Diagnostic Essay

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Diagnostic Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of a "Diagnostic Essay" can prove to be a challenging task. The
difficulty lies in the multifaceted nature of the topic, as it necessitates a profound understanding of
diagnostic processes, coupled with the ability to articulate thoughts coherently. Delving into the
intricacies of diagnostic methodologies demands a comprehensive exploration of various fields, such
as education, medicine, and technology. Additionally, the writer must possess the skill to analyze and
interpret diagnostic data, presenting findings in a clear and concise manner.

Moreover, the challenge lies in striking a balance between theoretical concepts and practical
applications. A diagnostic essay often requires the incorporation of real-world examples to illustrate
the significance of diagnostic tools and techniques. This necessitates extensive research and the
ability to synthesize information from diverse sources.

Furthermore, the writer must be adept at organizing ideas logically, ensuring a seamless flow of
information. Proper structuring becomes crucial to communicate the complexities of diagnostic
processes effectively. The challenge is to avoid being too technical for a general audience while
maintaining the depth required for an insightful exploration of the topic.

Additionally, a diagnostic essay may demand introspection and self-analysis, making it a somewhat
personal and reflective piece of writing. This adds another layer of complexity, as the writer needs to
balance objectivity with personal insights.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of a "Diagnostic Essay" requires a multifaceted

approach, combining in-depth research, clear articulation, and the ability to navigate through various
disciplines. The writer must skillfully weave together theoretical concepts and practical applications
while maintaining a balance between complexity and accessibility.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, professional help is
available. Services like HelpWriting.net offer support in creating well-researched, structured, and
insightful essays on a variety of topics. Whether it's a diagnostic essay or any other type, expert
writers can provide the necessary guidance and expertise to ensure a successful and well-crafted
piece of writing.
Diagnostic Essay Diagnostic Essay
The Lost Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay example
The Lost Iago in Othello

In Shakespeare s Othello the sinister nature of the ancient casts a pall of uneasiness
over the narrative of the play. How can the evil influence of one character be so
pervasive? Let us in this essay probe his character and find answers to our questions.

In Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello Valerie Wayne exposes Iago s inability
to praise women when Desdemona asks him how he would do it:

Iago s worry that he cannot do what Desdemona asks implies that his dispraise of
women was candid and easily produced, while the praise requires labour and inspiration
from a source beyond himself. His insufficiency is more surprising because elsewhere in
the play Iago appears as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...

Evidence of his psychopathic personality is seen early in the play. He manipulates the
wealthy Roderigo into awakening the senator Brabantio ( Rouse him: make after him,
poison his delight ); and then he utters very offensive smutty lines about a black ram
and white ewe, which indicate the way his sick mind operates. Iago s very language
reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Francis Ferguson in Two Worldviews
Echo Each Other describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the antagonist
Iago when he slips his mask aside while awakening Brabantio:

Iago is letting loose the wicked passion inside him, as he does from time to time
throughout the play, when he slips his mask aside. At such moments he always resorts
to this imagery of money bags, treachery, and animal lust and violence. So he expresses
his own faithless, envious spirit, and, by the same token, his vision of the populous city
of Venice Iago s world, as it has been called. . . .(132)

He seems to be motivated by love of money which he has been receiving from

Roderigo for some time ( thou, Iago, who hast had my purse / As if the strings were
thine ). Iago himself says that he is motivated by revenge on the Moor ( I follow him to
Yitzhak Rabin Research Paper
The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Does human life matter? Is a question I m sure many people have asked. The death of
anyone shouldn t be considered good, but there are certain people in power that were
killed for a reasonable cause. One of those people that were assassinated was Yitzhak
Rabin mainly because of his beliefs about the peace process between Israel and other
countries in the middle east. This made Jewish extremists angry and, as a result, he was
shot down by a radical Israeli as he was leaving a peace rally.
The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was unjust because he was an advocate for peace
and fought for the existence and independence of Israel, however, some believe that he
was endangering the lives of Israeli citizens via terror attacks.
Yitzhak Rabin shouldn t have been assassinated because he was an advocate for peace.
In a speech Rabin exclaimed that there is hope for an end of war and prospects for
peace between Israel and Palestine ( Rabin 1) because him having being born in
Palestine he had experienced war and knew that the Palestinian liberation organization
has fought Israel and vice versa, he truly believed that both nations were ready to seek a
path for peace. Before even considering an agreement with the PLO he had already a
peace accord and separation of forces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rabin fought in the war of independence and was a part of the troop that secured an
alternative road into Jerusalem after it fell to the Arabs he also was a vital member of the
team that secured the furthermore existence of
Compare And Contrast Renaissance And Michelangelo
DATE DUE: 9/24/17
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The Late Renaissance period was influenced by Ancient Greek and Roman classical
cultures and philosophies of art style. This period was based on humanism and
Neoplatonism style. Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael were considered the Master
Artists of the High Renaissance period and there individual art styles included:
monumentality, balance, Sfumato, 3 D pyramid, using a primary color palette in one
point perspective. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo between1508 1512 is located
on the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Rome.
Michelangelo was a Neoplatonic thinker who believed that the image, figure or ... Show
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DATE DUE: 9/24/17
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Pontormo focused on adding distorted figures that defined natural body curves and
movements. The composition of Descent from the Cross is too crowded, the forms are
compressed into the foreground, and has a central void. His color choices were known
as a sour palette , during the Mannerism art period. He experimented freely with
traditional subjects from the Bible and mythical religious themes by incorporating dark
visual references. The painting hangs in a dark corner of Florence s Capponi Chapel half
human, half reptile subjects, adding drama to the composition.
DATE DUE: 9/24/17
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Pontormo was amused at painting human figures using contorted or twisted poses.
Creating an illusion of art forms projecting into space, and stretched beyond what was
considered natural and realistic. The goals of the earlier Mannerist art movement was to
create similar proportions of the human body from the High Renaissance period, but
enhance human form into conforming
The Young Men s Christian Association
What is the YMCA ? The YMCA,is the Young Men s Christian Association.
It is a community organization that is located in various parts of the world. This
organization is also a refuge of Bible study and prayer to escape the hazards of life on
the street.The YMCA started as a sanctuary for young men,but they serve the entire
family,singles,everybody. Some YMCA organizations are also known as family centers
The YMCA serves for all ages,religion,race,and background. George Williams,born in
Somerset,England,on October 11,1821. He later moved to London and worked as an
apprentice to a Draper in 1836. In 1841, Williams was working as a Draper. He stayed in
the accommodations provided,and thus becoming one of the 150,000 young men the
crowded the city of London. Thus, founding the YMCA on June 6,1844,with the help of
ten Christian young men. The objective was to improve spiritual conditions of young
men in houses of business. By the formations of Bible classes,family and social prayer
meetings,mutual improvement of societies,or any other spiritual agency. In 1851, 24
YMCA locations existed in England,boasting 2700 members. WIthin 10 years they have
developed within Western Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand,and India. Later these
establishments moved to the US. On November 25,1851, a YMCA establishment was
created in Montreal,and December 29,1851,there was one created in Boston. A center for
African Americans was also established in this year,in Washington,DC.
Essay On The Tragedy Of Antony And Cleopatra
William Shakespeare s play The Tragedy, of Antony, and Cleopatra written between
1606 and 1607, is a play filled with political intrigue, power struggles, war and its
consequences, and the plight of two desperately impassioned lovers. The play has at
times even been seen as The Greatest Love Story Ever Told ; however, rather than a
passionate love affair between each other, the characters in the play appear to have a
love affair with power(). This love affair with power is mistaken for an infatuation with
each other, thus destroying a great Roman leader and a noble Egyptian queen. The
argument put forward in this essay is that the main characters of the play Mark Antony
and Cleopatra are both in love with power; therefore the central theme to the play... Show
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Furthermore, she makes Antony [become] her guest (). Cleopatra uses her womanly
charms, awe inspiring beauty and open sexuality, as powerful tools to seduce and
attract Antony. Thus she can be seen as this temptress or femme fatal that using her
womanly charms to seduce Antony in their affair. Therefore, Anthony and Cleopatra
are players on a world stage where their feelings for each other are intertwined with
their struggle for power. Another theme presented by Sparknotes is the theme of a
clash between East and West, the West is represented by Caeser who is the
embodiment of Rome; masculine, stoic, logical and brave, whereas the East
represented by Cleopatra who is feminine, decadent, extravagant, and passionate. The
clash between West and East is seen in the character of Mark Antony again, as both
contend for his attention. At the end of the Battle of Actium it may appear as if West
has won because Caeser is the triumphant general; however, even Cleopatra refuses to
let Caeser win and be displayed as an Egyptian puppet for the entertainment of the
Roman masses (5.2.207). The theme of power is underlies this theme of a clash between
West and East, as Octavius Caeser and Cleopatra both want
Isaac Asimov Gender Roles
Gender as the Basis of Identity as Portrayed by Society and Isaac Asimov
Robbie, by Isaac Asimov was originally published as a short story in 1940. It is now
included as a chapter in Asimov s book, I, Robot. Throughout the story, Asimov displays
the development of his characters as representations of specific gender stereotypes.
Although trying to be progressive in the portrayal of his characters, Asimov reverts to
using stereotypical gender roles to express their personalities. Through the stereotypical
gender portrayal of his characters, Asimov unintentionally asserts that an individual s
identity is constructed with gender as the foundation, and that an individual s
development is limited by the barriers and criteria of a stereotype. ... Show more content
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If gender is the foundation of identity, belonging to a group is the structure supported by
the foundation. Everyone needs to belong somewhere. In the genre of science fiction,
human beings especially need to belong to a group because now there are other
groups. For example, in Robbie there are robots. Robots are unfamiliar they are
different than humans. Gender is the basis of identity and belonging to a group.
Traditionally, there are only two genders so conforming to a gender is the only way to
insure group identity and belongingness, and humans need this. Dr. Calvin is portrayed
as male in her personality; Asimov gives her no traditionally feminine qualities. Dr.
Calvin works in a male dominated field so, she is masculine because she in need of the
foundation that would allow her to attain her structure/group identity, or at least group
affiliation within her field. He has socialized her to conform to the gender that
dominates her field. Asimov also portrays Robbie as male to allow Robbie to become
the hero and he illustrates Robbie as a traditional female to give the character another
element of likability and familiarity to the reader. Robbie is socialized as a male which
gives the character the ability to become the hero but, Robbie is also socialized as a
female which not only gives Robbie the ability to be accepted as a likable character but,
this gives Robbie the ability to be accepted within the barrier of the traditional stereotype
of a childcare provider. This is all yet another reason Asimov unintentionally portrays his
characters through traditional gender
Nt1310 Unit 6 Research Paper
oIdentify the element
Uranium Chemical symbol U. It has the atomic number of 92, with 92 protons and 92
electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons.

oIdentify the isotopes of this element and represent them using the correct conventions.
Natural uranium consists of three isotopes: uranium 238, uranium 235 and uranium 234.
Uranium 236, 233 and 232 are also produced by reactors from uranium 235 and thorium
these are the artificial isotopes. The three natural isotopes and the three artificial isotopes
are all alpha emitters. Also, all isotopes of uranium are radioactive, with most having
extensive half lives.

oDescribe when the element and isotope were discovered or manufactured and by whom.
Uranium was discovered in 1789, by Martin Heinrich Klaproth, a German chemist. He
first believed the substance he got from pitchblende was pure uranium, but it was actually
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It refers to the radioactive decay of different distinct radioactive decay products as a
chained series of transformation. Although, most radioisotopes do not decay straight to
a stable state, but undergo a series of decays until eventually a stable isotope is
completed. Urainium 238 decays by alpha emission into thorium 234, which itself then
decays by beta emission to protactinium 234, which decays by beta emission to uranium
234 and so on. The numerous decay products, sometimes referred to as progeny or
daughters , form a series starting at uranium 238. After many more alpha and beta decays,
the series ends with the stable isotope

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