ABG Calculator 2

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ABG Values Desired FiO2

pH 7.3 A 53.75 Na
pCO2 43 B 95.98 Cl
PO2 185 C 1.92748489269 Albumin
HCO3 20.9 Desired FiO2 13.36 Anion Gap
BE LPM adjustment based on dFiO2 Anion Gap (Corrected)
S02 99.7 Via Nasal Canula -2
Present FiO2 (in decimal) 0.21 Via Face Mask 2 Delta Ratio
Expected FiO2 80 Tracheal mask 3.36 Corrected Delta Ratio
0.4 = normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
0.4-0.8 = mixed high and normal anion gap ac
If 60 and below, expected FiO2 = 80 0.8-1.0 = purely due to a high anion gap metab
1.0-2.0 = still purely a high anion gap metabol
Expected FiO2 for those >60yo Over 2.0 = high anion gap acidosis with pre-ex
Type the Age Here: 71 ------------------------------ 880.95238095
PF ratio
Expected FiO2 > 60 69 <-- If result is <60, use 60! PAO2 (ABCD) 95.98 FOR
Present FiO2 PAO2 (Harrison's) 96.25 Delta H
FiO2 at LPM: 3 A-a Gradient (ABCD) -89.02 Delta H Ratio (Respi Acid)
Nasal Canula: 0.32 A-a Gradient (Harrison's) -88.75 Formula:
Face Mask: 0.20 a-A ratio (ABCD) 1.9274848927
Tracheal Mask 13 a-A ratio (Harrison's) 1.9220779221


Respiratory Acidosis Respiratory Acidosis (ACUTE)
Expected pH 7.376 to 7.391 Expected HCO3 to
If actual pH < expected pH & HCO3 < 22, there is a combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis

If actual pH < expected pH & HCO3 is within 22-26, there is a suspected underlying metabolic acidosis

If actual pH > the expected pH, there is suspected underlying metabolic alkalosis

Respiratory Alkalosis Respiratory Alkalosis (ACUTE)

Expected pH 7.376 to 7.391 Expected pH to
If actual pH < expected pH, there is a suspected underlying metabolic acidosis

If actual pH > expected pH i& HCO3 > 26, there is a combined respiratory and metabolic alkalosis

If actual pH > expected pH & HCO3 is within 22-26, there is a suspected underlying metabolic alkalosis

Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic Acidosis

Expected pCO2 37.75 to 41.75 Expected pCO2 34.28 36.28 38.28
If actual pCO2 < expected, there is a suspected underlying respiratory alkalosis If actual pCO2 < expected, there is a suspected underlying respiratory alkalosis

If actual pCO2 > expected & pCO2 > 45, there is a combined respiratory and respiratory acidosis If actual pCO2 > expected & pCO2 > 45, there is a combined respiratory and respiratory acidosis

If actual pCO2 > expected & pCO2 is within 35-45, there is a suspected underlying respiratory acidosis If actual pCO2 > expected & pCO2 is within 35-45, there is a suspected underlying respiratory acidosis

Metabolic Alkalosis Metabolic Alkalosis

Expected pCO2 30.675 to 40.675 Expected pCO2 35.83 37.83 39.83
If actual pCO2 < expected & pCO2 < 35 there is a combined metabolic and respiratory alkalosis If actual pCO2 < expected & pCO2 < 35 there is a combined metabolic and respiratory alkalosis

If actual pCO2 < expected & pCO2within 35-45, there is a suspected underlying respiratory alkalosis If actual pCO2 < expected & pCO2within 35-45, there is a suspected underlying respiratory alkalosis

If actual pCO2 > expected, there is a suspected underlying respiratory acidosis If actual pCO2 > expected, there is a suspected underlying respiratory acidosis
l u6
131 Formula

5.09999999999999 Anion gap = Na - (Cl + HCO3)

15.1 Corrected = Anion gap + [2.5x(4-Albumin(g/dL)]

2.2258064516129 Delta Ratio = change in anion gap / change in bicarbonate

anion gap acidosis exists.
on gap metabolic acidosis
gap metabolic acidosis
s with pre-existing metabolic alkalosis


>0.7 - Acute Respiratory Failure - intubate
49.377990430622 0.3-0.7 - Acute on top of chronic
<0.3 - Chronic RF
deltaH - 40 / pCO2 - 40 where deltaH = 24(pCO2/HCO3)


Weight (kgs) 83
Height (cm) 168 FORMULA
IBW (male) 64.196 50 + 0.91(Hcm-152.4)
IBW (female) 59.696 45.5 +0.91(Hcm - 152.4)
Tidal volume (mL/kg) 6
VTE (male) 385.176
VTE (female) 358.176
RR of the patient 20
BUR 15

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