Written Test 20%

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Course Title: Written Test – 20%

Course Code: BAGB1023

Section: MC-O13
Semester: Jan 2024
Name of Course Leader: Syed Munir Barakbah Syed Faozi
Student Name: Hareen Muthaliar A/L Sundra Ganes
Matric Number: MC230522649

1. TYPES OF MARKET SECTORS/INDUSTRIES: (4) COMPANY..............................................4
I. RETAIL INDUSTRY: Sodexo Alliance.....................................................................................4
II. HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY: Johnson & Johnson................................................................6
III. INFORMATION & TECH INDUSTRY: InnovateTech Solutions.....................................8
IV. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY: Micron Technology....................................................10


Workplace diversity entails employing people from a variety of

socioeconomic factors, including age, race, sexuality, gender, religious
belief, and education. It also entails ensuring that every worker have the
chances for progression & involvement. Cultivating cultural diversity at work
is more than just a catchphrase. It has demonstrated advantages that vary
from greater innovation to improved ability to solve issues. This essay
examines essential measures for boosting diversity at workplace, with an
emphasis on inclusive leadership, educational and training opportunities,
diversified recruiting procedures, flexible schedule rules, resource
management for employees, diversified auditing, and mentoring initiatives.




A French culinary services and property

management firm, based within the Parisian
neighborhood of Issy-les-Moulineaux. The,
company’s dedication towards diversity
training and education. The procedure entails
holding frequent diversity sessions, as
employees at every position to increase consciousness regarding
unconscious bias, privileges, & inclusive actions. Executives & managers
receive specific training concerning how to promote inclusiveness
& diversity across their organizations & groups. Cultural competence
training session is provided to increase cross-cultural interaction
interpersonal interaction & comprehension among personnel.

Training on awareness of culture and unconscious prejudice promote

teamwork empathy and compassion. When, organizing collaborative
sessions whereby workers may discuss their varied viewpoints culturally.
Sodexo Alliance will make sure the ongoing dedication for educational
opportunities. This investment promotes knowledge about diversity &
nurtures an inclusive & joyful working culture.

Examples of these learning labs include generations in the workplace,

disability awareness training program, Cross-cultural Communications, &
improving team effectiveness through inclusion. The company must have a
solution for different functions and work teams. For example, a course
related to selling to a diverse client base will be developed and offered to the
sales force, and for the recruiters a cross-cultural communication program
must be provided.

To evaluate Sodexo's diversity policy, analyze its implications & efficacy.
On the contrary, Sodexo's effort to developing its multicultural staff along
with the leadership teams is admirable. The corporation acknowledges the
link between diversification & performance, as its efforts are consistent
given from research findings as a positive outcome of diversity in
companies. It is critical to regularly evaluate and strengthen diversity policy.
Sodexo might consider taking further steps to provide equitable possibilities
for less fortunate individuals.

For instance, developing focused hiring and retention methods. The

organization might also improve its diversity initiatives by clearly addressing
unconscious biases & providing opportunities for staff to build inclusive
work environments. This not only promotes inclusion, equality, diversity, &
innovation in industry. This tactical solution strives to develop an
environment whereby for each & every employee, no matter what gender,
are able to flourish, offer own distinctive ideas, as well as drive the
business's achievement in the dynamic food and service industry.



A multifaceted healthcare goods company. The

company conducts R&D, manufactures, & sells a
variety of health-care goods. It works via two
segments: pharmaceuticals and medical
technology. Its main emphasis is on goods that promote individual wellness
& mental health in this sector. By embracing each colleague's distinctive
talents & viewpoints, J&J employees foster an inclusive culture which helps
their patients, clients, and clients have the privilege to be served & creating
and supporting Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These groups, which
are intended to offer a specialized platform to connect staff members with
similar qualities or experiences, which serves as critical pillars of growth
and inclusion.

Establishing an ERG for healthcare workers having varied cultural origins

may foster mutually beneficial relationships inside the company. ERG
employees may help contribute to the company's initiatives to promote
inclusion and diversity by setting up events, offering insights, offering
mentorship. J&J investment in ERGs fosters an atmosphere of identity
among employees, leading to increased cooperation & happier
working environments. Affinity groups, also known as Employee Resource
Groups (ERGs), which may give each of those aforementioned advantages
to underrepresented communities whilst also improving their productivity &
highlight on matters that are crucial to them.

J&J should initiate a new ERG for healthcare workers with varied origins in
culture. This organization might plan activities, events or seminars, and
learning sessions to encourage cultural competence within employees.
ERG volunteers share views & experiences, creating an increasingly
knowledgeable and empathetic healthcare staff. This improves treatment of
patients, fosters a supportive atmosphere for healthcare employees, which
contributes to higher employee happiness & retention.

J&J's development of ERG addresses the shortage of diversity amongst
medical professionals by enhancing their cultural competency while
fostering an inclusive and encouraging atmosphere. The goal with this
comprehensive solution is to develop a medical system that satisfies the
different requirements of patients while establishing an inviting work
environment for medical professionals representing
diversified backgrounds who can contribute, with the purpose of enhancing
their physical & mental wellness.


COMPANY NAME: InnovateTech Solutions

Innovate Tech is fundamentally an innovative technological

firm. They enjoy exploring with new technologies, pushing
the boundaries, and discovering cutting-edge solutions.
Inclusive Leadership Training InnovateTech Solutions, a top software
business, may promote diversity at work via integrating its management
crew in complete immersion. An extended Inclusive Leadership Training
program, the goal of this endeavor not only educates leaders regarding the
need of creating an inclusive atmosphere, but also equips them with
advanced relationships abilities for managing diverse teams.

By developing a philosophy of open discourse & valuing multiple opinions,

the course enables employees to deliberately build an environment of
inclusion that goes beyond surface diversification. Directors, for instance
might institute a culture of asking suggestions from teammates at all levels
throughout strategies for making choices, producing a collaborative
atmosphere in which diversity is not exclusively appreciated but valued.

Example, InnovateTech Solutions' executives participating in tasks that

allowed them to recreate various team situations throughout orientation.
The straightforward method assists individuals in developing the
competencies required to manage complicated interactions with others.
Real-world case studies & examples of achievement by companies having
successful attempts to promote diversity may encourage executives to
implement comparable approaches in the workplace. The objective is to
empower leaders with the skills to detect & dismantle barrier to inclusion,
creating a climate for varied talent to flourish.

InnovateTech Solutions is a pioneer in promoting an inclusive work

environment by addressing inadequate representation in managerial
positions via Inclusive Leadership Training. This fits with cultural diversity

goals. This comprehensive solution strives to impact company culture,
leading to a creative & vibrant IT environment.


COMPANY NAME: Micron Technology

Micron Technology is an international leader

in cutting-edge memory solutions that
evolve the manner in which everybody
utilizes data. A global pioneer providing breakthrough memory solutions
that are revolutionizing the way in which the world utilizes
knowledge. Micron provide the technology sector's most general portfolios
via globally recognized brands, Micron, Crucial, and Ballisti, as well as are
somewhat the sole business which produces modern significant storage
and memories technologies, including DRAM and NAND. Micron Tech is
crucial to other business/companies that include the International Business
Machines (IBM), Apple, Microsoft, and Samsung since they rely largely
upon Micron as a provider to remain successful.

When, setting straightforward objective to reach to goals, for staff is an

important approach to keep them engaged & working more innovatively at
Micron Technology. To, succeed the goals, objectives may be tied to job
tasks, such as enhancing the performance of a staff member or reaching
an established level of efficiency & productivity. On the other hand, they
might be broader, like developing fresh talent or positively impacting the
development of the business. Setting and accomplishing the
aforementioned objectives can help professionals stay concentrated and
inspired when they work more and consider with greater innovation. As
individuals progresses close to their ambitions, they will acquire new
abilities & increase in intellect, this will lead to greater possibilities for
creativity & solutions for issues.

Another way to stay motivated and work more innovatively at Micron

Technology is to embrace the challenge of solving complex problems. As a
technology company, Micron Technology is likely to face a wide range of
complex problems on a daily basis. By taking on these challenges and

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working to find innovative solutions, every employee can not only develop
their skills and knowledge but also make a significant impact on the
company's success.

Example Micron Technology may conduct sessions to highlight the

accomplished stories by women who succeeded in manufacturing
professions. Hands-on tasks & mentoring initiatives might be included in
training sessions to provide an encouraging atmosphere for female
employees to build their abilities & competence. By rapidly making
investments in labor training and education, Micron Tech guarantees that
all workers, despite their sex, have equal opportunity for professional
advancement while contributing to the business's achievements. Micron
Tech, promotes an inclusive and inventive manufacturing atmosphere by
tackling gender inequality in production & manufacturing positions via
education & training initiatives, including other activities.

When, addresses gender under-representation in manufacturing via

Training and Education activities, fostering a diverse & inventive
atmosphere. This proactive solution attempts to foster a positive
work environment whereby every staff member, no matter their gender, can
prosper, offer their own distinctive ideas, and drive the business's
performance within the competitive industry.

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Every company's path to workplace diversity needs a sophisticated,

diverse, & specialized strategy which goes beyond the basics. Through
supporting inclusive leadership, educational opportunities, diverse hiring
procedures, flexible work schedules, regulations & policies, (ERG), variety
inspections, along with mentoring initiatives, these organizations foster
environments in which variations are honored with developed for better
accomplishment and inventions. By means of these deliberate yet
purposeful initiatives, these companies meet their ethical and legal
requirements, including position oneself as a leader in establishing
inclusive, dynamic, and vibrant work environments, with establishing
standards for the industry in the long run.

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