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Best Essay Written

Crafting an essay on the subject of the "Best Essay Written" is no small feat. It may seem
paradoxical, as one would assume that writing about excellence in essay composition would be a
straightforward task. However, the challenge lies in the inherent subjectivity of the topic.
Determining what qualifies as the "best" essay is a subjective judgment influenced by personal
preferences, cultural backgrounds, and individual experiences.

To begin with, one must grapple with the diverse perspectives on what makes an essay exceptional.
Some may argue for the importance of eloquent prose and literary flair, while others prioritize logical
structure and depth of analysis. The criteria for greatness can vary widely, making it difficult to
establish a universally accepted standard.

Moreover, attempting to write about the best essay involves navigating a vast sea of literary works.
The world of literature is replete with masterpieces across genres, each offering a unique blend of
style, substance, and impact. Choosing just one exemplary essay from this vast array becomes a
formidable task, requiring in-depth research and critical evaluation.

Additionally, the writer must address the paradox inherent in critiquing essays while composing one
themselves. Analyzing the best work necessitates a certain level of expertise and objectivity, yet
personal biases inevitably color one's perception. Striking the right balance between subjectivity and
objectivity becomes a tightrope walk.

As the essay unfolds, the challenge intensifies when attempting to justify the chosen exemplar.
Articulating why a particular essay stands out above the rest demands a nuanced understanding of
literary elements, rhetorical devices, and the intricacies of effective communication. The writer must
demonstrate a keen awareness of the nuances that elevate an essay from merely good to outstanding.

In conclusion, delving into the realm of the "Best Essay Written" is a challenging undertaking. The
subjectivity inherent in evaluating excellence, the vast array of literary masterpieces, and the delicate
balance between subjectivity and objectivity all contribute to the complexity of the task. While it
may be a demanding endeavor, it is a testament to the rich and varied landscape of literature. And for
those seeking assistance in navigating these challenges, similar essays and much more can be ordered
on .
Best Essay Written Best Essay Written
The Imbalances Agriculture in China
Imagine that you are studying at a pleasant university in the countryside. Every day a
professor on tour comes and gives fascinating speech on agriculture. Sounds nice,
right? Before long, this kind of new rural university might be popular in China, for the
development of education and agriculture as well as a solution of too fast
urbanization. With 1.4 billion people to feed, China is now the largest and maybe the
most imbalanced agricultural country. Per capita incomes in rural regions vary a lot.
Some farm to make their fortunes, while others farm to live. Moreover, tractors and
chemical fertilizer produces fine crop as well as great disaster. In fact, the negative
effect is even profounder. For example, hardly can you turn soil polluted by fertilizer
into what it used to be. Its micro structure has been damaged irreversibly. In some
areas, people are finding their yield absolutely depends on chemicals. Something must
be done to save the COUNTRY. As a result of tech development, students are liberated
to go to cities for further education, which is commonly believed to be an access to
white collar. Bad news is, however, no job is available when they graduate. Obviously,
that is a joke to them. Worse still, cities are expanding and farmland is decreasing as
fast as it can. And the result of arable land loss is that more people are pushed into
urban slums. The urban area in BTH (Beijing Tianjin Hebei region) increased by 71%
between 1990 and
Monique Wittig s One Is Not Born A Woman
Sex and gender categories, such as men, women, masculine and feminine, have been in
place for generations. They are socially constructed categories and expectations assigned
to children at birth, in order to regulate and shape them into this ideal heterosexual being.
Men are expected to embrace masculine qualities, while women are required to be
feminine and submissive to the maleauthority. Monique Wittig s article, One is Not Born
a Womanobserves how the class of women is not natural, but is created by the society
and framed by the male ideology, as a way of producing a clear genderdifference between
men and women. J. M Coetzee reinforces Wittig s beliefs by sharing similar ideas of
hegemonic masculinity and male dominance... Show more content on ...
While he waits at a traffic light, he catches his eye [on] a tall girl in a black leather
skirt (Coetzee 194). She is mere stranger on the road, yet he is confident in being able
to immediately hook up with her. The way he looks at women, reflects how they are
displayed as animals and sexual bodies waiting for someone to catch them and because
this occurs frequently, the idea of female bodies being dominated and constructed
through male ideology becomes naturalized and accepted as a norm in society. It is
evident that though all women do not become prostitutes because they enjoy the idea
of it, there is this acceptance of the gender binary, where women choose to transform
themselves into this sexualized character that seeks attention and is submissive to the
man. Monique Wittig highlights the idea of categories in her text, One is Not Born a
Woman. She agrees with Coetzee s representation of the male and female roles and
says that for woman does not exist for [them]: it is only an imaginary formation
created by men (Wittig 15). Wittig explains that the category of women goes beyond
the biological genes and outer appearance. It is something that is created not to make
women feel good about themselves or to give them certain types of privileges, but it is
a socially constructed idea that subject s women into a certain type of character that
benefits men. She goes on to say that Once the class men disappears, woman as a class
will disappear as well, for there are no slaves without masters (Wittig 15).
Consequently, the class of women is created in response to men, where if the category
of men did not exist, then women would not be so restricted in the things that they are
allowed to do and they would not have to live a life trying to satisfy men in order to
Toad As An Extended Metaphors In Toads By Philip Larkin
In the poem Toads by Philip Larkin, the title announces a metaphor, specifically an
extended metaphor which dominates the poem, which is Larkin utilizing a toad as an
extended metaphor for work and obligation, in order to communicate his idea that
individuals have a difficult time living a fulfilling life, due to one s personal obligation, as
well social expectations. Furthermore, the toadis compared to his obligations in life, as
well the life of others who do not work, in order to convey the idea that individuals feel
they are living an unfulfilling life, as a result of personal sense of obligation, as well
social expectations. In addition, the use of figurative language helps to communicate
the idea with greater vividness, being it emphasizes that the speaker is questioning if
his work, is worth his time, being it takes a vast majority of it, in addition, it is just to
get by. Altogether, Larkin s utilizes an extended metaphor, comparing a toad to work
and obligations, in order to bolster his idea with greater force than a prosaic description
would have achieved.
Firstly, the usage of a toad as an the extended metaphor, for work and obligation, upholds
Larkin s idea of work being difficult for individuals as a result of one s personal sense of
obligation, as well social expectations, as illustrated by comparing the speaker to the
lives of others. As evident, in the excerpt Are skinny as whippets and yet/ No one
actually starves (Lines 19 20), the speaker, the hard working toad is comparing
himself to the lives of other, in order to reveal that others are living without working as
a result of being able to handle not living up to the social expectations. Moreover, the
citation Losels, loblolly men, louts They don t end as paupers (Lines 11 12), bolsters
Larkins idea of work being difficult as a result of one s personal sense of obligation,
by comparing the toads sense of self obligation to work, to the absence of it for people,
thus revealing they are all able to live the same way, due to they avoid work, however
the speaker does not chose to follow that route. Altogether, Larkins, usage of a toad as an
extended metaphor for work and obligation, helps convey his idea with more force than
The Father Of String Quartets
Known primarily as the father of string quartets , Joseph Haydn played an extremely
important role in the development of the string quartet. When the composer first arrived
on the scene, the usual name given to a string quartet composition was actually
considered a divertimento . This title was a general term to describe any one on a part
type instrumental music that was compatible with a variety of different music scorings,
styles and character. It wasn t until about 1780 that modern titles/terms such as the
quartet and quintet become common for serious chamber musicin the now standard
scoring. (Eisen, Grove, String Quartet ) This change of terminology that happens during
Haydn s career does not imply that there was nothing serious being performed on
strings prior to terminology change. In fact, examples of serious works can be found
during Haydn s op.9 (1769 70) early divertimentos, with a cello playing the bass line.
This serious work of Haydn also incorporated a new idea within the world of string
quartets, a four movement scheme. Throughout the four movements the textures were
varied, having moments of a possible elaborated homophonic trio sonata style , paired
with a more contrapuntal polyphonic style.
Another characteristic that encouraged stylistic growth were the various fugal moments
being introduced throughout string quartet music during this time. The Viennese set
k168 73 (1773) by Mozart illustrates an irregular phrase construction,
The Dangers Of Adult Children Of Alcoholics
The primary goal of this paper is to challenge the belief that adult children of alcoholics
tend to abuse alcohol as the result of bio genetic composition, and to show instead the
evidence that the unpredictable home environment in which alcoholics grow up may be
responsible. I will also review the risk for alcohol abuseamong and how growing up in a
chaotic family environment affect adult children of alcoholics. Families with either one
or two parents alcoholic they home life is in consist turmoil. They often have rules the
children must follow and lack parental guidance. The children also to do not develop
healthy coping skills and tend to be at risk of becoming alcoholic themselves due to their
home environment. This kind of... Show more content on ...
During our class of addiction we talk about the role that each person play in the family
in regards to addiction. According to the chemically dependent family model we have
C.P. person, Hero, Mascot, Enabler, Scape Goat and Lost Child Passive adult each of
them has issues that they are struggling within themselves. When doing family therapy
for family with alcohol addiction you will see and understand this model. After reading
Drinking A Love Story by Caroline Knapp this story sound so familiar. Caroline
reports that she had her first drink at age 14. She does not know when or how it got
away from her and she began drinking all the time. Caroline knew that her drinking
had become serious problems and she really wanted to quit but, it was hard. One of
the reasons it was hard for her to quit she love the way drinking made her feel and its
special power of deflection (A Lover Story by Caroline Knapp pg 5). She could not
stop drinking she was in love with alcohol and they had a very good relationship that
she was not ready to let go. She could not imagine living without alcohol because it has
been a part of her life for so long. She really goes into detail about her drinking and the
quilt and embarrassment the next morning along with a hangover. The book also talk
about her going to different place talking about her addiction

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