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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Solving problems involving greatest common factor

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Language Arts - Students can analyze word problems involving greatest
common factor and write a step-by-step solution using proper mathematical
language and reasoning.

2) Science - Students can apply the concept of greatest common factor to solve
problems involving the conversion of units, such as determining the largest common
factor between different measurement systems.

3) Social Studies - Students can use the concept of greatest common factor to
analyze historical data and identify common factors that may have influenced certain
events or phenomena.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials:

1) PowerPoint presentation with interactive quiz questions

2) Whiteboard or blackboard

3) Markers or chalk

Activity 1: Greatest Common Factor Scavenger Hunt

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning


1) Scavenger hunt questions (printed or displayed on a projector)

2) Answer sheets for each group

3) Timer or stopwatch

Significance: This activity will engage students in a collaborative problem-solving

task where they will apply their knowledge of greatest common factor to solve real-
world problems.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Give each group a scavenger hunt question sheet and an answer sheet.

3) Set a time limit for the activity.

4) Instruct the groups to solve each question and record their answers on the answer

5) After the time limit, have each group share their answers and discuss the
solutions as a class.


- Correctness of answers: 5 pts

- Collaboration and teamwork: 5 pts

- Completion of all questions: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Find the greatest common factor of 24 and 36.

2) Determine the largest common factor between 48 and 72.

3) What is the greatest common factor of 16 and 20?

Activity 2: Greatest Common Factor Puzzle Challenge

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning


1) Puzzle pieces with numbers and their factors (can be printed and cut out)

2) Timer or stopwatch

Significance: This activity will challenge students to apply their knowledge of

greatest common factor to solve a puzzle, promoting critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.


1) Distribute the puzzle pieces to each student or group.

2) Instruct the students to arrange the puzzle pieces by matching numbers with their
greatest common factors.

3) Set a time limit for the activity.

4) Encourage students to discuss their reasoning and strategies as they solve the


- Correct arrangement of puzzle pieces: 5 pts

- Time taken to complete the puzzle: 5 pts

- Explanation of reasoning and strategies: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the greatest common factor of 36 and 48?

2) Find the largest common factor between 56 and 64.

3) Determine the greatest common factor of 72 and 84.

Activity 3: Real-Life Application of Greatest Common Factor

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning


1) Real-life scenarios involving greatest common factor (e.g., dividing a cake among
friends, sharing resources)

2) Chart paper or whiteboard

3) Markers or chalk

Significance: This activity will allow students to explore and apply the concept of
greatest common factor in real-life situations, enhancing their problem-solving skills
and understanding of the topic.


1) Present different real-life scenarios to the students, where the concept of greatest
common factor can be applied.

2) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a scenario to analyze.

3) Instruct the groups to discuss and determine the greatest common factor in their
assigned scenario.

4) Have each group present their findings and explain their reasoning to the class.


- Analysis and identification of greatest common factor: 5 pts

- Clarity of explanation: 5 pts

- Collaboration and participation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) If 12 students need to share 36 pencils equally, what is the greatest common


2) In a school, there are 60 books to be divided equally among 15 classrooms. What

is the largest common factor?

3) A farmer has 84 apples and wants to distribute them equally among his 7 children.
What is the greatest common factor?

Activity 1 - The scavenger hunt allowed students to apply their knowledge of greatest
common factor in solving real-world problems. It enhanced their critical thinking and
collaboration skills.

Activity 2 - The puzzle challenge promoted problem-solving and critical thinking skills
as students arranged the puzzle pieces based on greatest common factors.

Activity 3 - The real-life application activity deepened students' understanding of

greatest common factor by connecting it to practical situations and encouraging
inquiry-based learning.


The main point of solving problems involving greatest common factor is to identify
the largest number that can divide two or more numbers without leaving a remainder.
By finding the greatest common factor, students can simplify fractions, solve word
problems, and make calculations more efficient. Recognizing patterns and rules in
finding the greatest common factor can help students apply this concept to various
mathematical situations.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1 - Students will create a poster or presentation showcasing different real-life

scenarios where the concept of greatest common factor is applied. They will explain
the significance of finding the greatest common factor in each scenario and provide
examples. This task will encourage creativity, research skills, and critical thinking.

Task 2 - Students will design a board game that involves solving problems related to
greatest common factor. The game should include various levels of difficulty and
require players to apply their knowledge of greatest common factor in order to
progress. This task will promote problem-solving, strategic thinking, and


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials:

1) Assessment questions printed or displayed

2) Answer sheets for each student

Question 1: Find the greatest common factor of 72 and 90.

Question 2: Determine the largest common factor between 84 and 96.

Question 3: What is the greatest common factor of 18 and 24?


Assignment 1: Students will research and write a short essay on the significance of
greatest common factor in solving real-life problems. They should provide examples
and explain how the concept can be applied in different contexts. This assignment
will promote research skills, critical thinking, and written communication.

Assignment 2: Students will create a set of word problems involving greatest

common factor. They should provide clear instructions and solutions for each
problem. This assignment will enhance students' problem-solving skills, creativity,
and ability to communicate mathematical concepts effectively.

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