Ut Notes

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172.0mm Sf

standard AT weld test piece RPO
3mm now
fig2091 225mm

Iii 300mm
hole At the

f tivity
standard At weld test piece RISO
mm n.ee
setting of
ultrasonicequipment 25mm
AT weld

750 mm 750mm

30mmdeep saw cut in weld
coller 15mmaway fromedge
of weld coller
Most common cause of rail failure
A crack formationduring service

successful performance of rails is based on their resistance to crack initiation

and crack propagation It is thereforeessential to identify classify the
defects in rails and in turn initiate corrective action

Theorigin development ofsuch cracke is due to
1 materialdefetorig.inating during mfg procen
eg cluster of non metallic inclusion
hydrogen flakes
rollingmarke guidemarks
2 residual streves induced during manufacturing
cooling rolling gas prening strengthening

3 defects due to incorrect handling eg plastic deformation

4 defects anociated with faultywelding

eg gae pores lack of fusion inclusion crack
5 dynamicstrewer caused
by vertical lateralloads particularly by vehicles
with wheel flats or when vehicle runs over poorlymaintained rail joints

6 excessive thermalstress due to variation in rail temp beyond

specific limits

based on their location of occurance in rail length

ff.tn ntI ng from the rail end or reaching theend of the rail
b defects observed within
fishplated zone
defects not covered in I Cbi

Nature ofdefects in rails

a horizontal crack in head_ there crack run usually 11 to rail table at

10 20mm may finally split thematerial layer
clusters of non metallicinclusions
andabnormal vertical service strewer
USED can easily detectsuch flaws

vertical longitudinal split in head

There cracks run 11 to the longitudinal
axis of rail
comedy presence of non metallicinclusions
poor maintainance
of joints high
dynamic stresses

It cannot be easilydetected in early

stages of USFD due to their unfavourable orientation

e horizontal crack at head web junction

such flaws may separation
comes wheel flats bad leaf tp
inclusion high residual strew
USFD is sensitive to such defects

d horizontal crack at web footjunction

such cracks developed towards head foot
they are caused by high vertical lateral dynamic load
scoring highresidualstrewer
USED can easily detect then flaws

e vertical longitudinal splitting ofweb

heavy accumulation of non metallicinclusion and wheelflats

USED conducted from rail top can detect it

only if thedefect is severe and in an advanced stage
vertical longitudinal defects of minornature are not amenable to USED
examinations conducted from rail top
probing railhead sides can detect suchdefects for which hand probing
may be evential

If bolt hole crack

such cracks often run diagonally and may run towards head or the foot
awedby inadequately maintained joints unchamfered fishbolt holes
and strew concentration

USED 37 probe can easilydetect therecracke

normal probes provide indication or diminished back wall echo
transverse fracture without apparent origin
theseminute flows manifest suddenly under severe
service condition or when thefractureoughnervalues are
comparatively low

there are generally very difficult to detect by USED

h transverse fatigue crack in head
they resemble a kidney in shape in the railhead USED is ideally
suited for detecting them they are generally inclined at an angleof
18 23 and originate at a depth of 1520 mm below the running surface
causedby non metallic inclusions
mainlyhydrogen accumulation

easily detected by 70 probe

Ii horizontal crack at top bottom fillet radius

by accumulation of non metallic
inclusion high residual streves introduced
at the time of rail straightening
There are
difficult to be detected by USFD

g vertical longitudinal crack in foot

such cracks develop from sharp chamfers on the
bottom surface of the rail foot
cracks occurring in this way are the
points of origin of transverse cracke in the foot

caused f8se iEhe iingi'dwktg FB weeding structural changes in

bottomsurface of the rail material takes place which results in
a minor crack There cracks under the tensile
loading give rise to
brittle fracture
such defects are not detectable by USFD
transverse cracke originated from AT welds in the rail foot
half moon and are detectable by 45 probe
of rail weld defects
for rebuedconceptof ID

any sweeping signal on horizontal

base line that
does not extend beyond
2.5 division from the left edgeof
the screen shall be recorded or GCC
and not as Is

1 N probe 4MHz sensitivity set wrt 100 back wall signal height
from rail bottom


area FI
within fishplated are IMR

robe outside fish plated are IMI

thy bridge bridgeapprochee
vicinity of holes
anyhorizontal crack progressing
at an angle in vertical plane
other then B locations

Ii To back echo with flawecho IMR

shifting without shifting 20mm
d No back echo with without OBS
shifting flow echo for horizontal
length 220ms

c vertical longitudinal split

in care
of partial complete loss of
back echo side probing shall be IMRO
carried out with 0 probe if any
flew echo with without multiplier is
observed in
any length
12 70 2MHz center probe
sensitivity set with 12 mm dia std hole in rail head
25 mm from rail top

line sections
Any transverse defect in
major bridge bridge approcher rail head at track locations
viscinity of holes other than above

EE i.EE FE l
3 70 2MHz center probe
sensitivity set with 12 mm dia
standard hole at rail head
25 mm from rail top and with
additional of 10dB thereon
all single line sections and
D tsondoukmlt.pl
line section

A Any transverse defect in rail head

at the following location
1 tunnel on tunnel approches
2 on major bridges bridge approches
400m either side
3 in the vicinity of hole near weld


CBI Any transverse defect in rail
head at track location other than
Al above
70 probes Gauge face
µ non
gauge face side
sensitivity set on 5mm FBH
A Any transverse defect in rail head
gauge side Non gauge face
i tunnel tunnel approches 100m either side
ii on major bridges bride approcher
in the viscinity of holes near the weld
new AT from center
50 mm for old AT
weld either side
75 mm for

F.IE ue


B Any transverse defect in rail head

gauge face Non gauge face
side at track locations otherthan
Al above

4730 v2 60

5 45 probes mounted in test rig
sensitivity set to 100 with respect
to reflection signal received from
opposite faceof rail head

A any transverse defect in rail head

with wheel burn on topsurface at the
following locations
viscinity of holes new welds

loss of signal heightequalto or more than IMR

20 of full scaleheight
B Any transverse defect in the rail loss ofsignalheightequalto
head with wheel burn on topsurface or more than 80 of fullscale
at track locations other than A above height I IMR

loss of signal height equalto

or more than 20 but lev than 80
center probe of full scale night OBS

ftp f
bolt hole
set on Smmsawat

Anydefect originating from boltholes

and progressing at an angletowards
headwebjunction webfootjunction

duringtestingany moving signal

observed IMR
by 37in web region
i.e beyond 2.3 div in horizontal
scale other than standard peak
from bolt hole bond wire hole
At FBW using SRT DRT
A Normal probe 1MHz
sensitivity set wrt 100 backwall t
signal height from rail bottom efeew.fm
A any horizontal defect programing shifting or without
at an angle in vertical planein the rail shifting
at the following location in the track
1 intunnel on tunnel approchee
ii on majorbridges bridgeapproches
Iii in thevicinity of holes near the weld

B Any horizontal defect progresing transuerly

in the rail at track location otherthan A

No back echo with flawecho OBSI

shifting or w o shifting

IFI.ta.fr ini aitss jih a

A tunnel
vicinity of holes

k any transverse defect in rail
at track location other than A
non OBSW

3 70 2MHz Gauge face

Non Gauge face side
sensitivity set on 5mmFBIf



B anly ransune defect

in the rail heed on gaugeface
gauge face side at
track location other than CAIabove


15 30
2 a sensitivity setting block for 70 2MHz
Tentergangefaceand nongaugeface Probes

i Ti headwidth

heed Ef
f fE


If iE

L t
T for tell peice

having top table width equal rail heed width

All dimensions are in mm

drawing is not to scale

It 12 mm dia wed to set 70 2MHz center probe

standard hole at rail head 25mm from rail top

I 5mm FBH need to set Gauge face non gaugeface side

Theory static
Refraction modeconversion

Ifultrasonic waves strike a boundary

at an obliqueangle then the reflection
and transmission of waver becomesmore
complicated than that with normal insidence

Atobliqueincidence the phenomena of modeconversion

i.e a change in nature of wave motion
and refraction a change in dir
of wave propagation occure
normal to theinterface
S as
medium 1

Lti angle of of transversewave
to angle of reflection of wave

Bt angle ofrefraction of transverse wave

Be ange ofrefraction of longitudinal wave
Snelli law
Thegeneral law that for a certaininsident
ultrasonic wave on a boundary determines
thedirectionof the reflected andrefracted waves
I knownas shelli law
according to this law the ratio sineof the
angleof incidence to the sine oftheangleof reflection
or refraction equate the ratio of crossponding velocities
of the incident and reflected and refracted waves
mathematically smell law is expressedas
angleof incidence
β angle of reflection or refraction
V velocity of incident wave
V2 or wave
y of f
both α B are measured from a line normal to the

First second critical angle

theangle incidence α is small

If of
Ultrasonic waves travelling in a medium
undergo the phenomena of mode conversion
and refraction upon encountering a
boundary with anothermedium
Thisresults in simultaneous propagation of
longitudinaland transverse waves at
different angles of refraction in the
second medium

As angle of incidence is increased the

angleof refraction also increases whenthe
refraction angle of the longitudinal wave
reaches 90 the wave emerges fromthe
2nd medium and travelle parallel to the
boundary The angle
which the refracted
of incidence at
longitudinal wave
emerges is called the first criticalangle

the angle
of incidence α is further
the angle ofrefraction for
the transverse wave allo approcher 90
The value of α
refraction of
for which the angle
the transverse wave is
exactly 90 is called 2nd criticalangle
At second critical angle the refracted
transverse waves emerges fromthemedium
and travels parallel to the boundary
The transverse wave has become a

Lt transnerve wave α second critical angle
first congeal
PI this method can be employed
detection of open to surface discontinuities
in any industrial product which is
madeupof a non pones material

capillary action
algid penetrant is applied to thesurface
for a certainpredetermined time after
which excein penetrant is removed from
thenuface Thesurface is then dried
is applied to it The penetrant
a developer
whichremains in the discontinuity is
absorbed by the developer to indicate
the presence as well as the location size
and nature of thediscontinuity
mmpfeiiatt.gs wi tanbeearilymagnetied ferromagnetic
capable of opento surface justbelowsurfacelines

magnetic feild introduced inthe specimen is

of magneticlines of force Wheneverthere is
a flaw which intercepts the
flowofmagnetic linerof
forces some of them lines must exit reenter the
specimen Then points of exit and re entry
formopposite magneticpoles When ever minute magnetic
particles are sprinkled onto the surface of the specimen
thenparticles are attracted then
magnetic poles to
visual indication
create a approximating the size shape
of theflaw
Acoustic impedance
The resistance offered to the propagation
an ultrasonic wave a material is
of by
known at acoustic impedance It is denoted
by letter 2 and is determined by
multiplying density f of the by
thevelocity v of the ultrasonic wave in
Z f V

the ant of ultrasonic energy which is

Piezo electric effect

A transducer is a divine which

converts one form energy into
another Ultrasonictransducers
convertelectrical energy into Ultrasonic
energy and vice versa byutilizing a
phenomenon known as the piezoelectric

effect Thematerials whichexibitthis

property are known as piezo electric

In direct piezoelectric effect a

piezoelectric material when subjected to
mechanical prevure will develop an
electrical potential acrom it In the
inverse piezoelectric effect mechanical
deformation and thenvibration is produced
whenever electricalpotential is applied them

The direct piezoelectric i used in

detecting and the inverse piezoelectric
effect in the generation ofultrasonicwaves

Pulse echo method

classification painting on Action to be taken integration
IMR web the flawed portion SE JE USED shall impose
IMRW three cross should be replaced by speedrestrictionof30kmph
with red a sound tated rail immediately and to becontinued
peice of not ten than till flewed rail weldisreplaced
paint 5.5mlength in case of
He shouldcommunicate to
fishplated track
4 m in can
ofweldedsectionalSEIJE about the
track within 3days flawlocation and ensure that
ofdetection is

OBS one cross with red Railweld to beprovidedwith SE JE USED to advise

OBSW paint clampedjoggledfishplate sectional SEIJE within24hr
within 3 days about the flew location
specifically recordthe keyman to watch during
ofthe location daily petroling till it is
in his register in
joggled fish plated
subsequent round of
is done by 0 Normal SC probe only
e characteristics if thetime ban is linear meanerment andresults

are more reliable

Wearily of time base
In UT linearity of time ball reffer The variation shall be within
to theaccuracy and consistency of 1.25 at range 100mm 250mm
the time axis on the display unit and 500 mm
A linear time bare ensures that the
timescaleaccurately representsthe
elapsed time allowing for accurate am
interpretation of ultrasonic signals 0.8 range
and their travel times in materials
for flow detection It is crucial
reliable and precise
results in inspections

Thetime measurment is thenconverted

into a distance considering the speed
of sound in materials by analysing
thetimetaken for the ultrasonic signal
to return we can determinedepth size
and location of flawe or boundaries
within the material

Flinearity of amplification linearitysÑa

if the material
inputsignal strength received the b within 3
fromthe beingteeted increase at range at 100 mm 250 mm 500mm
or decrease the amplification system
responds proportionally and consistantly
a linearamplification system is crucial h
in UTbecause it ensures that the
signals received from thematerial xiof
are faithfully represented on the
display unit 2h
hifh2 100
IPenetration Power
ability of ultrasonic waves to The equipment give 5 full echo 6th
travel through a material andpenetrate appearing in 23 V1
to significantdepths materials with mmyxk
higherpenetration power allow UTwaves upof fiber
Traveldeeperbeforethey start
speed of ultrasonic
to weaken or attenuate
materials is high
14 dead zone It is 6 mm with 0 single crystal
shortdistance from the surface of probe 2MHz and 3mm with O DC
material being inspected where the
ultrasonicequipment is unable to step block it med
effectively detect flaws Tenure
The zone iscalled deed because
signals withinthis range are oftenweak
or indistinct due to the overlapping
of near surface signals and the
initial pulse of the Ultrasonic wave

5 noise ratio 1st do for resolution then

It refers to the ratio b w the wife remove the probe wire the
signal representing reflectionfrom noise echo should be leu than 10
within the material andunwanted on the same
background noise or interference
A highsignal to noise ratio is desirable
as it indicates a clearer and more
reliablerepresentation of materials
internal structure

In simpleterms a good signalto noise

ratio in UT means that the signals
reflecting from potential flaws or
boundaries within the material are
strong and distinguishable fromany
unwanted background noise This

In UT sensitivity reffers to the

L t.sk EnI.n 1etect

within a material A more sensitive
system can detect smaller flows or
variation in material thicknell

highersensitivity can improve the

ability to identify and characterize
suitableanomalies during theinspectionprocess
range should be 100mm
7 resolution
It reffere to theability ofthetesting
equipment to distinguish b w closely
spacedreflectors or small features
within a material It is a measureof
the system's precision in identifying
andpreuntingdetails in the inspected

in simpleterms
highresolution in UT
mean that the equipment can provide
clear and distinct images of internal
structures making it easier to
differentiate b w closelypositioned
defects or boundaries within the
material being teeted Improved
resolution contributes to theaccuracy
of flaw detectionand characterization
in Ultrasonic inspection

70 45 137 0
52kg rail 165 172
200 300

60kg rail 165 275

45 165 near weld with out hola

Probe Sensitivity done on weldpiece

block minimum 1m
head 3mm 02MHz 70 Head
2 how
flange 5mm Fo flange 70 SLprobe

100 reflection
normal 22,5
Mende Modsonic TFT

initial echo

range 200mm
memory no 17
0 Normal Se modesingle 2MHz
thickness 200mm

Calibration done with V1 block

range is 200mm 8 peake are appearing

adjusted 1st peak for SP 24.8 wing zero adjustment

2nd peakappear at 50.4
3rd peak 76
4 100.8
5 127.2

we accept 13 in linearity of time bare

1 linearity of time bare
nge 0 7 100 15.5

linearity of amplification

21.0dB peak 1 height 81 2nd peek at 55

after 6 dB reduction
15dB 1st peak 40 2nd peak 26

2h_ 8
h1j 100
50 too


3 Penetration power range 500
dead zone

noise ratio

6 sensitivity

7 resolution take range 100

Head Production Kamlesh Sir

23 22

I i Probe 0 2MHz DC
porosity hole slaginclusion in head uptomidweb of AT welded joint

there refer totransverse crack which occurs in weld metal

may be dueto inclusion porosity and void in welde

Pinholes are always
called por sites but largergasbubbles are called

visible on the surface Porosity is common name given to

thevoidgotcreated becauseof entrapped gave

981 50 initial echo 2500 3000
11 5920Mls angle 0
connect 0 DCprobe put it on 11WX1 Block afterapplying
couplant on 100mm width side
set 1st reflected peak at 3.3 division wing probe zero
place Gate over it and read the beam path depth shall be 100 mm
reflected peak will appear at 6.7 third peakat 10.0
if last peakis not at 10.0 velocity may be adjusted to set
the last peak at 10.0
the equipment is calibrated for 3001200 mm longitudinal wave
for ODC probe
to varity the calibration put probe on top of rail head the
back peakposition will be at 5.2 for 52kg rail and 5.7
for 60 kg rail

Cii Sensitivity Place 0 normal probe on test rail The reflection from
3mm dia hole in headof std.AT welded fat piece shall be
set to 60 of full screen heightby suitable manuplation of
ftp.fc2 i
m m
themiddle of flange
through the weld

Defect classification
I Initial testing
flawsignal of height 30 and above obtained by normal probe from
the head region to be declared as DFWN
b flaw signal of height more than 20 obtained by normal probe
from web or foot location to be declared as DEWN


a For any flaw signal obtained by normal probe from theheadegion
i flaw signal 740 but 60 DFWO
ii flaw signal 60 DEWR

b For any flaw signalobtained by normal probe from web or foot

i 20 240 DFWO
flaw signal DFWR
flaw signal 40

0 60

790 DFWR
81 Probe 70 2MHz Head Scanning
this is used to detect lack of fusion porosity blow hole
slag inclusion cracks in head of AT welded joint
II Calibration
select range 165 mm with range controlkey
select mode TTR ie single crystalmode
set delay 0 probe zero
feed shear wave velocity 3230Mls
connect 70 2MHz singlecrystal probe and put it on 11h41 block
afterapplying couplent and direct the beam towards 100mm curvature
move the probe slightly to and fro to get maximize signal
probe zere ispeakd 6no or by wing Gate read beam
path mm
to verify the calibration direct the probe towards 25 mm
curvature and maximize the peak put the Gate on this peak
the beam path shall be 25mm

the equipment is calibrated for 165 mm shear wave

g6 Seneitivity
3 hole

ftp ftp tom

3mm hole
I 00mm mj
themiddle of flange
through the weld

Test procedure
Place the probe on the rail head on one side of AT welded
reinforcement and move towards the weld in zig zag manner This
exercise shall be repeated 2 3 times The same shall be carried out
from both sides of the weld
4 defect classification

If Ingrifinal of of Este

Ii A bunch of moving signals more than 10 of FSH shall also be

considered as defective weld and to be declared as DF WN

II PeriodicTesting
1 A welded joint showingmoving signal of 40 or more and upto
60 of FSH shall be classified as DFWO
in A welded joint showingmoving signal
to be classified as DFWR
of more than 60 of FSH
in A bunch of moving signals more than 10 of FSH shall
also be considered as defective weld to be declared as DEWR

8.1 45 2 MHz probe

87 I 45 2MHz probe AT weld Foot Scanning
This scan is need to inspect the clustered defect micro porosities
and half moon shaped defect at the bottom of weldfoot




T Range calibration
i feedrange 275 mm with range control
ii select mode TTR i e single crystalmode
set delay 0
set probe zero 0
feed shear wave velocity 3230m s
feedangle 45
connect45 2MHz single crystalprobe and put it on 11W IV1 Block
afterapplying couplant and direct thebeam towards 100 mm curvature
move the probe slightly to andfroto get maximize signal
Wing probe zero set this peak at 3.6 or by wing the Gate read
beampath 100mm

to verify the calibration direct the probetowards 25 mm curvature

and maximize the peak put the GATE on peak beam path shall be 25mm
the equipment is calibrated for 275 mm shear wave Sensitivity setting when is standard block here

Place4512MHz probe on the railhead surface at a distance equal

to theheight rail from theenterofatheld


move the probe 20 mm either side of this position probe indexmarking

to pick up half moon crack in central region of weldreinforcement
This exercise shall be carried out two three times from each side
of the weld and signal from simulated flawshould appear at a
of approximately 400mm for 52 kg rail
The signal so obtained shall be adjusted to 60
of FSH by manuplating
gain Test procedure
probe shall be placed on the rail head at a distance equal to
the height of rail from center of AT weld This testing technique
will scan the bottom of the weld in the central zone
the scanning shall also be repeated from other side of the weld
with beam directing toward the foot region oftheweld classification
I Initial testing
Any flew signal obtained by this probe of 209 height or more
shall classified as defective AT welded joint DF WN
II periodic testing
Any flaw signal obtained by this probe of 20 height or more
shall be classified as defective AT welded joint DFWR
45 2MHz single crystal probe tandem probe scanning
Thetandemprobe rig scan on the rail table by 45 probe is need
to detect any vertically orienteddefectsuch as lack of fusion located
at head ndion.com wd uptowIotjuntnaree
111Range Calibration
The equipment shall be set for a depthrangeof 275 mm

wing V1 block
Sensitivity setting
Place the tandem rig on the railhead and attach 45 probes such
that the beam direction is as shown below Adjust the height of
reflected beam received by receiver probe Rx 100 FSH
increase the gain further by 10dB This gain shall be used for
normal testing of AT weld by this set up

target is it I

ft I 1

Fi eat
É offlineof
131Test procedure Place the tandem
rig on the rail head The datumline of
the rig shall be in line with center line of weld Test the weld with
sensitivity setting as mentioned above This exercise shall be repeatedfrom
otherside of the weld
defect classification
any flaw signal of 30 of FSH shall be classified
In If eating

II Periodic testing
Any flaw signal of 40 of FSH shall be considered as DFWR

8 7012MHz Side looking SL probe

This procedure shallbeused for the detection of half moonshaped transverse
defect with a pair of 70 side looking probesusingtransmitter receiver
1 Range calibration
calibrated for a depthrangeof 165mm shear wave

Sensitivity setting
setrange 165 mm velocity 3250m s DC Angle 70
connect the cables of SL probes to transmitter and receiver socket in
such a way that the dish of SLcrystal face is inward i e towards
simulated half moon shaped defect Place the 70 SL Tx and Rx probes
on the upper zone of flange at a distance of 85 mm on either side of
move the probes slowly in the slight
Zigzag manner towards the weld upto a
distanceof 20mm fromweldcoller Setthe
T signal obtained fromsimulated half
moondefect to 60 of FSH with thehelp
of gaincontrol This gain setting will be
utilized duringtesting of weld

TE.gg crack
AT weld

of t tile
I I talk

Ritt m Mtf rate

Plane showing ptsii.in of 255 tidilooking su probe
on rail flingle
31Test procedure
place the transmitter and receiver 70 SL probes at position
as mentioned above move the probe slowly in a
zigzag manner towards
theweld Theposition of transmitter and receiver probesfrom a defect
signalmay vary depending uponthe location of half moon defect This
is alsodone from other side of weld

4 defect classification
periodic testing thedefect signalof 20 of FSH or more is to be
classified as DFWR

FlangeTesting by 70 2MHz 20 20 mm single crystal probe_

This scanning is done for detecting lack of fusion porosity blow hole
slag inclusion in flange of ATweld
111Range calibration Theequipment shall be set for a depth range of165mm

sensitivity settings
7012MHz single crystal probe shall be connected to the socket
available in ultrasonic equipmentThe selector switch shall be setto
Trina immga
I60 FSH tm e gdti_
on the screen



3 Test procedure
70 probe shall be placed on the flange at a suitable distance
180mm crossponding to fig shown below such that Ultrasonic
directed toward the weld The probe shall thereafter
waves are
be moved slowly in zig zag manner towards the weld

4 defect classification
I Initial telling
Awelded joint showing flawecho of 30 vertical height or more
is to be declared as DEWN

II Periodic testing
11 A welded jointit showing flaw echo of 40 vertical height or more
and upto 60 to be declared
A welded joint showing flew echo of more than 60 vertical
height is to be declared as DFWR
8.1 Initial USED testing of AT welds and subsequent testing within
theguaranteeperiodof contract
A thermit welding done in setu shall be joggledfish plated with
two clampe and supported on wooden blocks of 300 450 mm length
untill teeted a goodby USED

Thedefective joints DEWN bared on the criteria as mentioned

above shall not beallowed to remain in service for initial USED
teeting of AT welde
during Subsquent testing within the guarantee periodof contract
defectivejoints DFWO or DFWR shall be cropped re welded and
tested again The rewelded joints shall be scanned ultrasonically
again with the same set of acceptance criteria
8 11 Periodic testing of welds in service
Theperiodic testing of weld wing O 2MHz 702MHz 452MHz
and 70 2MHz SL probes shall be done

8 72 Procedurefor initial periodic ultrasonic Examination of 75mm

gap AT welded Joints
8.12.1 Standard test sample
The sensitivity of ultrasonic equipment shall be set with respect
to AT weld standard test sample of 1.5m length having simulated
flaw at standard location

siden IT

ii n t. t

standard A To welded Rail piece with artificial flaws
for sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment to examine
75 mm wide gap At welde
Sensitivity setting
lead the signal from the simulated flaw of 3mm dia hole in the head
shall be set to 60 of FSH with 0,2MHz and 70,2MHz
probes for detection of discontinuities in rail head

Flange For Flange testing a signal from a saw out of 30 mm in the

weld metal in the flange 15mm away fromthe edge of the weld
coller shall be set to 60 of FSH wing 70 2MHz probe
3 defect classification

8 9O 70 probes rejection criteria will be same

as for 25 mm gap AT weld joints

b flange with 70,2MHz probe any moving signal of height

more than 20 of FSH shall be treated as defective weld DEWN
II PeriodicTesting

Head egection criteria will be same as

for withggpdaffgbg.int

Flange with 70 2MHz probe any moving signal more than 20
of FSH shall be treated as defective weld DFWR
classification of defects
8.13 defects detected by 0,2MHz 70 2MHz 45 2MHz and
70 2MHz SL probes with RDSO approved customised AT Weld
tester existing machine
8.14 Action to be taken after detection of defects in AT welds


in addition welds classified as defective DF NO DFWR in

periodic testing of AT welde wing hand probing

8.15 frequency of testing

1 periodic testing by SRT DRT wing O FO probes

Route Routes having GMT Testing frequency once in

All M G Route 2.5 5years

25 5 3 year
5 2years
Route Routes havingGMT Testing frequency once in
All BG routes 55 2years
rail head center 7558 1 year 12month
andgaugeface 78512 9month
corner non gauge 712516 6 month
face corner 716524 4 month
testing 724540 3 month
740260 2month
60480 month
780 1 month

Route Routes havingGMT Testing frequency once in

Allmainline BG
on CC18 24 g 15h
routes 78512 6 months
temp20M 712516 4 monthe
tempzone III 716524 3month
52kg 0 UTS 724540 2 month
740560 If month
60580 month
780 20day
8N Probe calibration scanned Acceptance creteria
11 02MHz V1 block shoatweldedteet Head 3 fun 40 Egg
3miffinhead DFWO
Web 20 DFWN 20 40
60 of FSH 740 DFWR

2 11WV1 block ATweldedfeet Lead ismovingsignal 40 60 DEWO
165mmshare piece 30 DEWN 60 DEWR
3mylehead 1 bunch of
60 of FSH signal710 FSHsignal710
Flange v1 block
iweldedtee 702MH2165mmsheaneaf

5 9601
df Danny

3 70 V1 block mode
Em she diffal weldfoot Periodictesting
acethe70s halfmoon defectsignal 20
robes on theupperzone simulated half defect DFWR
theflangeat a distance moon shapeddefect
setthe signalobtained
to 60 ofFSH
eld coller

4 45 2MHz V1 block signalfromsimulated AT weld

placethe probeon 275 mm could
appearat foot
initial 19 jan
ail headsurface TTR SC a distance ofapproximately
for 5269201
ofweld Periodictesting
thesignalsoobtainedshallin central 720 DFWR
beadjustedto 60 of
FSH fk
m probe
5 45 2MHz V1 block tandem on railhead datumlineof initial testing
SinglecrystalProbe range 275mm Adjustthe heightof rigshallbein flawsignal 30 DFWA
place the tandem Theequipment reflectedbeam to linewithcenter
rig on the rail headshallbeset in 100 of FSH Increaselineofweld Periodictesting
and attach45 probes T Rdoublecrystal theGainfurther Any flawsignal 740 DFW
by 10dB
the frequency of testing of AT welde with above listed probes
by hand probing shall be under
5 No Type of weld Typeof testing Testing schedule

1 Conventional Periodic tests Every 40 GMT or 5 years whichever

ATweld is earlier

runeld Acceptancetest Immediately afterwelding

First periodic test 20 GMT 1 year whichever is
Efferhaving GMT Frequency
4 Further feet
band on GMT 780 1
60580 If year
45 60 2 year
30545 3 years
715 30 4 years
0 15 5 year
The testing interval
of USFD testing of defective AT welds should be
by 50 of normal testinginterval of AT welds to avoid fractures
of defective welde

The frequency of USFD testing of AT welds on loop line shallbe followed

1 Acceptance test immediately afterwelding
1 1st periodic test after 1 year
is Further test i once in every fiveyears for passenger runningloops
ii not to be carried out for non passengerrunning loops

flawsignal Vs signals coming dueto geometrical configuration of weld


Alumino thermic

specialized procen wed for joining railway tracks

details of the procen
1 Prepration
identify the section ofrailway track that needs welding
remove any impurities or contaminations from the rail and to
ensure a clean weld

2 Materials
Aluminiumpowder this server at reducing agent
iron oxide the oxidising agent typically in the form of iron ore
additional elements may be added to control the properties of weld
3 Equipment
crucible A refractory
container where reaction takes place
mold A heat resistant mold placed around the rail ende to shape
themolten metal
ignition system A device to initiate the chemical reaction
4 Chemicalreaction
The aluminium powder reacts exothermically with the iron oxide
producing molten iron and aluminium oxide
this reaction is highly exothermic generating temperature exceeding
2500 C

5 Welding process
the aluminium oxide slag floats to the top is removed
the molten iron fille the gap b w the rail ends in themold
themolten metal solidifies creating a strong and continue weldedjoint

6 Post weld inspection

After cooling the welded joint undergoes inspection for quality
Ultrasonic testing and othermethods may be employed to ensure
the weld meets specified standarde

7 Advantages
AT weld provide a robust durable joint
it creates a continue smooth track
reducing wear on train wheels

8 Application
AT weld is mainly need in railwaymaintainance construction
Process of FB W Flash Bult Welding
FBW is a technique used in rail and metalworking industries
to join two pieces of weld typically sail
stepby step process
1 Prepration
ensure the rail ends are clean and properly aligned
the rail ende are trimmed to precise lengths to facilitate a seamless
2 Clamping
the rail ende are firmly clamped into position ming a FB welding mlc
the clamping mechanism holds the two pieces in place ensuring they
are in close contact

3 Heating Preheating
An electric current is passedthrough the railend causing them to
heat up
the initial heating is done to bring the rail ends to an elevated temp
reducing the force required for subsquent forging
4 Flash upsetting
The rail ende are brought into contact and a high current is pared
the internee heat generated at the contact point causes the metal to
become molten forming a flash

5 Forging
Themachineapplies prevure to forge and upset the molten metal
The excess flash is pushed away leaving behind a clean and uniform
6 Cooling
the welded joint is allowed to cool and solidify
controlled cooling is evential to ensure the desiredmetallurgical
properties of the weld

7 Finishing
The excess material from the flash is removed leaving a smooth and
continous welded joint
8 quality control The finished weld undergoes various quality control
tests including ultrasonic testing to ensure it meets specified Std
Ch 9 Ultrasonic Testing of Flash Butt and Gas Pressure
welded joints
pulse echo A scan method

probes used
only 2X and 70

totest head
to tert web Foot

9 2 Codeof Procedure

Iii 0 4MHzdoublecrystal probe 0 2MHzsingle crystal probe shallbe lured

to check equipment characteristics

Cii pece of 2.5 in length having std simulated defects at standard

avg.gg CUT
110 SAW

es es
a eat
evilis Calibration block 60 50 50 mm

I p L ton

dirt rent
tudou.ee from weed spatter scale
and extreme roughner each side the weld
distance equal to 200mm
of for a

depending upon availability feasibility oil grease water

Calibrate the depthrange of VFD with help of 60 50 50 mm

steel block
9.1 Calibration lenitivity testing
I calibrate the digital ultrasonic weld teeter
for 165 mm shear
11W V1 block 100 mm
after calibration switch over to T Rdouble crystal mode

connect the 45 probes one to transmitter connectorand other to receiver

connector Placethe 45 probes on standard rail peice a show in fig


es .EE I

Different defedsobservedina Tweld

9 Transverse crack in head and foot_

It is caused by inclusions entrapped during welding which leads to crack
initiation on the foot and its growth in web region causing fracture
such cracks can be detected byUSED

b Horizontal cracks in web

There cracke occur in AT welds in which theends having bolt holes have
not been removed The presence of holes result in unfavourable strew
distribution caused due to non uniform cooling

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