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Performance Task 1

What do you need to What SKILLS do What VALUES do

KNOW in order to you need to acquire you need to possess
perform your tasks to perform your tasks to perform your tasks
efficiently? efficiently? well?
College Supervisor In order to perform myI have to be a flexible To perform my task well,
task efficiently in mystudent teacher who can keep inspiring me for
internship, I need theexpertly modify my every task I undertake.
guidance of my collegelesson plans to fit the With every motivation
supervisor and I will various demands of my I have, I know that it
listen to their advice to
students. Additionally, I
can help me enhance
improve my must be adaptable by
performance. communicating with my my strategy and skills.
college supervisor and
taking their advise on
how to strengthen my
areas of weakness.
Cooperating I must be aware of the I’ll collaborate with the Managing my
Principal/ School policies and procedures school administrator to interactions with my
of the institution. To do improve my performance collaborating principle
Head/ Master Teacher
my work properly, I need on every task and pay and school head in a
their advise. Take the attention to their respectable and positive
effort to support the recommendations on how manner requires me to
school’s vision and goals to develop my areas of act professionally, which
to demonstrate I'm weakness in teaching in includes being on time,
commitment to its order to improve my dependable, and
success. ability to do my duties prepared.
Cooperating To ensure successful In order for me to do my Continue encouraging me
Teacher(s) collaboration, it is task effectively, I need to on how to properly
important to have a make sure that I can present my lesson, how
positive and respectful communicate effectively to capture my students’
working relationship with and capture my students' interest, and how to
my cooperating teacher interest develop my confidence
and to have clear in front of the entire
communication about class.
expectations, duties, and
Performance Task 2
After reviewing the laws, polices and documents pertinent to Teaching Internship, choose three (3) and write
one (1) important provision for that law or policy and state its application in your life as a Practice Teacher.

Title of Law/CHED Policy/ Cite one (1) important provision How will you apply this in your
Department Order profession?
Article IV Before I become a professional in
Provisions Relative to the Practice the Philippines’ teaching field, I
of the Teaching Profession must obtain a valid registration
certificate and professional license
RA 7836 The Philippine Teachers SEC. 27. Inhibition Against the from the Commission, ensuring
Professionalization Act of 1994 Practice of the Teaching they meet the necessary standards
Profession. - Except as otherwise and qualifications to maintain the
allowed under this Act, no person quality of education in the country.
shall practice or offer to practice
the teaching profession in the
Philippines or be appointed as
teacher to any position calling for
a teaching position without having
previously obtained a valid
certificate of registration and a
valid professional license from the
Article II Discrimination against teachers
Recruitment and Career undermines the education system’s
integrity. Enforcing anti-
Section 10. No Discrimination. discrimination policies, reporting
RA 4670 Magna Carta for Public There shall be no discrimination discrimination, offering sensitivity
School Teachers whatsoever in entrance to the training, and promoting a respect
teaching profession, or during its and inclusivity culture are crucial.
exercise, or in the termination of
services, based on other than
professional consideration.
The DepEd Child Protection In order to implement child
Policy is a set of principles and protection, I will uphold
policies designed to safeguard professional boundaries with
Dep Ed 40 s 2012 Child Protection school-age children from many students, notify the proper
Policy forms of abuse, including but not authorities of any indications of
limited to violence, exploitation, abuse or neglect, provide a
discrimination, and bullying. welcoming and secure learning
environment, and put the welfare
and security of students in your
care first at all times.
Performance Task 3
From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which seems to be difficult? Why?
Among the five phases of teaching internships, phase 4, or the final demonstrations
accomplishing exit forms, seems to be difficult for me because that was the day that every
student teacher felt mixed emotions. There was a feeling of excitement and nervousness. The
final teaching demonstration is the most crucial part for me because on that day all my hard
work in the whole internship will be judged, but this is also the day that will give me the
opportunity to showcase my best, and I believe a successful teaching demonstration ultimately
comes down to careful planning and practice. Maybe the nervousness won’t really go away, but
I must be physically and mentally prepared so that I can properly perform my final

How Can I enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest?

I plan and organize lessons in advance, ensuring I have all necessary materials. Build positive
relationships with my students, showing interest in their lives. I seek feedback from mentors or
experienced educators to improve my teaching skills. Participate in extracurricular activities to
interact with students outside the classroom. Reflect on my experiences, embrace new
challenges, and network with other educators. Maintain a positive attitude and stay open-
minded, focusing on growth opportunities. Prioritize self-care and find a healthy balance
between work and personal life. Enjoy my internship and create a positive learning environment
for my students.

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