Emergency Equipment-2

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aircraft is e ~rgency' the
fighting, oxqu~ped with fire
equipment:g n and first aid
throughout t:eell placed
cabin. cockpit and the
@ (!) (V 4

- - - - - - - - - - - - Tilo.
equipped with fire fighting, oxygen and •
first aid equipments well placed
throughout the cockpit and the cabin.
An emergency lighting
system provides internal and
external illumination when all
other electrical power sources
are no longer available.
In case of emergency, the aircrafi is ecuipped with fire fighting, oxygen and first aid ecUipments well placed
throughout the cockpit and the cabin.
An emergency lighting system provides internal and external illumination when all other electrical power
sources are no longer available.
The oxygen equipment system is divided in two parts:
• a fixed system to supply cockpit crew members and passengers,
In case of emergency, the aircrafi is ecuipped with fire fighting, oxygen and first aid ecUipments well placed
throughout the cockpit and the cabin.
An emergency lighting system provides internal and external illumination when all other electrical power
sources are no longer available.
The oxygen ecuipment system is divided in two parts:
a fixed system to supply cockpit crew members and passengers,
• and a portable oxygen system to supply cabin crew members.
Other equipments are dlspatched in the cabin and the coc k PI•t

It consist~lof~ire extinguishers,

•• porta~
protective breathing equipments,
smoke goggles,


• fire gloves,
• first aid kit,
• crash axe,
• megaphone,
• flash lights,
• and life vests.
FL 250
Flight Crew oxygen needed
25 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft


" lr"
The regulatio n requirements for aircraft certified to fly at altitudes not
excee~ng25~00ftaretosupp~~oxygenfuefi~ht~ewmembe~the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
entire flight time when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 10,000 ft,

FL 250
Flight Crew oxygen needed
25 000 ft

FL 130

l- ~
13 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft

4mn 30 mn

The regulation requirements lor aircraft certified to fly at a~itudes not exceeding 25,000 ft are to supply in oxygen the ftight crew members the entire ftight time when the cabin pressure anitude exceeds 10,000 ft,
and to supply the enti re flight time between 1 0,000 ft and 13,000 ft cabin pressure altitudes for all cabin crew members and for at least 10% of the passengers if the aircraft is able to descent
safely within 4 minutes to a cabin pressure altitude of 13,000 ft w ith a minimum of 30 m inutes.
Cabin Crew oxygen supply

------------------------------------------------------- T~
The regulation requirements for aircraft certified to fly at a~itudes not exceeding 25,000 It are to supply
1n oxygen the Hight crew members the entire Hight time wtlen the cabm pressure a~ttude exceeds
10,000ft, Flight Crew and Passengers oxygen supply
and to supply the entire Hight time between 10,000 It and 13,000 It cabin pressure a~itudes for all
cabin crew members and for at least 10% of the passengers if the aircraft is able to descent safely
within 4 minutes to a cabin pressure a~itude of 13,000 It with a minimum of 30 minutes.
To comply with these requirements, the aircraft is equipped with a fixed oxygen
system to supply the flight crew members and the passengers. Cabin crew
members disposes of portable oxygen bottles which will be threated in the
Cabin Emergency Equipment module.
Standard configuration Optional configuration

Optional configuration

~==============================~------------~ T~
The regulation reqUirements for aircraft certified to fly at a~1tudes not exceeding 25,000 ft are to supply m
oxygen the flight crew members the entire fiight time when the cabin pressure a~itude exceeds 10,000 ft,
and to supply the entire flight time between 10,000 ft and 13,000 ft cabin pressure a~itudes for all cabin crew
members and for at least 10% of the passengers if the aircraft is able to descent safely within 4 minutes to a
cabin pressure a~itude of 13,000 ft with a minimum of 30 minutes.
To comply with these requirements, the aircraft is eqUipped with a fixed oxygen system to supply the Hight crew
members and the passengers. Cabin crew members disposes of portable oxygen bottles which will be threated
in the Cabin Emergency Equipment module.
Basically the A TR has been designed to supply 25% of the passengers. The specific
30% or 100% of passengers oxygen supply is subject to options.
Standard configuration Optional configuration

Optional configuration

~==============================~------------~ T~
The regulation reqUirements for aircraft certified to fly at a~1tudes not exceeding 25,000 ft are to supply m
oxygen the flight crew members the entire fiight time when the cabin pressure a~itude exceeds 10,000 ft,
and to supply the entire flight time between 10,000 ft and 13,000 ft cabin pressure a~itudes for all cabin crew
members and for at least 10% of the passengers if the aircraft is able to descent safely within 4 minutes to a
cabin pressure a~itude of 13,000 ft with a minimum of 30 minutes.
To comply with these requirements, the aircraft is eqUipped with a fixed oxygen system to supply the Hight crew
members and the passengers. Cabin crew members disposes of portable oxygen bottles which will be threated
in the Cabin Emergency Equipment module.
Basically the A TR has been designed to supply 25% of the passengers. The specific
30% or 100% of passengers oxygen supply is subject to options.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
The fixed oxygen system is composed of 3 subsystems:
• the oxygen storage and supply,

Oxygen Storage and Supply

Crew Oxygen Distribution
(Pilots and Observer)

----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
The fixed oxygen system 1s composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
• the flight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,

Oxygen Storage and Supply

Passenger Oxygen

Crew Oxygen Distribution

(Pilots and Observer)

----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
The fixed oxygen system 1s composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
the ftight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,
• the passenger oxygen distribution.
Oxygen Storage and Supply
The fixed oxygen system is composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
• the ftight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,
• the passenger oxygen distribution.
Tlle oxygen is stored in a cylinder of 2182 liters (77.1 cu.ft} capacity located in the flight
deck behind the Captain seat.
The fixed oxygen system is composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
• the ftight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,
• the passenger oxygen distribution.
The oxygen is stored in a cylinder of 21821iters (77.1 cu.ft) capacity located in the Hight deck behind the
Captain seat.
A pressure regulator reduces the oxygen pressure from the nominal1850 PSI to 78 PSI
to be delivered in the distribution system. It is fitted w ith a transmiter to enable a
monitoring of the oxygen pressure.
The fixed oxygen system is composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
• the ftight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,
• the passenger oxygen distribution.
The oxygen is stored in a cylinder of 21821iters (77.1 cu.ft) capacity located in the Hight deck behind the
Captain seat.
A pressure regulator reduces the oxygen pressure from the nominal 1850 PSI to 78 PSI to be delivered in the
distributton system. ~ is fitted with a transmiter to enable a monitoring of the oxygen pressure.
In case of overpressure, the oxygen is discharged outside the aircraft by a safety
circuit equipped with an overboard discharge indicator.
The fixed oxygen system is composed of 3 subsystems:
the oxygen storage and supply,
• the ftight crew oxygen distribution for pilots and observer,
• the passenger oxygen distribution.
The oxygen is stored in a cylinder of 21821iters (77.1 cu.ft) capacity located in the Hight deck behind the
Captain seat.
A pressure regulator reduces the oxygen pressure from the nominal 1850 PSI to 78 PSI to be delivered in the
distributaon system. ~ is fitted with a transmiter to enable a monitoring of the oxygen pressure.
In case of overpressure, the oxygen is discharged outside the aircraft by a safety circuit equipped with an
overboard discharge indicator.
It is possible to refill the oxygen bottle through a refilling port located in the cargo
compartment on the electronical rack bottom.

A crew feed stop valve enables the distribution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arnves in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
2 4

A crew feed stop valve enables the distribution system to be supplied or cut off.

A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:


A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,


A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,

A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,

A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure sw itch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.

A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure switch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.
A passenger feed stop valve enables the passenger distribution system to be supplied
or cut off.

A crew feed stop valve enables the d1stnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure switch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.
A passenger feed stop valve enables the passenger distribution system to be supplied
or cut off.

A crew feed stop valve enables the distnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure switch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.
A passenger feed stop valve enables the passenger distribution system to be supplied or cut off.
Pressure is then released to the oxygen pressure regulator which regulate the flow of
oxygen in each passenger mask.

A crew feed stop valve enables the distnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure switch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.
A passenger feed stop valve enables the passenger distribution system to be supplied or cut off.
Pressure is then released to the oxygen pressure regulator which regulate the flow of
oxygen in each passenger mask.


A crew feed stop va~e enables the distnbution system to be supplied or cut off.
Then oxygen arrives in a distributor manifold which is connected to:
• the 3 Flight Crew quick donning oxygen masks,
• and the passenger distribution system,
A pressure switch ensures the oxygen system pressure monitoring.
A passenger feed stop va~e enables the passenger distribution system to be supplied or cut off.
Pressure is then released to the oxygen pressure regulator which regulate the flow of oxygen in each passenger
The passenger oxygen masks are located in 17 modules above the cabin seats.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three quick donning oxygen masks are provided i n the cockpit for both pilots and for
the observer. They are stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three quick donning oxygen masks are provided i n the cockpit for both pilots and for
the observer. They are stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three quick donning oxygen masks are provided i n the cockpit for both pilots and for
the observer. They are stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three quick donning oxygen masks are provided i n the cockpit for both pilots and for
the observer. They are stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three quick donning oxygen masks are provided i n the cockpit for both pilots and for
the observer. They are stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
Inflatable harness

Sealing pad

Microphone Plastic face

(attached on regulator in mask)

Oxygen regulator

Oxygen mask

----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three qu1ck donmng oxygen masks are provtded m the cockpit for both pilots and for the observer. They are Oxygen + radio
stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
It is an oral-nasal mask comprising a plastic face piece with a comfortable silicone
equipped tubes
compound sealing pad covered with a high-quality elastomer.
The mask is equipped with a ventilation system for utilization with smoke goggles.


Inflatable harness

Sealing pad

Microphone Plastic face

(attached on regulator in mask)

Oxygen regulator

Oxygen mask

----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three qu1ck donmng oxygen masks are provtded m the cockpit for both pilots and for the observer. They are Oxygen + radio
stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
nis an ora~nasal mask comprising a plastic Face piece with a comfortable silicone compound sealing pad equipped tubes
covered with a high~uality elastomer.
The mask is equipped with a ventilation system for utilization with smoke goggles.
The harness inflation is carried out by action on the right clip.

Inflatable harness

Sealing pad

Microphone Plastic face

(attached on regulator in mask)

Oxygen regulator

Oxygen mask

----------------------------------------------------------~ T~
Three qu1ck donmng oxygen masks are provtded m the cockpit for both pilots and for the observer. They are Oxygen + radio
stowed in a box for direct operation in case of emergency.
nis an ora~nasal mask comprising a plastic Face piece with a comfortable silicone compound sealing pad equipped tubes
covered with a high~uality elastomer.
The mask is equipped with a ventilation system for utilization with smoke goggles.
The harness inflation is earned out by action on the right clip.
It is also equipped with an oxygen supply hose associated to a microphone connection.
The microphone is attached on the oxygen regulator, inside the mask.

Oxygen Control Panel

------------------------------------------------- T~
Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control
panel located on the overhead panel,
------------------------------------------------- T~
Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control panel located on
the overhead panel,
and also through the MFD so Cabin page.
On this page, oxygen system is represented on the t op left by a bottle
with a vertical tube and two distributi on pipes along it for the crew and
passenger supply.
Oxygen Control Panel

------------------------------------------------- T~
f{o.s 1.s \
Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control panel located on
the overhead panel,
and also through the MFD SO Cabin page.
l.-o HP""il
On th1s page, oxygen system 1s represented on the top left by a bottle w1th a vert1cal tube
and two distribution pipes along it for the crew and passenger supply.
A High Pressure indicator allows the control of the oxygen bottle
It is displayed in thousand of PSI and the scale is marked by 2 colors
arcs: HP indicator
Oxygen Control Panel

------------------------------------------------- T~
Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control panel located on
the overhead panel, Red arc : 0 to 85 PSI
and also through the MFD SO Cabin page.
On th1s page, oxygen system 1s represented on the top left by a bottle w1th a vert1cal tube
and two distribution pipes along it for the crew and passenger supply.
A High Pressure indicator allows the control of the oxygen bottle pressure
It is displayed in thousand of PSI and the scale is marked by 2 colors arcs:
• a red arc from 0 to 85 PSI,
HP indicator
Oxygen Control Panel

------------------------------------------------- T~
Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control panel located on
the overhead panel, Red arc : 0 to 85 PSI
and also through the MFD SO Cabin page.
On th1s page, oxygen system 1s represented on the top left by a bottle w1th a vert1cal tube
and two distribution pipes along it for the crew and passenger supply.
A High Pressure indicator allows the control of the oxygen bottle pressure
It is displayed in thousand of PSI and the scale is marked by 2 colors arcs:
• a red arc from 0 to 85 PSI,
HP indicator
Oxygen Control Panel

Pressure < 1400 PSI

Check limitations

Oxygen system is controlled and monitored from the OXYGEN control panel located on the overhead panel,
and also through the MFD SO Cabin page.
'On this page, oxygen system is represented on the top left by a bottle with a vertical tube and two distribution
pipes along 1t for the crew and passenger supply.
1.-o HP
A High Pressure indicator allows the control of the oxygen bottle pressure.
~is displayed in thousand of PSI and the scale is marked by 2 colors arcs:
• a red arc from 0 to 85 PSI,
• and a green arc from 85 to 2025 PSI.
Nominal pressure is 1850 PSI. If the preflight pressure is below 1400 PSI, the quantity HP indicator
must be checked to be adequate for the intended flight with the help of the oxygen
System OFF Main Supply OFF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T• Main Supply P/B Oxygen System

The MAIN SUPPLY P/B controls the crew feed stop valve. When the P/B is released,
the valv e is closed and OFF white light illuminates. On the so Cabin page the
representation of the oxygen system is white and pipes empties.
System ON Main Supply ON

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -T• Main Supply P/B Oxygen System

The MAIN SUPPLY P/B controls the crew feed stop valve When the PIB is released, the valve is closed and
OFF white light illuminates. On the SO Cabin page the representation of the oxygen system is white and
pipes empties.
When the P/B is switched depressed, the valve is open, the low pressure oxygen
supplies the cockpit crew oxygen masks.
On the so Cabin, the bottle symbol becomes green and a green arrow appears to
System Fault
Low Pressure Main Supply ON

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T• Main Supply P/B Oxygen System

The MAIN SUPPLY P/B controls the crew feed stop valve When the PIB is released, the valve is closed and
OFF white light illuminates. On the SO Cabin page the representation of the oxygen system is white and
pipes empties.
When the PIB 1s switched depressed, the valve 1s open, the low pressure oxygen supplies the cockpit crew
oxygen masks.
On the SO Cabin, the bottle symbol becomes green and a green arrow appears to CREW.
The LO PR amber light illuminates and FWS is activated when a pressure drop below
50 PSI is detected in the low pressure distribution circuit.
On the SO Cabin, the symbol becomes amber with an amber LO PR flag.
Main Supply ON
System OFF & Pax Supply OFF

--------------------------- T ~ Pax Supply P/8 Oxygen System

The MAIN SUPPLY P/B controls the crew feed stop valve When the PIB is released, the valve is closed and
OFF white light illuminates. On the SO Cabin page the representation of the oxygen system is white and pipes
When the PIB 1s switched depressed, the valve 1s open, the low pressure oxygen supplies the cockpit crew
oxygen masks.
On the SO Cabin, the bottle symbol becomes green and a green arrow appears to CREW.
The LO PR amber light illuminates and FWS is activated when a pressure drop below 50 PSI is detected in
the low pressure distribution circuit.
'On the SO Cabin, the symbol becomes amber with an amber LO PR ftag. / r
The PAX SUPPLY P/B allows the cont rol of the passenger supply valve. When the P/B
is released the valve is closed and it is represented by an empty pipe without arrow
on the oyxgen representation.
Main Supply ON
System ON & Pax Supply ON

Oxygen System
The MAIN SUPPLY P/B controls the crew feed stop valve. When the P/B is released, the valve is closed and
OFF white light illuminates. On the SO Cabin page the representation of the oxygen system is white and pipes representation
When the P/B is switched depressed, the valve is open, the low pressure oxygen supplies the cockpit crew
oxygen masks.
On the SO Cabin, the bottle symbol becomes green and a green arrow appears to CREW.
The LO PR amber light Illuminates and FWS 1s activated when a pressure drop below 50 PSI is detected in the
low pressure distribution circuit.
On the SO Cabin, the symbol becomes amber with an amber LO PR ftag
The PAX SUPPLY P/B allows the control of the passenger supply valve. When the P/B is released the valve is /
closed and it is represented by an empty pipe without arrow on the oyxgen representation.
When the P/8 is depressed, the passenger supply valve opens and a ON green light
arrow appears to PAX on the SO Cabin oxygen represen:
io:n~·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ j __________________...---...--~
Main Supply ON
& Pax Supply ON
System ON with low pressure

The MAIN SUPPLYPI B controls the crew feed stop valve. When the P/B 1s released, the valve 1s closed and OFF Pax Supply P/8 Oxygen System
white light illuminates. On the SO Cabin page the representation of the oxygen system is white and pipes empties. representation
When the P/B is switched depressed, the valve is open, the low pressure oxygen supplies the cockpit crew oxygen
On the SO Cabin, the bottle symbol becomes green and a green arrow appears to CREW.
The LO PR amber light illuminates and FWS is activated when a pressure drop below 50 PSI is detected in the low
pressure distribution circuit
On the SO Cabin, the symbol becomes amber with an amber LO PR flag.
The PAX SUPPLYPIB allows the control of the passenger supply valve. When the P/B is released the valve is
closed and it is represented by an empty pipe without arrow on the oyxgen representation.
When the P/B IS depressed, the passenger supply valve opens and a ON green light illuminates
/ ,.
A blue arrow appears to PAX on the SO Cabin oxygen representation.
In the event of a low pressure detected while t he passengers are supplied, the PAX arrow
becomes also amber.
The cockpit crew oxygen masks are q uick donning inflatable harness type. They are
stowed in a container at each crew station.
The cockpit crew oxygen masks are quick donning ~nftatable harness type. They are stowed in a container at each
crew station.
/0 Oxygen flow

On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen flow and Blinker

black when no flow.

• No oxygen f low
• Oxygen flow test

The cockpit crew oxygen masks are quick donning ~nftatable harness type. They are stowed in a container at each
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no now.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressed, allows the oxygen flow test into the mask without
removing it from its container.
• N position : diluted oxygen
• 100% position : pure oxygen

The cockpit crew oxygen masks are quick donning ~nftatable harness type. They are stowed in a container at each
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no now.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressed, allows the oxygen How test into the mask without removing it from its
When the mask is deployed it also allows the boomset microphone reactivation for communication
On the oxygen mask, a N/ 100% rocker switch controls the type of oxygen flow delivered.
N corresponds to an air I oxygen dilution w hile 100% configuration enables to deliver pure
oxygen without overpressure.
100% position is the normal required position, it could be lock by a rocker switch
depending on the oxygen mask type.
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no How.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressec, allows the oxygen How test into the mask without removing it from its
When the mask is deployec it also allows the boomset microphone reactivation for communication
On the oxygen mask, a N/100% rocker switch controls the type of oxygen How deliverec. N corresponds to an air I
oxygen dilution while 100% configuration enables to deliver pure oxygen without overpressure.
100% posttlon is the normal requirec pos1t1on, it could be lock by a rocker swttch depending on the oxygen mask
An EMERGENCY knob, activates the pressurization of the oxygen mask delivery flow
provided the N/100% rocker switch is in the 100% position. The rotation of the selector in
the direction of the arrow gradually increases the delivery pressure.
knob is depressec, unstable position, a temporary overpressure is perfo:rm:ec:·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J._____________
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no How.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressec, allows the oxygen How test into the mask without removing it from its
When the mask is deployec it also allows the boomset microphone reactivation for communication
On the oxygen mask, a N/100% rocker switch controls the type of oxygen How deliverec. N corresponds to an air I
oxygen dilution while 100% configuration enables to deliver pure oxygen without overpressure.
100% posttlon is the normal requirec pos1t1on, it could be lock by a rocker swttch depending on the oxygen mask
An EMERGENCY knob, activates the pressurization of the oxygen mask delivery flow
provided the N/100% rocker switch is in the 100% position. The rotation of the selector in
the direction of the arrow gradually increases the delivery pressure.
knob is depressec, unstable position, a temporary overpressure is perfo:rm:ec:·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J._____________
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no How.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressec, allows the oxygen How test into the mask without removing it from its
When the mask is deployec it also allows the boomset microphone reactivation for communication
On the oxygen mask, a N/100% rocker switch controls the type of oxygen How deliverec. N corresponds to an air I
oxygen dilution while 100% configuration enables to deliver pure oxygen without overpressure.
100% posttlon is the normal requirec pos1t1on, it could be lock by a rocker swttch depending on the oxygen mask
An EMERGENCY knob, activates the pressurization of the oxygen mask delivery How provided the N/100% rocker
switch is in the 100% position. The rotation of the selector in the direction of the arrow gradually increases the
delivery pressure.
When the knob is depressed, unstable position, a temporary ove~rp:r~e~s~s~u~r~e~i~s~p~e:rf
m e~d~·---------------~----------
crew station.
On the container, a blinker indicates by a yellow cross when there is oxygen How and black when no How.
A TEST/RESET P/B, when depressec, allows the oxygen How test into the mask without removing it from its
When the mask is deployec it also allows the boomset microphone reactivation for communication
On the oxygen mask, a N/100% rocker switch controls the type of oxygen How deliverec. N corresponds to an air I
oxygen dilution while 100% configuration enables to deliver pure oxygen without overpressure.
100% posttlon is the normal requirec pos1t1on, it could be lock by a rocker swttch depending on the oxygen mask
An EMERGENCY knob, activates the pressurization of the oxygen mask delivery How provided the N/100% rocker
switch is in the 100% position. The rotation of the selector in the direction of the arrow gradually increases the
delivery pressure.
When the knob is depressed, unstable position, a temporary ove~rp:r~e~s~s~u~r~e~i~s~p~e:rf
m e~d~·---------------~----------

MFD -SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF.
MFD -SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY P/B in order to supply the cockpit
oxygen masks.
The oxygen flows through the crew feed stop v alve now opened and
through the distributor manifold to reach the masks.

f);r -[] _L_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY P/B in order to supply the cockpit
oxygen masks.
The oxygen flows through the crew feed stop v alve now opened and
through the distributor manifold to reach the masks.

f !r -[] __J_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY PIB in order to supply the cockpit oxygen masks.
The oxygen ftows through the crew feed stop valve now opened and through the distributor
manifold to reach the masks.
The oxygen mask test consists of depressing and hold the PRESS TO
TEST AND RESET P/B on the box.

f !r -[] __J_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY PIB in order to supply the cockpit oxygen masks.
The oxygen ftows through the crew feed stop valve now opened and through the distributor
manifold to reach the masks.
The oxygen mask test consists of depressing and hold the PRESS TO TEST AND
RESET P/8 on the box
As oxygen flows, the blinker illuminate yellow for a short while then
turn back dark and the oxygen flow can be heard throughout
Release the TEST P/B.

f !r -[] __J_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY PIB in order to supply the cockpit oxygen masks.
The oxygen ftows through the crew feed stop valve now opened and through the distributor
manifold to reach the masks.
The oxygen mask test consists of depressing and hold the PRESS TO TEST AND
RESET P/8 on the box
As oxygen flows, the blinker illuminate yellow for a short while then
turn back dark and the oxygen flow can be heard throughout
Release the TEST P/B.

f) -[] ~ ... FlO OXYGEN MASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft is on ground and oxygen system is OFF
You switch ON the MAIN SUPPLY P/8 in order to supply the cockpit oxygen masks.
The oxygen ftows through the crew feed stop valve now opened and through the distributor
manifold to reach the masks.
The oxygen mask test consists of depressing and hold the PR ESS TO TEST AND
RESET P/8 on the box.
As oxygen ftows, the blinker illuminate yellow for a short while then turn back dark and the
oxygen ftow can be heard throughout loudspeakers.
Release the TEST P/8.
Depress and hold again the TEST P/B and squeeze the red clips on
each side of the hose at the same time.
The harness must inflate inside the box.

f);r -[] _L_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

-------- T~
Aircraft is on grounc and oxygen system is OFF.
You sw1tch ON the MAIN SUPPLY PIB in order to supply the cockpit oxygen masks.
The oxygen fiows through the crew feed stop valve now opened anc through the distributor manifold to reach the masks.
The oxygen mask test consists of depressing anc hold the PRESS TO TEST AND RESET PIB on the box.
As oxygen fiows, the blinker illuminate yellow lor a short while then turn back dark anc the oxygen fiow can be heard
throughout loudspeakers.
Release the TEST PIB.
Depress anc hold again the TEST PIB anc squeeze the red clips on each side of the hose at the same time.
The harness must infiate inside the box.
The last part of the check is to depress and hold again the TEST PIB and depress the
EMERGENCY knob in TEST position. You must hear the oxygen flow sound another time
through the loudspeakers.
Finally the test is completed and the system is ready to operat:e~----------------'--''---------------'*---j
f:!r -[]_l_ ... FlO OXYGEN MASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

.- ,. J:! r
-----~ -------- T ~
Now you are in flight. Let's consider a sudden depressurizat ion of the aircraft.
f:!r -[]_l_ ... FlO OXYGEN MASK

Now you are in flight Let's consider a sudden depressurization of the aircraft.
The cockpit oxygen masks are ready to be used. The Flight Crew members squeeze the red
clips on the hose and bring the oxygen mask out.
f:!r -[]_l_ ... flO OXYGEN MASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

-----~ -------- T ~
Now you are in flight Let's consider a sudden d epressurization of the aircraft.
The cockpit oxygen masks are ready to be used. The Flight Crew members squeeze the red
clips on the hose and bring the oxygen mask out.

f);r -[] _L_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

-------- T~
Now you are in ftight Let's consider a sudden depressurization of the aircraft.
The cockpit oxygen masks are ready to be used. The Flight Crew members squeeze the red clrps on the hose and bnng
the oxygen mask out.
Apply the mask with its harness inflated on the face,

f);r -[] _L_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

-------- T~
Now you are in ftight Let's consider a sudden depressurization of the aircraft.
The cockpit oxygen masks are ready to be used. The Flight Crew members squeeze the red clrps on the hose and bnng
the oxygen mask out.
Apply the mask with its harness inftated on the face,
then released the red clips to deflate the harness to maintain the mask. Adjust the mask if
necessary with the straps located on the harness.
f:!r -[]_l_ ... flO OXYGEN MASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

-----~ -------- T ~
Now you are in flight Let's consider a sudden depressurization of the aircraft.
The cockpit oxygen masks are ready to be used. The Flight Crew members squeeze the red clips on the hose and bring
the oxygen mask out.
Apply the mask with its harness infiated on the face,
then released the red clips to defiate the harness to maintain the mask. Adjust the mask if necessary with the straps
located on the harness.
Oxygen flow is automatically delivered and you can breath normally.
MFD -SO Cabin page

------- T~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPL YP/B.

f);r -[] _L_ ~~ ... FIOOXYGENIIIASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

-------- T~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY PIB.
Oxygen flows through the passenger feed stop valve and the oxygen pressure regulators
before reaching the oxygen modules in the cabi n.

f);r -[] _L_ ~~ ... FIOOXYGENIIIASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

-------- ·r~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY PIB.
Oxygen flows through the passenger feed stop valve and the oxygen pressure regulators
before reaching the oxygen modules in the cabi n.
f:!r -[] _l_~l ... FlO OXYGEN MASK

-----~ -------- T~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY P/B_
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop vawe and the oxygen pressure regulators before reaching the oxygen
modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen
modules with a Manual Release Tool {MRT).
f:!r -[] _l_~l ... flO OXYGEN MASK

MFD ·SO Cabin page

-----~ -------- T~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY P/B_ MRT
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop vawe and the oxygen pressure regulators before reaching the oxygen
modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen
modules with a Manual Release Tool {MRT).
f:!r -[] _l_~l ... flO OXYGEN MASK

-----~ -------- T ~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY P/B_ MRT
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop vawe and the oxygen pressure regulators before reaching the oxygen
modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen modules with a Manual
Release Tool (MRT)_
Once it is opened, the oxygen mask will fall down by gravity.
f:!r -[] _l_~l ... flO OXYGEN MASK

-----~ -------- T ~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY P/B_ MRT
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop vawe and the oxygen pressure regulators before reaching the oxygen
modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen modules with a Manual
Release Tool (MRT)_
Once it is opened, the oxygen mask will fall down by gravity_
The oxygen will be delivered into each individual mask only after the safety pin is removed.
-----~ -------- T ~
To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY P/B_ MRT
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop vawe and the oxygen pressure regulators before reaching the oxygen
modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen modules with a Manual
Release Tool (MRT)_
Once it is opened, the oxygen mask will fall down by gravity_
The oxygen will be delivered mto each indiVIdual mask only after the safety pin is removed_
To stop the oxygen flow you can either reinsert the safety pin or switch OFF the PAX SUPPLY
P/B on the control panel.

f);r -[] _L_ ...


MFD ·SO Cabin page

To enable the passenger oxygen module to be supplied, depress the PAX SUPPLY PIB.
Oxygen fiows through the passenger feed stop valve and the oxygen pressure regulators before
reaching the oxygen modules in the cabin.
To release the oxygen masks in the cabin, the Cabin Crew need to manually open the oxygen
modules with a Manual Release Tool (MRT).
Once it is opened, the oxygen mask will fall down by gravity.
The oxygen will be delivered into each individual mask only after the safety pin is removed.
To stop the oxygen fiowyou can either reinsert the safety pin or switch OFF the PAX SUPPLY PIB
on the control panel.
To stop the cockpit oxygen mask flow, close the left flap of the oxygen mask
box and depress the PRESS TO TEST AND RESET P/8.
Oxygen Mask Compartment

FL 250
25 000 ft

FL 130
13 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft

------------------------------------------------- T~ 4
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members
must be supplied in oxygen during all flight time at cabin altitude
comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is
capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less than 4

FL 250
25 000 ft

FL 130
13 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft

------------------------------------------------- T~ 4
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members
must be supplied in oxygen during all flight time at cabin altitude
comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is
capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less than 4

FL 250
Cabin Crew oxygen needed 25 000 ft

FL 130
13 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft

------------------------------------------------- T~ 4
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members
must be supplied in oxygen during all flight time at cabin altitude
comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is
capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less than 4

FL 250
Cabin Crew oxygen needed 25 000 ft

FL 130
13 000 ft

FL 100
10 000 ft

------------------------------------------------- T~ 4
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in
oxygen during all flight time at cabin a~itude comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft
providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less
than 4 mmutes.
To comply with the regulation, the A TR 72-600 is equipped with 2
portable oxygen bottles located under each flight attendant seat.
Pressure gauge

------------------------------------------------- T~
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in
oxygen during all flight time at cabin a~itude comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft
providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less
than 4 mmutes.
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped with 2 portable oxygen bottles
located under each ftight attendant seat
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120 liters of oxygen
and is composed of the following elements:
• A pressure gauge,
ON/OFF valve

------------------------------------------------- T~
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in
oxygen during all flight time at cabin a~itude comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft
providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less
than 4 mmutes.
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped with 2 portable oxygen bottles
located under each ftight attendant seat
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120 liters of oxygen and is composed of
the following elements:
A pressure gauge,
• A ON/OFF tap valve,
HI/LOW outlets

------------------------------------------------------------------ T~
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in oxygen during all Hight time at
cabin attitude comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down
to 13,000 fi within less than 4 minutes.
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped w1th 2 portable oxygen bottles located under each Hight
attendant seat.
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120 liters of oxygen and is composed of the following elements:
A pressure gauge,
A ON/OFF tap valve,
Two fitting outlets:
• The HI outlet provides 4 liters per minute for a maximum duration of 30 minutes,
• The LOW outlet provides 2 liters per m inute for a maximum duration of 60 minutes.
Carrying strap

----------------------------------------------------------------------- T•
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in oxygen during all Hight time at cabin attitude
comprised between 13,000 ft and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less than 4
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped w1th 2 portable oxygen bottles located under each Hight attendant seat.
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120 liters of oxygen and is composed of the following elements:
A pressure gauge,
A ON/OFF tap valve,
Two fitting outlets:
- The HI outlet provides 4 liters per minute for a max1mum duration of 30 minutes,
-The LOW outlet provides 2 liters per minute for a maximum duration of 60 minutes.
It is also composed of:
• A carrying strap,
Recharge valve

----------------------------------------------------------------------- T•
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped with 2 portable oxygen bottles located under each flight attendant seat
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120 liters of oxygen and is composed of the following elements:
A pressure gauge,
A ON/OFF tap va~e.
Two fitting outlets:
- The HI outlet provides 4 liters per minute for a maximum duration of 30 minutes,
-The LOW outlet provides 2 liters per minute for a maximum duration of 60 minutes.
~ is also composed of:
A carrying strap,
A recharge valve,
And two overpressure ports.
Overpressure ports

According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin crew members must be supplied in oxygen during all ftight time at cabin a~1tude compnsed
between 13,000 ft anc 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is capable to descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less than 4 minutes.
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is equipped with 2 portable oxygen bottles located uncer each ftight attencant seat.
The oxygen bottle is a green cyllncer contaimng 120 liters of oxygen anc is composed of the following elements:
A pressure gauge,
A ON/OFF tap valve,
Two fitting outlets:
-The HI outlet provides 4 liters per minute for a maximum duration of 30 minutes,
-The LOW outlet provides 2 liters per m1nute for a max1mum duration of 60 m1nutes.
It is also composed of:
A carrying strap,
A recharge valve,
• And two overpressure ports.
------------------------------- T
According to the regulation requirements, all the cabin
crew members must be supplied in oxygen during all
r ftight time at cabin attitude comprised between 13,000 ft
and 10,000 ft providing the aircraft is capable to
" descent from 25,000 ft down to 13,000 ft within less
than 4 minutes.
To comply with the regulation, the ATR 72-600 is
equipped wtth 2 portable oxygen bottles located under
each ftight attendant seat.
The oxygen bottle is a green cylinder containing 120
liters of oxygen and is composed of the following
A pressure gauge,
A ON/OFF tap valve,
Two fitting outlets:
-The HI outlet provides 4 liters per minute for a
maximum duration of 30 minutes,
-The LOW outlet provides 2 liters per mtnute
for a maximum duration of 60 minutes.
tt is also composed of:
A carry;ng strap,
• A recharge valve,
• And two overpressure ports.
The portable oxygen bottle is associated to
an oxygen mask also located under each
flight attendant seat which must be
connected to the appropriate outlet on the
To access to the passenger oxygen masks
located in the cabin, a Manual Released
Tools (MRT) is necessary. This tools is
available under each flight attendant seat.


Curve flat end
Sharp end
---------------------------- T ~
To access to the passenger oxygen masks located in
the cabin, a Manual Released Tools (MRT) is
necessary. This tools is available under each flight
attendant seat.
It is a flat metallic device equipped w ith one
sharp extremity end and another flat and
curved one.
Curve flat end
Lavatory outside lock & unlock
_____ .Or-.;:;·- Sharp end
Oxygen module opening
------------------------------- T~
To access to the passenger oxygen masks located 1n
the cabin a Manual Released Tools (MRT) is
necessa~. This tools is available under each fiight
attendant seat.
~ is a ftat metallic device equipped with one sharp
extremity end and another ftat and curved one
The sharp end is used to open the oxygen
Note: The curved flat end is used to lock or
unlock the lavatory from outside.
In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg
or having a maximum approved seating
configuration greater than 19 seats,
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are
' required. It protect eyes, nose, mouth and

provides a breathing chemical gas for a
minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire,
.,- ---- smoke or noxious gases.
These PBE must be installed adjacent to
each cabin crew member duty station and
to the hand fire extinguishers. There are PBE:
four PBE on board the A TR72, one in the Eyes, nose, mouth protection
cockpit and three in the cabin. In case of fire, smoke, noxious gas
15 minutes oxygen supply

In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration
greater than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. ~protect eyes, nose, mouth
and provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fife
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin.
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals
around the neck with an elastic membrane. It is composed of:
• A large clear visor,
In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration
greater than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. ~protect eyes, nose, mouth
and provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fife
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin.
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals
around the neck with an elastic membrane. It is composed of:
• A large clear visor,

In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration
greater than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. ~protect eyes, nose, mouth
and provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fife
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin.
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals around the neck with
an elastic membrane. ~is composed of:
A large clear VJsor,
An arona sal mask,
Activation and adjustments straps,
In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration
greater than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. ~protect eyes, nose, mouth
and provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fife
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin.
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals around the neck with
an elastic membrane. ~is composed of:
A large clear VJsor,
An arona sal mask,
Activation and adjustments straps,
A neckseal,
In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration
greater than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. ~protect eyes, nose, mouth
and provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fire
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals around the neck with
an elastic membrane. ~is composed of:
A large clear VISor,
An oro nasal mask,
Activation and adjustments straps,
A chlorate candle,
In addition, for aircraft exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved seating configuration greater
than 19 seats, Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) are required. nprotect eyes, nose, mouth and
provides a breathing chemical gas for a minimum of 15 minutes in case of fire, smoke or noxious
These PBE must be installed adjacent to each cabin crew member duty station and to the hand fire
extinguishers. There are four PBE on board the ATR72, one in the cockpit and three in the cabin
The PBE is a device that completely encloses the head of the wearer and seals around the neck with an
elastic membrane. is composed of:
A large clear VISor,
An oro nasal mask,
Activation and adjustments straps,
A chlorate candle,
A K02 canister (Potassium Superoxide).
The ATR aircraft is equipped with 5 emergency exits:
• 4 in the cabin,
The ATR aircraft 1s ecuipped with 5 emergency ex1ts:
4 in the cabin,
• And one in the cockpit for the Flight Crew members.

Flight Crew Compartment hatch

The ATR aircraft 1s ecuipped with 5 emergency ex1ts:
• 4 in the cabin,
• Anc one in the cockpit for the Flight Crew members
The two front cabin emergency exits are type Ill,

Type Ill emergency exit

The ATR aircraft 1s ecuipped with 5 emergency ex1ts:
• 4 in the cabin,
• Anc one in the cockpit for the Flight Crew members
The two front cabin emergency exits are type Ill, the passenger entrance door and the
service door are considered as type I emergency exits.
Type I emergency exit

Flight Crew Compartment Escape Device


Integrated steps
The ATR aircraft 1s ecuipped with 5 emergency ex1ts:
• 4 in the cabin,
• Anc one in the cockpit for the Flight Crew members
The two front cabin emergency exits are type Ill, the passenger entrance door anc the service door are
considered as type I emergency exits.
According to regulations, an emergency exit sill height higher than 1.83 metres (6
feet) above the ground when the landing gear extended or after the collapse or
the failure to extend of one or more legs, must be equipped with a device to
enable passengers and crew to reach the ground safely.
As A TR emergency exits sill height is lower than that minimum, there is no
specific devices in the cabin except for the cockpit w hich ow ns an escape rope
and integrated steps located on the electrical rack bulkhead.


[ Performances J


Cockpit Emergency hatch 0.51m x 0.48m (20" x 19") 3.18m (10.45")

Formard type Ill exits 0.91m x 0.51m (36" x 20") 1.80m (5.9")

Entrance door 1.75m x 0.82m (68.8" x 28.5") 1.35m (4.4")

emergency exits.
According to regulations, an emergency exit sill
height higher than 1.83 metres (6 feet) above the Service door 1.27m x 0.69m (50" x 27") 1.35m (4.4")
ground w hen the landing gear extended or after the
collapse or the failure to extend of one or more
must be equipped with a device to enable
passengers and crew to reach the ground safely.
As ATR emergency exits sill height is lower than X
that minimum, there is no specific devices in the
cabin except for the cockpit which owns an escape
rope and integrated steps located on the electrical
rack bulkhead.
An emergency exits considered as unusable when one of the following device is
The external or internal exit opening device,
The Door Open exit locking device to maintain the door in open position,
The escape device,
The associated exit emergency lights.

considered as type I emergency exits.

According to regulations, an emergency exit sill height higher than 1.83 metres (6 feet) above the ground when
the landtng gear extended or aner the collapse or the failure to extend of one or more legs, must be equtpped
with a device to enable passengers and crew to reach the ground safely.
As ATR emergency exits sill height is lower than that minimum, there is no specific devices in the cabin except for
the cockpit which owns an escape rope and integrated steps located on the electrical rack bulkhead.
An emergency exit is considered as unusable when one of the following devices is
i noperative:
• The external or internal exit opening device,
• The Door Open exit locking device to maintain the door in open position,
• The escape device,
The associated exit emergency lights.
An emergency exits considered as unusable when one of the following device is
The external or internal exit opening device,
The Door Open exit locking device to maintain the door in open position,
The escape device,
The associated exit emergency lights.

Service Door
Door Open exit locking device

According to regulations, an emergency exit sill height higher than t .83 metres (6 feet) above the ground when the landing gear extended or after the collapse or the failure to extend of •
one or more legs, must be equipped with a device to enable passengers and crew to reach the ground safely.
As ATR emergency ex1ts sill height is lower than that mimmum, there 1s no specific devices in the cabin except for the cockpit which owns an escape rope and mtegrated steps located
on the electrical rack bulkhead.
An emergency exit is considered as unusable when one of the following devices is inoperative:
The external or mternal exit opening deVIce,
The Door Open exit locking device to maintain the door in open position,
The escape device,
The associated exit emergency lights.
The Door Open exit locking device is only fitted on the service door to maintain it in open position. It consists of a hook integrated in the skin of
the fuselage which deploys automatically when the door opens.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley CJ Toilet 0 Baggage .A. Emergency exit

According to the regulations, a comm ercial flig ht is prohib ited w hen :

• On the same side of the cabin more than half of the emergency exit s are
0 Attendant seat _j Galley CJ Toilet 0 Baggage .A. Emergency exit

According to the regulations, a commercial flight is prohibited w hen :

On the same side of the cabin more than half of the emergency exits are
~aa~~~~B~aaB6a~a ~
Cargo Emergency
Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley CJ Toilet 0 Baggage .A. Emergency exit

According to the regulations, a commercial ftight is prohibited when:

On the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the emergency exits are inoperative,
Or on the same side of the cabin more than half of the floor lev e l
emergency exits are inoperative,
~· Typel
Emerg.ncy Service
ult Door

~ -~
Ooor ult Door
~· Type l

0 Attendant seat _j Galley CJ Toilet 0 Baggage .A. Emergency exit

According to the regulations, a commercial ftight is prohibited when:

• On the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the emergency exits are inoperative,
• Or on the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the floor level emergency exits are
• Or one pair of emergency exits are inoperative.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service

~~::::::::::::::~ Door exit

Type Ill
Type I

Commercial flight prohibited

------------------------------------------------------ T~
According to the regulations, a commercial fiight is prohibited when:
On the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the emergency exits are inoperative,
Or on the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the ftoor level emergency exits are
Or one pair of emergency exits are inoperative.
To sum-up, on the A TR, a commercial flight is prohibited w hen either:
• Two front emergency ex its are inoperative,
Type Ill Type I Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service Emergency Service

exit o~,

Door exit
Type Ill
Type I
Type IH
Entran' P
Type I

Commercial flight prohibited Commercial flight prohibited

Type 1U Typal
Emergency Service

------------------------------------------------------ T~
According to the regulations, a commercial fiight is prohibited when:
On the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the emergency exits are inoperative,
• Or on the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the ftoor level emergency exits are
• Or one pair of emergency exits are inoperative.
To sum-up, on the ATR, a commerCial fiight 1s prohibited when either:
• Two front emergency exits are inoperative,
• Or one of t he rear doors is inoperative.
Type Ill
Type I

Commercial flight prohibited

Type Ill Type I T~lll Type I
Emergency Service Emergency Sorvic&

exit o~ ,

Type Ill
Type I
Door exit
Type Ill
Type I

Commercial flight authorized Commercial flight authorized

Passenger capacity reduced to 59 according to MEL

------------------------------------------------------ T~
According to the regulations, a commercial ftight is prohibited when:
On the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the emergency exits are inoperative,
Or on the same side of the cabin more than ha~ of the floor level emergency exits are
Or one pair of emergency exits are inoperative.
To sum-up, on the ATR, a commerCial ftight is prohibited when either:
• Two front emergency exits are inoperative,
• Or one of the rear doors is inoperative_
And if one front emergency is inoperativ e, the passenger capacity will be
reduced to 59 in accordance with the MEL.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley C1 Toilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats m ust be fitted w ith
an emergency lighting powered by an i ndependant power supply to facilitate
the evacuation.
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19
passengers, it must include:
• General illumination sources,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley C1 Toilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats m ust be fitted w ith
an emergency lighting powered by an i ndependant power supply to facilitate
the evacuation.
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19
passengers, it must include:
• General illumination sources,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet ,:::} Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafis which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
• A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the
passenger compartments,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet ,:::} Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafis which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
• An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
Type Ill

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet Q Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafts which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
• An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet ,:::} Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafis which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
• An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

~ .~ ' !JeJ.fl~~lJ~fJ!mllflfJfl I
Door exit
Type Ill

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet Q Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafts which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
• An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley 0 To ilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency ex1t areas,
• An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
Type /II Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type /II Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet ,:::} Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts WJth a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafis which have a max1mum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
• An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley 0 To ilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

------------------------------------------------------ T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation.
For a~rcrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency ex1t areas,
• An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
0 Attendant seat _j Galley 0 Toilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency
lighting powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A ftoor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at ftoor level emergency exit areas,
An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
The emergency lighting power units must be capable to supply illummation for at least 10
minutes in the critical ambiant conditions after an emergency landing.
OnATR, the dedicated batteries are charged by the DC STBY BUS.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet Q Baggage • Emergency exit

----------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency
lighting powered by an mdependant power supply to facilitate the evacuation
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency ex1t markmg and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
The emergency lighting power units must be capable to supply illumination
for at least 10 minutes in the critical ambiant conditions after an emergency
On A TR, the dedicated batteries are charged by the DC ST13Y BUS.
Type Ill

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet Q Baggage • Emergency exit

----------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency
lighting powered by an mdependant power supply to facilitate the evacuation
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency ex1t markmg and located signs,
An internal lighting at floor level emergency exit areas,
An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
The emergency lighting power units must be capable to supply illumination
for at least 10 minutes in the critical ambiant conditions after an emergency
On A TR, the dedicated batteries are charged by the DC ST13Y BUS.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley D Toilet ,:::} Baggage • Emergency exit

--------------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an mdependant power supply to facilitate the evacuation
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must include:
General illumination sources,
A floor proximity emergency escape path marking system m the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An mternal lightlng at floor level emergency exit areas,
An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits.
The emergency lighting power units must be capable to supply illumination for at least 10 minutes in the
cnttcal ambtant condttions after an emergency landtng.
On ATR, the dedicated batteries are charged by the DC STBY BUS.
The batteries are located in the cabin ceiling and the floor path marking
illumination is ensured by photoluminescent strips on the right and left aisle side.
Type Ill Type I
Emergency Service
exit Door

Cargo Emergency Entrance

Door exit Door
Type Ill Type I

0 Attendant seat _j Galley 0 Toilet 0 Baggage • Emergency exit

Aircrafts with a capacity of more than 9 passengers seats must be fitted with an emergency lighting
powered by an independant power supply to facilitate the evacuation,
For aircrafts which have a maximum approved capacity of more than 19 passengers, it must include:
General illumination sources,
A Hoar proximity emergency escape path marking system in the passenger compartments,
An illuminated emergency exit marking and located signs,
An internal lighting at Hoar level emergency exit areas,
An external emergency lighting at all passenger emergency exits,
The emergency lighting power units must be capable to supply illumination for at least 10 minutes in the
cntical amb>ant conditions after an emergency landing,
On ATR, the dedicated batteries are charged by the DC STBY BUS,
The batteries are located in the cabin ceiling and the floor path marking
illumination is ensured by photoluminescent strips on the right and left aisle side.
Escape Path Photoluminescent
Hand fire extinguishers requested:
• one Halon in the Flight Deck,
• Three in the cabin for aircraft from 61 to 200 passengers.

Regulation request that at least o ne hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or
equivalent must be conveniently located o n the flight deck for use by the flight
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seati ng
configuration comprised between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers
easily accessible nearby cargo compartment and galley. They must be suitable for
the k inds of fires l ikely to occur in the compartment where t he extinguisher is
intended to be used.
--------------------------------------------------------- T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or equivalent must be
conveniently located on the filght deck for use by the filght crew.
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised
between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers easily accessible nearby cargo compartment
and galley. They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the
extinguisher is intended to be used.
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located:
• In the cockpit behind the First Officer seat,
--------------------------------------------------------- T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or equivalent must be
conveniently located on the filght deck for use by the filght crew.
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised
between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers easily accessible nearby cargo compartment
and galley. They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the
extinguisher is intended to be used.
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located·
In the cockpit behind the First Officer seat,
• And at the rear of the cabin behind the right or left last seat row.
--------------------------------------------------------- T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or equivalent must be
conveniently located on the filght deck for use by the filght crew.
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised
between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers easily accessible nearby cargo compartment
and galley. They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the
extinguisher is intended to be used.
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located·
• In the cockpit behind the First Officer seat,
• And at the rear of the cabin behind the right or left last seat row.
A water extinguisher is also fitted and located in the first left overhead locker.
--------------------------------------------------------- T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or equivalent must be
conveniently located on the filght deck for use by the filght crew.
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised
between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers easily accessible nearby cargo compartment
and galley. They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the
extinguisher is intended to be used.
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located·
• In the cockpit behind the First Officer seat,
• And at the rear of the cabin behind the right or left last seat row.
A water extinguisher is also fitted and located in the first left overhead locker.



Pressure Gauge

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher contatmng Halon 1211 or equivalent must be convemently located on the filght deck for use by the filght crew.
And also it is required for aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers
easily accessible nearby cargo compartment and galley They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the extinguisher is
intended to be used.
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located:
• In the cockpit behind the Ftrst Officer seal,
• And at the rear of the cabin behind the right or left last seat row.
A water extinguisher is also fitted and located in the first left overhead locker.
The Halon extinguisher is a red cylinder containing Halon gas.
It counts :
A pressure gauge,
A carrying handle,
A trigger,
And one diffuser.
It is efficient on all types of fire.

Handle with C02 cartridge

~ .,
--~- ··········,,.
.. ,.,,, ··············
.,.,· ········,

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T~
Regulation request that at least one hand fire extinguisher containing Halon 1211 or equivalent must be conveniently located on the fiight deck for use by the fiight crew.
And also it is required for aircraft w1th a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 200, to be equipped with 3 extinguishers easily
accessible nearby cargo compartment and galley They must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to occur in the compartment where the extinguisher 1s intended to be
The ATR72 is equipped with three Halon extinguishers located:
• In the cockpit behind the First Officer seat,
• And at the rear of the cabin behind the right or left last seat row.
A water extinguisher is also fitted and located 1n the first left overhead locker.
The Halon extinguisher is a red cylinder containing Halon gas.
A pressure gauge,
A carrying handle,
A trigger,
And one diffuser.
nis efficient on all types of fire.
The water extinguisher is a grey cylinder containing two liters of water mixed with an anti·icing additive.
It counts:
A carrying handle with a C02 cartridge,
A trigger,
And one diffuser.
----------------------------------------------------------- T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass
exceeding 5,700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration
of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one crash axe or crowbar located on
the flight deck.
----------------------------------------------------------- T~
The regulation requests for aircraft With a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or haVIng a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the ftight deck.
On the A TR the crash axe is located behind the First Officer seat.
It is an insulated handle up to 2000 volts used to cut through light structure, panels
and w indows.
------------------------------------------------------------ T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Ofticer seat.
tt is an insulated handle up to 2000 votts used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot material or burning parts are located
behind the Captain seat.
------------------------------------------------------------ T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Ofticer seat.
tt is an insulated handle up to 2000 votts used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot material or burning parts are located behind the Captain seat.
Goggles are also provided in the cockpit to be used in case of smoke in the cockpit.
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Ofticer seat.
tt is an insulated handle up to 2000 votts used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot material or burning parts are located behind the Captain seat.
Goggles are also provided in the cockpit to be used in case of smoke in the cockpit.
The regulation requests to fit the aircraft with an electrical torch for each required crew
member easily accessible to crew members when seated at their designated station.
------------------------------------------------------------ T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Ofticer seat. AESPOf7[}!£R'
tt is an insulated handle up to 2000 votts used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot material or burning parts are located behind the Captain seat.
Goggles are also provided in the cockpit to be used in case of smoke in the cockpit.
The regulation requests to fit the aircraft with an electrical torch for each required crew member easily
accessible to crew members when seated at their designated station.
Two flash lights are located in the cockpit near each Flight Crew seat.
------------------------------------------------------------ T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Ofticer seat. AESPOf7[}!£R'
tt is an insulated handle up to 2000 votts used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot material or burning parts are located behind the Captain seat.
Goggles are also provided in the cockpit to be used in case of smoke in the cockpit.
The regulation requests to fit the aircraft with an electrical torch for each required crew member easily
accessible to crew members when seated at their designated station.
Two flash lights are located in the cockpit near each Flight Crew seat.
And two are located under each Flight Attendant seat in the cabin.

Body with batteries


---------------------------------------------------------------- T~
The regulation requests for aircraft with a max1 mum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5,700 kg or having a
maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats, to be equipped with at least one
crash axe or crowbar located on the Hight deck.
On the ATR the crash axe is located behind the First Officer seat.
n is an insulated handle up to 2000 vons used to cut through light structure, panels and windows.
In the cockpit also, protective gloves to grasp hot matenal or burmng parts are located behind the Captam seat.
Goggles are also provided in the cockpit to be used in case of smoke in the cockpit.
The regulation requests to fit the aircraft with an electrical torch for each required crew member easily
accessible to crew members when seated at their designated station.
Two fiash lights are located in the cockpit near each Flight Crew seat.
And two are located under each Flight Attendant seat m the cabin.
The flash light counts:
A body with batteries,
One lamp,
And one ON/OFF switch.
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between
61 and 99 must be equipped with one self battery powered portable megaphone.
In the A TR72 it is located in the overhead locker ofthe last right-hand row seat.
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
equipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it ts located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
A pushbutton,
And a carrytng strap.
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
equipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it ts located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
A pushbutton,
And a carrytng strap.
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
equipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it ts located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
A pushbutton,
And a carrytng strap.
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
equipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it ts located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
A pushbutton,
And a carrying strap.
Life jackets requested :
Over-water flight more than 50 NM from coastline,
Take-off or landing flight path over water.

------------------------------------------------------------- T~
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
ecuipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it is located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat.
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
• A pushbutton,
• And a carrying strap.
An operator shall operate a land aircraft with life jackets:
• When flying over water and at a distance greater than 50 nautical miles from the
Or when take-off or landing at an aerodrome where the path is so disposed over
water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching.

Oral inflation tube

Water activated battery light


,. C02 cartridge
------------------------------------------------------ T
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be
equipped with one se~ battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it 1s located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece, Strap
• A pushbutton, Inflation toggle
• And a carrying strap.
An operator shall operate a land aircraft w1th life jackets:
When flying over water and at a distance greater than 50 nautical miles from the shore,
• Or when take-off or landing at an aerodrome where the path is so disposed over water that in the event
of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching.
The life·jackets are located below each crew member seat and passenger seat.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- T
Aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration comprised between 61 and 99 must be equipped with one seW
battery powered portable megaphone.
In the ATR72 it is located in the overhead locker of the last right-hand row seat.
The megaphone counts:
A mouthpiece,
• A pushbutton,
• And a carrying strap.
An operator shall operate a land a~rcraft w1th life Jackets:
When flying over water and at a distance greater than 50 nautical miles from the shore,
• Or when take-off or landing at an aerodrome where the path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be
a likelihood of a ditching.
The life-jackets are located below each crew member seat and passenger seat.
One first-aid kit must equip aircraft with passenger capacity below 99 passengers.
On the A TR72 the first aid kit is located in the overhead locker of the last left-hand row seat and an
additionnal one is located in the wall separation between the cabin and the forward cargo compartment.
• A pushbutton,
• And a carrying strap.
An operator shall operate a land aircraft with life jackets:
When flying over water and at a distance greater than 50 nautical miles from the shore,
• Or when take-off or landing at an aerodrome where the path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap
there would be a likelihood of a ditching.
The life-jackets are located below each crew member seat and passenger seat.
One first-aid kit must equip aircraft with passenger capacity below 99 passengers.
On the ATR72 the first aid kit is located in the overhead locker of the last left-hand row seat and an additionnal one is
located in the wall separation between the cabin and the forward cargo compartment.
A TRoffers the option to provide a stand-alone portable Emergency Locator Transmitter which
transmit distress signals on 121.5 MHz, 243 MHz and 406 MHz.
Self test pushbutton

Antenna Visual & oral indicator


there would be a likelihood of a ditching.

The life-jackets are located below each crew member seat and passenger seat.
One first-aid kit must ecuip aircraft with passenger capacity below 99 passengers.
On the ATR72 the first aid kit is located in the overhead locker of the last left-hand row seat and an additionnal one is
located in the wall separation between the cabin and the forward cargo compartment. OFF/ON/ARMED switch
ATR offers the option to provide a stand-alone portable Emergency Locator Transmitter which transmit distress signals on
121.5 MHZ, 243 MHz and 406 MHz
~must be located in lhe cabin and it counts:
A transmitter,
An antenna,
A visual and oral indicator,
A ON/OFF/ARMED switch,
And a self test pushbutton.

------------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system is controlled by the EMER EXIT L T
toggle switch located on the SIGNS panel on the overhead panel.

DISARM position
System deactivated

------------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system is controlled by the EMER EXIT L Ttoggle switch located
on the SIGNS panel on the overhead panel.
It has three positions:
• DISARM to deactiv ate the system. This is the normal position with
engines stopped.


SIGNS control panel- EMER EXIT LT switch

DISARM position
System deactivated ARM position

------------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system is controlled by the EMER EXIT L Ttoggle switch located
on the SIGNS panel on the overhead panel.
nhas three positions:
DISARM to deactivate the system. This is the normal position with engines stopped.
• ARM which is the normal position in operation. The emergency
lights will:
illuminate if the DC STBY BUS voltage is below 1BV or if the two
generators are lost,
extinguish if DC STBY BUS voltage is above 20V and at least one
generator is running.
SIGNS control panel- EMER EXIT LT switch

DISARM position ON position

System deactivated ARM position Emergency lights illumination

------------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system is controlled by the EMER EXIT L Ttoggle switch located
on the SIGNS panel on the overhead panel.
nhas three positions:
DISARM to deactivate the system. This is the normal position with engines stopped.
ARM which is the normal position in operation. The emergency lights will:
illuminate if the DC STBY BUS vonage is below 18V or if the two generators are lost,
extinguish if DC STBY BUS vonage is above 20V and at least one generator is
• ON to illuminate the emergency l ights.

Light extinguished DISARM light illuminated

Emergency light system armed Emergency light system disarmed

----------------------------------------------~ T·
The emergency lighting system is controlled by the EMER EXIT L Ttoggle switch located
on the SIGNS panel on the overhead panel.
tt has three positions:
DISARM to deactivate the system. This is the normal position with engines stopped.
ARM which is the normal position in operation. The emergency lights will:
illuminate if the DC STBY BUS vottage is below 18V or if the two generators are lost,
extinguish if DC STBY BUS vottage is above 20V and at least one generator is
ONto illuminate the emergency lights.
Next to the switch, a DISARM light illuminates amber w hen the
emergency light system is deactivated.
®0 2 3


The emergency lighting system can also be controlled on the Flight
Attendant Panel with the EMER LTPI B. Flight Attendant Panel

Emergency lights

--------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system can also be controlled on the Flight Attendant Panel with
the EMER L T P/8.
When depressed the P/B illuminates red and it forces the emergency Flight Attendant Pane l
lights to illuminate.

Emergency lights

--------------------------------------------- T~
The emergency lighting system can also be controlled on the Flight Attendant Panel with
the EMER L T P/8.
When depressed the P/8 illuminates red and it forces the emergency lights to illuminate. Flight Attendant Panel
This switch override the ARM and DIS ARM positions of the cockpit
EMER EXIT L T sw itch.
(ARM position)

------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the portable oxygen bottle, the following steps should be

------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the portable oxygen bottle, the following steps should be applied·
• Connect the sterile mask to the appropriate fitting (if required).

------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the portable oxygen bottle, the following steps should be applied·
Connect the sterile mask to the appropriate fitting (if required).
Fully turn on the ON/OFF Valve a nticlockwise to initiate the
oxygen flow.

------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the portable oxygen bottle, the following steps should be applied·
Connect the sterile mask to the appropriate fitting (if required).
Fully turn on the ON/OFF Valve anticlockwise to initiate the oxygen flow.
Ensure the oxygen is flowing into the mask. A green indicator is
present on certain mask type.
--------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remov e the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the
stow age box,
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remov e the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the
stow age box,
------------------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box,
• Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box,
• Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum.sealed bag,
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box,
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
Don the PBE hood,
------------------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag contaming the PBE hood from the stowage box,
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
• Don the PBE hood,
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowag e
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag
Don the PBE hood '
Start the chlor~te candle,
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowag e
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag
Don the PBE hood '
Start the chlor~te candle,
------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
• Open the stowage box,
• Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag '
Don the PBE hood '
Start the chlorate c~ndle
• Place the oronasal ~ask against the face,
------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
• Open the stowage box,
• Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag '
Don the PBE hood '
Start the chlorate c~ndle
• Place the oronasal ~ask against the face,
--------------------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box,
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
Don the PBE hood,
Start the chlorate candle,
Place the oronasal mask against the face,
• Adjust eyeglasses over the oro nasal mask nose,
Adjust hood material below the neckseal.
--------------------------------------------------- T~
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag contatning the PBE hood from the stowage box,
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
Don the PBE hood,
Start the chlorate candle,
Place the oronasal mask against the face,
Adjust eyeglasses over the oro nasal mask nose,
Adjust hood material below the neckseal.
To operate the PBE:
Open the stowage box,
Remove the sealed bag containing the PBE hood from the stowage box,
Remove the PBE hood from the vacuum-sealed bag,
Don the PBE hood,
Start the chlorate candle,
Place the oronasal mask against the face,
• Adjust eyeglasses over the oro nasal mask nose,
Adjust hood material below the neckseal.
--------------------------------------------------- T ~
When the wearer begins to breathe through the oronasal mask, the
exhaled breath is routed through the K02 canister.
--------------------------------------------------- T ~
When the wearer begins to breathe through the oronasal mask, the exhaled breath is
routed through the K02 canister.
The K02 canister removes water vapour and C02 and adds oxygen
before the gas is returned to the interior of the hood for inhalation.
--------------------------------------------------- T ~
When the wearer begins to breathe through the oronasal mask, the exhaled breath is
routed through the K02 canister.
The K02 canister removes water vapour anc C02 anc adds oxygen before the gas is
returned to the interior of the hood for inhalation.
If the chlorate cartridge fails to activ ate, the hood is still usable.
The wearer will have to catch a deep fresh breath and exhale
strongly into the oronasal mask in order to activate the system.

------------------------------------------------ T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the P.A.S.S steps:
------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps:
• Pull the pin,
------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps:
• Pull the pin,
------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps·
• Pull the pin, ·
• Aim low, at the base of the fire,
------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S
~ st::
. ----------
• Pull the pin, ·
Aim low, at the base of the fire
• Squeeze the trigger, '

------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps·
• Pull the pin, ·
Aim low, at the base of the fire
Squeeze the trigger, '
Sweep from side to side.

------------------------------------- T~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps·
• Pull the pin, ·
Aim low, at the base of the fire
Squeeze the trigger, '
• Sweep from side to side.


--------------------------------------- T ~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps:
• Pull the pin,
• Aim low, atthe base of the fire
• Squeeze the trigger, '
• Sweep from side to side.
The extinguisher would last for about 7 seconds.

--------------------------------------- T ~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps:
• Pull the pin,
• Aim low, atthe base of the fire
• Squeeze the trigger, '
• Sweep from side to side.
The extinguisher would last for about 7 seconds.
The fire extinguisher should be he ld in an upright position.

--------------------------------------- T ~
To use the halon extinguisher follow the PAS.S steps:
• Pull the pin,
• Aim low, atthe base of the fire
• Squeeze the trigger, '
• Sweep from side to side.
The extinguisher would last for about 7 seconds.
The fire extinguisher should be he ld in an upright position.

--------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the water extinguisher:
turn the handle clockwise until the C02 cartridge is punctured,
the safety seal will break automatically.

--------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the water extinguisher:
turn the handle clockwise until the C02 cartridge is punctured, the safety seal will
break automatically.
• press the trigger and aim at the base of fire,

--------------------------------------------------- T~
To use the water extinguisher:
turn the handle clockwise until the C02 cartridge is punctured, the safety seal will
break automatically.
• press the trigger and aim at the base of fire.
The extinguisher would last for about 30 to 40 seconds.


r1f•C (PSIG)


1--- -..J

1100 1---- - --'


soo+------------,r------------r------------r-+ Reference temperature =Cabin Temperature or OAT whi chever i s higher, on ground
10 20 30 40 0 50 100 150
=Cabin Temperature in flight
(• cabin temporatun~)
Minimum bottle pressure required to cover a cabin depressurization at mid-time of
the flight, an emergency descent from 25,000 ft to 13,000 ft within less than 4
minutes and a flight continuation at an altitude below 13,000 ft.

--------------------------- T~ A 25 % pax oxygen consumption is assumed.

For oxygen use, a specific graphic located in the FCOM at the Oxygen In case of smoke emission, the system protects the flight crew members during 15
limitation page, allows the crew to comput e easily the oxygen
endurance computation . At dispatch the computed flight time aher decompression should be at least
112 of estimated flight time to destination or flight time to the longest en route
alternate which ever is higher.


~ergency Equipments failure refer to the MMEL chapt.1_27.

------------------------------------------------- T~
In case of EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT failure refer to t he Master
Minimu m Equipment List (MMEL} of ATA 25.
Who is supplied by the fixed oxygen system? SCORE: 0%

The Flight Crew members and the Cabin Crew


The Flight Crew members and the passengers.

The Cabin Crew members and the passengers.

Who is supplied by the fixed oxygen system? SCORE: 100 %

The Flight Crew members and the Cabin Crew


Passenger Oxygen

True [ The Flight Crew members and the passengers.

False The Cabin Crew members and the passengers.

Crew Oxygen Distribution
(Pilots and Observer)

I False f The Flight Crew members only.

- Oxygen Storage and Supply

[ Your a nswer is correct

What is the purpose of the N/100% rocker on the Flight Crew oxygen mask? SCORE: 100 %

It is to choose the level of oxygen pressurization in

the mask.

It allows to shut-off the oxygen delivery or not.

It enables to reset the hot mike communication.

It is to choose between diluted or pure oxygen

What is the purpose of the N/100% rocker on the Flight Crew oxygen mask? SCORE: 75%

It is to choose the level of oxygen pressurization in

the mask.

"' 6. 0

It allows to shut-off the oxygen delivery or not.

It enables to reset the hot mike communication.

rA!!!ll•!!!!l. ..~ •

~ .


······• • N position: diluted oxygen

• 100% position: pure oxygen
Tru r - : ; 's to choose between diluted or pure oxygen

[ Your a nswer is correct

How to reset the normal communication through the boomset and microphone after having used the flight crew oxygen
mask? SCORE : 75 %

By depressing the PRESS TO TEST AND RESET

P/B on the oxygen mask compartment.

By depressing the EMERGENCY knob on the

oxygen mask.

By selecting the N/100% rocker in theN position on

the oxygen mask.

By selecting INT position on the INTIRAD switch on

the Audio Control Panel.
How to reset the normal communication through the boomset and microphone after having used the flight crew oxygen
mask? SCORE: 83%

TruE By depressing the PRESS TO TEST AND RESET

P/B on the oxygen mask compartment.

By depressing the EMERGENCY knob on the

oxygen mask.

By selecting the N/100% rocker in theN position on

the oxygen mask.

• Oxygen flow lest

• Nonnar boomsetlmic communication recovery
By selecting INT position on the INT/RAD switch on
the Audio Control Panel.

[ Your answer is correct

SCORE: 83%

Drag and drop the items at the right place and I MAJN SUPPLY CREW PAX SUPPLY I
click on validate button.
~) -
___L_ ...

I /f.~j., t
. '"',[ - ----1....- ...
~ 0 HP ~


f:'j - ___.1.___~1 ...

¢ l Validate J t::t -EI ___L_~I ...
SCORE: 75 %

Drag and drop the items at the right place and I MAJN SUPPLY CREW PAX SUPPLY I
click on validate button.
~) -
___L_ ...

I /f.~j., t
. '"',[ - ----1....- ...
~ 0 HP ~


f:'j - ___.1.___~1 ...

¢ l Validate J t::t -EI ___L_~I ...
[ Your answer is correct! ----------------------------------
How many portable oxygen bottle are fitted in the ATR72? SCORE : 0%

2 located in the overhead locker of the first and the

last seat row.

('~==?===±t==2==1o=~=t=e=d=u=n=de=r=e=a=ch==~=b=i=n c=r=e=w=~==a=t.=========:J

4 located in the cockpit and in the cabin.

2 located in the rear and the forward cargo

How many portable oxygen bottle are fitted in the ATR72 ? SCORE: 0%

2 located in the overhead locker of the first and the

last seat row. Altitude

Cabin Crew oxygen needed 25 000 It

True [ 2 located under each cabin crew seat.

FL 130
False 4 located in the cockpit and in the cabin. 13 000 It

FL 100
10 000 It

2 located in the rear and the forward cargo Time


look at the right answer.

How is the oxygen delivered to the passengers ? SCORE : 0%

By an oxygen mask located in a module opened

using a manual release tool.

By an oxygen mask automaticalty dropping when

the cabin pressure altitude is above 10,000 ft.

By the mean of portable oxygen bottle. for 10% of


There is no need of oxygen for passengers for

aircraft certified below 25,000 ft.
How Is the oxygen delivered to the passengers ? SCORE: 50 %

TruE By an oxygen mask located in a module opened

using a manual release tool.

Curve flat end

By an oxygen mask automaticalty dropping when Sharp end
False Lavatory outside lock & unlock
the cabin pressure altitude is above 10,000 ft.
I Oxygen module opening

False By the mean of portable oxygen bottle for 10% of

passengers. MRT

There is no need of oxygen for passengers for

aircraft certified below 25,000 ft.

[ Your answer is correct

How many emergency exits are there in the cabin ? SCORE: 50%

There are three emergency exits in the cabin: two

foreward and the passenger door.

There are four emergency exits in the cabin : two

foreward and the passenger door and the cockpit
at h.

There are four emergency exits in the cabin : two

foreward and the passenger and service doors.

There are two emergency exits in the cabin : two

foreward and the passenger and service doors.
How many emergency exits are there in the cabin ? SCORE: 67%

There are three emergency exits in the cabin : two

foreward and the passenger door.

There are four emergency exits in the cabin : two

False foreward and the passenger door and the cockpit
ha h

Tru& r There are four emergency exits in the cabin: two

~oreward and the passenger and service doo~

There are two emergency exits in the cabin : two

foreward and the passenger and service doors.

[ Your answer is correct

About emergency lights, assuming that toggle switch is in ARM position, when did they illuminate ? SCORE: 67%

They illuminate when main battery voltage is below

18V or when one DC generator is lost.

They illuminate when the DC STBY BUS voltage is

below 20V or when two DC generators are lost.

They illuminate when emergency battery voltage is

below 18V or when one DC generator is lost.

They illuminate when the DC STBY BUS voltage is

below 18V or when two DC generators are lost.
About emergency lights, assuming that toggle switch is in ARM position, when did they illuminate ? SCORE: 50%

They illuminate when main battery voltage is below

18Vorwhen one DC generator is lost.



False They illuminate when the DC STBY BUS voltage is

below 20V or when two DC generators are lost.


SIGNS control • EMER EXIT LT switch

False They illuminate when emergency battery voltage is

below 18V or when one DC generator is lost. . . . . .

• DISARM position
System deactivated ARM posrtion

Tru They illuminate when the DC STBY BUS voltage is

below 18V or when two DC generators are lost.

look at the right answer.

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