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ENR 101



Group - C
Name Enrollment Number

Akshat Patel AU2340053

Twisha Patel AU2340056

Sneha Mirani AU2340071

Harsh Patel AU2340083

Task - 1: Reverse Engineering of Juicer

1.1: List of Parts
Sr. Name of the Qua
Material Comments
No Part ntity

Steel and
1 Handle 1 Standard

Upper Main
2 F.G.Plastic 1 Standard

Lower Main
3 F.G.Plastic 1 Standard

4 Filter Mesh F.G.Plastic 1 Porous

5 F.G.Plastic 1 Smooth

6 Main Nut F.G.Plastic 1 Standard

7 Vaccuum Rubber 1 Not Working Properly

Open Lock
8 F.G.Plastic 1 Standard

9 Screw F.G Plastic 1 Spiral Cuts

10 Bolt 1 Standard

11 Metal Stick 1 Irregular Shape

F.G. = Food Grade

1.2: Part Sketches on blank page with dimensions

1.3: Part Manufacturing Process

Pressure Cap - Manufacturing of Pressure Cap Involves the molding of appropriate

plastic and giving it a proper shape, and it is assembled on the final product.
Handle - The Handle is first made using molding of steel and it is given a shape
and then a layer of coating is done to prevent corrorsion and in the end, the plastic
cap at the edge of the handle is attached.
Main Body - Manufacturing of main body includes several steps such as selection
of plastic (food grade and durable) and then it is molded and converted to the
required shape.
Filter Mesh - Filter Mesh is Manufactured by first selecting proper material and
then it is given a proper shape after that it is made porous with the use of heat and
then it is left for cooling.
Main Nut - Manufacturing of Main Nut involves process such as selecting a proper
material such as good grade plastic or stainless steel and then it goes through the
process such as turning and milling and then it cut in a way that it gets locked with
the main body properly
Vaccuum Pack - The Vaccuum pack is manufactured using the elastomers such as
silicon or rubber, after selecting a proper material it is molded and placed properly
and then it is left for cooling.
Open-Lock Key - The key is manufactured by selection of proper plastic molding of
plastic to give it the shape of a circular switch.
Screw - Screw is Manufactured by molding the suitable material to be use such as
food grade plastic and is shaped in spiral shape and then is left for cooling.
Metal Stick - It is manufactured in a way that it is made by molding of steel to give
a stick like shape to it, then is coated to avoid rust and then it is left for cooling
and at the end is connected to the Open - Lock Key and the bolt.

1.4 : List of Scientific Principles/Mechanisms.

Scientific Principles:

Scientific Principles Involved in Juicer’s Working is Manual Rotational Motion

which is needed by the screw to squeeze and move the pulp outside, The Rotational
Motion required is provided by the handle.


The Juicer will work in a way that it will extract the juice from from fruits and
vegetables. The Process will go as first the pulp of the fruit will get extracted and
will pass through the screw and the swrew will grind the pulp and squeeze the liquid
juice out without any fibre.
1.5 Disassembly and Assembly of the Juicer

1. Disassembly
Firstly, The Pressure Cap can be removed easily from the top
Then, to remove the handle, we need to open the plastic bolt attached with it
and handle will come out
To remove the filter mesh and screw, we need to remove the main nut by
rotating it towards left and it will open its lock, afterwards filter mesh and screw
can be removed easily
Then, open the key at the bottom by just pulling it out, then remove the bolt
opposite to the key, and then the metal stick between key and bolt will come out
Now, Pull the upper main body towards the front and the upper main body will
get detached from the lower main body.
2. Assembly
To Assemble the Juicer Again, first attach the metal stick with the bolt at the
bottom, then place the stick on the stick
Afterwards, Attach the upper body to the lower body by pushing it towards the
Then place the screw in the upper body and place the filter mesh over the screw
and then lock the main nut over the filter mesh.
After that place the handle and fix the bolt attached with the handle and the
handle will get attached
In the end place the pressure cap over the upper body, and the juicer will get

1.6 : Are you able to reassemble the product in its original shape?

Yes, we were able to reassemble the product in its original shape.

Task - 2: Conclusion
1. Akshat Patel - AU2340053
Through this Reverse engineering activity I was able to understand about the different parts
of the juicer and the mechanisms and process it follows in its working and the way of its
disassembly and assembly

2. Twisha Patel - AU2340056

Reverse engineering for a juicer involves understanding its design, functionality, and its
components. It offers opportunities for innovation, enhancement in the skills of
reverse engineering.

3. Sneha Mirani - AU2340071

By breaking down a system into its individual components and analyzing their interactions,
we gain a much deeper understanding of how it works as a whole and used to find hidden
features or functionalities in a system.

4. Harsh Patel - AU2340083

In this Activity, we got to know about it's design and functionality. And get information
about the engineering principles used and also creates opportunities for improvement
and customization.

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