the
concealed hinge must be securely tightened with at least five circles; using line connector,
penetrate the lead heads into connector and then compress the lead securely into the
connector using clamp.
5.3.4 In order to protect plant from climbing onto the fence, the minimum distance between fence
and the plants shall be 200mm, and the calculation shall be based on the plants under
waving condition.
5.3.5 One side or both sides of the independent fence that erected on the flat ground shall be
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installed with protective screening or enclosure. Its height shall be more than 1.2m, and the
distance of the bottom lead with the ground shall be 150mm, and the distance between fence
and protective network or the enclosure shall be more than 1m.
5.4 Common used circuit
5.4.1 Eight-channel system connection method

避雷器 Lightning arrestor

接地 Grounding
Drawing 5-4 Eight-channel connection methods

Ⅵ. Application and maintenance

◆The users are not allowed to open the main engine for maintenance at their own will;
otherwise, our party won’t guarantee to keep in good repair.
◆The system shall be managed by specialized personnel (such as person in charge of the
monitoring center), and the everyday records of T5 system main engine operation situation
shall be well kept.
◆Defense deployment and withdrawal must be managed and kept in good records by
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professional personnel; other personnel are not allowed to do any treatment at their disposal.
In case defense withdrawal is required because of maintenance or other reasons, there must
be instructions from the person in charge and the records shall also be kept. After defense
withdrawal, bulletin board (under inspection) must be indicated to avoid anybody who
doesn’t understand the situation and close the current (set up defenses); only after receiving
the defense setting up instruction, can the current be closed.
◆Three-core connector shall be applied before energizing of the main engine, and then
connect the power cord; this sequence must be followed.
◆Check the displaying lamp everyday, check whether the power supply source is stable.
◆Keep well the maintenance work of main engine and front-end for monthly power cut. i.e,
the cleaning of main engine and the clearance of front-end and then keep the records.
Special attention shall be paid to the disadvantages that the growth of trees and grass may
bring; it should be kept with a reasonable distance between the trees, grass and the fence to
avoid any error report because of short circuit or circuit interruption under windy weather.
◆ The essential factors that decide whether the system can work normally is daily
maintenance, which is also the main factor to keep its service life.
(The contents can be printed and pasted onto the gatekeepers room or control center room
based on real situation)

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Appendix: packing list

Item Description Quantity External diagram Remarks

1 G5 series main engine 1 set
2 Product instruction book 1 copy Please keep
3 Guarantee card 1 piece Please keep

4 Power cord 1 piece 3x1.0 mm2

4 Power cord 1 3x1.0 mm2


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