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Elisabeth Laville is a French economist who 3. Those who consider consumerism as

answered our questions as director of the valuable are always less happy.
Observatory of Responsible Consumption. a. True
From her point of view, ‘Our addiction to b. False
consumption is the biggest taboo of our
modern societies’, she said. ‘We keep 4. What does the author consider the key
consuming more, convinced that elements for happiness?
consumption is the key to our individual _______________________________________
happiness’. _______________________________________
However, research has shown that
materialism doesn’t translate to happiness;
“The opposite happens’, Laville said. Explain in your own words the consequences
‘Moreover, people who place more value on of what Laville said.
consuming are almost always less happy. _______________________________________
Besides, their level of self-esteem and the _______________________________________
quality of their relationships is lower. _______________________________________
Consequently, they dedicate less time to the _______________________________________
actual factors of happiness: friends, family _______________________________________
and a fulfilling job.

1. What is Laville’s point of view?
2. Materialism...
a. Can help to reach happiness
b. Is the opposite to happiness
c. Is happiness

Elisabeth Laville is the director of the Observatory of

Responsible Consumption.
Elisabeth Laville answered our questions as director of the Observatory of Responsible

Consumption. From her point of view, ‘Our addiction to consumption is the biggest taboo of

our societies’, she said. ‘We are convinced that consumption is the key to our individual


1. What is Laville’s point of view?

a. It is the key to our individual happiness

b. Addiction to consumption is the biggest taboo in our society

However, research has shown that materialism doesn’t translate to happiness; “The opposite
happens’, Laville said.
‘Moreover, people who place more value on consuming are almost always less happy.

2. Materialism...
a. Can help to reach happiness
b. Is the opposite to happiness

Besides, their level of self-esteem and the quality of their relationships is lower.
Consequently, they dedicate less time to the actual factors of happiness: friends, family and a
fulfilling job.

3. Explain in your own words the consequences of valuing consuming according to Laville.

On the one hand, _________________________________________________________________

On the other hand,_________________________________________________________________

In an interview with Shedia, in Greece, Maria 3. When she bought, she felt joy, euphoria
Petropoulou described her personal and __________.
experience with addiction to consumption.
‘I constantly wanted to buy things, mostly 4. She was was sorry for her.
clothes and shoes, although I knew that I a. True
could not afford it’, she said. ‘This intensified b. False
when I was 16 to 17 years old. At the How do you know it?
instant of the purchase, I felt completeness, _______________________________________
joy, euphoria. However, once it was _______________________________________.
completed, there was guilt, remorse and
melancholy too.
Moreover, I was aware that, if I continued in Explain in your own words Maria’s feelings
this path, I would go broke and that it would during and after purchasing.
affect my family. ‘ _______________________________________
‘These negative feelings would intensify at _______________________________________
first,’ she said, ‘although they faded after a _______________________________________
few days, and the need to buy would start all _______________________________________
over again.’ _______________________________________

1. What was Maria’s problem?

2. Maria’s problem was less intense when

she was 16.
a True
In an interview with Shedia, in Greece, Maria Petropoulou described her personal
experience with addiction to consumption.

1. What was Maria’s problem?


‘I constantly wanted to buy things, mostly clothes and shoes, although I knew that I could
not afford it’, she said. ‘This intensified when I was 16 to 17 years old. At the instant of the
purchase, I felt completeness, joy, euphoria. However, once it was completed, there was
guilt, remorse and melancholy too.

2. Maria’s problem was less intense when she was 16.

a True

Moreover, I was aware that, if I continued in this path, I would go broke and that it would
affect my family. ‘ ‘These negative feelings would intensify at first,’ she said, ‘although they
faded after a few days, and the need to buy would start all over again.’

4. She was aware that...

a. She could go broke and affect her family

b. She would feel better after purchasing again.

Explain in your own words Maria’s feelings during and after purchasing.
On the one hand,_______________________________________________________________
On the other hand,______________________________________________________________

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