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is a rule for behavior to guide a conduct

DEVIANCE Norms are statement that regulate behavior
is an act na masama sa paningin ng society According to Merriam-Webster, NORMS is a principle of right action
binding upon the members of a group and serving to guid, control, or
What’s make man being a human? regulates proper and acceptable behavior.
Be a rational being ( knowing the right from wrong )
Posited the concept of conduct norms which Belongs under the
conscious level
Sabi niya To be consider truly human you must posses this 4
CONDUCT NORMS refers to the norms that are defined by the groups to
which the individual belongs.
Physical potential - having a concrete body, capable of physical activity (
physically fit ) LISA ROUNDY ( 2013 )
Mental ability - think critically, rational In her study stated that social norm is the accepted behavior that an
Communication skills - ability to read and write individual is expected to conform to in a particular group, community, or
Social skills - interact to the society culture.
When you do not conform to the social norms that are accepted by your
Notes : not of all of these must posses to be truly human, at least he she must posses culture or group, it is considered as an abnormal behavior.
2 of theme

2 reason na ma consider not a human being DEVIANT

But they are inhuman ka kapag Hindi ka sumunod sa norms ng society

1. It take time for a human to grow ( bata ) HUMAN BEHAVIOR

in human : ang tawag sa mga bata Dahil Hindi pa sila rational being a man is a social being, he needs to interact and socialize with others.
He may behave or misbehave depending on the given circumstances.
1. some individuals na arog na pero isip bata pa it influences sa Biological ( hereditary) or environment
INHUMAN tawag sa Ira
In her article entitled HUMAN BEHAVIOR, human behavior is define as
the term used to describe a person’s actions and conduct.
It also refers to the action to facts of the relationship between the
is a part of a our brain na nag uutos sa body kun nano dapat gawin ( nag hahatag individual and his environment.
command sa mga hihimuon San body ) Human behavior is mainly influenced by both hereditary and
A human is a conscious being : environment.
Everything that we say and do is a reflection of our own being.
It is the outcome of how our brain processed that perceived information. Marcel Mauss
( within the environment ) every self has 2 Self faces
an mapaso na bagay or sa environment naton kun pano tayo mag react .
For example, you see your enemy, it is now the neurons that send messages to 1️⃣ MOI
the amygdala, as the part of the brain that processes fear, triggers anger, and refer to a person scenes who he is
motivates us to act; and the brain-amygdala will integrate that information and will refers a person’s sense of who he is, his body, and his basic identity, his
issue a command for a response (This is the reaction of either having a fight biological givenness
you as you are at home
against your enemy or not
Fighting your enemy when you cannot control your emotions is normal, but when
it reaches to the point where you would kill your enemy, then that is not normal
is composed of social concepts of what it means to be who he is
anymore, aside from it being unethical, it will violate the law and is contrary to the
What is expected what you your
norms set by society.
SIGMUND FREUD Theory define is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain
According to Freud (1915), the human mind has three (3) levels of awarenes something, especially one based on general principles intended to the
The combination of three makes up what we call reality thing to be explained.
It is derived from a Greek word “ THEORIA “ which means contemplation
1. Conscious level ( 10 % ) or speculation
2. Sub-conscious level ( 50-60 % ) Theory also defined as a plausible or scientifically acceptable general
3. Unconscious ( 30-40 % ) principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
It is synonymous with the term THESIS, HYPOTHESIS, SUPPOSITION,
Notes : this level makes us the reality and PROPORTION

Note :
According to MOORE, theory helps us understand what we don’t know and,
The conscious level serves as the scanner that allows you to perceive an event,
therefore is the only guide to research it increases it’s ability to solve other
trigger a need to react, and then depending on the importance of the event, store problems in different times and different places
it either in the unconscious or subconscious area of human mind where it remains
available CRIME DEFINE
part of your mind that perceive your surrounding An act or omission in violation of a criminal law in its legal point
Receiver of the environment AN ANTI-SOCIAL, an act that is injurious, detrimental or harmful to the
norms of society they are the unacceptable act in its social definition
SUBCONSCIOUS PSYCHOLOGICALLY, crime is an act which is considered undesirable
The subconscious is the storage point for any recent memories needed for quick due to behavioral maladjustment of the offender acts that maladaptive or
recall, such as telephone number or the name of a person you just met. It also abnormal behavior
holds current information that you use every day, such as your current recurring A CRIME is define as any act that is contrary to legal code or laws, there
thoughts, behavior patterns, habits and feelings. are many types of crime, from CRIME AGAINST PERSON to victimless
crime, and VIOLENT CRIMES to WHITE CRIMES. The study of crime and
storage points For the recent memories that need a quick recall na
deviance is a large subfield within sociology. With much attention paid to
who commits which types of crimes and why
mga behavior pattern
It is also a genetic name that refers to OFFENSE, FELONY,
The unconscious mind is where all your memories and past experiences reside. OFFENSE
These are those memories that have been repressed through trauma and those is an act or omission punishable by special law
that have simply been consciously forgotten and are no longer important to us. It
is from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviors FELONY
are formed (Journal Psyche, 1994) Is an act or omission punishable by the revised penal code ( the criminal
mga memories na law of the Philippines )

2 acts that are in violation of ordinance, simple rules and regulation
usually referring to acts committed by minor offender
CRIME CAUSATION 2.1 Minimal Brain Dysfunction
Crime causation is a discouraging and multiplex field. Minimal brain dysfunction is defined as the damage to the brain itself
For centuries, philosophers have reviewed the meaning of conception of that causes antisocial
cause as it regards human behavior. It is characterized by evidences of immaturity involving control of activity,
Growingly, research advices that individuals are unaware of the causes of emotions, and behavior, and by specific learning +123-4567-890
disabilities involving the
the other people’s behavior as well as the causes of much of their
communicating skills needed in
reading, writing, and mathematics.
Children who manifest social disturbances may have identifiable
Modern crimes cause models to favor an interdisciplinary lens that
neurological deficits, such as damage to the hemisphere of the brain.
recognizes how different field complement, rather than contract with, one One specific type of MBD is Learning Disability, a term that has been
other. defined by National Advisory Committee on Handicapped Children.
Learning disability is a neurological dysfunction that prevents an
individual from learning his or her potential (Siegel et al., 2007)
Remedial efforts directed at early detection, relief from pressure and
BIOLOGICAL THEORY adjust punishment or ridicule from parents and teachers, and adjustment
Criminal manners result from a complicated interaction of biological factors of educational environment and with attention span and improve
Biological factors, are more comprehensive comprising physiological, neurodevelopmental maturity, hold promise of improving the lot most
biochemical, neurological, and genetic factors. Genetic factors refer to involved children.
biological and hereditary factors There are valid indications that expansion of such programs can do
much to prevent these youngsters from developing severe personality
BIOSOCIAL THEORY maladjustment and delinquent behavior, as well as emotional illness in
This Theory viewed that both thought and behavior have biological and later life.
social bases.
Biosocial Theorist believe that it is the interaction between predisposition 3 . GENETIC INFLUENCES
and environmental that produces criminality Genetic influences focus on the idea that individuals who share the
Children born into a disadvantaged environment often do not have the social same genes are alike in personality regardless of how they are reared,
and familial support they need to overcome their handicaps while the rearing environment induces little or no personality
Lack of family support can have long term physical consequences resemblance.

Note : 👨‍💼 CESARE LOMBROSO ( father of modern criminology )

For example a child’s neural pathways may be damaged by repeated child often believed that antisocial behavior had a genetic basis based on his
neglect or abuse. theo biosocial theorists, for example, stated that certain violent
Once experiences are ingrained the brain REMEMBERS and a pattern of personality traits including psychopathy may be inherited (Carey and
ELECTROCHEMICAL activation is established which remains present DiLalla, 1994).
throughout his life
3.1 Parent Child Similarities
A number of studies found out that parental criminality and deviance do,
CONTEMPORARY BIOSOCIAL HAS THREE DISTINCT AREAS OF STUDY : in fact, powerfully influence delinquent behavior.

1. BIOCHEMISTRY FACTORS (The aggressive behavior caused by diet) 👨‍💼 DONALD J. WEST and DALLAS VID P. FARRINGTON ( 1968 )
made a study and they found out that significant number of delinquent
youths have criminal parents.
Biochemical theories claim that there is a causal connection between blood sugar West and intergenerational continuity in antisocial behavior, that is,
levels, antisocial behavior and delinquency. criminal fathers produce delinquent sons who grow up to have
Theories are mostly represented in the field of juvenile delinquency and presume delinquent children themselves (Siegel et al., 2007)
that poor nutrition affects delinquent behavior.
Poor nutrition directly affects the learning
Excessively low levels of blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can cause the development 3.2 Sibling and Twin Similarities
of negative behavior, nervous behavior, mental confusion, physical weakness,
Biosocial theorists have compared the behavior of twin and non- twin
delirium and violence
siblings and found out that the twins, who share more genetic material,
are also more similar in their behavior.
When comparing identical monozygotic (MZ) twins with same sex
Clinical trials made found a relation between low cholesterol and aggressive
fraternal dizygotic (DZ) twins, they found out that the former has an
behavior in animal
identical genetic make up, while the latter share only about 50% of their
The study conducted in Sweden on 79,777 men and women at age (24-70), who
genetic combinations.
had police arrest records for violent crimes, found a strong connection between
Reviews of twin studies found that in all cases, MZ twins have delinquent
lowered levels of cholesterol and violent behavior.
and antisocial behavior patterns more similar than that of DZ twins
(Siegel et al., 2007)
Disruption of homeostasis can cause difficulties. Theory states that low intake of
3.3 Adoption Studies
vitamins, and minerals can cause delinquent behaviors.
1.1 Hormonal Levels forced to conclude based on their study that genetics played at least
some role in creating delinquent tendencies.
Another area of biochemical research emphasizes that antisocial behavior
allegedly peaks in the teenage years because hormonal activity is at its highest
They found that adoptees share many of the behavioral and intellectual
level during this period. characteristics of their biological parents despite the social and
Research also suggests that increased levels of the male androgen and environmental conditions found in their adoptive homes (Siegel et al.,
testosterone are responsible for excessive levels of violence among teenage boys. 2007).

Another concentration of biosocial theory is the neurological structure, or brain and EVOLUTIONARY THEORY
nervous system of the offenders. Studies measures indicators of system According to Criminology Fandom (n.d.) behavior can be passed down
functioning, such as brain waves, heart rate, arousal levels, skin conductance and from generation to another.
attention span, cognitive ability, and spatial learning, and then compared them to Evolutionary theory explains the existence of aggression and violent
measures of the antisocial behavior behavior as positive adaptive behaviors in human evolution.
Imbalance in the central nervous and hormonal activity has been linked to These traits allowed their bearers to reproduce disproportionately, which
antisocial behavior and drug abuse (Siegel et al., 2007 has had an effect on human gene pool (Siegel et al., 2007).
For example, if the child witnessed that his father beats his mother every
NEUROTRANSMITTERS time his father is under the influence of alcohol, then the child will
are chemical compounds that influence brain activity assume that it is good to beat somebody.
Research suggests that abnormal levels of some neurotransmitters including When the time comes the child becomes a husband, the same situation
dopamine, serotonin, and monoamine oxidase are related to aggression and will be applied to his wife.

Is one of the theories under evolutionary theory which suggests that a PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES
subpopulation of men has evolved with genes that incline them toward Psychological theories expressed that criminal behavior was the product of
extremely low parental involvement and become sexually aggressive who unconscious forces operating within a persons mind according to this group of
theories conflicts that occur at various psychosexual stages of development
use their cunning to gain sexual conquests with as many females as
might impact an individuals ability to operate normally as an adult. And that if
agressive impulse is not controlled or is ngage in random acts of violence
Because females would not choose them as mates, they use stealth to gain
(Bartol, 2002)
sexual access cheating including such tactics as mimicking the behavior of
more stable males 👨‍💼 CHARLES B. GORING (1870-1919),
as a physical criminal type. Instead, he found out using the 3,000 convicts as
👨‍💼 BYRON ROTH ( Psychologist ) respondents that defective intelligence rather than physical characteristics was
notes that these cheater type males maybe especially attractive to the main factor why a person commits a crime. This is the core reason of Goring
younger, less intelligent women who begin having children at a very early in refuting Dr. Cesare
age. This theory also explains male aggressiveness (Siegel et al., 2007).
On the other hand,
Is another theory under evolutionary theory which holds that all organisms in his theory of imitation believed that people learn from one another through a
process of imitation (Siegel, 2004)
can be located along a continuum based upon their reproductive drives.
Those along the end reproduce rapidly whenever they can and invest little
Psychodynamic Theory and Psychosexual Stages of Human Development
in their offspring; while those along the end reproduce slowly and 1. Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytic Psychology
cautiously take care in the raising of their offspring.
It was proposed by Viennese psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
K-oriented people are more cooperative and sensitive to others, whereas Still considered as one of the prominent theories in psychology, this theory holds
R-oriented people are more cunning and deceptive. that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes
People who commit crimes seem to exhibit R-selection traits such as developed in early childhood.
frequent sexual activity (Siegel, 2004). It argues that human personality contains three major components, namely: id,
ego and superego.

ID - It dictates the needs and desire (It operates under pleasure principle) -
EGO - Evaluates the reality of a position these two extremes (reality principle).
Arousal is a physiological state of alertness and anticipation, which -
prepares body for action SUPEREGO - Counteracts the id by fostering feeling of morality (moral
The main assumption of arousal theory is the environmental factors principle). It is divided into two (2) parts: conscience and ego ideal.
influence the Brian’s level arousal
Adolescents may engage in such crimes as shoplifting and vandalism If these three components are properly balanced, the individual can lead a
simply because these crimes offer the attraction of getting away with it; normal life. But if one aspect of the personality governs governs at the expense
criminality is thrilling demonstration of personal competence. It also of the others, the individual exhibits abnormal personality traits (Siegel et al.,
explained that adolescents with low heart rates are more likely to commit 2007).
crimes as they seek stimulation to increase their arousal levels to normal For example, upon entering a room you found a wallet full of money.
If you will take the wallet and will not tell anyone that it is you who found it; your
conscience, one of the parts of superego (morality principle) is not working
For example, in activities that will increase his arousal level, such as going
intervene your id (pleasure principle) and did not tell your ego (reality principle)
out with friends or watching a car race. that the wallet is not yours.
On the other hand, when arousal level is too high, such as when he is too
anxious or overstressed, he often resorts to engaging in relaxation methods 2 . Psychosexual Stages of Human Development
such as
reading books, getting a massage, or mediating. The most basic human drive present at birth is EROS , the instinct to preserve
and create life. Eros is expressed sexually. Consequently, very early in their
The Optimum Level of Arousal Affects the Following: development, human experience sexuality at every stage, expressed by seeking
(People generally perform their best when arousal level is at moderate pleasure through various parts of the body.
level) -
👨‍💼 According to FREUD (1921 ).
Performance -
Learning -
during the first year of life, the oral stage, a child attains pleasure by sucking and


It is also known as Developmental Theory which suggests that criminal During the second and third year of life, the focus of sexual attention is on the
behavior is a dynamic process influenced by individual characteristics, as elimination of bodily waste the anal stage
well as social experiences, and that the factors that cause antisocial
behavior changes dramatically over a person’s life span PHALLIC STAGE
The phallic stage occurs during the third year when children focus their attention
👨‍💼 Sheldon Glueck (1896-1980), on their genitals.
👩🏾‍💼 Eleanor Touroff-Glueck (18981972),
According to the life-course view, even as toddlers, people begin
Males begin to sexual feelings for their mothers (the Oedipus complex
relationships and behavior that will determine their entire life course.
As children they must learn to conform to social rules and function ELECTRA COMPLEX
effectively in society. Later, they are expected to begin thinking about their girls for their fathers (the Electra complex).
careers, leave their parental homes, find permanent relationships, and
eventually marry and begin their own families. LATENCY
These transitions are expected to be in place in an orderly manner. Some Latency begins at the age of six (6). During this period, feeling s of sexuality are
transitions can occur too early when adolescents engage in precocious repressed until the genital stage begins at puberty; this marks the beginning of
sex. In some way, transitions may occur too late as when a student fails to adult sexuality
graduate because of bad grades or too many incomplete grades.
👨‍💼 According to FREUD
Negative life transitions can become cumulative, that is, as kids acquire
if child meets conflict in any of the psychosexual stages of human development,
more personal deficits, their chances of acquiring additional deficits
he or she can become FIXATED later on in his/her life.
increase. For example, a boy who experiences significant amounts of This means that as an adult, the fixated person will exhibit behavioral traits that
anger in early adolescence is the one more likely to become involved in characterized those encountered during infantile sexual development.
antisocial behavior as a teen and will mature as a depressed adult who
abuses alcohol. For example :
Hence, the theory mainly emphasizes that disruption in transitions can be an infant who does not receive enough oral gratification during the first year of
destructive and can ultimately promote criminality. life is likely to become an adult engaged in such oral behavior as smoking,
However, life course theory also recognizes that as people mature, the drinking or drug abuse (Siegel, 2004).
factors that influence their behavior change. This theory explains that behavioral problems manifested by a certain individual
For example, some antisocial children who are in trouble throughout their can be traced back to his early stage of life.
adolescence may manage to find stable work and maintain intact marriages 2
as adults (Siegel et al., 2007).
This theory is originally created by John B. Watson ALTERNATIVE THEORY
and popularized by Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990) or as B.F. Alternative theory beats the famous saying that says “ opposite charger attract
Skinner. “
While psychologists agree that behavior is controlled by unconscious Alternative theory focuses on assortative mating where female offenders tend
mental processes determined by parental relationships developed early in to cohabit with or get married to male offenders.+123-4567-890
childhood as what Freud believed, others, like Watson and Skinner do not.
In the Dunedin study in New Zealand, which is longitudinal survey of over one
The behavioral theory is concerned with the study of observable behavior
thousand children from age three, Robert F. Krueger and his colleagues
(2010) found that sexual partners tended to be similar in their self-reported
rather than unconscious processes.
antisocial behaviors.
It focuses on particular stimulus and how people respond to that stimulus.
Children with two criminal parents are likely to be disproportionately antisocial.
It also maintains that human actions are developed through learning
experiences, and that behavior is learned when it is rewarded and There are two (2) main classes of explanations concerning why similar people
extinguished by negative reactions or punishment (Siegel, 2004) tend to get married, cohabit, or become sexual partners:
1. Social Homogamy Convicted people tend to choose each other as mates
1. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY because of physical and social proximity; they meet each other in the same
This theory is the branch of behavioral theory most relevant to criminology schools, neighborhoods, clubs, pubs, and so on.
It was created by ALBERT S. BANDURA 1973 2. Phenotypic Assortment - people examine each other’s personality and
behavior and choose partners who are similar to themselves
Canadian psychologist who argued that people are not naturally born with
the ability to act violently but that they learn to be aggressive through their SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES
life experiences. There are three important sociological theories:
Strain Theory
Bandura (1973) believed that violence as something learned through a Control Theories Theory
process called Behavioral Modeling. Aggressive acts are usually modeled
after three (3) principal sources:
FAMILY MEMBERS (Developed by Robert Agnew in 1992)
Bandura reports that children from families where parents show aggressive According to the strain theory people get engaged in crime because they
experience a lot of stress or strain, they become upset and feel negativity
behaviors inside their homes would likely to shoe similar behaviors dealing
around them, and they sometimes get involved or connect with some crime as
with others. -
a result.
For instance, for reducing their financial problems they may steal, end
harassment from others they may involve in violence, escape from abusive
People who reside in areas where violence is a daily occurrence are more
parents they may run away from home or may commit injury to themselves.
likely to act violently than those who dwell in low-crime areas which norm They experience strain or stress, they become upset, and they sometimes
stresses or shows conventional behavior. - engage in crime as a result.

MASS MEDIA Two Major Types of Strain

Films and television shows, which are accessible to people of all ages 1. Others prevents you from achieving your goals, and
and social status, commonly depict violence graphically. Moreover, in 2. Others take things you value or present you with negative or noxious stimuli
mass media, violence is often portrayed as acceptable behavior,
especially for heroes who never have to face legal consequences for SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY
their actions (Siegel, 2004) According to social learning theory, people engage in crime because they
learn to involve in crime through their friends, and others
COGNITIVE THEORY They learn that they are favorable to crime and get exposed to criminal
This theory is a branch of psychology that studies the perception of reality models
and the mental process required to understand the world we live According to this theory, juveniles learn to involve in crime in the same way as
It focuses on mental processes the way people perceive and mentally they learn through association with others.
represents the world around them
Most Social Learning Theory involves the three mechanisms by which every
Adolescents who use information properly, who are better conditioned to
individual learns to involve in crime: differential reinforcement, modeling, and
make reasoned judgments

Differential pillars of crime:

People may guide others to get involved in crime through the support and
is the Swiss psychologist who was the first to make a systematic study of the punishments they provide for behavior. More probably, crime occurs when
acquisition of understanding in children based on his Cognitive Developmental there is:
Theory. o Frequently reinforced and infrequently punished,
He 4 stages (Siegel., 2007) o Reinforcement in large amount (for instance, a lot of money or social
o More likely to be reinforced as the alternative behavior.
Stage Age Range Description
SENSORIMOTOR Beliefs favorable to crime:
0-2 years Other people not only reinforce our crime, in fact, they also teach us beliefs
Coordination of senses with motor response, sensory curiosity about the favorable to crime. Most individuals are taught that crime is bad or wrong.
world. Language used for demands and cataloguing. Object performance They, at last, accept this belief, and they are less predicted to be captured in
developed. crime as a result.

PRE OPERATIONAL The copying of criminal models:

Behavior or manner is not a part of reinforcements and punishments, and
2-7 years
beliefs, and individuals receive, but also of the behavior of those who are
Symbolic thinking, use of proper syntax and grammar to express full
around them. Particularly, every individual often models the behavior of
concepts. Imagination and intuition are strong, but complex abstract
others- especially when they like or respect others and have reason to believe
thought still difficult. Conservation developed
that copying their behavior or manner will result in reinforcement.

7-11 years
Unlike the theorists of strain and social learning, control theorists take crime
Concepts attached to concrete situations. Times, space, and quantity are for granted.
understood and can be applied, but not as independent concepts. They argued that every person has some needs and desires that can be
easily fulfilled through the crime as compared to legal channels. For instance,
FORMAL OPERATIONAL it is much easier to steal money instead of doing work for it.
11+ For instance, it is much easier to steal money instead of doing work for it.
Theoretical, hypothetical, and counterfactual thinking. Abstract logic and Therefore, according to the control theorists, a special explanation is not
reasoning. Strategy and planning become possible. Concepts learned in needed for crime; it is often the most convenient way to get whatever one
one context can be applied to another wants.
Blue-collar criminals usually have limited education and limited labor marketplace Terms like demons, witches and windigo were used for people who had
ability turned criminals. The society thought that it happened due to evil influence.
These features describe the poor employment records and the low real earnings of Supernatural powers were considered the best explanation behind crime and
most criminals sin. +123-4567-890
These kinds of issues originally cause economists to analyze the relations
between wages and unemployment amount on crime.
Most recently economists have also examined the benefits and rates of
It was the pain/pleasure view of human behavior: that human sought to gain
educational programs to reduce crime.
pleasure and avoid pain. Beccaria and Bentham believed that people acted on
THEORY OF CRIME PROBLEMS the principle of free will: they made a choice of what behavior to indulge in and
therefore should suffer the consequences if caught in criminal acts.
The Crime Triangle (also known as the problem analysis triangle) comes straight
Classical theory in criminology has its roots in the theories of the 18th century
out of one of the main theories of environmental criminology Routine Activity
Italian nobleman and economist, Cesare Beccaria and the English
philosopher and the founder of English utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham.
This was a time in history when punishment for crime was severe in the
Routine Activity Theory" extreme, and both men suggested the theory of utility.
provides a simple and powerful insight into the causes of crime problems. Beccaria and Bentham looked at the causes of criminal and delinquent
At its heart is the idea that in the absence of effective controls, offenders will prey behavior, and began to scientifically explain such deviance.
upon attractive targets. They rejected theories of naturalism and demonology which characterized the
To have a crime, a motivated offender must come to the same place as an European Enlightenment as explanations for these types of behavior.
attractive target. The new theories reflected rationalism and humanitarianism of the philosophy
For property crimes the target is a thing or an object. of the Age of Enlightenment.
For personal crimes the target is a person.
If an attractive target is never in the same place as a motivated offender, the target MAIN PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICAL SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY
will not be taken, damaged, or assaulted. Also, there are controllers whose
presence can prevent crime. If the controllers are absent, or present but 1. Crime is a rational choice, and most people are capable to commit crimes;
powerless, crime is possible. 2. People will commit a crime after they have compared potential costs and
benefits of such actions.
FIRST 3. Most of the people fear punishment, and the certainty, severity and speed of
consider people who are influential in the lives of potential offenders. punishment will have an impact on the level of crime;
In the case of juveniles these might be parents, close relatives, siblings, peers, 4. Punishment needs to fit a crime and individual differences of perpetrators
teachers, coaches, and other similarly placed individuals. should not have an influence on the punishment
5. The criminal justice system needs to be predictable, while laws and
In the case of adults these people may include intimate partners, close friends,
punishments must be known to public.
relatives, and sometimes their children.
These people are called "handlers" in routine activity theory. Crimes will take place
where handlers are absent, weak, or corrupt.
Explanations of positivist theory were deterministic. Lombroso was influenced
by Darwinian principles of evolution and used these ideas to support a thesis
on inferiority or criminals. Positivist theory of crime implemented the idea of
Next, consider targets or victims. social Darwinism that individuals or groups develop certain physical and
Guardians try to protect targets from the theft and damage and potential victims psychological attributes, which allow them to function more efficiently in the
from attack and assault. social and natural environment.
Formal guardians include the police, security guards, and others whose job is to Theories which existed before positivist theory of crime were phrenology and
protect people and property from crime. physiognomy theories.
Informal guards include neighbors, friends, and others who happen to be in the
same place as the attractive target. 👨‍💼 JOHANN LAVATER
Parents, teachers, peers and others close to potential victims are also potential the physiognomist, thought that the shape of the skull and some facial
guardians. features had an impact on a human behavior and actions.
A target with an effective guardian is less likely to be attacked by a potential Later, positivist theorist of crime Cesare Lombroso took Lavaters ideas and
offender than a target without a guardian. began exploring other physical traits of a body.
If the guardian is absent, weak, or corrupt little protection is provided the target. Lombroso, the criminal anthropologist, not only researched the facial features
and the shape of the skull, but also social conditions of individual like
FINALLY unemployment and medical history of illnesses
Finally, consider places, someone owns every location and ownership confers
certain rights to regulate access to the site and behaviors of people using the site.
The owner and the agents of the owner (e.g., employee) look after the place and
Neoclassical crime theory is a continuation of classical crime theory
the people using the place.
Not all perpetrators should be treated in the same fashion, because the
Owners and their agents are called place managers.
evident differences exist among them.
Place managers control the behavior of offenders and potential victims.
Examples of place manager include merchants, life guards, parking lot attendants,
recreations and park workers, janitors, and motel clerks. CLASSICAL SCHOOL
In the presence of an effective place manager, crime is less likely to happen than was wholly concern with an explanation of crime
when the manager is absent, weak or corrupt Classical crime theory completely concentrated on the criminal act

All of the people in this theory use tools to help accomplish their criminal or crime
control objectives. NEO CLASSICAL CRIME THEORY
Tools that gang members use may include spray paint cans, guns, and cars. saw some flaws in Beccarias theory.
Offender without access to tools are less likely to be able to escape handlers,
enter unauthorized places, and overcome victims, guardians, and managers. POSITIVIST
Guardians may use light, CCTV to increase surveillance, engraving devices to crime theory concentrated on the perpetrator
mark property, and other devices to help reduce the chances of victimization. Positivist was obsessed with behavior prediction and classicist with a crime
Place managers can use gates, fences, signs and other tool to regulate conduct. explanation
With effective tools, handlers, victims, guardians, and managers will have a greater
chance of keeping crimes from occurring.
The tools used are often highly specific to the crime in question. CONFLICT THEORY
The tools an offender needs for burglary (e.g., a screw driver) are likely to be Conflict theory is a theory propounded by Karl Marx that claims society is in a
different from those needed for a robbery (e.g., a gun), for example. state of perpetual conflict due to competition for limited resources.
It holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than
consensus and conformity.
According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by
any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.
It is the study of demons or belief about demons, especially the methods used to
summon and control them. The original sense of "demon" from the time of Homer
Marxs conflict theory focused on the conflict between two primary classes.
onward, was a benevolent being, but in English, the name now holds connotations
of malevolence. BOURGEOISIE
Demons are believed to be human or nonhuman, separable soul, or discarnate The bourgeoisie represents the members of society who hold the majority of
spirits which have never inhabited a body. the wealth and means.
Demonology is one of the earliest theories in criminology.
In the ancient times, people believed that evil spirits or demons entered human PROLETARIAT
body to commit sins ( This was the earliest explanation given regarding crime and 2 The proletariat includes those considered working class or poor.
criminal behavior )
In understanding conflict theory, competition between social classes plays There are many positive feelings in this world, and understanding those positive feelings
a key part. is very important to every individual.
Positive feelings are one of the core elements to have in your life to enjoy well-being and
The following are four primary assumptions of modern conflict theory:

1. COMPETITION +123-4567-890
List of top 20 positive feeling words representing positive feelings and emotions!

Competition over scarce resources (money, leisure, sexual partners, and so on) is at
the heart of all social relationships. Joy comes from experiences which are delightful and memorable when you feel that
Competition rather than consensus is characteristic of human relationships. everything is right and when you feel happy, safe, satisfied, and comfortable. It is a
feeling of great happiness and pleasure that lifts up spirit
Inequalities in power and reward are built into all social structures.
Every human being has the desire to learn new things, see new places.
Individuals and groups that benefit from any particular structure strive to see it
Humans are curious and eager to explore, and the feeling of interests comes from that
maintained. curiosity.
When you feel interested in something, a person, or place, or else, you instantly become
3. REVOLUTION more open to the adventure and experiences, you discover and learn.
Change occurs as a result of conflict between social classes competing interests
rather than through adaptation. SERENITY
It is often abrupt and revolutionary rather than evolutionary. In many ways, serenity is similar to joy, because you feel that everything is right and that
feeling is followed by the tranquility and peace of mind.
It means being in the state where you feel relaxed
4. WAR
Even a war is a unifier of the societies involved, as well as war may set an end to HOPE
whole societies. At certain moment in life, you may experience some problems, and feeling the hope
means you know all those issues are not permanent ones, it means you feel and believe
( CRIMINOLOGY THEORIES OF CRIMW : OVERVIEW OF CRIMINOLOGY things will change for the better, and the future is bright and beautiful.
The Five Key Principles of Classical School of Criminology GRATITUDE
Gratitude is about appreciation, for certain things and people you have in your life, such
1. RATIONALITY as good health, great friends and family members, the talents you might possess,
fortune, fame, and more, and being thankful for it.
The classical school assumes that people have free will and that they choose to
commit crimes. For example, if John decides to steal some candy at the store, he is KINDNESS
not forced to, based on some pre-destiny. Kindness often involves affection, and warmth and this emotion is about being
He chooses to steal that candy. considerate, being generous and friendly to other people.
Not only that, he thinks about it beforehand and says to himself, This is the rational
thinking that goes into his planning to commit a crime. SURPRISE (PLEASANT)
When you do not expect a certain event to happen, and if the event happens, which is
2. HEDONISM not only unexpected but is pleasurable and desirable you will be pleasantly surprised.
The classical also assumes that people seek pleasure and try to avoid pain.
For example, when John looks at the candy in the store, he thinks about how it will Feeling cheerful means, you are in the state of mind which is positive, it means you are
bring him pleasure, so he steals it. optimistic and happy.

Remember how we said that a key idea was the idea of hedonism, where people Believing that you can do something, that you can
seek pleasure and try to avoid pain? Well, that informs punishment, according to the
classical school.
When you feel positive about people who are skillful, talented and exceptional is
For example, if John thinks about stealing the candy and realizes that he could go to
something you will admire those people.
jail for it, he might not steal it because he will be trying to avoid the pain of jail.
Admiration is a positive social emotion.
In this way, the classical school of criminology believes that punishment works as a
deterrent to crime. ENTHUSIASM
Enthusiasm is the emotion you will feel when you are extremely excited about something
4. HUMAN RIGHTS when are very interested in something.
John has learned that before the classical school of criminology, punishments could
be very harsh indeed. EUPHORIA
This emotion is something you will feel when you are simply overwhelmed with an
It was not uncommon to torture someone who was only suspected to a crime, and
experience that involves a great joy.
the punishments once convicted could be horrifying.
For instance, you may be euphoric when your favorite football team is winning a game.
According to the classical school of criminology, all individuals have rights, and
society needs to respect the rights of individual. SATISFACTION
That means that they should not torture or institute punishment that is unreasonably Is the emotion you will usually feel after you fulfill a certain desire or need you had but
harsh. you can also feel satisfied when you help someone with something.
For example, if John gets caught stealing the candy, we would not expect that his
punishment would involve cutting his hands off. PRIDE
That seems a little extreme! Is the emotion that comes from feeling important and exalted for the things you achieved
or the things you currently do.
When you achieve something great, which is considered as valuable in social terms, you
will be proud of that achievement.
The idea of due process is that people accused of a crime are considered innocent Feeling proud has the positive impact on selfconfidence.
until proven guilty, and that they have the chance to go to trial and face the judicial
If John was accused of stealing a candy and then just turn in jail without a trial, that Is the emotion you will feel when you are satisfied and happy when your mind is at ease.
would be a violation of his right to undergo due process.
CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS by LOMBROSO Feeling inspired comes from the uplifting the experience which basically takes your
breath away, such as watching a sunset which is simply perfect being the witness of an
excellence and more.
Essentially, Lombroso believed that criminality was inherited and that criminals could AMUSEMENT
be identified by physical defects that confirmed them as being atavistic or savage. Life is full of humor, funny stories and jokes, and funny and playful experiences that will
A thief, for example, could be identified by his expressive face, manual dexterity, and make you laugh so hard, and in those moments, you will feel completely amused.
small, wandering eyes
2. CRIMINAL BY PASSION When experiencing or doing something you like, when simply taking a pleasure in
something, means you enjoy it.
A crime committed while in the throes of passion, with no opportunity to reflect on
It is a feeling of pleasure.
what is happening and what the person is about to do.
For example, a husband who discovers his wife in bed with a lover and who attacks AWE
and kills the lover in a blind rage has committed a crime of passion. Is something that happens when you see or experience something truly powerful and
Because the husband has been overcome with emotion, he lacks the specific intent great, and when you are completely stunned by all that greatness.
o kill, which is necessary for conviction of murder. For instance, it may come from seeing things such as an impressive work of art,
If a jury believes that he acted in the heat of passion, they will convict him only of beautiful sunset, or Niagara waterfalls, Grand Canyon, an amazing beach covered in
manslaughter, which does not require intent to kill. white sand

Note :
The list of the top 20 positive feelings and emotions is random, but the fact is, love is
The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to without any doubt the most frequent positive feeling.
manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally 2 Moreover, love is the emotion that includes many other
charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.
is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something 7 . SUBSTANCE RELATED AND ADDICTIVE DISORDERS
you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Substance-related disorders are those that involve the use and abuse of different
Anger can be a good thing. substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates and alcohol.
It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivates These disorders may include substance-induced conditions that can result in many
you to find solutions to problems.
associated diagnoses including intoxication, withdrawal, and the emergence of
But excessive anger can cause problems. psychosis, anxiety and delirium.
Increased blood pressure and other physical changes associated with anger
make it difficult to think straight and harm your physical and mental health Substance-Related Disorders:
Types of Anger Disorder
ALCOHOL RELATED DISORDERS involve the consumption of alcohol, the most
widely used (and frequently overused) drug in the United States
CANNABIS-REPATED DISOREERS - include symptoms such as using more than
PASSIVE ANGER originally intended, feeling unable to stop using the drug, and continuing to use
People experiencing passive anger may not even realize they are angry. despite adverse effects in one’s life.
When you experience passive anger, your emotions may be displayed as INHALANT USE DISORDER - involves inhaling fumes from things such as paints
sarcasm, apathy or meanness. or solvents. As with other substance-related disorders, people with this condition
You may participate in selfdefeating behaviors such as skipping schools or experience cravings for the substance and find it difficult to control or stop engaging
work, alienating friends and family, or performing poorly in professional or in the behavior.
social situations. STIMULANG DISORDER is a new category now found in the DSM-5 that involves
To outsiders, it will look like you are intentionally sabotaging yourself, although the use of stimulants such as meth, amphetamines, and cocaine.
you may not realize it or be able to explain your actions. TABACCO USE DISORDER - is characterized by symptoms such as consuming
more tobacco than intended, difficulty cutting back or quitting, cravings, and
suffering adverse social consequences as a result of tobacco use.
Aggressive Anger Individuals who experience aggressive anger are usually Note :
aware of their emotions, although they do not always understand the true The DSM-5 also include gambling disorder under this qualification.
roots of their life ire. The American Psychiatric Association explains that this change "reflects the
In some cases, they redirect violent anger outburst to scapegoats because it increasing and consistent evidence that some behaviors, such as gambling, activate
is too difficult to deal with the real problems. the brain reward system with effects similar to those of drugs of abuse and that
Aggressive anger often manifests as volatile or retaliatory anger and can gambling disorder symptoms resemble substance use disorders to a certain extent"
result in physical damages to property and other people.
Learning to recognize triggers and manage anger symptoms is essential to 8. PERSONALITY DISORDERS
dealing positively with this form of anger. Personality disorders are characterized by an enduring pattern of maladaptive
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can cause serious detriments to relationships
and other life areas.
What Causes Anger?
A leading cause of anger familial situations, and overwhelming requirements
on your time and energy can all contribute to the formation of anger
with disorders such as alcoholism, anger issues may be more prevalent in ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS
individuals who were raised by chemicals and hormones also play a role in is characterized by a long-standing disregard for rules, social norms, and the rights
how you deal with serotonin, you may find it more difficult to manage your of others.
emotions. People with this disorder typically begin displaying symptoms during childhood,
have difficulty feeling empathy for others, and lack remorse for their destructive
5 . INSANE CRIMINALS behaviors.
Insanity, craziness, or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by
certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.
involves severe social inhibition and sensitivity to rejection.
Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person
Such feelings of insecurity lead to significant problems with the individual’s daily life
becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are
and functioning.
considered insanity; likewise, not all acts showing indifference toward societal
norms are acts of insanity
A criminal defendant who is found to have been legally insane when he or she
is associated with symptoms including emotional instability, unstable and intense
committed a crime may be found not guilty by reason of insanity
interpersonal relationships, unstable self-image, and impulsive behaviors.
mpulse-control disorders are those that involve an inability to control emotions
involves a chronic pattern of fearing separation and excessive need to be taken
and behaviors, resulting in harm to oneself or others.
care of.
These problems with emotional and behavioral regulation are characterized
People with this disorder will often engage in behaviors that are designed to
by actions that violate the rights of others such as destroying property or produce care-giving actions in others.
physical aggression and/or those that conflict with societal norms, authority
is associated with patterns of extreme emotionality and attentionseeking behaviors.
Types of Impulse-Control Disorders: People with this condition feel uncomfortable in settings where they are not the
center of attention, have rapidly changing emotions, and may engage in socially
KLEPTOMANIA inappropriate behaviors designed to attract attention from others.
Involves an inability to control the impulse to steal.
People who have kleptomania will often steal things that they do not really NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISODER
need or that they have no monetary value. is associated with a lasting pattern of exaggerated self-centeredness, and low
Those with this condition experience escalating tension prior to committing a empathy.
theft and feel relief and gratification afterwards. People with this condition tend to be more interested in themselves than with
involves fascination with fire that results in acts of fire-starting that endanger OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER
the self and others. is a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, inflexibility,
and mental and interpersonal control. This is a different condition than obsessive
is characterized by brief outburst of anger and violence that are out proportion
People with this disorder may erupt into angry outbursts or violent actions in is characterized by a distrust of others, even family, friends, and romantic partners.
response to everyday annoyance or disappointments. People with this disorder perceive others intentions as malevolent, even without any
evidence or justification.


is a condition diagnosed in children and adolescents under the age of 18 who involves symptoms that include being detached from social relationships.
regularly violate social norms and the rights of others. People with this disorder are directed toward their inner lives and are often
Children with this disorder display aggression toward people and animals, indifferent to relationships.
destroy property, steal and deceive, and violate other rules and laws. . They generally display a lack of emotional expression and can appear cold and
begins prior to the age of 18 and is characterized by defiance, irritability, SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER
anger, aggression, and vindictiveness. features eccentricities in speech, behaviors, appearance, and thought.
While all kids defiantly sometimes, kids with oppositional defiant disorder People with this condition may experience odd beliefs or "magical thinking" and
refuse to comply with adult requests almost all the time and engage in difficulty forming relationship.
behaviors to deliberately annoy others
(From word "criminal" and suffix -oid, meaning criminal-like) is a
person who projects a respectable, upright façade, in an attempt to
conceal a criminal personality. Is a criminology theory that analyzes how a
Unlike ordinary criminals, criminoloids enjoy the respect of society, victims interaction with an offender may
and because they often establish connections with the government +123-4567-890
contribute to the crime being committed.
and the law, they are less likely to meet with opposition.
Due to respectable standing, they generally enjoy greater The theory is most commonly associated with
prosperity than the average criminal, and have an automatic crimes like homicide, rape, assault, and robbery
advantage over their more conscientious colleagues.
First introduced in 20th century by criminologist
Self-control, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate Marvin Wolfgang, in his article entitles Victim
one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations Participated Criminal Homicide.
and impulses. In this theory, Wolfgang describes the victim as
As an executive function, self-control is a cognitive process that is
necessary for regulating one’s behavior in order to achieve specific the first in the homicide drama to use physical
goals. force against his subsequent slayer
Self-control is to delay short term gratification in favor of long-term Under this theory, the victim is viewed an active
outcomes: it is the investment of cognitive, emotional and
behavioral resources to achieve a desired outcome.
participant in the crime.
Self-control often involves resisting temptations and impulses, and
habits often undermine self-control.
Humans are relatively successful at exerting self-control to achieve FIRST , the victim is the participant in the crime
long-term outcomes (Hagger et al., 2009). Self-control is what who acts first;
helps us control our emotions and impulses which enable us to
believe in socially adequate ways (Knoch & Fehr, 2007)
and SECOND, the victim encourages or provokes
the offender to commit the crime. These are the
11. OCCASIONAL CRIMINALS primary components of the victim precipitation
The occasional criminal only performs the act if the opportunity
occurs in his/her routine of daily life.
Example, someone is walking by a car and it happens to be
unlocked and the person notices they might take the car stereo
Most crime committed by amateurs whose acts are unskilled, and Cain and Abel are having a drink at the local
unplanned. tavern. Abel owes Cain money, and as the night
Usually occurs when there is a situational inducement. progresses, Cain becomes increasingly agitated
with Abels failure to pay his debt. Finally, Cain
12. PSEUDO CRIMINALS snaps he shouts at Abel from across the bar, and
These persons are not true criminals. then charges at him, brandishing a pistol. He fires
They have neither any inborn tendency towards crime nor they are
a shot toward Abel, barely missing his head. Abel
under the influence of any bad crime-inducing habit nor still they
like committing crime. pulls a knife and stabs Cain to death as the two
If anything, they are averse to crime. wrestles on the floor.
But if they still do something criminal this is on account of acute
pressure of circumstances which leaves them with no choice. Note :
For example, a bank employee who somehow incurs heavy debts
Victim precipitation theory also relates to
may remove some money from bank with the hope of replacing it
soon. interactions that make a victim susceptible to
Similarly, a man in foreign land deprived of his mate for many crime. This application of theory is known as
months may visit a prostitute. victim facilitation, and concerns situations where
Army men during wars may feel compelled to rape or commit some
other sex offense. a victims negligence or carelessness makes them
more vulnerable to criminal conduct.

Means evolutionary throwback. This term emerged during the MEASURES THAT CAN BE TAKEN TO CURB CRIMINAL
1870s in the Italian school of criminology. ACTIVITIES
During this time, criminology studies were largely an extension of it is important to formulate techniques and curb (
medical studies, based on the observable physical and anatomical
pigilan ) crime altogether before it gets out of
characteristics that made these individuals different from others.
These physical traits were correlated to earlier humans, long before hand
humans learned that living together in societies was beneficial to They ought to execute effective and efficient
their survival.
crime prevention techniques in their capacity as a
The physical characteristics, such as flat noses, large lips, strong
jaw lines, and thick, coarse hair, were all attributed to a person’s leader of the people so as to ensure there is
propensity to commit crime because these characteristics were harmony in society
noted of persons who had already been convicted of crimes –
Some measures that can be taken to curb
specifically prisoners.
criminal activities are mentioned below.
a person whose biological features and socialization skills are far
behind the times of the present day. 2

Notes compiled and edited by:

crmgst. Daiselyn A. Dasig

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